Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Stat Ranking: List of All Pokemon by Base Stats

This page lists all the Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) ranked by their stats, both for individual stats and stat totals. Read on to find out what base stats are and which stats they affect.

List of All Pokemon by Base Stats

This list includes all 493 Pokemon which are currently available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

H - HP
A - Attack
B - Defense
C - Special Attack
D - Special Defense
S - Speed
Pokémon H A B C D S Total
Arceus ImageArceus 120 120 120 120 120 120 720
Mewtwo ImageMewtwo 106 110 90 154 90 130 680
Giratina (Altered Forme) ImageGiratina (Altered Forme) 150 100 120 100 120 90 680
Giratina (Origin Forme) ImageGiratina (Origin Forme) 150 120 100 120 100 90 680
Palkia ImagePalkia 90 120 100 150 120 100 680
Dialga ImageDialga 100 120 120 150 100 90 680
Lugia ImageLugia 106 90 130 90 154 110 680
Ho-Oh ImageHo-Oh 106 130 90 110 154 90 680
Rayquaza ImageRayquaza 105 150 90 150 90 95 680
Regigigas ImageRegigigas 110 160 110 80 110 100 670
Slaking ImageSlaking 150 160 100 95 65 100 670
Kyogre ImageKyogre 100 100 90 150 140 90 670
Groudon ImageGroudon 100 150 140 100 90 90 670
Salamence ImageSalamence 95 135 80 110 80 100 600
Tyranitar ImageTyranitar 100 134 110 95 100 61 600
Dragonite ImageDragonite 91 134 95 100 100 80 600
Mew ImageMew 100 100 100 100 100 100 600
Shaymin (Sky Forme) ImageShaymin (Sky Forme) 100 103 75 120 75 127 600
Shaymin (Land Forme) ImageShaymin (Land Forme) 100 100 100 100 100 100 600
Darkrai ImageDarkrai 70 90 90 135 90 125 600
Manaphy ImageManaphy 100 100 100 100 100 100 600
Cresselia ImageCresselia 120 70 120 75 130 85 600
Heatran ImageHeatran 91 90 106 130 106 77 600
Deoxys (Attack Forme) ImageDeoxys (Attack Forme) 50 180 20 180 20 150 600
Deoxys (Defense Forme) ImageDeoxys (Defense Forme) 50 70 160 70 160 90 600
Deoxys (Speed Forme) ImageDeoxys (Speed Forme) 50 95 90 95 90 180 600
Garchomp ImageGarchomp 108 130 95 80 85 102 600
Celebi ImageCelebi 100 100 100 100 100 100 600
Metagross ImageMetagross 80 135 130 95 90 70 600
Latias ImageLatias 80 80 90 110 130 110 600
Latios ImageLatios 80 90 80 130 110 110 600
Jirachi ImageJirachi 100 100 100 100 100 100 600
Deoxys ImageDeoxys 50 150 50 150 50 150 600
Moltres ImageMoltres 90 100 90 125 85 90 580
Zapdos ImageZapdos 90 90 85 125 90 100 580
Articuno ImageArticuno 90 85 100 95 125 85 580
Azelf ImageAzelf 75 125 70 125 70 115 580
Mesprit ImageMesprit 80 105 105 105 105 80 580
Uxie ImageUxie 75 75 130 75 130 95 580
Raikou ImageRaikou 90 85 75 115 100 115 580
Entei ImageEntei 115 115 85 90 75 100 580
Suicune ImageSuicune 100 75 115 90 115 85 580
Regirock ImageRegirock 80 100 200 50 100 50 580
Regice ImageRegice 80 50 100 100 200 50 580
Registeel ImageRegisteel 80 75 150 75 150 50 580
Arcanine ImageArcanine 90 110 80 100 80 95 555
Togekiss ImageTogekiss 85 50 95 120 115 80 545
Magmortar ImageMagmortar 75 95 67 125 95 83 540
Electivire ImageElectivire 75 123 67 95 85 95 540
Kingdra ImageKingdra 75 95 95 95 95 85 540
