Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Super Contest Show Guide and New Features

Pokemon BDSP Super Contest New Features

Win Super Contests by earning the most amount of points in Visual, Dance, and Move Evaluations and getting successful shows. Read on to learn what the new features and mechanics of Super Contest Shows are, how to be the Star of the Show, how to get successful shows, how to win Ribbons, and more in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

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How to Win Star of the Show in Super Contests

Star of the Show

Your Pokemon will be awarded as the Star of the Show if it rakes up the most points among all contestants on the Visual, Dance, and Move Evaluations of the Contest.

How to Be Star of the Show in Contests

Feed Your Pokemon Poffins

Maxed Out Conditions

Earn more Visual Evaluation points by gearing a Pokemon's condition heavily towards the category they're competing in.

Feed the Pokemon Poffins to raise its conditions, such as Beauty, Cool, Cute, Smart, and Tough.

You can cook Poffins at the Poffin House in the south side of Hearthome City or in Amity Square, which can be accessed on either the northeast or northwest corners of the city.

If you want your Pokemon to dominate the Contest stage, aim to maximize your Pokemon's condition by cooking high-level Poffins

Best Poffin Recipes

Different flavors increase different conditions and are affected by Nature

Condition Poffin Flavor
Beauty Dry
Coolness Spicy
Cuteness Sweet
Cleverness Bitter
Toughness Sour

Poffins are made from berries and the flavor of the Poffin depends on the Berries used to cook it. The above table illustrates the conditions raised by each flavor. You can check a Berry's flavor by viewing its tag in the Bag.

Note that if a Pokemon likes a flavor, the condition will be boosted a bit more, per Poffin. However, if it dislikes a flavor, the condition will be boosted a bit less. Whether a Pokemon likes or dislikes a Poffin flavor is determined by its Nature.

Nature Flavor Chart

Let Pokemon Hold Colored Scarfs

Scarf Guy Pastoria City

You can get colored Scarfs from the Scarf Guy in Pastoria City to raise the condition of your Pokemon participating in Contests. Show him Pokemon with conditions you've already raised with Poffins and he will give you a Scarf.

Simply let the Pokemon that will compete in the Contest hold a Scarf before joining a show.

Scarf Condition Raised
Red Scarf ImageRed Scarf Coolness
Blue Scarf ImageBlue Scarf Beauty
Pink Scarf ImagePink Scarf Cuteness
Green Scarf ImageGreen Scarf Cleverness
Yellow Scarf ImageYellow Scarf Toughness

Decorate Ball Capsule with Stickers

Sticker Preview

The Stickers you use on a Ball Capsule should be based on the Contest category that you will compete in, as the effect should match the theme. The effect of the sticker is denoted in the Sticker's title (e.g. Heart, Fire, Song, Electricity, etc.).

These Ball Capsules should be decorated before joining a Contest, as you will be prompted to choose which Ball Capsule to use before the event starts.

You can get Stickers by beating Gym Leaders, talking to certain NPCs in the overworld, or buying them at Sunyshore City's Sticker store.

Pokeball Stickers & Capsule Decoration

Recommended Stickers per Category

Contest Category Sticker
Coolness Electricity Sticker
Beauty Party Sticker
Cuteness Heart Sticker
Cleverness Song Sticker
Toughness Smoke Sticker

Aim to Perfectly Hit Notes in Rhythm Game

Dance Evaluation

A great way to get high scores at the Dance Evaluation is to keep practicing. If you're lagging behind or pressing too early, repeat the show a couple of times until you get the flow of the song. There is no penalty in losing Contests, so you're free to do it as many times as you can!

Always maintain positive groove

Positive Groove Max Positive Groove Negative Groove Max Negative Groove
Positive Groove Max Positive Groove Negative Groove Max Negative Groove

Your Pokemon's groove in the Contest depends on how well you are performing in the Dance Evaluation. You can expect that you will get high points in the Dance Evaluation if you've managed to maintain positive groove throughout the entire show.

Furthermore, groove is tied on some Contest moves and can dictate how effective a Contest move is.

Use Contest Move if Expecting to Miss Notes

If you feel like you're about to miss a series of upcoming notes, you can use your Contest Move as an emergency button. This will play a cutscene of your Pokemon using the move, giving you time to get back on your feet and refocus on the rhythm.

Take Advantage of Move Chains

Pokemon BDSP Move Evaluation

Contest Moves are far more effective when it is used along with other performers to create a Move Chain. Press X once the other Pokemon have queued in their moves.

Move Chains give out bonus points towards the Hype Meter. The higher the chain, the more Hype Points are earned.

Moves Chains also give out more points if all contestants use similar move types, but this is harder to rely on as the Pokemon and the moves other contestants use vary.

Learn When to Use Contest Move Based on Its Effects

Super Contest Moves Description

Moves in Super Contests have different effects, which can be checked in the Pokemon's Summary screen. Utilizing these moves well and using it on the right time will help you win Contests.

