Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Pokemon Hideaways Guide

Pokemon BDSP Hideaways.png

Pokemon Hideaways are areas in the Grand Underground where players can catch exclusive Pokemon. Find out all confirmed Hideaways environments and Pokemon found in Hideaways in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Pokemon Hideaways Features

Catch Exclusive Pokemon

Pokemon BDSP Hideaways Exclusive

Pokemon HIdeaways are home to Pokemon you won't encounter anywhere else in the Sinnoh Region, with some being exclusive to these locations!

Make sure to explore the Grand Underground frequently if you're looking to fill your Pokedex!

Statues Affect Pokemon Appearances

Pokemon BDSP Statues Hideaways

Statues that you can place in your Secret Base will affect the Pokemon you encounter in these hideaways.

If you're looking to encounter a specific type of Pokemon, you'll need to place the appropriate statue in your Secret Base. Make sure to collect as much statues as you can!

List of Statues and Effects

Grand Underground Map and Hideaway Locations

Pokemon Hideaways are located in the Grand Underground, with some only present in certain zones of the undergound tunnels. Press the Y Button to open the map.

Note: Some zones are only accessible by using the Explorer Kit at a specific city or route in the Sinnoh Region.

Zone Available Hideaways City / Route

Eastern and Western Zone
Rocky Cave
Spacious Cave
Grassland Cave
Fountainspring Cave
Riverbank Cave
Volcanic Cave
Sandsear Cave
Still-Water Cavern
Big Bluff Cavern
Dazzling Cave
Eterna City
Hearthome City
Veilstone City and Connected Routes

Southwestern Zone
Grassland Cave
Spacious Cave
Fountainspring Cave
Swampy Cave
Sunlit Cavern
Riverbank Cave
Twinleaf Town
Jubilife City
Canalave City and Connected Routes

Central Zone
Icy Cave
Dazzling Cave
Stargleam Cavern
Celestic Town

Southeastern Zone
Fountainspring Cave
Rocky Cave
Spacious Cave
Sandsear Cave
Swampy Cave
Bogsunk Cavern
Sunyshore City

Northwestern Zone
Icy Cave
Whiteout Cave
Glacial Cavern
Dazzling Cave
Spacious Cave
Snowpoint City and Connected Routes
Fullmoon Island

Northeastern Zone
Volcanic Cave
Sandsear Cave
Typhlo Cavern
Rocky Cave
Spacious Cave
Grassland Cave
Fountainspring Cave
Dazzling Cave
Battle Zone

List of Hideaways and Best Pokemon to Catch

List of Pokemon Hideaways
Pokemon BDSP - Rocky CaveRocky Cave Pokemon BDSP - Grassland CaveGrassland Cave Pokemon BDSP - Fountainspring CaveFountainspring Cave
Pokemon BDSP - Spacious CaveSpacious Cave Pokemon BDSP - Volcanic CaveVolcanic Cave Pokemon BDSP - Swampy CaveSwampy Cave
Pokemon BDSP - Dazzling Cave and Stargleam CavernDazzling Cave / Stargleam Cavern Pokemon BDSP - Whiteout CaveWhiteout Cave Pokemon BDSP - Icy Cave and Glacial CavernIcy Cave / Glacial Cavern
Pokemon BDSP - Riverbank CaveRiverbank Cave Pokemon BDSP - Sandsear CaveSandsear Cave Pokemon BDSP - Still-Water CavernStill-Water Cavern
Pokemon BDSP - Grassland CaveSunlit Cavern Pokemon BDSP - Rocky CaveBig Bluff Cavern Pokemon BDSP - Swampy CaveBogsunk Cavern
Pokemon BDSP - Volcanic CaveTyphlo Cavern

Rocky Cave Hideaway

Pokemon BDSP - Rocky Cave

The Rocky Cave Hideaway is one of the first hideaways you can visit immediately after getting the Explorer Kit in Eterna City. It has sandy terrain, large rocky structures, and populated sparsly by plants.

This hideaway is notable for being one of the few places to catch Larvitar in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond after unlocking the National Pokedex.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP AbsolAbsol Pokemon BDSP LarvitarLarvitar
(Brilliant Diamond)
Pokemon BDSP GligarGligar
(Brilliant Diamond)

List of Rocky Cave Pokemon

Grassland Cave Hideaway

Pokemon BDSP - Grassland Cave

Grassland Cave Hideaways are another fairly common area in the Grand Underground and one of the first places you can visit after getting the Explorer Kit. It has a grassy terrain populated with trees with a long rocky path between exits.