Milotic ImageMilotic 95 60 79 100 125 81 540
Blissey ImageBlissey 255 10 10 75 135 55 540
Snorlax ImageSnorlax 160 110 65 65 110 30 540
Gyarados ImageGyarados 95 125 79 60 100 81 540
Lapras ImageLapras 130 85 80 85 95 60 535
Porygon-Z ImagePorygon-Z 85 80 70 135 75 90 535
Tangrowth ImageTangrowth 100 100 125 110 50 50 535
Rhyperior ImageRhyperior 115 140 130 55 55 40 535
Magnezone ImageMagnezone 70 70 115 130 90 60 535
Swampert ImageSwampert 100 110 90 85 90 60 535
Crobat ImageCrobat 85 90 80 70 80 130 535
Typhlosion ImageTyphlosion 78 84 78 109 85 100 534
Infernape ImageInfernape 76 104 71 104 71 108 534
Charizard ImageCharizard 78 84 78 109 85 100 534
Walrein ImageWalrein 110 80 90 95 90 65 530
Exeggutor ImageExeggutor 95 95 85 125 75 55 530
Aggron ImageAggron 70 110 180 60 60 50 530
Feraligatr ImageFeraligatr 85 105 100 79 83 78 530
Mamoswine ImageMamoswine 110 130 80 70 60 80 530
Sceptile ImageSceptile 70 85 65 105 85 120 530
Blaziken ImageBlaziken 80 120 70 110 70 80 530
Empoleon ImageEmpoleon 84 86 88 111 101 60 530
Blastoise ImageBlastoise 79 83 100 85 105 78 530
Cloyster ImageCloyster 50 95 180 85 45 70 525
Meganium ImageMeganium 80 82 100 83 100 80 525
Dusknoir ImageDusknoir 45 100 135 65 135 45 525
Probopass ImageProbopass 60 55 145 75 150 40 525
Glaceon ImageGlaceon 65 60 110 130 95 65 525
Leafeon ImageLeafeon 65 110 130 60 65 95 525
Hippowdon ImageHippowdon 108 112 118 68 72 47 525
Lucario ImageLucario 70 110 70 115 70 90 525
Torterra ImageTorterra 95 109 105 75 85 56 525
Umbreon ImageUmbreon 95 65 110 60 130 65 525
Espeon ImageEspeon 65 65 60 130 95 110 525
Venusaur ImageVenusaur 80 82 83 100 100 80 525
Flareon ImageFlareon 65 130 60 95 110 65 525
Jolteon ImageJolteon 65 65 60 110 95 130 525
Vaporeon ImageVaporeon 130 65 60 110 95 65 525
Luxray ImageLuxray 80 120 79 95 79 70 523
Flygon ImageFlygon 80 100 80 80 80 100 520
Starmie ImageStarmie 60 75 85 100 85 115 520
Gallade ImageGallade 68 125 65 65 115 80 518
Gardevoir ImageGardevoir 68 65 65 125 115 80 518
Tentacruel ImageTentacruel 80 70 65 80 120 100 515
Aerodactyl ImageAerodactyl 80 105 65 60 75 130 515
Yanmega ImageYanmega 86 76 86 116 56 95 515
Lickilicky ImageLickilicky 110 85 95 80 95 50 515
Roserade ImageRoserade 60 70 65 125 105 90 515
Poliwrath ImagePoliwrath 90 95 95 70 90 70 510
Ampharos ImageAmpharos 90 75 85 115 90 55 510
Gliscor ImageGliscor 75 95 125 45 75 95 510
Weavile ImageWeavile 70 120 65 45 85 125 510
Heracross ImageHeracross 80 125 75 40 95 85 510
Steelix ImageSteelix 75 85 200 55 65 30 510
Nidoqueen ImageNidoqueen 90 92 87 75 85 76 505
Nidoking ImageNidoking 81 102 77 85 75 85 505
Ninetales ImageNinetales 73 76 75 81 100 100 505
Machamp ImageMachamp 90 130 80 65 85 55 505
Shuckle ImageShuckle 20 10 230 10 230 5 505
Honchkrow ImageHonchkrow 100 125 52 105 52 71 505
Porygon2 ImagePorygon2 85 80 90 105 95 60 505
Gengar ImageGengar 60 65 60 130 75 110 500
Rapidash ImageRapidash 65 100 70 80 80 105 500
Alakazam ImageAlakazam 55 50 45 135 95 120 500
Golduck ImageGolduck 80 82 78 95 80 85 500
Muk ImageMuk 105 105 75 65 100 50 500
Pinsir ImagePinsir 65 125 100 55 70 85 500
