Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

List of Pedestals

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP - List of Pedestals.png
Pedestals allow you to display and customize your statues in your Secret Base in the Grand Underground. Read on for a list of all Pedestals, what to do with Pedestals, and where to get them.

List of Pedestals

Veilstone Department Store 4F

Pedestal Cost
Square Pedestal XSSquare Pedestal XS ₽1,000
Square Pedestal MSquare Pedestal M ₽1,000
Round Pedestal XSRound Pedestal XS ₽1,000
Round Pedestal MRound Pedestal M ₽1,000
Sturdy Pedestal XSSturdy Pedestal XS ₽1,000
Clear Pedestal XSClear Pedestal XS ₽1,000

Veilstone City Pokemon List and Map

Grand Underground Small Sphere Traders

Size XS

Pedestal Cost
Square Pedestal XSSquare Pedestal XS TBD
Round Pedestal XSRound Pedestal XS Red Sphere S x15 (Friday)
Sturdy Pedestal XSSturdy Pedestal XS Red Sphere S x15 (Friday)
Clear Pedestal XSClear Pedestal XS TBD
Spin Pedestal XSSpin Pedestal XS Blue Sphere S x25 (Wed/Fri)
Pale Sphere S x15 (Friday)
Spinback Pedestal XSSpinback Pedestal XS Blue Sphere S x25 (Saturday)
We are still in the process of collecting Pedestals and will update the list as we find more!

Size S

Pedestal Cost
Currently UnavailableSquare Pedestal S Red Sphere S x20
Sturdy Pedestal SSturdy Pedestal S Blue Sphere S x15 (Wednesday)
We are still in the process of collecting Pedestals and will update the list as we find more!

Size M

Pedestal Cost
Square Pedestal MSquare Pedestal M Pale Sphere S x9
Round Pedestal MRound Pedestal M TBD
Sturdy Pedestal MSturdy Pedestal M Prism Sphere S x7 (Wed/Sat)
Red Sphere S x25
Clear Pedestal MClear Pedestal M Red Sphere S x20 (Saturday)
Spin Pedestal MSpin Pedestal M Prism Sphere L x5 (Wednesday)
Currently UnavailableSpinback Pedestal M Prism Sphere L x10
We are still in the process of collecting Pedestals and will update the list as we find more!

Grand Underground Large Sphere Traders

Size L

Pedestal Cost
Square Pedestal LSquare Pedestal L Green Sphere L x10 (Friday)
Prism Sphere L x10
Round Pedestal LRound Pedestal L Blue Sphere L x15 (Friday)
Pale Sphere L x5 (Friday)
Sturdy Pedestal LSturdy Pedestal L Blue Sphere L x10 (Friday)
Prism Sphere L x3-5 (Wed/Fri)
Red Sphere L x15
Clear Pedestal LClear Pedestal L Blue Sphere L x15 (Friday)
Spin Pedestal LSpin Pedestal L Prism Sphere L x7 (Wednesday)
Diamond Pedestal LDiamond Pedestal L Prism Sphere L x20 (Friday)
Currently UnavailablePearl Pedestal L Pale Sphere L x25-30 (Friday)
We are still in the process of collecting Pedestals and will update the list as we find more!

Size XL

Pedestal Cost
Square Pedestal XLSquare Pedestal XL Green Sphere L x20 (Saturday)
Round Pedestal XLRound Pedestal XL Red Sphere L x20 (Saturday)
Sturdy Pedestal XLSturdy Pedestal XL Blue Sphere L x20
Green Sphere L x20 (Saturday)
Prism Sphere L x12
Clear Pedestal XLClear Pedestal XL Green Sphere L x20
Pale Sphere L x10 (Saturday)
Spin Pedestal XLSpin Pedestal XL Green Sphere L x25-40 (Wednesday)
Pale Sphere L x20 (Friday)
Prism Sphere L x10
Spinback Pedestal XLSpinback Pedestal XL Blue Sphere L x50
Green Sphere L x40
Red Sphere L x40 (Saturday)
Dawn Pedestal XLDawn Pedestal XL Pale Sphere L x25 (Wednesday)
We are still in the process of collecting Pedestals and will update the list as we find more!

What are Pedestals

Used to Display Statues

Pokemon BDSP - Pedestal Statue.png

Pedestals let you display your statues in your secret bases, allowing you to further customize your collections.

Keep in mind that the certain pedestals only fit appropriately-sized statues. Larger statues, for example, require L or XL-sized pedestals.

List of Statues and Effects

Where to Get Pedestals

Trade in the Grand Underground

Pokemon BDSP - Pedestals.png

You can purchase pedestals from Sphere Traders located throughout the Grand Underground using Spheres!

Keep in mind that while Sphere Traders stay in the same place and offer the same selection of Pedestals, the sphere exchange rate changes everyday. You can always check back tomorrow for a better deal if you don't have the right amount of spheres at the moment!

Sphere Trader Locations

Purchase from Veilstone Department Store

Pokemon BDSP - Veilstone Department Store Fourth Floor.png

You can also purchase pedestals in on the 4th floor of the Veilstone Department Store. However, the selection is very limited and the two stores only offer XS and M Pedestals.

Veilstone City Map

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Grand Underground

Grand Underground Features

Grand Underground Guides

Grand Underground Maps & Data
All Underground Pokemon Grand Underground Map: Items & NPC Locations
Grand Underground Guides
Pokemon Hideaways Underground Man Missions
List of Statues and Effects How to Get Shiny Statues
Digging for Treasure All Treasures and Appearance Rates
How to Make a Secret Base How to Find Diglett
Sphere Trader Locations List of Spheres
List of Pedestals
Removed Features
Capture the Flag Traps

Grand Underground Pokemon Locations

Hideaways and List of Pokemon
Fountainspring CaveFountainspring Cave
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Grass Type Icon
Stargleam CavernStargleam Cavern
(Various types)
Dazzling Cave IconDazzling Cave
(Various types)
Grassland Cave IconGrassland Cave
Pokemon Grass Type IconPokemon Bug Type Icon
Spacious Cave IconSpacious Cave
(Various types)
Big Bluff Cavern Icon
Big Bluff Cavern

Pokemon Ground Type Icon
Riverbank CaveRiverbank Cave
(Various types)
Volcanic Cave IconVolcanic Cave
Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Sandsear Cave IconSandsear Cave
Pokemon Fire Type IconPokemon Ground Type Icon
Rocky Cave IconRocky Cave
Pokemon Ground Type IconPokemon Rock Type Icon
Bogsunk Cavern IconBogsunk Cavern
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Poison Type Icon
Still-Water Cavern IconStill-Water Cavern
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Grass Type Icon
Whiteout Cave IconWhiteout Cave
Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Icy Cave IconIcy Cave
Pokemon Ice Type IconPokemon Water Type Icon
Glacial Cavern IconGlacial Cavern
Pokemon Ice Type IconPokemon Water Type Icon
Swampy Cave IconSwampy Cave
Pokemon Grass Type IconPokemon Poison Type Icon
Typhlo Cavern IconTyphlo Cavern
Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Sunlit Cavern IconSunlit Cavern
(Various types)

All Grand Underground Pokemon Locations


10 Anonymousabout 1 year

i found Sq. Pedastal XL (blue sphere L x25) Clear Pedastal XL (green sphere L x25) Sturdy Pedastal XL (green sphere L x25) Spinback Pedastal XL (red sphere L x50) Spinback Pedastal L (blue sphere L x25) they were in the southwestern zone on sunday hope this helps your list


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