Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Poffin Guide: How to Cook the Best Poffins

Pokemon BDSP Poffin Cooking

Poffin Cooking returns in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) with a new cooking station in Amity Square! Read on to learn about the best Poffin recipes and how to cook high-level Poffins, the new features, and for a guide on Poffin Cooking!

Related Guides
Poffin Guide Super Contest Show Guide Best Poffin Recipes Sharing Board

How to Cook Poffins

Steps to Cook Poffins
1 Poffin Case Pokemon Fan Club
Obtain Poffin Case at the Pokemon Fan Club building in Hearthome City.
2 Poffin House
Head to the Poffin House beside the Poke Mart or at the Poffin Cooking Station inside the Amity Square and talk to the lady.
3 Choosing Berries
Choose the Berries you'd like to make Poffins with. The number of Poffins you will get will depend on how many Berries you use, with a maximum of four.
4 Poffin Cooking
Start cooking!

Cooking Stages

Poffin Cooking Tips
  • Stir gently in the beginning, as the batter is initially loose and can easily spill
  • Progressively start to stir faster, as it gets harder, so it doesn't burn

Cooking Poffins require you to stir the batter based on the direction indicated by the arrow in your screen. You will be asked to stir it clockwise or counter-clockwise. You need to follow the direction of the arrow to successfully cook Poffins.

Cooking Poffins can be split into three stages, with each stage making the batter progressively harder to mix.

Cooking Stage Instructions

Orange flames, liquid-like batter
Easy to mix. Stir gently to avoid spilling, but not slow enough that it will burn!

Yellow flames, soft batter
A bit harder to mix. Stir a little faster to avoid burning. Will still spill if stirred too fast!

Blue flames, firm batter
Harder to mix and prone to burning, but will not spill! Keep stirring until done.

Avoid Spillage by Stirring Gently

Batter Spilling

Stirring too fast will cause the batter to overflow and spill, which will hinder you from producing a good Poffin. Avoid stirring too fast, especially in the beginning, when the batter is most loose. Having too many spills will give you Foul Poffins.

Avoid Burns by Stirring Faster

Burnt Poffin

As the batter cooks, it will get harder, so you can progressively start to stir faster. If you stir too slowly as the batter cooks or leave it standing still, the batter will burn and your Poffin will be ruined!

How to Cook High-Level Poffins

Cooking High-Level Poffins
  • Use Berries with strong tastes
  • Shorten cooking time by stirring properly
  • Avoid spilling or burning
  • Cook inside Amity Square

Use Berries with Strong Tastes

The flavor stats of the Berries you use affect the level of the Poffins you get. The stronger the taste of the Berry, the higher the level of the Poffins you can obtain.

Chesto Berry Flavor Wiki Berry Flavors
Wiki Berry has a stronger Dry taste than Chesto Berry.

Use multiple Berries with similar flavors

Stack a variety of Berries that share the same strong flavor. Not only will this net you higher-level Poffins, you will also get more, as the number of Poffins you get depends on how many Berries you used when cooking.

Do not use the same Berries!

Foul Poffin

Using the same Berries will cause any Poffin you cook into Foul Poffins. These Poffins may look appealing because they can raise multiple conditions of a Pokemon, but they only bloat up those stats which could be used for better Poffins instead.

Shorten Cooking Time

Poffin Fast Cooking Time

Stir and mix the batter properly to shorten the Poffin's cooking time. If you finish cooking in less time as possible, you can get high-level Poffins. Aim to finish cooking before the maximum 60 second limit to get high-level Poffins.

Avoid Spilling or Burning the Batter

Spilling the batter for stirring too fast or letting it burn due to stirring it too slow contributes to longer cooking times. If you have less spills or burns as possible, you can have a faster cooking time, guaranteeing high-leveled Poffins!

Cook in Amity Square with Pokemon with High Friendship

Pokemon BDSP Amity Square Poffin Cooking

It is also easier to make high-level Poffins in the Amity Square's Poffin Cooking Section if you bring along Pokemon that already has high Friendship with you. If you cook with Pokemon with max Friendship, the smoothness of the Poffins you will cook will have their smoothness reduced, which helps maximize the amount of Poffins Pokemon can eat.

Note that there is only a few Pokemon you can stroll with at the park, so make sure that they are already close to you.