It is still recommended to use your Contest Move along with other participants to take advantage of Move Chains. If you see moves are lining up, use your move as well.

Move effects list and when to use

Move Description When to Use
Hype Points gained will increase by a set amount if groove if positive Great to use when you're doing well in the rhythm game and to fill up the Hype Meter
Hype Points gained will increase by a set amount if groove if negative Not recommended, as you need to miss notes to bring your Pokemon's groove down
Groove will not drop for a set amount of time Useful when you're about to miss notes due to mistimed button presses
Missed notes will not be judged by a set amount of time Useful when you're about to miss notes due to mistimed button presses
For a set amount of time, the Heart Gauge will be easier to fill up Very useful in making shows successful and when aiming to rack up Hall Points
Receive 1-5 Hype Points depending on the Pokemon's groove Use only when you have positive groove
The move has no additional effects Not recommended, as this move will only give Hype Points and nothing more
Note: Hype Points gained and values vary per move.

Hype Points gained will increase by 3 if groove is positive is the best possible move to use

Hype Point Bonus

Any move with this effect is the best move to use in Contests as it will be more effective if your Pokemon's groove is positive, which should already secure high points in the Dance Evaluation. The Hype Point bonus will also contribute to having a successful show.

How to Get Successful Shows

Pokemon BDSP Contest Dance

Besides being the Star of the Show, the show you participate in must be considered a success in order to move up the ranks of Contest categories. You will achieve this if you fill up the Hype Meter to the indicated limit, which is done by performing well in Dance Evaluations and using the correct Contest Moves.

Each rank will have a higher Hype Meter limit you need to reach to have a successful show, with each rhythm game being harder the higher the rank.

Successful shows also give you Hall Points, which levels up the Contest Hall once you get enough. This brings physical changes on the Contest Hall that the Pokemon are performing at.

Hit Notes to Fill Up Heart Gauge

Heart Gauge Hype Meter
Heart Gauge.png Hype Meter

Hitting the notes at the right time fills up the Heart Gauge. Once this is full, hearts will fly towards the Hype Meter, filling it up.

How much the Heart Gauge is filled up is based on the rating of your timing, denoted as Too Fast/Too Slow, Nice, Great, and Brilliant (in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond) or Shining (in Pokemon Shining Pearl).

It takes practice to master the rhythm of the songs, so keep on playing until you can hit all the notes perfectly.

Use Moves that Give Boosts to Hype Points and the Heart Gauge

To fill up the Hype Meter quickly, use moves that give Hype Points instead of those that give you immunity from missing notes.

Recommended Contest Moves for Successful Shows
  • Moves that increase Hype Points gained if groove is positive
  • Moves that makes the Heart Gauge easier to fill up
  • Moves that give Hype Points depending on the user's groove

Super Contest New Features and Mechanics

Star of the Show and Successful Shows

Contest Results

Super Contests in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl now feature two win conditions. You need to achieve both of these in order to dominate Sinnoh's Contest stage!

Star of the Show

Star of the Show Evaluation Points

A Pokemon that scores the highest points at the end of the show is awarded as the Star of the Show. Points in the Visual, Dance, and Move Evaluations are added and whoever has the highest total points is announced as the winner.

To win Ribbons, a Pokemon must be the Star of the Show of the Master Rank Contest in the Category it competed in.

Note that in case of ties, more than one Pokemon can be awarded the Star of the Show.

Successful Shows and the Hype Meter

Filling the Hype Meter

Hype Points and the Hype Meter are new mechanics introduced in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl's Super Contests. All Contest participants share a new goal of filling up the Hype Meter, which can be seen at the top of the screen, by earning Hype Points from using Contest moves and performing well in the Dance Evaluation.

Getting enough points and reaching the Hype Meter limit will mark the show a success, unlocking higher ranks and letting you earn Hall Points, which upgrades the stage that you are performing at.

Shows deemed as failures

Failed Show

A show will be considered as a failure if you did not get enough Hype Points and fail to fill up the Hype Meter to the limit.

Ball Capsule Decoration

Pokemon BDSP Visual Evaluation

In Super Contest Shows, Ball Capsule decorations are judged in Visual Evaluations, along with the level of a Pokemon's condition. You need to use Stickers that match the Contest category to earn high points in the Visual Evaluation part of the Contest!

How to Use Ball Capsules

New Dance Evaluation

Dance Evaluation
For the Dance evaluation, Super Contest Shows now test your ability of matching the rhythm of the notes as they appear on your screen. Timing is rated as Too Fast/Too Slow, Nice, Great, and Brilliant (in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond) or Shining (in Pokemon Shining Pearl).

The better your performance in the Dance Evaluation, the easier it is to fill up the Hype Meter, which helps in guaranteeing a successful show!

