Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

November 5 Trailers: Everything We Learned

Pokemon BDSP November 5 Trailers

The new trailers for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) give us our first look at the Starter Pokemon final evolutions! Read on for a trailer breakdown and everything we learned from the November 5 trailers and gameplay footage!

Everything We Learned from the November 5 Trailers

Starter Pokemon Final Evolutions




The November 5 trailers finally gives us our first look at the final evolutions of the Starter Pokemon in the remakes. Get to see Torterra, Infernape, and Empoleon in action in the new trailers.

All New Pokemon Statues

It's revealed that you collect Pokemon Statues in the Grand Underground by digging up boxes which contain them. The type symbol on the box signifies the type of Pokemon statue you'll receive.

There are shiny, green statues which operate differently from the normal, gray statues of the Pokemon.

Statues of all Water Starter Pokemon revealed

Pokemon BDSP All Water Starters

The statues of all Water-type Starter Pokemon from Generation 1 to 4 are seen in the trailer. This makes the orb by the entrance turn blue, to signify a boost in appearance rate of Water-type Pokemon in the Pokemon Hideaways.

It's currently unknown if these statues will only be unlocked in the post game, given that the Generation 1 to 3 starters are not native to Sinnoh. In the original games, fossils of Pokemon not native to Sinnoh only started appearing in the Underground after unlocking the National Dex in the post game.

Teddiursa Possibly Added to Sinnoh Dex

Pokemon BDSP Teddiursa

The trailer depicts a wild Teddiursa encounter in the Pokemon Hideaways, which could mean the Teddiursa line is available to obtain during the main story. Teddiursa was previously not on the Sinnoh Dex.

Character Customization Seen in Grand Underground

Pokemon BDSP Grand Underground Online

It's revealed that your character's style and outfit customization will carry over to Grand Underground online multiplayer. Previous promotional material for the game only depicted players in the default styles when in the online Grand Underground, so it was previously unclear.

Grand Underground Features

Metronome Style Shop and New Styles

Pokemon BDSP Metronome Style Shop

The trailer gives the first look at the interior of the Metronome Style Shop, as well as new a couple clothing styles that haven't been shown previously.

List of Clothes and Styles

Super Contest Show outfit is a selectable style

Pokemon BDSP Contest Show Outfit

It's revealed that you can wear the Super Contest Shows outfit style outside of the Contest Hall in Hearthome City. You most likely will unlock this outfit upon your first time visiting the Contest Hall.

First Look at Online Super Contest Shows

Pokemon BDSP Super Contest Show Online

The trailer also gives the first look at the online multiplayer of Super Contest Shows. It appears that you can wear any clothing style while competing in this contest.

Super Contest Show New Features

Dialga and Palkia Signature Moves

Roar of Time

Spacial Rend

Roar of Time and Spacial Rend, the signature moves of Dialga and Palkia, respectively, are teased at the end of the TV spot.

Surfing in Pokemon Hideaways

Pokemon BDSP Hideaways Surf

It's revealed that the bodies of water in the Pokemon Hideaways can be surfed on, as some overworld Pokemon appear swimming in the water as well.

Pokemon Hideaways Guide

New NPC on Route 209

Pokemon BDSP New NPC Route 209

A new NPC on Route 209 can be spotted in the trailers. It's currently unclear what their function is. Interestingly, the August 18 Pokemon Presents depicted a new Hiker NPC with a partner Gastly further east of Route 209, just below the Lost Tower. The 2 NPC additions to Route 209 could be related.

Pelipper in Snowpoint City Gym

Pokemon BDSP Pelipper Snowpoint Gym

A Pelipper is depicted using Ice Beam in the Snowpoint City Gym. In the originals, there was an Ace Trainer in the Snowpoint City Gym who had a Pelipper, but it was not known to use Ice Beam.

Alternatively, the Pelipper could be an addition to Candice's team, given that the trailers only depicted battles with the Gym Leaders, and not any of the other members.

First Look at Various Trainer Classes

Various trainer classes from the remakes are depicted in the trailers. They are shown below.

Pokemon Trainer Classes
Pokemon Ranger Ninja Boy
Poke Kid Beauty
Policeman Sailor
Skier Bird Keeper

November 5 Trailers

Overview Trailer (5 Minutes)

Final Evolutions Ad (30 Seconds)

Gameplay Features Ad (30 seconds)

Pokemon BDSP News

Pokemon BDSP All Trailers

News and Game Info

All Trailers

Trailer Release Date
November 10 Final Trailer 11/10/2021
November 5 Trailers 11/05/2021
October 26 Trailer 10/26/2021
September 28 Trailer 09/28/2021
Pokemon Presents 08/18/2021
Announcement Trailer 02/26/2021
When Will the Next Trailer Drop?

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