Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Johanna Character Profile

Johanna Pokemon BDSP

This article is about Johanna, the player character's mom in the games Pokemon Brilliand Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to learn more about this character and the locations you'll encounter her throughout the story!

Who is Johanna?

Mom of Protagonist

Johanna is the mother of the player character, with her name being first mentioned by Keira - one of the Pokemon Super Contest Show judges in Hearthome City. She lives in Twinleaf Town but can be found in other locations as the character progresses the story.

She gives the player their Journal at the start of the game, as well as the Tuxedo or Dress once the player reachers Hearthome City.

A Potential Super Contest Challenger

As an accomplished Pokemon Coordinator, Johanna also had the chance to participate in Master Rank Super Contests with her signature Kangaskhan named Jumpy.

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Pokemon BDSP Characters

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Doubles Partners
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Marley - - -


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