Contest Moves and Move Chains

Four Move Combo

Moves are now only used once and is tied to the Dance Evaluation's gameplay. Performers can also work together to time their Contest Moves together to create a Move Chain, which garners a lot of Hype Points to fill the Hype Meter.

Moves also has different effects, which can be used strategically during the rhythm game.

Hall Ranks and Points

Hall Points

If you finish a Contest with the Hype Meter filled up, the show is considered a success, and you will be rewarded with Hall Points.

Once you gain enough Hall Points, your Hall Rank will level up and the Contest stage will have a different appearance!

Hall Rank Contest Stage
Hall Rank 1 Hall Rank 1
Hall Rank 2 Hall Rank 2
Hall Rank 3 Hall Rank 3
Hall Rank 4 Hall Rank 4

Super Contest Show Rules and Rewards

Super Contest Categories

Contest Categories
Coolness Beauty Cuteness
Cleverness Toughness Brilliant (in BD)
Shining (in SP)

Super Contests are divided into six categories, with the sixth one being a new entry in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

Each category will focus on a specific condition,, as well as its own song that will play during the rhythm game.

Brilliant and Shining Category

Shining Contest Master Rank

A new category is added in Super Contests in the remakes, with the Brilliant category being exclusive to Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, and the Shining category being exclusive to Pokemon Shining Pearl.

To unlock this, you need to defeat the Elite Four and beat Cynthia to enter the Hall of Fame.

A Contest Star Ribbon is required to participate in these new categories, which will be awarded to a Pokemon if it wins all Master Rank shows in the Coolness, Beauty, Cuteness, Cleverness, and Toughness category.

Winning the Master Rank of this category will earn your a Twinkling Star Ribbon!

Super Contest Ranks

Contest Ranks from Lowest to Highest
Normal Great Ultra Master

Each Contest category is further divided into ranks. To compete in a higher rank, the show you will participate in must be considered a success, which means that you need to fill in the Hype Meter past the required limit.

When you join a certain Contest category, you will start in Normal rank. You will not be able to participate in higher ranks until all lower rank shows are considered a success.

As you move up into the ranks, you will face tougher contestants, and the rhythm game will also get harder.

Sticker Rewards

Sticker Reward

You will get Stickers when you and your Pokemon are awarded as the Star of the Show. The Sticker you will obtain will depend on the Contest category that you have participated in.

How to Use Stickers (Pokeball Seals)

Ribbon Rewards

Ribbon Requirement
Coolness Master Ribbon
Coolness Master Ribbon
Be Star of the Show in the Coolness Contest on Master Rank
Beauty Master Ribbon
Beauty Master Ribbon
Be Star of the Show in the Beauty Contest on Master Rank
Cuteness Master RibbonCuteness Master Ribbon Be Star of the Show in the Cuteness Contest on Master Rank
Smart Master Ribbon
Cleverness Master Ribbon
Be Star of the Show in the Cleverness Contest on Master Rank
Tough Master Ribbon
Toughness Master Ribbon
Be Star of the Show in the Toughness Contest on Master Rank
Contest Star RibbonContest Star Ribbon Be Star of the Show in all Contests on Master Rank
Twinkling Star Ribbon
Twinkling Star Ribbon
Be Star of the Show in Brilliant or Shining Contest on Master Rank

Ribbons are awarded only when your Pokemon is awarded as the Star of the Show in a Master Rank Competition of a Contest Category.

You need to perform well in all Evaluations in a Contest to be the Star of the Show.

If you want to collect Ribbons for your Pokemon, aim to be the best performer in every rank of a Contest!

List of Ribbons

What are Super Contest Shows?

Contests in Hearthome City

Hearthome City Pokemon Contest

Super Contest Shows are a popular pastime in the Sinnoh region where players can compete with their Pokemon without having to engage in battles. You can take part in Super Contest Shows in the Contest Hall, the building with the dome-shaped roof in the northern section of Hearthome City.

Gym Leader Fantina and Johanna, your mom, are frequent visitors of the Contest Hall.

Compete in Different Categories

Pokemon BDSP Super Contest Shows

There are several Contest categories you can take part in; Coolness, Cuteness, Beauty, Toughness, and Cleverness, with the Brilliant or Shining category being unlocked after defeating the Champion.

Rank Up to Master

Pokemon BDSP Super Contest Show Categories.jpeg
Each category has 4 ranks, with each succeeding rank escalating in difficulty. The ranks are Normal, Great, Ultra, and Master.

In each category, your first contest will be on the Normal Rank. If you win on Normal Rank, you can start participating in the Great Rank of that category and so on. The show must be considered a success to unlock the next rank, until you reach the final Master Rank.

Special Contestants May Join!

Special Guests in Contests

On Master Rank Contests, Fantina, Hearthome City's Gym Leader and Jasmine, Olivine CIty's Gym Leader back in the Johto region will join the show! Compared to other contestants, their Pokemon can receive high ratings. You may also face your mom, Johanna, and her Kangaskhan!

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