Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Blaziken Best Moveset and Build

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) - Blaziken Best Moveset and Build.png
Blaziken is one of the best offensive leads with access to powerful moves and a great Hidden Ability. Read on to find out the best build, the best moveset, basic information, stats and recommended partners for Blaziken in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Blaziken - Related Guides
Evolution and Learnset Build for Ranked Battle

Blaziken Best Build and Moveset

Speed Boost Lead

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP BlazikenBlaziken Speed Boost Focus Sash Blaze Kick
Close Combat
Swords Dance
Nature / EVsAdamant 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Final Stats155 HP / 189 Atk / 91 Def / 90 Sp.Def / 132 Spd

Using Blaziken

Blaziken is best used early or at the very start of the match as a lead to take advantage of Speed Boost, with Focus Sash guaranteeing that it at least gets one Speed Boost and Swords Dance up.

Blaze Kick and Close Combat are its strongest STAB moves and has great neutral coverage. U-Turn lets it pivot out of the battle and is mostly used to switch out against a Pokemon that it has an unfavorable match-up against.

Other Viable Moves

Fire Punch A weaker but more accurate alternative to Blaze Kick, trading power over reliability.
Reversal A great alternative to Close Combat and works well with Focus Sash, with the item bringing Blaziken safely down to 1 HP. At 1 HP, this move has a Base Power of 200.
Protect A good alternative to Swords Dance to guarantees Blaziken gets 1 more Speed Boost.
Baton Pass Another good alternative to Swords Dance and lets Blaziken help out its teammates by baton passing its Speed boosts.

Blaziken Basic Information

Blaziken - Type

Blaze Pokemon
Pokemon - Blaziken
Type 1 Type 2
Fire Type Pokemon Fighting Type Pokemon

Blaziken Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Pokemon Bug Type Icon
Takes 0x damage

Blaziken Abilities

Name Description
Blaze Powers up Fire-type moves in a pinch

Blaziken Hidden Ability

Name Description
Speed Boost Its Speed stat is gradually boosted.

Blaziken Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

Blaziken Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✔︎ Great stat distribution lets it run physical, special, or mixed builds
✔︎ Great neutral coverage with Fire and Fighting-type STAB
✖︎ Relatively low defenses make it a frail setup sweeper
✖︎ Susceptible to Trick Room

A Powerful Offensive Lead

Blaziken is one of the best offensive leads in competitive play, with its Speed Boost Ability giving it a +1 Speed boost at the end of every turn, allowing it to potentially outspeed every Pokemon in the game if it accumulates enought boosts!

A Great Baton Pass User

While Blaziken is often used as an offensive lead, it's also a great Baton Pass user. Unlike other Baton Passers that are relatively frail, Blaziken's great offensive stats let it deal significant damage to potential checks, making it difficult for them to switch in once it accumulates enough stat boosts.

Beat it with Priority Moves

Although Blaziken has the potential to outspeed every Pokemon in the game once it accumulates enough Speed boosts, it's still susceptible to priority moves that bypass its Speed stat.

Pokemon Description
Pokemon BDSP AzumarillAzumarill Ranking:★★★★★
・Resists both of Blaziken's STAB moves
・Can potentially KO or severely weaken Blaziken with STAB Aqua Jet
Pokemon BDSP DragoniteDragonite Ranking:★★★★★
・Resists both of Blaziken's STAB moves and has increased bulk with Multiscale
・Can threaten or KO weakened Blaziken with Extreme Speed
Pokemon BDSP EnteiEntei Ranking:★★★★
・Resists Blaziken's Fire-type STAB
・Can threaten or KO weakened Blaziken with Extreme Speed

Check it with Unaware Pokemon

Blaziken relies on Speed and Swords Dance boost to keep up offensive presence, but the Ability Unaware completely negates this strategy. When facing a Pokemon with this Ability, Blaziken can't do much other than switch out to another Pokemon.

Pokemon Description
Pokemon BDSP QuagsireQuagsire Ranking:★★★★★
・Resists Blaziken's Fire-type STAB and has Recover
・Can threaten Blaziken with STAB Earthquake or cripple it with Toxic
Pokemon BDSP ClefableClefable Ranking:★★★★
・Resists Blaziken's Fighting-type STAB and has Moonlight
・Can cripple Blaziken with Thunder Wave

Best Natures for Blaziken

Best Natures
(Atk ↑ Sp.Atk↓)
(Atk↑ Sp.Def ↓)
(Spd↑ Sp.Atk ↓)

What are Natures?

Best Partners for Blaziken

Wash Rotom

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP Wash RotomWash Rotom Levitate Sitrus Berry Hydro Pump
Volt Switch
Nature / EVsBold 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 Sp.Def
Final Stats157 HP / 174 Def / 125 Sp.Atk / 128 Sp.Def / Spd 106

Blaziken's weakness to Bulky Water-types make Wash Rotom a great partner, being a great pivot as well thanks to Volt Switch
. Even Water-types with a secondary Ground-type will think twice switching into Wash Rotom as it can hamper their passive recovery with Will-O-Wisp.


Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP SuicuneSuicune Pressure Leftovers Scald
Ice Beam
Calm Mind
Nature / EVsTimid 252 HP / 28 Def / Spd 228
Final Stats207 HP / 139 Def / Sp.Atk 110 / Sp.Def 135 / Spd 147

Suicune is another great partner, particularly against bulky Ground-types like Gliscor and Hippowdon that can easily wall Blaziken. Its Pressure Ability also helps deter stall since it raises the opposing Pokemon's PP usage, making it tough to beat in prolonged matches.

Thanks to Suicune's great natural bulk and respectable Speed, it can setup Substitute to Calm Mind or deal good damage with Scald or Ice Beam. Gliscor, in particular, takes a lot of damage from Suicune's attacks even with no Special Attack investment.

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1 Anonymousabout 3 years

Focus Sash works great with Acrobatics too. Gives you perfect Neutral Coverage, but you may have to give up Flare Blitz and instead use Fire Punch. SD turn one.


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