This hideaway is home to a variety of Pokemon ranging from Grass and Normal-types, as well as Bug-type Pokemon.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP ScytherScyther
(Brilliant Diamond)
Pokemon BDSP PinsirPinsir
(Shining Pearl)
Pokemon BDSP AbsolAbsol

List of Grassland Cave Pokemon

Fountainspring Cave Hideaway

Pokemon BDSP - Fountainspring Cave

Fountainspring Caves are uncommon hideaways in the Grand Underground that has a light-colored terrain and patches of water that you can use Surf on.

This hideaway is genrally home to Water-type Pokemon, though Flying and Fairy-types like Swablu and Ralts respectively also appear.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP RaltsRalts Pokemon BDSP GastrodonGastrodon Pokemon BDSP SwabluSwablu

List of Fountainspring Cave Pokemon

Spacious Cave Hideaway

Pokemon BDSP - Spacious Cave.png

Spacious Cave hideaways are present in almost every zone in the Grand Underground and is only absent in the Central Zone. It has a generally rocky terrain and is home to a variety of Pokemon such as Rock and Ground-type Pokemon.

It's also notable for being one of the only places you can catch Bagon in Shining Pearl after unlocking the National Pokedex.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP HoundoomHoundoom Pokemon BDSP MagnemiteMagnemite Pokemon BDSP BagonBagon
(Shining Pearl)

List of Spacious Cave Pokemon

Volcanic Cave Hideaway

Pokemon BDSP - Volcanic Cave

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP AbsolAbsol Pokemon BDSP SwabluSwablu Pokemon BDSP SkorupiSkorupi

List of Volcanic Cave Pokemon

Swampy Cave

Pokemon BDSP - Swampy Cave

Swamp Caves are uncommon hideaways in the Grand Underground and has a generally mossy terrain with a section of water that you can use Surf on. It's home to mosty Grass and Poison-types, as well as the occasional Ground-type Pokemon.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP CroagunkCroagunk Pokemon BDSP SwinubSwinub Pokemon BDSP GligarGligar

List of Swampy Cave Pokemon

Dazzling Cave / Stargleam Cavern Hideaway

Pokemon BDSP - Dazzling Cave

Dazzling Caves and Stargleam Caverns are rare hideaways in the Grand Underground. It has a rocky terrain littered with colorful crystals emerging from the ground, and is one of the few places in the game you can find Fairy-type Pokemon.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP RaltsRalts Pokemon BDSP ElekidElekid
(Brilliant Diamond)
Pokemon BDSP Mr. MimeMr. Mime
After 7 badges

List of Dazzling Cave / Stargleam Cavern Pokemon

Whiteout Cave Hideaway

Pokemon BDSP - Whiteout Cave

Whiteout Caves are uncommon Hideaways located in the Northwestern Zone of the Grand Underground. It has a snowy terrain and primarily home to Ice-type Pokemon along witht he occassional Steel and Electric-type Pokemon.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP GlalieGlalie Pokemon BDSP MagnemiteMagnemite Pokemon BDSP TeddiursaTeddiursa
(Shining Pearl)

List of Whiteout Cave Pokemon

Icy Cave / Glacial Cavern Hideaway

Pokemon BDSP - Icy Cave

Icey Caves and Glacial Caverns are uncommon hideaways. While they are mostly found in the Northwestern Zone of the Grand Underground, it's possible to find one early once you reach Celestic Town.

This hideaway has an frozen terrain with a section of water you can use Surf on, and is primarily home to Water and Ice-type Pokemon.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP SwinubSwinub Pokemon BDSP GlalieGlalie Pokemon BDSP ElekidElekid
(Brilliant Diamond)

List of Icy Cave / Glacial Cavern Pokemon

Riverbank Cave Hideaway

Pokemon BDSP - Riverbank Cavern

Riverbank Caves are uncommon hideaways in the Grand Underground and has a similar terrain to Fountainspring Caves, including a section of water you can Surf on.

Like Fountainspring Caves, it's home to a variety of Pokemon and is one of the few places in the game you can catch Gible.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP ScytherScyther
(Brilliant Diamond)
Pokemon BDSP PinsirPinsir
(Shining Pearl)
Pokemon BDSP GibleGible
After 7 Badges

List of Riverbank Cave Pokemon

Sandsear Cave Hideaway

Pokemon BDSP - Sandsear Cave

Sandsear Caves are rare hideaways in the Grand Underground and boasts a mix of sandy and volcanic terrain. It's home to Rock and Ground-type Pokemon, as well as the rare Fire-type Pokemon.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP HoundoomHoundoom Pokemon BDSP MagbyMagby
(Shining Pearl)
Pokemon BDSP RhyhornRhyhorn

