Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Battle Tower Guide

Pokemon BDSP Battle Tower Guide

The Battle Tower is where you challenge opponents in consecutive battles. Read on to find out the Battle Tower trainers and rewards, where to exchange Battle Points, and the Pokemon banned from the Battle Tower in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Battle Tower Guides
Battle Tower Guide Best Battle Tower Singles Team
Best Battle Tower Doubles Team Master Class Guide & Best Teams

Recommended Pokemon for the Battle Tower

You are only allowed to bring 3 Pokemon during single battles and 4 Pokemon during double battles, so it's important to choose your team wisely. We recommend using the following Pokemon in your team for the Battle Tower because of their above average speed, versatility, and high attack power.

Recommended Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP StarmieStarmie Pokemon BDSP AzelfAzelf Pokemon BDSP GengarGengar Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados

Banned Pokemon from the Battle Tower

Some Pokemon, including box art legendaries (such as Dialga and Palkia), Mythical Pokemon, and event Pokemon are not allowed to be used by a trainer inside the Battle Tower.

Banned Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP DialgaDialga Pokemon BDSP PalkiaPalkia Pokemon BDSP Giratina (Altered Forme)Giratina (Altered Forme)
Pokemon BDSP MewtwoMewtwo Pokemon BDSP LugiaLugia Pokemon BDSP Ho-OhHo-Oh
Pokemon BDSP GroudonGroudon Pokemon BDSP KyogreKyogre Pokemon BDSP RayquazaRayquaza
Pokemon BDSP MewMew Pokemon BDSP JirachiJirachi Pokemon BDSP ManaphyManaphy

Battle Tower Trainers

Tower Tycoon Palmer

BDSP - Tower Tycoon Palmer.png

The Tower Tycoon is your rival's father and the trainer you battle as the 21st and 49th consecutive Single Battle. His team changes between the 2 battles. Both teams are listed below:

First Battle (on 21st consecutive battle)

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP MiloticMilotic
(Lvl. 50)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Marvel Scale
Salac Berry
Hydro Pump
Dragon Pulse
Pokemon BDSP DragoniteDragonite
(Lvl. 50)
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Multiscale
Wide Lens
Dragon Rush
Aqua Tail
Stone Edge
Iron Tail
Pokemon BDSP RhyperiorRhyperior
(Lvl. 50)
Pokemon Ground Type Icon Pokemon Rock Type Icon Solid Rock
Expert Belt
Rock Wrecker
Ice Beam

Second Battle (on 49th consecutive battle)

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP RegigigasRegigigas
(Lvl. 50)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Slow Start
Chople Berry
Crush Grip
Ice Punch
Stone Edge
Pokemon BDSP CresseliaCresselia
(Lvl. 50)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate
Stored Power
Calm Mind
Pokemon BDSP HeatranHeatran
(Lvl. 50)
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Flash Fire
Bright Powder
Magma Storm
Flash Cannon
Earth Power
Dark Pulse

Use Gyarados against the Tower Tycoon

Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados

Gyarados is an excellent Pokemon to take with you to the Battle Tower, and he exceeds remarkably well against Palmer's team, both during the 21st and 49th consecutive battle. We recommend placing it in the second slot of your party over the first.

Watch Out for Dragonite and Regigigas

Palmer's Dragonite and Regigigas are two of his most challenging Pokemon during the battle since their moves and abilities are difficult to overcome even with Gyarados on your team.

How to Challenge The Battle Tower

Take Part in Consecutive Battles

BDSP - Battling Against Trainers.png

Talk to the lady at the middle counter to challenge the Battle Tower. Each Battle Tower challenge has you face off against a room of 7 consecutive trainer battles. After defeating the room, you will be brought back to the lobby where you can talk to the lady again if you want to challenge another 7 trainers.

Your win streak carries over from room to room and is only reverted to 0 when you lose. You can view your win streak on the computer next to the counter. The higher your win streak, the tougher opponents get.

Choose Between Single or Double Battles

When you challenge the Battle Tower, you can choose to participate in either single or double battles. The two types of battles have separate win streak records, so losing in one will not affect your win streak in the other.

Best Battle Tower Teams
Best Battle Tower Singles Team Best Battle Tower Doubles Team

Pokemon Levels are Capped at 50

BDSP - Battle Tower Battle.png

In the Battle Tower, all Pokemon above Level 50 become Level 50 during battles. This evens the playing field a bit, so you can focus on Pokemon type matchups, base stat advantages, and what moves and items to use. Pokemon with levels that are lower than 50 do not get leveled up to 50. Level up your Pokemon to 50 before competing with them in the Battle Tower.

