Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Increase Friendship

Pokemon BDSP Increase Friendship

Increase Friendship with Pokemon by getting massages, feeding them vitamins, or walking with them outside the Pokeball. Read on to learn how use the Friendship Checker, what decreases friendship, Pokemon friendship evolutions, how to check friendship level, and the benefits of increasing friendship in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

How to Increase Friendship Video Walkthrough

How to Increase Friendship with Pokemon

How to Increase Friendship

Feed Your Pokemon Vitamins

BDSP - Buy Vitamins in Department Store.png

The most efficient way to raise your Pokemon's friendship is by feeding them vitamins, which also raises their base stats. However, you'll need to purchase large amounts of vitamins to siginificantly increase their friendship, so this is only recommended if you have the Pokedollars to spare.

You can buy vitamins at the Veilstone City Department store or exchange them for Battle Points (BP) at the Battle Tower.

Vitamin Description
HP Up ImageHP Up A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base HP of a single Pokémon.
Protein ImageProtein A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Attack stat of a single Pokémon.
Iron ImageIron A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Defense stat of a single Pokémon.
Calcium ImageCalcium A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Sp. Atk stat of a single Pokémon.
Zinc ImageZinc A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Sp. Def stat of a single Pokémon.
Carbos ImageCarbos A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Speed stat of a single Pokémon.
PP Up ImagePP Up A medicine that can slightly raise the maximum PP of a single move that has been learned by the target Pokemon.

How to Get Money Fast

Give Them a Massage (Once Per Day)

BDSP - Pokemon Massage

You can give your Pokemon massages from the Massage Girl in Veilstone City or a spa at the Ribbon Syndicate. Both increase friendship between you and a Pokemon.

The massages at the spa are more effective at increasing friendship, but to access the Ribbon Syndicate in the post game, you first need to obtain 10 ribbons.

Pokemon Massage Locations
BDSP - Veilstone City MassageVeilstone City BDSP - Resort Area SpaResort Area

Walk with Your Pokemon

Pokemon BDSP Following Piplup

A passive way to raise a Pokemon's friendship is to travel around the map with the Pokemon outside of its Pokeball. The Pokemon increases in friendship every so often, with the amount of steps you take.

How to Have Pokemon Follow You and Walk With Pokemon

Give Pokemon a Soothe Bell

Soothe Bell ImageSoothe Bell An item to be held by a Pokemon. It is a bell with a comforting chime that calms the holder and makes it friendly.

A Pokemon holding the Soothe Bell will have its friendship growth boosted, which is a quick and easy way of raising friendship stats. Let a Pokemon holding a Soothe Bell participate in battle and walk around with you in order to get the maximum possible friendship boost.

Catch Pokemon in a Luxury Ball

Luxury Ball ImageLuxury Ball A comfortable Poke Ball that makes a caught wild Pokemon quickly grow friendly.

A Pokemon caught in a Luxury Ball will have its friendship growth boosted. You can purchase the Luxury Ball for 1000 Pokedollars from the Poke Mart in Sunyshore City and the Pokemon League.

How to Catch Pokemon

Feed Pokemon Berries

Some berries can increase your friendship level with Pokemon, but keep in mind that these berries have the side-effect of reducing EVs (effort values) in a certain stat. As such, they can also be used for resetting unwanted EVs.

Berries That Increase Friendship
Pomeg Berry ImagePomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry ImageKelpsy Berry
Qualot Berry ImageQualot Berry Hondew Berry ImageHondew Berry
Grepa Berry ImageGrepa Berry Tamato Berry ImageTamato Berry

How to EV Train Fast and Reset EVs

What Decreases Pokemon Friendship?

Making Pokemon Faint

BDSP - Fainted Pokemon.png

Your Friendship with a Pokemon will decrease every time it faints. When you are trying increase their friendship, it is best to avoid them from fainting as much as possible.

Giving Pokemon Herbs

BDSP - Buy Herbs at Eterna City Herb Shop.png

Herbs are another type of healing item in the game that are cheaper than potions and other items found it the Pokemart. However, using herbs also decreases your friendship with Pokemon.

Friendship Checker Locations

Receive Poketch App in Eterna City

Pokemon BDSP Poketch Friendship
Location Talk to Aroma Lady in Eterna City Pokemon Center

The Friendship Checker is the most efficient way to check the friendship of a Pokemon on the go. Press and hold the A Button while hovering over a Pokemon to reveal hearts. The higher the friendship level, the bigger the hearts will appear on screen.

All Poketch App Locations

Pokemon Evolve at 2 Small Hearts

BDSP - Friendship Checker 2 Small Hearts.png

When you see 2 small hearts above your Pokemon when using the Frienship Checker, it usually means the Pokemon is ready to evolve if it evolves through friendship. This does not apply to all Pokemon but it is the standard for friendship evolution.

Talk to Friendship Raters

Friendship Raters can be found all around Sinnoh. However, it's still preferred to use the Friendship Checker app, since their evaluations could come across vague. Make sure that the Pokemon you want to check is at the front of your party before talking to the Friendship Raters.

Friendship Rater Location
Pokemon Center
Eterna City
Pokemon Fan Club
Hearthome City

Benefits of Increasing Friendship

Improve Battle Performance

BDSP - Pokemon Healing Status Conditions with Friendship.png

Increasing friendship with your Pokemon can improve their performances in battle. Pokemon with high friendship may inflict critical hits onto its target or hold on to 1 HP when getting attacked by a move that would otherwise knock it out. It may also heal its own status condition.

Some Pokemon Evolve With High Friendship

The following Pokemon will evolve once they level up with a high friendship stat.

Pokemon Lvl. Up Evolution
Pokemon BDSP BudewBudew
Pokemon BDSP RoseliaRoselia
Pokemon BDSP GolbatGolbat Pokemon BDSP CrobatCrobat
Pokemon BDSP BunearyBuneary Pokemon BDSP LopunnyLopunny
Pokemon BDSP ChinglingChingling
Pokemon BDSP ChimechoChimecho
Pokemon BDSP ChanseyChansey Pokemon BDSP BlisseyBlissey
Pokemon BDSP CleffaCleffa Pokemon BDSP ClefairyClefairy
Pokemon BDSP PichuPichu Pokemon BDSP PikachuPikachu
Pokemon BDSP MunchlaxMunchlax Pokemon BDSP SnorlaxSnorlax
Pokemon BDSP RioluRiolu
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario
Pokemon BDSP AzurillAzurill Pokemon BDSP MarillMarill
Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee
Pokemon BDSP EspeonEspeon
Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee
Pokemon BDSP UmbreonUmbreon
Pokemon BDSP TogepiTogepi Pokemon BDSP TogeticTogetic

Get Ribbons from Friendship Raters

BDSP - Get Best Friends Ribbon at Pokemon Fan Club.png

The lady in the Hearthome City Fan Club and Dr. Footstep in Route 213 both give you ribbons once you show them a Pokemon with high enough friendship. If you are aiming to collect all the ribbons, remember to visit these NPCs.

List of Ribbons

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

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Training and Breeding

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How to Level Up Fast How to EV Train Fast
How to Reroll for Best Nature and IVs How to Increase IVs
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How to Learn Egg Moves How to Change a Pokemon's Nature
How to Check EVs How to Check Pokemon IVs
How to Hatch Eggs Faster How to Get Hidden Abilities
How to Catch High IV Pokemon How to Increase Friendship


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