Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Sinnoh Remakes Connections to Pokemon Legends Arceus

Pokemon BDSP Legends Arceus Connections

Pokemon Legends Arceus and the Diamond and Pearl Remakes take place in the Sinnoh region! Read on to find the hidden connections, hints, and Easter eggs for the upcoming Arceus game in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Connections to Pokemon Legends Arceus

Sinnoh Region Setting

Pokemon BDSP Sinnoh Region Map

It's confirmed that both Pokemon BDSP and Legends: Arceus take place in the same region. Legends: Arceus takes place in the distant past when the Sinnoh region was originally called the Hisui Region.

In the distant past, humans and Pokemon do not live as one yet

Pokemon BDSP - The Hisui Region.png

As Legends: Arceus takes place in the past, the Hisui region has more expansive natural landscapes than modern day Sinnoh. Additionally, it is said that it was rare in the past for people and Pokemon to live harmony with one another.

Returning Locations

Mount Coronet

Pokemon Legends Arceus Mount Coronet
Mount Coronet is at the center of the Hisui Region and it appears relatively unchanged, though it seems like the Spear Pillar has not yet been built.

In the present day, this is where players will encounter the Legendary Pokemon Dialga and Palkia, though it appears that the location had more importance to Arceus in the distant past.

Jubilife City

Jubilife City

Pokemon BDSP

Pokemon Legends Arceus

An early Jubilife City appears in Pokemon Legends Arceus as Jubilife VIllage and it appears to have been the first human settlement in the Hisui Region.

The village appears to be the game's starting area and it's also the headquarters of the Galaxy Team, which in present day Sinnoh is known as Team Galatic.

Ancestors of Characters

It has been confirmed that Legends Arceus' Commander Kamado is a descendant of Professor Rowan from Diamond & Pearl and its remakes.

On the other hand, other characters in Legends Arceus seem to be directly inspired by similar characters in Diamond & Pearl, despite not being directly related.

Pokemon BDSP Pokemon Legends Arceus
Protagonists Dawn and Lucas.pngLucas and Dawn Pokemon Akari and ReiRei and Akari
Professor Pokemon Professor RowanProfessor Rowan Pokemon Commander KamadoCommander Kamado
Team Boss Pokemon BDSP Galactic Boss Cyrus.pngBoss Cyrus Pokemon Captain CylleneCaptain Cyllene

Sinnoh Myth Connections to Pokemon Legends Arceus

The library in Canalave City is an important plot point in the original Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum games. At a certain point in the game, you are tasked to research on the myths of the Sinnoh Region.

With the revelation that the Hisui Region is the distant past of modern day Sinnoh, certain myths directly reference what's currently revealed in the story for Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

Sinnoh Region's Mythology

Long ago, when Sinnoh had just been made, Pokémon and humans led separate lives.
That is not to say they did not help each other. No, indeed they did.
They supplied each other with goods, and supported each other.
A Pokémon proposed to the others to always be ready to help humans.
It asked that Pokémon be ready to appear before humans always.
Thus, to this day, Pokémon appear to us if we venture into tall grass.

Mythology Analysis

This myth describes the Sinnoh Region of the distant past when humans and Pokemon lived separate lives from one another.

This is actually shown in the Pokemon Legends: Arceus trailer where humans indeed do not live with Pokemon in Jubilife Village or use them at all.

Additionally, Pokemon appear to attack the player character in the trailer, suggesting that the game takes place before Pokemon decided to help humans.

The Original Story

In the beginning, there was only a churning turmoil of chaos.
At the heart of chaos, where all things became one, appeared an Egg.
Having tumbled from the vortex, the Egg gave rise to the Original One.
From itself, two beings the Original One did make.
Time started to spin. Space began to expand.
From itself again, three living things the Original One did make.
The two beings wished, and from them, matter came to be.
The three living things wished, and from them, spirit came to be.
The world created, the Original One took to unyielding sleep...

Creation Myth Analysis

This myth describes the creation myth of the Pokemon World, with Arceus being the Original One - the first Pokemon born from the first egg that arose from the primal chaos.

The myth also describes Arceus creating Dialga, the Temporal Pokemon, and Palkia, the Spatial Pokemon.

Connectivity With Pokemon Legends Arceus

Get a Free Darkrai Gift

Pokemon BDSP DarkraiDarkrai

If your Nintendo Switch contains a save file from either Pokemon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl, you can receive a free Darkrai gift from Pokemon Legends Arceus by fulfilling a quest after the main story of the game.

Transferring Pokemon Between Games

Pokemon HOME Support Sinnoh Remakes

It's currently unknown if you can transfer Pokemon between the Diamond & Pearl Remakes and Pokemon Legends Arceus. Given the support for Pokemon HOME launches in 2022, similar to Legends Arceus, it's possible that you could transfer Pokemon from Legends Arceus to the remakes via Pokemon HOME.

Pokemon HOME Support and Compatibility

Possible Arceus Tie-in Event

Pokemon Legends Arceus Event

It's also likely that the event that brings the Mythical Pokemon Arceus to Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl will be related to Pokemon Legends: Arceus somehow, given Arceus being the titular/box Pokemon. Arceus was an event Pokemon in the original Diamond & Pearl.

Trading Pokemon Between Games

Pokemon Legends Arceus Gastrodon

Trading is a feature in all 3 games, but trading between the remakes and Legends Arceus is unconfirmed. If possible, the trading mechanism would have to support time travel lore, given that Legends Arceus is set in the distant past.

How to Trade Locally and Online

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