Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Riley Character Profile

Riley Pokemon BDSP

This article is about Pokemon Trainer Riley, one of the Doubles Partners in the games Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to learn more about this character, his battle style, and the locations you'll encounter him throughout the story!

Who is Riley?

Iron Island Doubles Partner

Pokemon Trailer Rikey is one of the five Pokemon Trainers who journeys with the main character during the game as a Doubles Partner. As a Doubles partner, he uses a Lucario with moves like Metal Claw and Force Palm.

Riley first appears in Iron Island and offers to help the player traverse the mines and even helps drive away a couple of Team Galactic Grunts. After traversing the mines, he also gives the player a Pokemon Egg that will eventually hatch into a Riolu.

Double Battles Guide

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Pokemon BDSP Characters

List of All Characters

Main Characters
BDSP - LucasLucas BDSP - DawnDawn
BDSP - BarryBarry -
Supporting Characters
BDSP - Professor RowanProfessor Rowan BDSP - CynthiaCynthia Bebe
Team Galactic
BDSP - CyrusGalactic Boss Cyrus BDSP - MarsCommander Mars BDSP - JupiterCommander Jupiter BDSP - SaturnCommander Saturn
Doubles Partners
BDSP - CherylCheryl BDSP - RileyRiley Buck Mira
Marley - - -


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