Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Pokemon Presents August 18: Everything We Learned

Pokemon BDSP August 18 Presents

The Pokemon Presents on August 18 revealed much about the new and powered-up features such as the Grand Undergound, Pokemon Hideaways, and more in the Diamond and Pearl Remakes! Dig into the details of the trailer and to find out everything we learned about Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)!

Everything We Learned from Pokemon Presents

Everything We Learned

Release Date Announced

Pokemon BDSP Release Date

The trailer officially confirmed the exact release date of the games would be November 19, 2021. Preorders for the game became available after the Pokemon Presents.

Release Date and Time

Fairy-Type Confirmed

Pokemon BDSP Fairy Type

Buneary's Charm move is listed as a Fairy-type, confirming that the Fairy-type will appear in the Sinnoh remakes. The Fairy-type was introduced in Generation 6, thus it did not appear in the original Diamond and Pearl games, which are part of Generation 4.

New Addition to Sinnoh Dex

Pokemon BDSP Lanturn

Lanturn can be spotted as part of a cinematic that plays when the commentator talks about the Sinnoh region's new features. Lanturn was not previously in either original Diamond and Pearl games, nor the Platinum expansion. It's unknown whether this is in-game footage or just part of the presentation, but Lanturn is highly likely to be part of the new Pokedex.

All Confirmed Pokemon

Gaming Corner Removed

Pokemon BDSP Metronome Style Shop

In Veilstone City, the Metronome Style Shop has replaced the Game Corner. This is most likely due to European ratings boards' guidelines on simulated gambling, as the Gaming Corner was a place where the player could play slot machines in order to earn in-game money.

Removed Features

HM Obstacles Still Present

Pokemon BDSP Cut Small Trees

In the presentation, a rocky wall and the small trees outside Team Galactic's Eterna HQ are both present, which indicates that the HM moves Rock Climb and Cut will still be needed in the game. It has since been confirmed that all HM moves will be returning and accessed through the Poketch.

How to Learn and Use HM Moves

Underground Adds Pokemon Hideaways

Pokemon BDSP Hideaways Exclusive

The Underground, now being referred to as the Grand Underground, retains all its features from the previous games, such as digging, Secret Bases, and the online features. A feature newly added is the Hideaways, where players can catch Pokemon exclusive only to the Hideaways. The Pokemon that can be encountered in Hideaways changes depending on the statues placed in your Secret Base.

Pokemon Hideaways Guide

Super Contest Shows Revamped

Pokemon BDSP Super Contest New Features

The scoring of Super Contest Shows has been revised. The goal now is to work together to earn a set amount of Hype Points for the show to be a success, instead of competing against each other for the most points. Score is determined now by Hype Points rather than hearts.

Additionally, the evaluations have been revised. Below are the changes to the 3 categories:

  • The Visual Category now takes into account Capsule Decoration, rather than Accessories placed on Pokemon.
  • The Dance Category now tests your ability of matching the rhythm of the notes as they appear on your screen, as opposed to pressing the right button when prompted.
  • The Move Category now factors in Move Chains performed by the contestants working together.

Super Contest Show Features

Outfit Customization Added

Pokemon BDSP Outfit Customization

Just like in Pokemon Sword and Shield, you can now customize the clothing of your character! You can purchase different outfits at the aforementioned Metronome Style Shop in Veilstone City.

Walking Pokemon Added

BDSP Walking Pokemon Buizel

The trailer showcases that your Pokemon can walk around with you on your adventure. In the past, this used to be limited to Amity Square but the remakes confirm that you can walk your Pokemon around the map.

Walking Pokemon Guide

Stickers Replacing Seals

Pokemon BDSP Capsule Decoration
The trailer reveals that Stickers now replace Seals, but it retains the same function of giving special effects to the animation of the Pokemon exiting the Pokeball. This, however, is now part of the Visual Evaluation of Super Contest Shows!

Stickers & Capsule Decoration

Union Room Replaces Nintendo WFC

Pokemon BDSP Union Room

In the Union Room, you can trade and battle with players over a local network connection or with players around the world via Wi-Fi connection (and a Nintendo Online Subscription). It has since been confirmed that you can access the Union Room from anywhere in the Sinnoh region now, simply by pressing the Y button.

Online Multiplayer Features

Berry Trees Returning

Pokemon BDSP Berry Trees

Berry Trees can be briefly spotted in the trailer. You can collect berries from berry trees and either use their effects on Pokemon, cook Poffins with them, or replant them to grow more berry trees. The trailer showed berry trees and empty soil patches, indicating that you will be able to grow berries again.

How to Grow Berries

Overworld Obstacles Returning

Pokemon BDSP Obstacles
The trailer confirms overworld obstacles will make a return in Brilliand Diamond and Shining Pearl. These include the mud traps in the Great Marsh!

Roark and Oreburgh Gym Return

Pokemon BDSP Oreburgh City Gym

The trailer shows a look at the games' faithful remake of Roark's Gym in Oreburgh City, including the gym layout and Roark's Cranidos and Level 12 Geodude.

Pokemon Presents August 18


This trailer contains over 3 minutes of gameplay footage and the release date announcement!

Full Pokemon Presents

The Pokemon Presents from August 18, 2021 contains the release date announcement trailer and extended footage of gameplay features! The extended footage begins at the 9:53 minute mark.

Pokemon BDSP News

Pokemon BDSP All Trailers

News and Game Info

All Trailers

Trailer Release Date
November 10 Final Trailer 11/10/2021
November 5 Trailers 11/05/2021
October 26 Trailer 10/26/2021
September 28 Trailer 09/28/2021
Pokemon Presents 08/18/2021
Announcement Trailer 02/26/2021
When Will the Next Trailer Drop?

All News Categories

All News & Game Info

Latest News
Differences and Best Version to Buy Pokemon HOME
How Long To Beat List of Glitches
Will There Be DLC? Ranked Battle
Dialga & Palkia Switch Lite Available Platforms
All Gen 4 Pokemon Excluded from Sword and Shield Connections to Legends Arceus
Release Date and Time Preorder Guide and Bonuses
All Confirmed Pokemon All Confirmed Moves
Remakes' Graphics Release Time and Countdown
Preload Guide -
Game Features
Everything We Know New Features & Differences
Version Exclusive Pokemon Multiplayer and Online Features
National Dex Mega Evolutions
Platinum Content Fairy Type
Removed Features Pal Park
Battle Frontier Dynamax and Gigantamax
Sword and Shield Compatibility Sinnoh Regional Variants


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