List of Sandsear Cave Pokemon

Still-Water Cavern Hideaway

Pokemon BDSP - Riverbank Cavern

Still-Water Caverns are uncommon hideaways that have the same appearance as Riverbank Caves except slightly larger, and is home to the same Pokemon.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP ScytherScyther
(Brilliant Diamond)
Pokemon BDSP PinsirPinsir
(Shining Pearl)
Pokemon BDSP GibleGible After 7 Badges

List of Still-Water Cavern Pokemon

Sunlit Cavern

Pokemon BDSP - Sunlit Cave

Sunlit Caverns are rare hideaways in the Grand Underground, and appear similar to Grassland Caves but are more brightly lit. It's home to a variety of Pokemon with Grass and Bug-types being the most common.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP RoseliaRoselia Pokemon BDSP GligarGligar
(Brilliant Diamond)
Pokemon BDSP MurkrowMurkrow
(Brilliant Diamond)

List of Sunlit Cavern Pokemon

Big Bluff Cavern Hideaway

Pokemon BDSP - Rocky Cave

Big Bluff Caverns are the larger and rare counterparts to the Rocky Cave hideaway and have the same terrain and appearance. These hideaways have a range of Pokemon inhabiting it, and is one of the few places you can catch Larvitar in Brilliant Diamond once you unlock the National Pokedex.

or being the home of Larvitar and Pupitar in Brilliant Diamond.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP LarvitarLarvitar (Brilliant Diamond) Pokemon BDSP AbsolAbsol Pokemon BDSP SandshrewSandshrew
(Shining Pearl)

List of Big Bluff Cavern Pokemon

Bogsunk Cavern Hideaway

Pokemon BDSP - Swampy Cave

Bogsunk Caverns are larger and more uncommon than Swampy Caves, but have the same mossy terrain with a section of water you can Surf on to catch Water-type Pokemon.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP SwinubSwinub Pokemon BDSP GligarGligar
(Brilliant Diamond)
Pokemon BDSP QuagsireQuagsire
After unlocking Defog

List of Bogsunk Cavern Pokemon

Typhlo Cavern Hideaway

Pokemon BDSP - Volcanic Cave

Typhlo Cavern is the rarer and larger counterpart of Volcanic Cave hideaways, and is mostly home to Fire-types and Ground-type Pokemon.

Best Pokemon to Catch

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP MagbyMagby
(Shining Pearl)
Pokemon BDSP HoundoomHoundoom Pokemon BDSP CharmanderCharmander
National Pokedex

List of Typhlo Cavern Pokemon

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Grand Underground

Grand Underground Features

Grand Underground Guides

Grand Underground Maps & Data
All Underground Pokemon Grand Underground Map: Items & NPC Locations
Grand Underground Guides
Pokemon Hideaways Underground Man Missions
List of Statues and Effects How to Get Shiny Statues
Digging for Treasure All Treasures and Appearance Rates
How to Make a Secret Base How to Find Diglett
Sphere Trader Locations List of Spheres
List of Pedestals
Removed Features
Capture the Flag Traps

Grand Underground Pokemon Locations

Hideaways and List of Pokemon
Fountainspring CaveFountainspring Cave
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Grass Type Icon
Stargleam CavernStargleam Cavern
(Various types)
Dazzling Cave IconDazzling Cave
(Various types)
Grassland Cave IconGrassland Cave
Pokemon Grass Type IconPokemon Bug Type Icon
Spacious Cave IconSpacious Cave
(Various types)
Big Bluff Cavern Icon
Big Bluff Cavern

Pokemon Ground Type Icon
Riverbank CaveRiverbank Cave
(Various types)
Volcanic Cave IconVolcanic Cave
Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Sandsear Cave IconSandsear Cave
Pokemon Fire Type IconPokemon Ground Type Icon
Rocky Cave IconRocky Cave
Pokemon Ground Type IconPokemon Rock Type Icon
Bogsunk Cavern IconBogsunk Cavern
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Poison Type Icon
Still-Water Cavern IconStill-Water Cavern
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Grass Type Icon
Whiteout Cave IconWhiteout Cave
Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Icy Cave IconIcy Cave
Pokemon Ice Type IconPokemon Water Type Icon
Glacial Cavern IconGlacial Cavern
Pokemon Ice Type IconPokemon Water Type Icon
Swampy Cave IconSwampy Cave
Pokemon Grass Type IconPokemon Poison Type Icon
Typhlo Cavern IconTyphlo Cavern
Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Sunlit Cavern IconSunlit Cavern
(Various types)

All Grand Underground Pokemon Locations


1 Anonymousover 3 years

I’ve caught charmander in the volcanic hideaway


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