Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Is the National Dex in the Game?

Pokemon BDSP National Dex

The National Dex is available in the Diamond and Pearl Remakes! Learn how the National Dex returns and how many Pokemon are on the National Pokedex of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

National Dex Guides
Pokemon BDSP SylveonIs the National Dex in the Game? Pokemon BDSP BulbasaurHow to Unlock the National Dex Pokemon BDSP ArceusList of All Pokemon

Is the National Dex in the Game?

National Pokedex of 493 is Present

Pokemon BDSP National Dex Number

The National Dex is available in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and contains all 493 Pokemon of the first 4 Generations. Like in the originals, you can obtain the National Dex by encountering the first 150 Pokemon (up until Palkia, not Manaphy) of the native Sinnoh Pokedex.

How to Unlock the National Dex

National Dex Pokemon Encounters via Hideaways and Poke Radar

Pokemon BDSP National Dex

A change from the previous games is that you can encounter Pokemon not from the native Sinnoh Dex in Pokemon Hideaways before even getting the National Dex. These Pokemon appear to be from the Platinum Pokedex, which is different from BDSP's Sinnoh Dex, which follows the original Diamond and Pearl's records.

When you encounter these Pokemon not from the Native Sinnoh Dex, they won't be appear in your Pokedex list until you receive the National Dex. The same goes for the free Mew and Jirachi gifts.

Pokemon Hideaways Guide

National Dex Pokemon spawn via Poke Radar

After receiving the National Dex and Poke Radar, you'll be able to encounter National Dex Pokemon in patches of grass in the routes of the Sinnoh region and in Pokemon Hideaways.

How to Use the Poke Radar

How Many Pokemon are on the National Dex?

493 Pokemon

Only the first 493 Pokemon from Generations 1 to 4 are present in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, which was also the case for the original Diamond and Pearl, as they were only realeased in Generation 4.

Pokedex and List of All Pokemon

No Pokemon from Gen 5 or Later

Pokemon nos. 494 to 898 and regional variants of Pokemon introduced in Generations 1 through 4 are not in the game. They're also unable to be traded in or transfered from other games such as Pokemon Sword and Shield. The games most likely don't support the models and textures of these Pokemon, so it's also unlikely that we'll see them become available via Pokemon HOME when support for that launches in 2022.

Pokemon HOME Support and Compatibility

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