Battles Don't Give EXP or EVs

The Battle Tower is not the place to train your Pokemon, as EXP and Effort Values (EVs) are not gained from winning in the Battle Tower. It is also pointless to grind before taking on the Battle Tower, as mentioned above, all Pokemon become Level 50 during battles.

Battle Tower Master Class

How to Unlock Master Class

You can unlock Master Class Battles by achieving a win streak of 49 in either regular Single battles or Double Battles.

Master Class Strategy

Pokemon BDSP Master Class Battle

Master Class Battles are more difficult, with your opponents having fully evolved Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon and strategies such as inverting speed with Trick Room, raising evasion with Double Team, and raising defenses with Stockpile. A good way to get ahead of these strategies would be familiarizing yourself with different Pokemon's stats and the effects of different Moves.

Battle Tower Master Class: Best Team

Battle Tower Rewards

Battle Points (BP)

BDSP - Battle Points Reward.png

You earn upwards of 3 Battle Points (BP) for defeating each room (7 consecutive trainers) in the Battle Tower. You can spend the BP you earned at the Exchange Service Corner, prizes included held items, TMs, and Mints, which can change the nature of your Pokemon.

How to Get BP

Get 20 BP after Beating Palmer

Instead of the usual 3 BP earned for each set of trainers, defeating Tower Tycoon Palmer rewards you with 20 BP.

Master Class Rewards

Pokemon BDSP Reward

In Master Class Battles, you are rewarded with 12 BP upon beating a set of Trainers, and more BP depending on your rank. You can also get items such as Bottle Caps, Rare Candy and Mints.

Where to Exchange Battle Tower Points

Exchange Service Corner

The Exchange Service Corner is the first building you encounter in the Battle Park. On each side, it has an entrance and an exchange counter; the western side gives out items, while the eastern side gives out TMs. Below are the prizes that can be redeemed:

Western Side (Items)

