Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Is Pal Park in the Game?

Pokemon BDSP Pal Park

The Pal Park has been removed from the Diamond and Pearl Remakes and replaced with Ramanas Park.Read on to learn how Pal Park returns in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Is Pal Park in the Game?

Replaced With Ramanas Park

Pal Park Pokemon BDSP

Ramanas Park replaces the Pal Park feature from the originals. The Pal Park was originally used to transfer Pokemon from previous Pokemon games such as FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, and Sapphire to the Gen 4 games of Diamond and Pearl. Such is not the case anymore for Ramanas Park.

Removed Features

Now a location for encountering Legendary Pokemon

Pokemon BDSP Ramanas Park Genome Room

In Ramanas Park, there are new caverns (not from the originals) that seem to house machines. Interact with these machines by inputting certain Slates, which trigger encounters with different legendaries, depending on the version of the games you have.

How to Encounter Legendary Pokemon in Ramanas Park

Still the Same Location and Building

Pokemon BDSP Pal Park

Ramanas Park is found where Pal Park originally was, at the end of Route 221. It's the building with the orange roof at the eastern end of the route.

Additionally, 2 Construction Workers still block the entrance to Ramanas Park until you unlock the National Dex, just like with the original Pal Park.

How to Unlock the National Dex

How to Transfer Pokemon Without Pal Park

Transfer Pokemon Through HOME

Pokemon HOME

Now, in Generation 8, the primary method of transferring Pokemon between games on different consoles (Nintendo Switch or mobile) is Pokemon HOME. It has been announced HOME support for the Diamond and Pearl remakes will be arriving in 2022.

It's still unconfirmed if Pokemon HOME will allow transferring of Pokemon between Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl and Sword & Shield and even Legends Arceus, all of which are Nintendo Switch games.

Pokemon HOME Support and Compatibility

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