Politoed ImagePolitoed 90 75 75 90 100 70 500
Ursaring ImageUrsaring 90 130 75 75 75 55 500
Donphan ImageDonphan 90 120 120 60 60 50 500
Drapion ImageDrapion 70 90 110 60 75 95 500
Bronzong ImageBronzong 67 89 116 79 116 33 500
Wailord ImageWailord 170 90 45 90 45 60 500
Claydol ImageClaydol 60 70 105 70 120 75 500
Houndoom ImageHoundoom 75 90 50 110 80 95 500
Scizor ImageScizor 70 130 100 55 80 65 500
Scyther ImageScyther 70 110 80 55 80 105 500
Drifblim ImageDrifblim 150 80 44 90 54 80 498
Golem ImageGolem 80 120 130 55 65 45 495
Omastar ImageOmastar 70 60 125 115 70 55 495
Kabutops ImageKabutops 60 115 105 65 70 80 495
Mismagius ImageMismagius 60 60 60 105 105 105 495
Floatzel ImageFloatzel 85 105 55 85 50 115 495
Bastiodon ImageBastiodon 60 52 168 47 138 30 495
Rampardos ImageRampardos 97 165 60 65 50 58 495
Cradily ImageCradily 86 81 97 81 107 43 495
Armaldo ImageArmaldo 75 125 100 70 80 45 495
Magmar ImageMagmar 65 95 57 100 85 93 495
Abomasnow ImageAbomasnow 90 92 75 92 85 60 494
Vileplume ImageVileplume 75 80 85 110 90 50 490
Victreebel ImageVictreebel 80 105 65 100 70 70 490
Electrode ImageElectrode 60 50 70 80 80 150 490
Weezing ImageWeezing 65 90 120 85 70 60 490
Kangaskhan ImageKangaskhan 105 95 80 40 80 90 490
Tauros ImageTauros 75 100 95 40 70 110 490
Slowking ImageSlowking 95 75 80 100 110 30 490
Slowbro ImageSlowbro 95 75 110 100 80 30 490
Bellossom ImageBellossom 75 80 95 90 100 50 490
Toxicroak ImageToxicroak 83 106 65 86 65 85 490
Miltank ImageMiltank 95 80 105 40 70 100 490
Exploud ImageExploud 104 91 63 91 73 68 490
Altaria ImageAltaria 75 70 90 70 105 80 490
Electabuzz ImageElectabuzz 65 83 57 95 85 105 490
Rhydon ImageRhydon 105 130 120 45 45 40 485
Raichu ImageRaichu 60 90 55 90 80 110 485
Gorebyss ImageGorebyss 55 84 105 114 75 52 485
Huntail ImageHuntail 55 104 105 94 75 52 485
Spiritomb ImageSpiritomb 50 92 108 92 108 35 485
Staraptor ImageStaraptor 85 120 70 50 60 100 485
Relicanth ImageRelicanth 100 90 130 45 65 55 485
Mantine ImageMantine 85 40 70 80 140 70 485
Clefable ImageClefable 95 70 73 95 90 60 483
Hypno ImageHypno 85 73 70 73 115 67 483
Ambipom ImageAmbipom 75 100 66 60 66 115 482
Phione ImagePhione 80 80 80 80 80 80 480
Froslass ImageFroslass 70 80 70 80 70 110 480
Ludicolo ImageLudicolo 80 70 70 90 100 70 480
Lopunny ImageLopunny 65 76 84 54 96 105 480
Shiftry ImageShiftry 90 100 60 90 60 80 480
Glalie ImageGlalie 80 80 80 80 80 80 480
Octillery ImageOctillery 75 105 75 105 75 45 480
Heat Rotom ImageHeat Rotom 50 65 107 105 107 86 479
Wash Rotom ImageWash Rotom 50 65 107 105 107 86 479
Frost Rotom ImageFrost Rotom 50 65 107 105 107 86 479
Fan Rotom ImageFan Rotom 50 65 107 105 107 86 479
Mow Rotom ImageMow Rotom 50 65 107 105 107 86 479
Skuntank ImageSkuntank 103 93 67 71 61 84 479
Pidgeot ImagePidgeot 83 80 75 70 70 101 479
Kingler ImageKingler 55 130 115 50 50 75 475
Dewgong ImageDewgong 90 70 80 70 95 70 475
Gastrodon ImageGastrodon 111 83 68 92 82 39 475
Manectric ImageManectric 70 75 60 105 60 105 475
Cacturne ImageCacturne 70 115 60 115 60 55 475
Gastrodon (West Sea) ImageGastrodon (West Sea) 111 83 68 92 82 39 475
