Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Shiny, Legendary & Event Pokemon Trading Board

Shiny, Legendary & Event Pokemon Trading Board Pokemon BDSP
This is a trading board for Shiny Pokemon, Legendary and Mythical Pokemon, Event Pokemon, and other rare Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Use this message board to find and trade for rare and exclusive Pokemon!

Shiny, Legendary & Event Pokemon Trading Board Rules

  • No submissions that are offensive toward other users.
  • No slander or harassment.
  • No posting of images that violate public standards.
  • No posting submissions irrelevant to this board.
  • No posting of the same contents repeatedly.
  • No advertising for other sites or apps.
  • No posting for finanical gain (via RMT, etc.)

Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

Shiny, Legendary & Event Pokemon Trade Codes

Below is the official link/trade code for Game8 users to easily find other players who are willing to trade and help one another obtain rare Shiny, Legendary, and Event Pokemon. Please use the following room codes when conducting trades below.

Room Trade Codes
Shiny Pokemon Trade Room 6867 4469
Legendary and Event Pokemon Trade Room 6853 4363

List of Message Boards

Pokemon BDSP Message Boards

Message Boards

Pokemon BDSP Message Boards
Discussion Board (27) Friend Request Board (29)
Pokedex Completion Trading Board (8811) Ditto / Pokerus Trading Board (5249)
High IV & Egg Move Pokemon Trading Board (239) Shiny, Legendary & Event Pokemon Trading Board (768)
Underground Message Board (23) Best Poffin Recipes Sharing Board (61)
Online Battles Message Board (17) Extra Eggs and Breedjects Trading Board (95)

Message Board

Submissions: 768
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768 Anonymous28 daysReport

I ment gligar

767 Anonymous28 daysReport

I have a shiny flight if you want it the codes 68674469

766 Anonymous2 monthsReport

Ye I have Dialga. Send me in discord xd694200816

765 KaisaDaDemisa4 monthsReport

In need of Keldeo, Mageanra, Zeraora, and Zarude I Have Lv 15 Diancie from GO Lv 40 Type:Null from Sun/Moon Lv 15 Celebi from GO Lv 15 Victni from GO Lv 15 Jirachi from GO Lv 16 Hoopa From GO LV 20 Dexoy from GO Lv 9 Meltan from GO With done other randoms as well, all up on the table besides stared one’s

764 Anonymous5 monthsReport

yeah i have mew send me a discord message my discord is loganparish

763 Anonymous8 monthsReport

anyone have a mew?

762 Anonymous8 monthsReport

i have one shiny swablu lvl 5

761 Anonymous9 monthsReport

I am 4 mythical pokemon short celebi marshadow zeraora and genesect short does anyone have a spare one I can have

760 Anonymous9 monthsReport

I'm looking for someone to trade me raikou entei suicune ho oh celebi kecleon deoxys and dialga can anyone help me

759 Anonymous11 monthsReport

I will trade anything i have for a level 10 or lower shiny gligar

758 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

Is anyone willing to trade manaphy for something? I have a few 6iv bidoofs or I can trade azelf uxie or mesprit and I am also looking for shaymin if someone has it and darkrai

757 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

I trade anything for a shiny swablu

756 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

i got deoxys shiny from a random guy i ll trade it for a swablu shiny

755 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

Trading shiny level 100 quaxquavel for any shiny legendary

754 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

Does anyone have Deoxys, the gen 5 mythicals exept for Meloetta, the gen 6 mythicals, or the gen 7 mythicals? I am willing to trade shinies.

753 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

Can anyone trade me a arceus I’ll give whatever you want

752 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

Can anyone trade me raikou entei suicune ho oh celebi kecleon deoxys and dialga

751 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

can I swap my legendaries to your shinies legendary? please and thank you.

750 743 Anonymous over 1 yearReport

Yea I have a heracross

749 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

The legendary one doesn’t work

748 Was 747over 1 yearReport

Don't need help anymore, got it taken care of.

747 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

Looking to hold onto a Celebi and Deoxys for both BD and SP dex as well as the Home dex, will gladly return them when done.

746 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

will someone trade me a normal deoxys for a shiny jirachi

745 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

do you happen to have a heracross? I would be willing to trade

744 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

let me get that

743 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

I forgot shaymin. Basically all of the event Pokemon and mythicals. No. 151, 251, 385, 386, and I think Arceus too (I'm not sure if he's in bdsp or not)

742 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

Anyone happen to have mew, Darkrai, celebi, manaphy, phione, and Arceus they would be willing to trade me and trade back? I just need to fill my pokedex, I won't keep them I'll trade my legends too as collateral.

741 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

I am doing a speed run of brilliant diamond. I'm almost at the Dialga encounter and plan on rolling for a quiet nature and catching it in a master ball. The held item will be a skull fossil. Are you interested? I would like a legit caught Palkia at lv 50 in return.

740 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

Anyone willing to trade me a lugia for a Ho-oh? I'll give it right back. Just need to complete my pokedex.

739 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

Would anyone be interested in doing an even trade between Dialga and Palkia? I am doing a speed run to get an extra Dialga (I own Brilliant Diamond). Once I get to the encounter I planned on resetting for either a modest or quiet nature. I am not looking for any hacked or shiny Pokemon just a standard level 50 Palkia with a good nature please. I was not aware of a separate form for legendaries. Sorry about the post on the main page.

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