Item Cost Description
Ability Patch ImageAbility Patch 200 BP When used on a Pokémon, its Ability will change to its species’ Hidden Ability, if it has one.
Ability Capsule ImageAbility Capsule 50 BP A capsule that allows a Pokemon with two Abilities to switch between these Abilities when it is used.
Bottle Cap ImageBottle Cap 25 BP A beautiful bottle cap that gives off a silver gleam. Some people are happy to receive one.
Rare Candy ImageRare Candy 20 BP A candy that is packed with energy. When consumed, it will instantly raise the level of a single Pokemon by one.
PP Up ImagePP Up 10 BP A medicine that can slightly raise the maximum PP of a single move that has been learned by the target Pokemon.
Protein ImageProtein 1 BP A nutritious drink for Pokemon. When consumed, it raises the base Attack stat of a single Pokemon.
Calcium ImageCalcium 1 BP A nutritious drink for Pokemon. When consumed, it raises the base Sp. Atk stat of a single Pokemon.
Iron ImageIron 1 BP A nutritious drink for Pokemon. When consumed, it raises the base Defense stat of a single Pokemon.
Zinc ImageZinc 1 BP A nutritious drink for Pokemon. When consumed, it raises the base Sp. Def stat of a single Pokemon.
Carbos ImageCarbos 1 BP A nutritious drink for Pokemon. When consumed, it raises the base Speed stat of a single Pokemon.
HP Up ImageHP Up 1 BP A nutritious drink for Pokemon. When consumed, it raises the base HP of a single Pokemon.
Lucky Egg ImageLucky Egg 77 BP An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's an egg filled with happiness that earns extra Exp. Points in battle.
Power Bracer ImagePower Bracer 10 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Attack stat to grow more after battling.
Power Belt ImagePower Belt 10 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Defense stat to grow more after battling.
Power Lens ImagePower Lens 10 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Sp. Atk stat to grow more after battling.
Power Band ImagePower Band 10 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Sp. Def stat to grow more after battling.
Power Anklet ImagePower Anklet 10 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Speed stat to grow more after battling.
Power Weight ImagePower Weight 10 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's maximum HP to grow more after battling.
Pomeg Berry ImagePomeg Berry 1 BP A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. Using it on a Pokemon makes it more friendly but lowers its base HP.
Kelpsy Berry ImageKelpsy Berry 1 BP A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. Using it on a Pokemon makes it more friendly but lowers its base Attack.
Qualot Berry ImageQualot Berry 1 BP A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. Using it on a Pokemon makes it more friendly but lowers its base Defense.
Hondew Berry ImageHondew Berry 1 BP A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. Using it on a Pokemon makes it more friendly but lower its base Sp.Atk.
Grepa Berry ImageGrepa Berry 1 BP A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. Using it on a Pokemon makes it more friendly but lower its base Sp.Def.
Tamato Berry ImageTamato Berry 1 BP A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. Using it on Pokemon makes it more friendly but lowers its base Speed.
Life Orb ImageLife Orb 25 BP An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of moves, but at the cost of some HP on each hit.
Toxic Orb ImageToxic Orb 16 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a bizarre orb that will badly poison the holder during battle.
Flame Orb ImageFlame Orb 16 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a bizarre orb that will afflict the holder with a burn during battle.
White Herb ImageWhite Herb 15 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. It will restore any lowered stat in battle. It can be used only once.
Mental Herb ImageMental Herb 15 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. The holder shakes off move-binding effects to move freely. It can be used only once.
Power Herb ImagePower Herb 15 BP A single-use item to be held by a Pokemon. It allows the holder to immediately use a move that normally requires a turn to charge.
Bright Powder ImageBright Powder 48 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. It casts a tricky glare that lowers the opposing Pokemon's accuracy.
Choice Band ImageChoice Band 25 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. This curious headband boosts Attack but only allows the use of one move.
Choice Specs ImageChoice Specs 25 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. These curious glasses boost Sp.Atk but only allow the use of one move.
Choice Scarf ImageChoice Scarf 25 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. This curious scarf boosts Speed but only allows the use of one move.
Muscle Band ImageMuscle Band 48 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. This headband exudes strength, slightly boosting the power of physical moves.
Focus Band ImageFocus Band 48 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. The holder may endure a potential KO attack, leaving it with just 1 HP.
Focus Sash ImageFocus Sash 15 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. If the holder has full HP, it will endure a potential KO attack with 1 HP. The item then disappears.
Scope Lens ImageScope Lens 48 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a lens for scoping out weak points. It boosts the holder's critical-hit ratio.
Light Clay ImageLight Clay 15 BP An item to be held by a Pokémon. Protective moves like Light Screen and Reflect will be effective longer.
Lucky Punch 7 BP An item to be held by Chansey. This pair of lucky boxing gloves will boost Chancey's critical-hit ratio.
Razor Claw ImageRazor Claw 5 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. This sharply hooked claw increases the holder's critical-hit ratio.
Razor Fang 5 BP An item to be held by a Pokemon. It may cause the foe to flinch when the holder inflicts damage.
Protector ImageProtector 5 BP A protective item of some sort. It is extremely stiff and heavy. It's loved by a certain Pokemon.
Reaper Cloth ImageReaper Cloth 5 BP A cloth imbued with horrifyingly strong spiritual energy. It's loved by a certain Pokemon.
Upgrade ImageUpgrade 5 BP A transparent device somehow filled with all sorts of data. It was produced by Silph Co.
Dubious Disc ImageDubious Disc 5 BP A transparent device overflowing with dubious data. Its producer is unknown.
Lonely Mint ImageLonely Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Attack will grow more easily, but its Defense will grow more slowly.
Adamant Mint ImageAdamant Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Attack will grow more easily, but its Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Naughty Mint ImageNaughty Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Attack will grow more easily, but its Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Brave Mint ImageBrave Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Attack will grow more easily, but its Speed will grow more slowly.
Bold Mint ImageBold Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Defense will grow more easily, but its Attack will grow more slowly.
Impish Mint ImageImpish Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Defense will grow more easily, but its Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Lax Mint ImageLax Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Defense will grow more easily, but its Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Relaxed Mint ImageRelaxed Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Defense will grow more easily, but its Speed will grow more slowly.
Modest Mint ImageModest Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but its Attack will grow more slowly.
Mild Mint ImageMild Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but its Defense will grow more slowly.
Rash Mint ImageRash Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but its Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Quiet Mint ImageQuiet Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but its Speed will grow more slowly.
Calm Mint ImageCalm Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Sp. Def will grow more easily, but its Attack will grow more slowly.
Gentle Mint ImageGentle Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Sp. Def will grow more easily, but its Defense will grow more slowly.
Careful Mint ImageCareful Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Sp. Def will grow more easily, but its Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Sassy Mint ImageSassy Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Sp. Def will grow more easily, but its Speed will grow more slowly.
Timid Mint ImageTimid Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Speed will grow more easily, but its Attack will grow more slowly.
Hasty Mint ImageHasty Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Speed will grow more easily, but its Defense will grow more slowly.
Jolly Mint ImageJolly Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Speed will grow more easily, but its Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Naive Mint ImageNaive Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, its Speed will grow more easily, but its Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Serious Mint ImageSerious Mint 50 BP When a Pokemon smells this mint, all of its stats will grown at an equal rate.