Vespiquen ImageVespiquen 70 80 102 80 102 40 474
Hariyama ImageHariyama 144 120 60 40 60 50 474
Xatu ImageXatu 65 75 70 95 70 95 470
Torkoal ImageTorkoal 70 85 140 85 70 20 470
Grumpig ImageGrumpig 80 45 65 90 110 80 470
Dodrio ImageDodrio 60 110 70 60 60 110 470
Crawdaunt ImageCrawdaunt 63 120 85 90 55 55 468
Whiscash ImageWhiscash 110 78 73 76 71 60 468
Swalot ImageSwalot 100 73 83 73 83 55 467
Magneton ImageMagneton 50 60 95 120 70 70 465
Stantler ImageStantler 73 95 62 85 65 85 465
Forretress ImageForretress 75 90 140 60 60 40 465
Skarmory ImageSkarmory 65 80 140 40 70 70 465
Absol ImageAbsol 65 130 60 75 60 75 465
Lanturn ImageLanturn 125 58 58 76 76 67 460
Jumpluff ImageJumpluff 75 55 70 55 95 110 460
Lumineon ImageLumineon 69 69 76 69 86 91 460
Breloom ImageBreloom 60 130 80 60 60 70 460
Sharpedo ImageSharpedo 70 120 40 95 40 95 460
Camerupt ImageCamerupt 70 100 70 105 75 40 460
Lunatone ImageLunatone 90 55 65 95 85 70 460
Solrock ImageSolrock 90 95 85 55 65 70 460
Tropius ImageTropius 99 68 83 72 87 51 460
Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime 40 45 65 100 120 90 460
Zangoose ImageZangoose 73 115 60 60 60 90 458
Seviper ImageSeviper 73 100 60 100 60 65 458
Ninjask ImageNinjask 61 90 45 50 50 160 456
Golbat ImageGolbat 75 80 70 65 75 90 455
Primeape ImagePrimeape 65 105 60 60 70 95 455
Hitmonlee ImageHitmonlee 50 120 53 35 110 87 455
Hitmonchan ImageHitmonchan 50 105 79 35 110 76 455
Jynx ImageJynx 65 50 35 115 95 95 455
Hitmontop ImageHitmontop 50 95 95 35 110 70 455
Swellow ImageSwellow 60 85 60 75 50 125 455
Chimecho ImageChimecho 75 50 80 95 90 65 455
Dusclops ImageDusclops 40 70 130 60 130 25 455
Banette ImageBanette 64 115 65 83 63 65 455
Girafarig ImageGirafarig 70 80 65 90 65 85 455
Carnivine ImageCarnivine 74 100 72 90 72 46 454
Masquerain ImageMasquerain 70 60 62 100 82 80 454
Purugly ImagePurugly 71 82 64 64 59 112 452
Noctowl ImageNoctowl 100 50 50 86 96 70 452
Chansey ImageChansey 250 5 5 35 105 50 450
Sandslash ImageSandslash 75 100 110 45 55 65 450
Venomoth ImageVenomoth 70 65 60 90 75 90 450
Granbull ImageGranbull 90 120 75 60 60 45 450
Cherrim ImageCherrim 70 60 70 87 78 85 450
Seaking ImageSeaking 80 92 65 65 80 68 450
Arbok ImageArbok 60 95 69 65 79 80 448
Fearow ImageFearow 65 90 65 61 61 100 442
Persian ImagePersian 65 70 60 65 65 115 440
Kecleon ImageKecleon 60 90 70 60 120 40 440
Seadra ImageSeadra 55 65 95 95 45 85 440
Rotom ImageRotom 50 50 77 95 77 91 440
Qwilfish ImageQwilfish 65 95 85 55 55 85 440
Vigoroth ImageVigoroth 80 80 80 55 55 90 440
Pelipper ImagePelipper 60 50 100 95 70 65 440
Tangela ImageTangela 65 55 115 100 40 60 435
Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff 140 70 45 85 50 45 435
Misdreavus ImageMisdreavus 60 60 60 85 85 85 435
Lairon ImageLairon 60 90 140 50 50 40 430
Magcargo ImageMagcargo 60 50 120 90 80 30 430
Volbeat ImageVolbeat 65 73 75 47 85 85 430
Illumise ImageIllumise 65 47 75 73 85 85 430
Sneasel ImageSneasel 55 95 55 35 75 115 430
Gligar ImageGligar 65 75 105 35 65 85 430
Quagsire ImageQuagsire 95 85 85 65 65 35 430
Dugtrio ImageDugtrio 35 100 50 50 70 120 425
