Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Platinum Content and Features

Pokemon BDSP Platinum Content

Pokemon from the Platinum Dex are returning in the Diamond and Pearl Remakes! Read on to learn about the returning features from Pokemon Platinum and the features that won't be returning in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

What Features are Returning?
Gyarados Mega EvolutionMega Evolutions Giratina Origin FormePlatinum Content Giratina Origin FormeGigantamax Giratina Origin FormeRegional Variants

Returning Platinum Content and Features

Returning Platinum Content

Platinum Style Outfits

Platinum Style Outfits

Lucas Platinum Style

Dawn Platinum Style

You can get Lucas' and Dawn's outfits from Pokemon Platinum as an early purchase Mystery Gift, also from the game's release until February 21st, 2022.

After receiving the gift, you'll be able to put it on at anytime, from the Metronome Style Shop in Veilstone City.

How to Get Platinum Outfits Mystery Gift

Platinum Dex Pokemon

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl have been confirmed to feature Pokemon only found on the Platinum Dex (the common term for the Sinnoh Pokedex as appearing in Pokemon Platinum).

As Pokemon not featured in either the Diamond/Pearl Sinnoh Dex or the Platinum Dex have been shown, such as Numel and Sentret, it's not specifically confirmed that the Platinum Dex itself will be making a return.

Pokemon Returning from the Platinum Dex

Returning Platinum Dex Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon BDSP GalladeGallade Pokemon BDSP EspeonEspeon
Pokemon BDSP Leafeon ArtLeafeon Pokemon BDSP GlaceonGlaceon Pokemon BDSP AltariaAltaria
Pokemon BDSP TogepiTogepi Pokemon BDSP TogekissTogekiss Pokemon BDSP HoundoomHoundoom
Pokemon BDSP YanmegaYanmega Pokemon BDSP MagnetonMagneton Pokemon BDSP TangrowthTangrowth
Pokemon BDSP RhyperiorRhyperior Pokemon BDSP DusknoirDusknoir Pokemon BDSP Porygon-ZPorygon-Z
Pokemon BDSP ScizorScizor Pokemon BDSP ElectivireElectivire Pokemon BDSP Magby.pngMagby
Pokemon BDSP MagmortarMagmortar Pokemon BDSP FroslassFroslass Pokemon BDSP AbsolAbsol

List of All Confirmed Pokemon

Starters in Amity Square

Pokemon BDSP Amity Square Party

Just like in Pokemon Platinum, you will be able to bring your starter Pokemon into Amity Square. In the originals, you could only walk with Pikachu, Drifloon, Clefairy, Psyduck, Pachirisu, Buneary, and Happiny. Platinum is only when you were allowed to bring your starter Pokemon into Amity Square and walk with them.

Amity Square New Features

Gracidea Flower NPC

Pokemon BDSP Gracidea Flower

In Pokemon Platinum, a Beauty NPC was added to Floaroma Town, on the path to the left of the Pokemon Center. If you had the Mythical Pokemon Shaymin in your party and spoke to her, she would give you the Gracidea flower, which you could use to activate Shaymin's Sky Forme.

This Gracidea Flower NPC was not in the original Diamond and Pearl games, but she will be in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, as seen in the promotional image above. It has yet to be determined if that will remain her function, given that Shaymin hasn't been confirmed for the remakes.

Gracidea Flower effect on Shaymin

Pokemon BDSP Shaymin (Land Forme)Shaymin (Land Forme)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon
Pokemon BDSP Shaymin (Sky Forme)Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon

Non-Returning Platinum Features

Battle Frontier

Pokemon BDSP Battle Park

Although there's no confirmation yet, it appears that the Battle Park will appear instead of the Battle Frontier in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, as the Battle Park appears on the official map instead of the Battle Frontier.

In Pokemon Platinum, the Battle Frontier replaced the Battle Park featured in Diamond and Pearl. The Battle Frontier allowed the trainer to battle other NPC trainers in several battle formats to win Battle Points so that they can exchange items. The Battle Frontier had 5 different facilities, including the Battle Tower, which first appeared in the original Diamond and Pearl games.

Removed Features

Distortion World

While there is no official confirmation, it's also unlikely that the Distortion World will return in the Sinnoh remakes, as it did not factor into the original Pokemon Diamond and Pearl games.

The Distortion World was a significant story location that was only added to Sinnoh in Pokemon Platinum. This place had a maze-like structure and was where the player could battle and catch Giratina in its origin forme.

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Game Features
Everything We Know New Features & Differences
Version Exclusive Pokemon Multiplayer and Online Features
National Dex Mega Evolutions
Platinum Content Fairy Type
Removed Features Pal Park
Battle Frontier Dynamax and Gigantamax
Sword and Shield Compatibility Sinnoh Regional Variants
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