Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Pokerus Effects and How to Infect Your Pokemon

Pokemon BDSP Pokerus Effects

Pokerus is a beneficial virus that infects Pokemons and helps with EV training. Read on to learn about the Pokerus effects, how to spread Pokerus, and if Pokerus is good or bad in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Pokerus Meaning and Effects

Doubles EV Growth Rate

Pokemon BDSP Pokerus Infected

A Pokemon with Pokerus has its EV growth rate doubled and can pass it onto the other 5 members of the party. Don't worry; having Pokerus (short for Pokemon Virus) is actually beneficial to your Pokemon.

Displayed on Pokemon Summary

Pokemon BDSP Pokerus EVs

You can tell a Pokemon is infected with Pokerus when treating your party Pokemon at a Pokemon Center. The nurse will mention if one of them is infected. Additionally, it will also be displayed in your Pokemon's Summary page if it currently has or was infected with Pokerus.

Pokerus Icon Meanings

Pokerus Icon Meanings

The effects of Pokerus will last forever, even if your Pokemon has healed from the virus. "Previously Infected" simply means that the Pokemon won't be able to spread it to your other Pokemon.

Is Pokerus Good or Bad?

Good; No Negative Side Effects

Pokemon BDSP Pokerus EV Growth

Despite its name, Pokerus has no negative side effects on your Pokemon and is purely beneficial.

Benefits to EV Training

Pokemon BDSP Wild Battle

Pokerus doubles your EV gain, meaning it'll take you half the time to get to max EVs for a particular stat.

EVs are extra points added to the base value of a Pokemon's six main stats (HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed). Defeating Pokemon in battle rewards your Pokemon with EVs.

How to EV Train Fast

How to Spread Pokerus

Get Via Online Trade

A Pokemon gets Pokerus randomly from battle, but the probability of catching Pokerus is only 3/65536. The fastest way to get Pokerus is to trade online for a Pokemon who is already known to have Pokerus.

Pokerus Trading Board

Spread Pokerus to Party Members

Once you have 1 Pokemon with Pokerus, put that Pokemon in your party with 5 other Pokemon. Engage in battles against wild Pokemon or other trainers, and over time, the other 5 Pokemon in your party will be infected with Pokerus.

Pokerus Duration

1 to 4 Days

A Pokemon with Pokerus will recover from it in 1 to 4 days in the game. However, the effect of gaining double the EVs will remain. Once your Pokemon has recovered from Pokerus, it will not be able to infect other Pokemon and will be unable to receive it again in the future.

Prolong Pokerus by Storing in Boxes

Pokemon BDSP Pokerus Infected Boxes

You can prevent your Pokerus-infected Pokemon from recovering from Pokerus by storing them in Pokemon Boxes or Pokemon HOME. However, note that Pokerus does not spread to other Pokemon inside Pokemon Boxes or Pokemon HOME.

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Training and Breeding

Training and Breeding

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How to Level Up Fast How to EV Train Fast
How to Reroll for Best Nature and IVs How to Increase IVs
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How to Learn Egg Moves How to Change a Pokemon's Nature
How to Check EVs How to Check Pokemon IVs
How to Hatch Eggs Faster How to Get Hidden Abilities
How to Catch High IV Pokemon How to Increase Friendship


2 Alanaabout 3 years

I finally got pokerus and it happens to be my manaphy- the one who needs least training Hope it spreads-

1 Arlaÿnabout 3 years

You can spread Pokérus to unhatched Pokémon; if you have your eggs next to an infected Pokémon in your party and run away from 2-3 wild Pokémon, the egg will hatch an infected Pokémon. The egg won’t show the Pokérus status


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