Marowak ImageMarowak 60 80 110 50 80 45 425
Sunflora ImageSunflora 75 75 55 105 85 30 425
Mothim ImageMothim 70 94 50 94 50 66 424
Wormadam ImageWormadam 60 59 85 79 105 36 424
Wormadam (Sandy Cloak) ImageWormadam (Sandy Cloak) 60 79 105 59 85 36 424
Wormadam (Trash Cloak) ImageWormadam (Trash Cloak) 60 69 95 69 95 36 424
Shelgon ImageShelgon 65 95 100 60 50 50 420
Mightyena ImageMightyena 70 90 70 60 60 70 420
Dragonair ImageDragonair 61 84 65 70 70 70 420
Linoone ImageLinoone 78 70 61 50 61 100 420
Castform ImageCastform 70 70 70 70 70 70 420
Metang ImageMetang 60 75 100 55 80 50 420
Azumarill ImageAzumarill 100 50 80 60 80 50 420
Furret ImageFurret 85 76 64 45 55 90 415
Dunsparce ImageDunsparce 100 70 70 65 65 45 415
Raticate ImageRaticate 55 81 60 50 70 97 413
Chatot ImageChatot 76 65 45 92 42 91 411
Ponyta ImagePonyta 50 85 55 65 65 90 410
Sealeo ImageSealeo 90 60 70 75 70 45 410
Pupitar ImagePupitar 70 84 70 65 70 51 410
Gabite ImageGabite 68 90 65 50 55 82 410
Bibarel ImageBibarel 79 85 60 55 60 71 410
Medicham ImageMedicham 60 60 75 60 75 80 410
Sudowoodo ImageSudowoodo 70 100 115 30 65 30 410
Corsola ImageCorsola 65 55 95 65 95 35 410
Haunter ImageHaunter 45 50 45 115 55 95 405
Machoke ImageMachoke 80 100 70 50 60 45 405
Parasect ImageParasect 60 95 80 60 80 30 405
Bayleef ImageBayleef 60 62 80 63 80 60 405
Quilava ImageQuilava 58 64 58 80 65 80 405
Croconaw ImageCroconaw 65 80 80 59 63 58 405
Wobbuffet ImageWobbuffet 190 33 58 33 58 33 405
Grovyle ImageGrovyle 50 65 45 85 65 95 405
Combusken ImageCombusken 60 85 60 85 60 55 405
Marshtomp ImageMarshtomp 70 85 70 60 70 50 405
Pachirisu ImagePachirisu 60 45 70 45 90 95 405
Plusle ImagePlusle 60 50 40 85 75 95 405
Minun ImageMinun 60 40 50 75 85 95 405
Prinplup ImagePrinplup 64 66 68 81 76 50 405
Monferno ImageMonferno 64 78 52 78 52 81 405
Grotle ImageGrotle 75 89 85 55 65 36 405
Piloswine ImagePiloswine 100 100 80 60 60 50 405
Murkrow ImageMurkrow 60 85 42 85 42 91 405
Togetic ImageTogetic 55 40 85 80 105 40 405
Ivysaur ImageIvysaur 60 62 63 80 80 60 405
Charmeleon ImageCharmeleon 58 64 58 80 65 80 405
Wartortle ImageWartortle 59 63 80 65 80 58 405
Kadabra ImageKadabra 40 35 30 120 70 105 400
Ariados ImageAriados 70 90 70 60 70 40 400
Delcatty ImageDelcatty 70 65 65 55 55 90 400
Wailmer ImageWailmer 130 70 35 70 35 60 400
Roselia ImageRoselia 50 60 45 100 80 65 400
Gloom ImageGloom 60 65 70 85 75 40 395
Beautifly ImageBeautifly 60 70 50 100 50 65 395
Porygon ImagePorygon 65 60 70 85 75 40 395
Butterfree ImageButterfree 60 45 50 90 80 70 395
Beedrill ImageBeedrill 65 90 40 45 80 75 395
Yanma ImageYanma 65 65 45 75 45 95 392
Graveler ImageGraveler 55 95 115 45 45 35 390
Weepinbell ImageWeepinbell 65 90 50 85 45 55 390
Ledian ImageLedian 55 35 50 55 110 85 390
Munchlax ImageMunchlax 135 85 40 40 85 5 390
Lickitung ImageLickitung 90 55 75 60 75 30 385
Onix ImageOnix 35 45 160 30 45 70 385
Poliwhirl ImagePoliwhirl 65 65 65 50 50 90 385
Dustox ImageDustox 60 50 70 50 90 65 385
Kricketune ImageKricketune 77 85 51 55 51 65 384
Sableye ImageSableye 50 75 75 65 65 50 380