Eastern Side (TMs)

TM Cost Move Description
Calm Mind (TM04)
Psychic Type Move Icon
48 BP The user quietly focuses its mind and calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats.
Toxic (TM06)
Poison Type Move Icon
32 BP A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
Bulk Up (TM08)
Fighting Type Move Icon
48 BP The user tenses its muscles to bulk up its body, raising both its Attack and Defense stats.
Earthquake (TM26)
Ground Type Move Icon
80 BP The user sets off an earthquake that strikes every Pokemon around it.
Shadow Ball (TM30)
Ghost Type Move Icon
64 BP The user hurls a shadowy blob at the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
Brick Break (TM31)
Fighting Type Move Icon
40 BP The user attacks with a swift chop. It can also break barriers, such as Light Screen and Reflect.
Sludge Bomb (TM36)
Poison Type Move Icon
80 BP Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. This may also poison the target.
Aerial Ace (TM40)
Flying Type Move Icon
40 BP The user confounds the target with speed, then slashes. This attack never misses.
Attract (TM45)
Normal Type Move Icon
32 BP If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.
Energy Ball (TM53)
Grass Type Move Icon
64 BP The user draws power from nature and fires it at the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
Dragon Pulse (TM59)
Dragon Type Move Icon
80 BP The target is attacked with a shock wave generated by the user's gaping mouth.
Will-O-Wisp (TM61)
Fire Type Move Icon
32 BP The user shoots a sinister flame at the target to inflict a burn.
Stone Edge (TM71)
Rock Type Move Icon
80 BP The user stabs the target from below with sharpened stones. Critical hits land more easily.
Thunder Wave (TM73)
Electric Type Move Icon
32 BP The user launches a weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the target.
X-Scissor (TM81)
Bug Type Move Icon
64 BP The user slashes at the target by crossing its scythes or claws as if thet were a pair of scissors.
Cut (TM93)
Normal Type Move Icon
32 BP The target is cut with a scythe or claw. It's also one of the Poketch's hidden moves.
Fly (TM94)
Flying Type Move Icon
40 BP The user flies up into the sky and then strikes its target on the next turn. It's also one of the Poketch's hidden moves.
Surf (TM95)
Water Type Move Icon
64 BP The user attacks everything around it by swamping its surrounding with a giant wave. It's also one of the Poketch's hidden moves.
Strength (TM96)
Normal Type Move Icon
40 BP The target is slugged with a punch thrown at maximum power. It's also one of the Poketch's hidden moves.
Defog (TM97)
Flying Type Move Icon
32 BP A strong wind blows away the target's barriers such as Reflect or Light Screen, and lowers their evasiveness. It's also one of the Poketch's hidden moves.
Rock Smash (TM98)
Fighting Type Move Icon
40 BP The user attacks with a punch that may also lower the target's Defense stat. It's also one of the Poketch's hidden moves.
Waterfall (TM99)
Water Type Move Icon
64 BP The user charges at the target and may make it flinch. It's also one of the Poketch's hidden moves.
Rock Climb (TM100)
Normal Type Move Icon
32 BP A charging attack that may also leave the foe confused. It's also one of the Poketch's hidden moves.

All Battle Tower Guides

Best Battle Tower Team with 100-Win Streak Battle Tower Master Class Guide
Best Battle Tower Doubles Team How to Get BP (Battle Points)
All Battle Tower Pokemon

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Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Wiki

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Pokemon BDSP Training and BreedingTraining and Breeding Pokemon BDSP Battle Tower Guides.pngBattle Tower
Pokemon BDSP - Tier List Focus BannerTier List & Movesets Pokemon BDSP Message BoardsMessage Boards
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15 Anonymous8 months

Arceus is also banned :)

3 Cheshireabout 3 years

Sky form shaymin also is banned, I'd also assume that land form is as well


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