Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Max Revive Effect and How to Get

Max Revive is one of the Recovery Items found in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). See the effects of Max Revive as well as how to find and get it.

Max Revive Effect

Max Revive ImageMax Revive
Effect A medicine that can be used to revive a single Pokemon that has fainted. It also fully restores the Pokemon's max HP.

How to Get Max Revive

Available on the Map

Victory Road 1F Galactic HQ
Route 217 Valor Lakefront
Route 213 Route 221
Survival Area Mt. Coronet 2F
Victory Road Nat Dex Area B1F Stark Mountain Interior

As Held Item on Wild Pokemon

Linoone ImageLinoone
About 5% chance

Increase Chances by using a Pokemon with Super Luck

We recommend bringing a Pokemon such as Absol, with the Super Luck Ability which increases the chance for Wild Pokemon to have a held item. Absol can also learn the move Thief to take the item from the opponent without the need of catching it. Just make sure Absol isn't holding any items beforehand.

Receive as Prize from Jubilife TV

Pokemon BDSP Jubilife TV Lottery
Max Revive is one of the possible prizes you can get at the Jubilife TV Lottery at Jubilife City.
Jubilife TV Lottery Prizes and How to Win

Obtained by Pokemon with Pickup

Pokemon BDSP- MeowthMeowth Pokemon BDSP- AipomAipom Pokemon BDSP- TeddiursaTeddiursa Pokemon BDSP- PhanpyPhanpy
Pokemon BDSP- ZigzagoonZigzagoon Pokemon BDSP- LinooneLinoone Pokemon BDSP- PachirisuPachirisu Pokemon BDSP- AmbipomAmbipom
Pokemon BDSP- MunchlaxMunchlax

Pokemon in your party with the Ability Pickup have a chance to obtain Max Revive after a battle.

Do remember that only Pokemon in your party has a chance of obtaining an item. Additionally, you have to make sure that the Pokemon has no held item for it to have a chance of picking up the item.
Pickup Ability and Items List

Grand Underground

Pokemon BDSP Grand Underground Digging

Max Revive is obtainable by digging in the Grand Underground. Use your pickaxe first to confirm the item before completely digging it out with your sledgehammer. The chances of getting them is relatively low, so be patient when it comes to digging!

Appearance Rate BD: Uncommon
SP: Uncommon

List of Treasures and Appearance Rates

Look out for the right shape

Treasure Description
Max Revive A Max Revive fits a 3x3 grid. Try mining with a hammer to easily unearth the item once you spot a part of it.

Digging for Treasure and Spheres

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Items.png
List of All Items and Effects

List of All Recovery Items

Antidote Awakening Berry Juice
Burn Heal Elixir Energy Powder
Energy Root Ether Fresh Water
Full Heal Full Restore Heal Powder
Hyper Potion Ice Heal Lava Cookie
Lemonade Max Elixir Max Ether
Max Potion Max Revive Moomoo Milk
Old Gateau Paralyze Heal Potion
Revival Herb Revive Soda Pop
Super Potion

List of All Item Categories

Item Categories
Poke BallsPoke Balls TMsTMs BerriesBerries Battle ItemsBattle Items
Evolutionary StonesEvolutionary Stones Recovery ItemsRecovery Items FossilsFossils Training ItemsTraining Items
Evo Held ItemsEvolutionary Held Items Held ItemsHeld Items VitaminsVitamins Valuable ItemsValuable Items
Mints.pngMints Key ItemsKey Items SlatesSlates -


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