Mawile ImageMawile 50 85 85 55 55 50 380
FarfetchFarfetch'd 52 90 55 58 62 60 377
Nosepass ImageNosepass 30 45 135 45 90 30 375
Nidorina ImageNidorina 70 62 67 55 55 56 365
Nidorino ImageNidorino 61 72 57 55 55 65 365
Flaaffy ImageFlaaffy 70 55 55 80 60 45 365
Magby ImageMagby 45 75 37 70 55 83 365
Luxio ImageLuxio 60 85 49 60 49 60 363
Loudred ImageLoudred 84 71 43 71 43 48 360
Elekid ImageElekid 45 63 37 65 55 95 360
Aipom ImageAipom 55 70 55 40 55 85 360
Spinda ImageSpinda 60 60 60 60 60 60 360
Omanyte ImageOmanyte 35 40 100 90 55 35 355
Kabuto ImageKabuto 30 80 90 55 45 55 355
Lileep ImageLileep 66 41 77 61 87 23 355
Anorith ImageAnorith 45 95 50 40 50 75 355
Growlithe ImageGrowlithe 55 70 45 70 50 60 350
Buneary ImageBuneary 55 66 44 44 56 85 350
Shieldon ImageShieldon 30 42 118 42 88 30 350
Cranidos ImageCranidos 67 125 40 30 30 58 350
Pidgeotto ImagePidgeotto 63 60 55 50 50 71 349
Drifloon ImageDrifloon 90 50 34 60 44 70 348
Rhyhorn ImageRhyhorn 80 85 95 30 30 25 345
Clamperl ImageClamperl 35 64 85 74 55 32 345
Mantyke ImageMantyke 45 20 50 60 120 50 345
Vibrava ImageVibrava 50 70 50 50 50 70 340
Koffing ImageKoffing 40 65 95 60 45 35 340
Staryu ImageStaryu 30 45 55 70 55 85 340
Skiploom ImageSkiploom 55 45 50 45 65 80 340
Lombre ImageLombre 60 50 50 60 70 50 340
Nuzleaf ImageNuzleaf 70 70 40 60 40 60 340
Staravia ImageStaravia 55 75 50 40 40 80 340
Unown ImageUnown 48 72 48 72 48 48 336
Tentacool ImageTentacool 40 40 35 50 100 70 335
Cacnea ImageCacnea 50 85 40 85 40 35 335
Snover ImageSnover 60 62 50 62 60 40 334
Aron ImageAron 50 70 100 40 40 30 330
Chinchou ImageChinchou 75 38 38 56 56 67 330
Teddiursa ImageTeddiursa 60 80 50 50 50 40 330
Finneon ImageFinneon 49 49 56 49 61 66 330
Skorupi ImageSkorupi 40 50 90 30 55 65 330
Hippopotas ImageHippopotas 68 72 78 38 42 32 330
Buizel ImageBuizel 55 65 35 60 30 85 330
Luvdisc ImageLuvdisc 43 30 55 40 65 97 330
Houndour ImageHoundour 45 60 30 80 50 65 330
Spoink ImageSpoink 60 25 35 70 80 60 330
Phanpy ImagePhanpy 90 60 60 40 40 40 330
Delibird ImageDelibird 45 55 45 65 45 75 330
Voltorb ImageVoltorb 40 30 50 55 55 100 330
Stunky ImageStunky 63 63 47 41 41 74 329
Drowzee ImageDrowzee 60 48 45 43 90 42 328
Grimer ImageGrimer 80 80 50 40 50 25 325
Exeggcute ImageExeggcute 60 40 80 60 45 40 325
Seel ImageSeel 65 45 55 45 70 45 325
Shellos ImageShellos 76 48 48 57 62 34 325
Shellos (West Sea) ImageShellos (West Sea) 76 48 48 57 62 34 325
Eevee ImageEevee 55 55 50 45 65 55 325
Krabby ImageKrabby 30 105 90 25 25 50 325
Magnemite ImageMagnemite 25 35 70 95 55 45 325
Clefairy ImageClefairy 70 45 48 60 65 35 323
Goldeen ImageGoldeen 45 67 60 35 50 63 320
Oddish ImageOddish 45 50 55 75 65 30 320
Psyduck ImagePsyduck 50 52 48 65 50 55 320
Pikachu ImagePikachu 35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Natu ImageNatu 40 50 45 70 45 70 320
Cubone ImageCubone 50 50 95 40 50 35 320
Bulbasaur ImageBulbasaur 45 49 49 65 65 45 318
Chikorita ImageChikorita 45 49 65 49 65 45 318
Turtwig ImageTurtwig 55 68 64 45 55 31 318
Slowpoke ImageSlowpoke 90 65 65 40 40 15 315
Totodile ImageTotodile 50 65 64 44 48 43 314
