Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

September 28 Trailer: Everything We Learned

Pokemon BDSP New Trailer

Pokemon released a trailer on September 28 revealing more about Poffin Cooking, Amity Square, Hidden Moves, and more in the Diamond and Pearl Remakes! Read on for a trailer breakdown and to find out everything we learned with the freshest news about Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)!

Everything We Learned from the Trailer

Everything We Learned

Poketch Return Confirmed

The trailer confirmed the return of the Poketch, a feature from the originals that utilized the Nintendo DS' dual screen and touch screen. The Poketch now appears on the top right corner of the Switch's screen. It's unclear if it will utilize the Switch's touch screen, as that may make it difficult for players who play with the Switch docked.

Poketch varied applications are returning

The Poketch had 25 different applications in the originals, including a digital clock, calculator, berry checker, friendship checker, and more. Below are the Poketch applications confirmed for the remakes:

Digital Clock Pedometer / Step Counter Party List
Dowsing Machine Hidden Moves Summon -

All Poketch Applications

Hidden Moves Calls On Wild Pokemon

Pokemon BDSP Surfing HM

Moves that were once HM moves (such as Cut, Surf, Rock Climb) are now Hidden Moves that you summon wild Pokemon to use through an app on the Poketch. This way, you don't need to sacrifice a move slot of your party Pokemon or make use of an HM slave.

HMs (Hidden Machines) are moves that Pokemon had to learn and use outside of battle in order for you to clear obstacles and progress through the story. HMs could not be easily forgotten by Pokemon, so the player had to tailor their parties around it. Pokemon Sun & Moon (in Generation 7) saw the move away from HMs in gameplay, and that trend continues here.

Poffin Cooking Returns

Pokemon BDSP Poffin House

Poffin Cooking was confirmed to be a returning feature as well. Poffins are used to raise a Pokemon's conditions which include Beauty, Cool, Cute, Smart, and Tough for boosting the Pokemon's score in Super Contests. The trailer confirmed the return of the Poffin House in Hearthome City, where you could cook Poffins online with friends and other players.

The trailer also showed a Poffin Cooking station available in Amity Square, where there previously was none. This could indicate that Poffin Cooking stations could appear in multiple places around the region.

Poffin Cooking New Features

Amity Square Allows 6 Pokemon

Pokemon BDSP Amity Square

Amity Square now allows you to stroll around with up to 6 of your party Pokemon. In the previous games, you could only stroll around with 1 Pokemon and there were only about 10 Pokemon that were allowed as walking partners in Amity Square.

Possible less restrictions on Pokemon

Pokemon BDSP Amity Square New

The trailer doesn't show any new Pokemon being allowed into Amity Square, but the above promotional image shows in Amity Square an Eevee, who previously was not one of the allowed Pokemon.

Amity Square New Features

New Pokemon Confirmed

Below are the Pokemon that have not appeared in any marketing for the game until this trailer:

Pokemon BDSP Torchic.pngTorchic Pokemon BDSP Combee.pngCombee Pokemon BDSP Finneon.pngFinneon
Pokemon BDSP Jigglypuff.pngJigglypuff Pokemon BDSP Chansey.pngChansey -

The Torchic and Jigglypuff inclusion does further prove that the National Dex will be in the game, as both were only available to bring into Amity Square when the National Dex became available.

Is the National Dex in the Game?

Double Battles Partners Return

Pokemon BDSP Double Battles Riley

The trailer confirms the return of Cheryl and Riley, 2 of the characters you meet along your journey, who help you navigate Eterna Forest and Iron Island, respectively.

Double Battles Guide

First glimpse at Fairy-tpe move used in battle

Pokemon BDSP Fairy Disarming Voice

Cheryl still has her Pokemon Chansey, which is seen attacking with the Fairy-type move Disarming Voice, which was not in the original games. Riley similarly still has his Pokemon Riolu, which indicates he will still give you a Riolu egg after clearing Iron Island.

Gardenia's Gym Based on Originals

Pokemon BDSP Gardenia Gym Battle

Finally, gameplay of Gardenia's Gym Battle was shown. Her gym design seems like an accurate remake of the Diamond & Pearl version, which was a forest where the player had to find all of the gym's trainers. It's clearly not the Platinum version of the gym, which featured a meadow with a giant clock made of flowers.

Additionally, Gardenia still runs her Roserade with Grass Knot, which she gave as a TM after beating her.

How to Beat Gardenia

September 28 Trailer

September 28th, 2021 was the 15th anniversary of the original Diamond and Pearl's release in Japan, so Pokemon commemorated it with a trailer for the games' remakes!

Pokemon BDSP News

Pokemon BDSP All Trailers

News and Game Info

All Trailers

Trailer Release Date
November 10 Final Trailer 11/10/2021
November 5 Trailers 11/05/2021
October 26 Trailer 10/26/2021
September 28 Trailer 09/28/2021
Pokemon Presents 08/18/2021
Announcement Trailer 02/26/2021
When Will the Next Trailer Drop?

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