Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Get Spiritomb: Weaknesses and Learnset

Spiritomb Pokemon BDSP

Spiritomb in Other Pokemon Games
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Spiritomb is a Pokemon available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Learn about how to get Spiritomb at the Hallowed Tower, its weaknesses, its full learnset with all learnable moves, and whether Spiritomb evolves.

Sinnoh Dex
Pokemon BDSP NoctowlNoctowl
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
Pokemon BDSP GibleGible
National Dex
Pokemon BDSP ChatotChatot
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
Pokemon BDSP GibleGible

How to Get Spiritomb

How to Get Spiritomb at Hallowed Tower

Catch at Hallowed Tower

Pokemon BDSP Hallowed Tower

You can catch Spiritomb at the Hallowed Tower in Route 209 after placing the Odd Keystone at its base and talking to 32 NPCs in the Grand Underground. Take note that Sphere Traders found in the tunnels do not count to your tally.

Obtain the Odd Keystone

Steps to Get and Use Odd Keystone
1 Travel to Route 208 and talk to the Black Belt NPC near the Honey Tree.
The Honey Tree and the NPC can be seen near the gate to Hearthome City.
2 Talk to the Black Belt NPC and he will give you the Odd Keystone.
3 Make your way to Route 209 and go to the Hallowed Tower.
It's the crumbled structure near the easternmost river, found halfway through the route.
4 Interact with the Hallowed Tower and place the Odd Keystone to start the quest.

Talk to 32 NPCs in Grand Underground

Pokemon BDSP -  Grand Underground NPC
In the original games, you had to talk to 32 Players to increase your tally. As you can no longer interact with other players in the Grand Underground, you now need to talk to 32 NPCs to bring up your tally.

Talk to 32 Different NPCs

Unlike in the original games where you can talk to the same player 32 times, you now need to talk to 32 different NPCs to bring up your tally!

Sphere Traders Don't Count to the Tally

Pokemon BDSP - Sphere Trader Location

Sphere Traders are Hikers that will trade useful items to you for spheres. Although counted as NPCs, talking to them doesn't count to your tally.

Return to Hallowed Tower

Once you've met the number of people required, go back to the surface and interact with the Hallowed Tower to start the encounter with Spiritomb!

Encountering Another Spiritomb

You can summon another Spiritomb at the Hallowed Tower by redoing the quest at the Hallowed Tower!

Steps to encounter Spiritomb again
1 Obtain new Odd Keystones.
An Odd Keystone can be found at the pond south of Twinleaf Town, accessible with Surf. You can also get Odd Keystones from digging at walls at the Grand Underground.
2 Travel to Route 209 and place the Odd Keystone at the Hallowed Tower.
3 Interact with 32 NPCs underground.
4 Once completed, check the Hallowed Tower to start another encounter with Spiritomb.

Spiritomb Weaknesses

Only Weak to the Fairy Type

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Poison Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon

Players often run into trouble taking down Cynthia's Spiritomb. As a Ghost/Dark type, Spiritomb is only weak to one type - the Fairy type. Before becoming Champion, There are only a few Pokemon that have reliable Fairy-type moves. Getting one will help greatly against hitting Spiritomb for super-effective damage.

Some recommendations include Azumarill who learns Play Rough at level 25. or Gardevoir who learns Dazzling Gleam upon evolving from Kirlia. You can catch Ralts in the Grand Underground.

List of All Fairy-type Pokemon

Stall Out with Status

Spiritomb is known for its bulk as well, so another approach may be to whittle it down with status moves. Inflicting Burn or Poison while waiting out the turns can be a good way to slowly chip away at its bulk. Other options include Leech Seed or a Ghost-Type Curse.

How to Beat Champion Cynthia Guide

Best Nature for Spiritomb

Adamant or Jolly Natures are Best

List of Recommended Natures
Attack Special Attack
Def Speed

For players who intend to use Spiritomb to it's full potential, we recommend looking for one with an Adamant or Brave Nature. As a Physical Attacker, It would appreciate the increase to either it's Attack and not mind the drop in it's Special Attack nor it's already low Speed stat.

For Story Playthoughs, Attack and Speed Increasing Natures Should be Fine

When playing the main story, it isn't really necessary to have the best nature. Having any nature that boosts Attack should be fine. You will be able to change natures using Mints in the post-game so you can worry about that after clearing the main campaign.

How to Train and Breed Pokemon

Spiritomb Type and Abilities

Spiritomb - Type and Basic Info

Forbidden Pokémon
Pokemon - Spiritomb
Type 1 Type 2
Ghost Type Pokemon Dark Type Pokemon
Hatch Steps Weight
7680 238.1 lbs.

Spiritomb Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Poison Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon

Spiritomb Abilities

Name Description
Pressure The Pokemon raises the foe's PP usage.

Spiritomb Hidden Ability

Name Description
Infiltrator Passes through the foe's barrier and strikes.

Spiritomb Egg Group

Egg Groups
Pokemon - Amorphous Egg GroupAmorphous

Effort Values (EV) Earned

Effort Values (EV) Earned
HP EVs Attack EVs Defense EVs SpAtk EVs SpDef EVs Speed EVs
0 0 1 0 1 0

Held Item on Wild Encounter

No held item on wild encounter.