List of Pokemon Allowed in Amity Square

Best Poffin Recipes

Poffin Recipes with Easy-to-Find Berries

Target Poffin Level: Level 71 or higher
(cooking time within 45 seconds)
Smoothness: 18 or less
Give three Poffins to max out condition
Cooking Place: Amity Square
(with six Pokemon, with three or more having maximum Friendship)

Berries to Use

Spicy Figy Berry ImageFigy Berry Pomeg Berry ImagePomeg Berry Tamato Berry ImageTamato Berry Spelon Berry ImageSpelon Berry
Dry Wiki Berry ImageWiki Berry Kelpsy Berry ImageKelpsy Berry Cornn Berry ImageCornn Berry Pamtre Berry ImagePamtre Berry
Sweet Mago Berry ImageMago Berry Qualot Berry ImageQualot Berry Magost Berry ImageMagost Berry Watmel Berry ImageWatmel Berry
Bitter Aguav Berry ImageAguav Berry Hondew Berry ImageHondew Berry Rabuta Berry ImageRabuta Berry Durin Berry ImageDurin Berry
Sour Iapapa Berry ImageIapapa Berry Grepa Berry ImageGrepa Berry Nomel Berry ImageNomel Berry Belue Berry ImageBelue Berry

The following Berries can easily be found at Berry plots or can be picked up by Pokemon while strolling with them inside the Amity Square. Although easy to obtain, you need to cook them properly to maximize their effectiveness.

Aim to get Poffins with low smoothness so you can feed more to Pokemon and avoid filling up their sheen. If you are not confident in your stirring skills, make sure to cook along with more Pokemon that have max Friendship.

Poffin Recipes with Rare Berries

Target Poffin Level: Level 66 or higher
(cooking time within 53 seconds)
Smoothness: 27 or less
Give two Poffins to max out condition
Cooking Place: The Poffin House or Amity Square
Easier to cook in Amity Square

Berries to Use

Spicy Pomeg Berry ImagePomeg Berry Magost Berry ImageMagost Berry Watmel Berry ImageWatmel Berry Liechi Berry ImageLiechi Berry
Dry Kelpsy Berry ImageKelpsy Berry Rabuta Berry ImageRabuta Berry Durin Berry ImageDurin Berry Ganlon Berry ImageGanlon Berry
Sweet Qualot Berry ImageQualot Berry Nomel Berry ImageNomel Berry Belue Berry ImageBelue Berry Salac Berry ImageSalac Berry
Bitter Hondew Berry ImageHondew Berry Tamato Berry ImageTamato Berry Spelon Berry ImageSpelon Berry Petaya Berry ImagePetaya Berry
Sour Grepa Berry ImageGrepa Berry Cornn Berry ImageCornn Berry Pamtre Berry ImagePamtre Berry Apicot Berry ImageApicot Berry

You can cook Poffins using these Berries in either the Poffin House or inside Amity Square. Do note that some of these Berries are only available late in the game, such as the Liechi Berry and Salac Berry which can only be obtained after catching Latios, Latias, and Groudon in Ramanas Park.

Ramanas Park Guide and All Legendary Pokemon

Aim to Cook Poffins Level 74 and Above

Regardless of Nature and flavor preference, it takes Poffins that are level 74 and above to max a condition. The cooking time for these Poffins is about 47 seconds, so make sure to avoid spilling or burning the batter while cooking. Cooking in the Amity Square with six Pokemon with max Friendship also helps a lot!

Best Poffin Recipes Message Board

Got a special Poffin recipe? Share the ingredients on our Poffin recipe message board!

Best Poffin Recipes Sharing Board

Poffin Cooking New Features

Amity Square Cooking Station

Amity Square Poffin Cooking

There is now a Poffin Cooking Station at the north side of Amity Square. Cooking Poffins in Amity Square allows your Pokemon to watch in the background as you cook.

Amity Square New Features

What are Poffins?

Used to Raise Conditions

Poffins in Poffin Case

Poffins are treats in the Sinnoh region used to raise a Pokemon's condition such as Beauty, Cool, Cute, Smart, and Tough. Poffins have different flavors which are determined based on the Berries used when cooking them.

Poffins also come up in different levels which is based on how well you stir the batter and how quickly you finish the process. The higher the Poffin's level, the higher the raise in the Condition.