Piplup ImagePiplup 53 51 53 61 56 40 314
Squirtle ImageSquirtle 44 48 65 50 64 43 314
Gastly ImageGastly 30 35 30 100 35 80 310
Abra ImageAbra 25 20 15 105 55 90 310
Treecko ImageTreecko 40 45 35 65 55 70 310
Mime Jr. ImageMime Jr. 20 25 45 70 90 60 310
Torchic ImageTorchic 45 60 40 70 50 45 310
Mudkip ImageMudkip 50 70 50 50 50 40 310
Glameow ImageGlameow 49 55 42 42 37 85 310
Swablu ImageSwablu 45 40 60 40 75 50 310
Doduo ImageDoduo 35 85 45 35 35 75 310
Cyndaquil ImageCyndaquil 39 52 43 60 50 65 309
Chimchar ImageChimchar 44 58 44 58 44 61 309
Charmander ImageCharmander 39 52 43 60 50 65 309
Corphish ImageCorphish 43 80 65 50 35 35 308
Machop ImageMachop 70 80 50 35 35 35 305
Venonat ImageVenonat 60 55 50 40 55 45 305
Mankey ImageMankey 40 80 35 35 45 70 305
Shellder ImageShellder 30 65 100 45 25 40 305
Carvanha ImageCarvanha 45 90 20 65 20 65 305
Numel ImageNumel 60 60 40 65 45 35 305
Smoochum ImageSmoochum 45 30 15 85 65 65 305
Gulpin ImageGulpin 70 43 53 43 53 40 302
Sandshrew ImageSandshrew 50 75 85 20 30 40 300
Geodude ImageGeodude 40 80 100 30 30 20 300
Poliwag ImagePoliwag 40 50 40 40 40 90 300
Bellsprout ImageBellsprout 50 75 35 70 30 40 300
Bagon ImageBagon 45 75 60 40 30 50 300
Larvitar ImageLarvitar 50 64 50 45 50 41 300
Dratini ImageDratini 41 64 45 50 50 50 300
Croagunk ImageCroagunk 48 61 40 61 40 50 300
Gible ImageGible 58 70 45 40 45 42 300
Bronzor ImageBronzor 57 24 86 24 86 23 300
Baltoy ImageBaltoy 40 40 55 40 70 55 300
Snorunt ImageSnorunt 50 50 50 50 50 50 300
Remoraid ImageRemoraid 35 65 35 65 35 65 300
Beldum ImageBeldum 40 55 80 35 60 30 300
Snubbull ImageSnubbull 60 80 50 40 40 30 300
Vulpix ImageVulpix 38 41 40 50 65 65 299
Horsea ImageHorsea 30 40 70 70 25 60 295
Shroomish ImageShroomish 60 40 60 40 60 35 295
Duskull ImageDuskull 20 40 90 30 90 25 295
Shuppet ImageShuppet 44 75 35 63 33 45 295
Electrike ImageElectrike 40 45 40 65 40 65 295
Meowth ImageMeowth 40 45 35 40 40 90 290
Spheal ImageSpheal 70 40 50 55 50 25 290
Trapinch ImageTrapinch 45 100 45 45 45 10 290
Pineco ImagePineco 50 65 90 35 35 15 290
Bonsly ImageBonsly 50 80 95 10 45 10 290
Ekans ImageEkans 35 60 44 40 54 55 288
Ditto ImageDitto 48 48 48 48 48 48 288
Barboach ImageBarboach 50 48 43 46 41 60 288
Paras ImageParas 35 70 55 45 55 25 285
Riolu ImageRiolu 40 70 40 35 40 60 285
Chingling ImageChingling 45 30 50 65 50 45 285
Mareep ImageMareep 55 40 40 65 45 35 280
Budew ImageBudew 40 30 35 50 70 55 280
Meditite ImageMeditite 30 40 55 40 55 60 280
Slakoth ImageSlakoth 60 60 60 35 35 30 280
Kirlia ImageKirlia 38 35 35 65 55 50 278
Nidoran♀ ImageNidoran♀ 55 47 52 40 40 41 275
Cherubi ImageCherubi 45 35 45 62 53 35 275
Nidoran♂ ImageNidoran♂ 46 57 40 40 40 50 273
Jigglypuff ImageJigglypuff 115 45 20 45 25 20 270
Taillow ImageTaillow 40 55 30 30 30 85 270
Wingull ImageWingull 40 30 30 55 30 85 270
Surskit ImageSurskit 40 30 32 50 52 65 269
Nincada ImageNincada 31 45 90 30 30 40 266
Diglett ImageDiglett 10 55 25 35 45 95 265
Ledyba ImageLedyba 40 20 30 40 80 55 265
Shinx ImageShinx 45 65 34 40 34 45 263
Spearow ImageSpearow 40 60 30 31 31 70 262
Hoothoot ImageHoothoot 60 30 30 36 56 50 262