Spiritomb Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

Spiritomb Evolution Chart

Evolution Line
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
This Pokemon does not evolve.

Spiritomb Learnset

Learnset by Leveling Up

Lv. Move Type Power Acc. PP
Base Night Shade Ghost Type Move - 100 15
Base Confuse Ray Ghost Type Move - 100 10
5 Shadow Sneak Ghost Type Move 40 100 30
10 Spite Ghost Type Move - 100 10
15 Payback Dark Type Move 50 100 10
20 Nasty Plot Dark Type Move - - 20
25 Hex Ghost Type Move 65 100 10
30 Memento Dark Type Move - 100 10
35 Sucker Punch Dark Type Move 70 100 5
40 Curse Ghost Type Move - - 10
45 Shadow Ball Ghost Type Move 80 100 15
50 Dark Pulse Dark Type Move 80 100 15
55 Hypnosis Psychic Type Move - 60 20
60 Dream Eater Psychic Type Move 100 100 15

Learnset by TM

No. Move Type Power Acc. PP
3 Water Pulse Water Type Move 60 100 20
4 Calm Mind Psychic Type Move - - 20
11 Sunny Day Fire Type Move - - 5
12 Taunt Dark Type Move - 100 20
15 Hyper Beam Normal Type Move 150 90 5
17 Protect Normal Type Move - - 10
18 Rain Dance Water Type Move - - 5
29 Psychic Psychic Type Move 90 100 10
30 Shadow Ball Ghost Type Move 80 100 15
32 Double Team Normal Type Move - - 15
34 Shock Wave Electric Type Move 60 - 20
39 Rock Tomb Rock Type Move 60 95 15
41 Torment Dark Type Move - 100 15
42 Facade Normal Type Move 70 100 20
44 Rest Psychic Type Move - - 10
45 Attract Normal Type Move - 100 15
46 Thief Dark Type Move 60 100 25
58 Endure Normal Type Move - - 10
61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Type Move - 85 15
63 Nasty Plot Dark Type Move - - 20
66 Payback Dark Type Move 50 100 10
68 Giga Impact Normal Type Move 150 90 5
70 Flash Normal Type Move - 100 20
77 Psych Up Normal Type Move - - 10
78 Snarl Dark Type Move 55 95 15
79 Dark Pulse Dark Type Move 80 100 15
82 Sleep Talk Normal Type Move - - 10
85 Dream Eater Psychic Type Move 100 100 15
87 Swagger Normal Type Move - 85 15
90 Substitute Normal Type Move - - 10

Learnset through a Move Tutor

This Pokemon currently has no moves learned in this way.

Learnset via Egg Moves

Move Type Power Acc. PP
Smokescreen Normal Type Move 100 20
Shadow Sneak Ghost Type Move 40 100 30
Pain Split Normal Type Move - - 20
Imprison Psychic Type Move - - 10
Grudge Ghost Type Move - - 5
Foul Play Dark Type Move 95 100 15
Disable Normal Type Move - 100 20
Destiny Bond Ghost Type Move - - 5

Spiritomb Pokedex Number

Sinnoh Dex
Pokemon BDSP NoctowlNoctowl
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
Pokemon BDSP GibleGible
National Dex
Pokemon BDSP ChatotChatot
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
Pokemon BDSP GibleGible

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Spiritomb in Other Pokemon Games

Spiritomb in Other Pokemon Games
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Pokemon BDSP Pokedex

Pokemon BDSP Pokedex

Pokedex and List of All Pokemon

Pokemon by Pokedex

Pokemon Lists
Pokemon BDSP Bulbasaur.pngNational Pokedex Pokemon BDSP TurtwigSinnoh Pokedex Pokemon BDSP ArceusAll Legendaries

Pokemon by Generation

Pokemon Generations
Generation 1 PokemonGeneration 1 Generation 2 PokemonGeneration 2 Generation 3 PokemonGeneration 3 Generation 4 PokemonGeneration 4

Pokemon by Type

All Pokemon Types
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost Type,Ghost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal

Pokemon by Egg Group

All Pokemon Egg Groups
Grass Egg GroupGrass Bug Egg GroupBug Flying Egg GroupFlying
Human-like Egg GroupHuman-like Monster Egg GroupMonster Fairy Egg GroupFairy
Dragon Egg GroupDragon Mineral Egg GroupMineral Field Egg GroupField
Amorphous Egg GroupAmorphous Water 1 Egg GroupWater 1 Water 2 Egg GroupWater 2
Water 3 Egg GroupWater 3 Undiscovered Egg GroupUndiscovered Ditto Egg GroupDitto

List of All Egg Groups

Pokemon by Stats

Pokemon by Stats
Pokemon BDSP MewAll Pokemon by Base Stats Pokemon BDSP DeoxysAll Pokemon by Speed Stat Pokemon BDSP SnorlaxAll Pokemon by Weight Stat
ToegpiList of Pokemon by Hatch Steps Pokemon BDSP BlazikenList of Pokemon by EV Yield

Other Pokemon Lists

Other Lists
Unobtainable Pokemon.pngList of Unobtainable Pokemon Item.pngList of Wild Pokemon by Held Item


2 PokeStuffover 3 years

Champion Cynthia has a Spiritomb

1 Anonymousover 3 years

Actually, NPCs do count.


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