Conditions are rated in Super Contest Visual Evaluations

Super Contest Visual Evaluation

Your Pokemon's condition stats are judged in Visual Evaluations when you let them participate in Super Contests. The score will be based on how high the condition is in relation to the Contest Category you will join in which is why it is important to cook and feed the appropriate Poffins to your Contest partner.

Super Contest Show Guide

Maxed conditions will sparkle in summary page

Full Condition Sparkle

Once a Pokemon reaches max values on one of its conditions, its icon will sparkle on its Contest summary page. You can then feed your Pokemon other flavored Poffins as long as its Sheen isn't full yet.

Poffins Have Distinct Flavors

Pokemon BDSP Poffin Cooking

Poffins are made from Berries and the flavor of the Poffin depends on the berries used to produce it. The flavors include Spicy, Sour, Bitter, Sweet, and Dry. The table below illustrates the conditions raised by each flavor:

Condition Flavor
Beauty Dry
Coolness Spicy
Cuteness Sweet
Cleverness Bitter
Toughness Sour

How to Grow Berries

Nature Affects Liked Flavor

A Pokemon's Nature dictate what flavors it likes and dislikes. Liking a certain flavor can make the process of raising conditions with Poffins easy, as there is a boost in the condition raised once a Pokemon eats a flavored Poffin that it prefers. This will save you a couple of Berries!

Pokemon have different reactions to Poffin flavors

You can also see if a Pokemon likes or dislikes a flavor when feeding it Poffins.

Pokemon Reactions to Poffin Flavors
Favorite Flavor
Reaction when eating Poffin with the desired flavor
Neutral Flavor
Reaction when eating Poffin with neutral flavors
Disliked Flavor
Reaction when eating Poffin with the disliked flavor

Nature and Flavor Preference Table

Check Berry Flavor in Berry Tag

Berry Flavors

The flavor of a Berry can be checked by viewing its tag. You can look at any Berry's flavor by going into your Bag, selecting a Berry, and choosing View tag.

Can Be Used Until Sheen is Maxed Out

Pokemon Full Sheen

If you make your Pokemon eat a Poffin, not only will its condition be raised, its Sheen will also go up which is based on the Poffin's smoothness. A Pokemon can only eat Poffins with up to a total of 255 smoothness.

Sheen can be seen on the Pokemon's summary page and is indicated by sparkles on the gauge, with all Pokemon starting with zero. Once it is full (with the Sheen gauge filled up), it cannot eat anymore Poffins and its conditions can no longer be raised any further. There is currently no way to reset a Pokemon's Sheen, and you need to catch or breed a new one to have a blank sheen gauge. This is why it is not recommended to feed any Pokemon Foul Poffins.

Maximize sheen by cooking Poffins with low smoothness

Pokemon Will Not Eat Poffin

The smoothness of a Poffin affects how many more Poffins a Pokemon can eat. If you give a Pokemon Poffins with low smoothness, you can let them eat more Poffins. On the other hand, if you keep feeding your Pokemon high smoothness, you will quickly fill up its sheen and prevent you from feeding it more Poffins.

Cooking inside Amity Square reduces smoothness

Reduce the smoothness of Poffins by cooking inside the Amity Square. The smoothness deducted on the Poffin will be based on the number of Pokemon you are strolling with in the park and their level of friendship with you.

Used to Evolve Feebas into Milotic

Pokemon BDSP FeebasFeebas High Beauty Condition
Pokemon BDSP MiloticMilotic

Feebas will evolve into Milotic once it has high Beauty condition, which can be achieved by feeding it Dry-flavored Poffins. This will be easier if Feebas has a Special Attack-boosting Nature, which are Modest, Quiet, Rash, or Mild Nature, as these Natures favor Beauty and makes raising the Condition easy.

Recommended Dry Poffin Recipe

Recommended Dry Poffin Recipe
Chesto Berry ImageChesto Berry Razz Berry ImageRazz Berry Bluk Berry ImageBluk Berry Wiki Berry ImageWiki Berry

You can make high-level Dry Poffins with these Berries, and you only need to feed Feebas a couple of them to quickly raise its Beauty.

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2 Dawnover 2 years

the post as of fhis date is incorrect. Liechi and Salac Berry can be obtained BEFORE Ramanas Park. I got those berries from the Berry Master and from walking with pokemon.

1 Anonymousover 3 years

https://youtu.be/DScKO733D10 this is a good link for dry poffin recipes , it helped me evolve my feebas into milotic


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