Wynaut ImageWynaut 95 23 48 23 48 23 260
Skitty ImageSkitty 50 45 45 35 35 50 260
Rattata ImageRattata 30 56 35 25 35 72 253
Pidgey ImagePidgey 40 45 40 35 35 56 251
Spinarak ImageSpinarak 40 60 40 40 40 30 250
Hoppip ImageHoppip 35 35 40 35 55 50 250
Slugma ImageSlugma 40 40 40 70 40 20 250
Smeargle ImageSmeargle 55 20 35 20 45 75 250
Bidoof ImageBidoof 59 45 40 35 40 31 250
Swinub ImageSwinub 50 50 40 30 30 50 250
Marill ImageMarill 70 20 50 20 50 40 250
Zubat ImageZubat 40 45 35 30 40 55 245
Starly ImageStarly 40 55 30 30 30 60 245
Togepi ImageTogepi 35 20 65 40 65 20 245
Combee ImageCombee 30 30 42 30 42 70 244
Whismur ImageWhismur 64 51 23 51 23 28 240
Zigzagoon ImageZigzagoon 38 30 41 30 41 60 240
Makuhita ImageMakuhita 72 60 30 20 30 25 237
Shedinja ImageShedinja 1 90 45 30 30 40 236
Tyrogue ImageTyrogue 35 35 35 35 35 35 228
Burmy ImageBurmy 40 29 45 29 45 36 224
Poochyena ImagePoochyena 35 55 35 30 30 35 220
Happiny ImageHappiny 100 5 5 15 65 30 220
Lotad ImageLotad 40 30 30 40 50 30 220
Seedot ImageSeedot 40 40 50 30 30 30 220
Cleffa ImageCleffa 50 25 28 45 55 15 218
Sentret ImageSentret 35 46 34 35 45 20 215
Igglybuff ImageIgglybuff 90 30 15 40 20 15 210
Wooper ImageWooper 55 45 45 25 25 15 210
Cascoon ImageCascoon 50 35 55 25 25 15 205
Silcoon ImageSilcoon 50 35 55 25 25 15 205
Pichu ImagePichu 20 40 15 35 35 60 205
Metapod ImageMetapod 50 20 55 25 25 30 205
Kakuna ImageKakuna 45 25 50 25 25 35 205
Feebas ImageFeebas 20 15 20 10 55 80 200
Magikarp ImageMagikarp 20 10 55 15 20 80 200
Ralts ImageRalts 28 25 25 45 35 40 198
Wurmple ImageWurmple 45 45 35 20 30 20 195
Caterpie ImageCaterpie 45 30 35 20 20 45 195
Weedle ImageWeedle 40 35 30 20 20 50 195
Kricketot ImageKricketot 37 25 41 25 41 25 194
Azurill ImageAzurill 50 20 40 20 40 20 190
Sunkern ImageSunkern 30 30 30 30 30 30 180

What are Base Stats?

Determine each of a Pokemon's final stat values

Base stats are base values for each of a Pokemon's six primary stats. These stats include HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed.

Not visible to the player

Base Stat is one of the values that are not visible in the game. The Base Stats can be deduced from the stat values of Pokemon found in the game, but for most players, using the guide above is the simplest way to understand these key stats of each Pokemon.

Related Links

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Pokemon BDSP Pokedex

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Pokemon by Generation

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Pokemon by Type

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Pokemon by Egg Group

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Water 3 Egg GroupWater 3 Undiscovered Egg GroupUndiscovered Ditto Egg GroupDitto

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Pokemon by Stats

Pokemon by Stats
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ToegpiList of Pokemon by Hatch Steps Pokemon BDSP BlazikenList of Pokemon by EV Yield

Other Pokemon Lists

Other Lists
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