Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to EV Train Fast and Reset EVs

Pokemon BDSP EV Training

EV train your Pokemon fast by getting Pokerus, Power Items, and using Vitamins. Read on to learn how to EV train your Pokemon fast, how to reset EVs, and the best locations for EV training in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Pokemon EV Guides
How to EV Train Fast List of Pokemon by EV Yield How to Check EVs

How to Increase EVs

Defeat Pokemon to Earn EVs

Pokemon BDSP Wild Battle

For every Pokemon you KO, aside from gaining EXP, your team also earns Effort Values, also known as EVs.

Each Pokemon species has its own EV yield that ranges from 0-3 in each stat, with 3 being the most amount of EV you can earn from a single battle.

As you earn more EVs of a certain stat, your Pokemon will grow stronger in that stat. Understanding which Pokemon to beat to earn the EVs you want will help you build the Pokemon with proper strengths where you need them.

List of Pokemon by EV Yield

Raise EVs with Vitamins

Other than defeating Pokemon, you may also choose to give your Pokemon Vitamins. Each Vitamin immediately gives a Pokemon 10 EVs in a certain stat.. Vitamins are available for purchase in the Veilstone City Department Store. You can use these Vitamins to boost Pokemon EVs to their maximum value.

Vitamin Stat Boosted
HP Up ImageHP Up HP
Protein ImageProtein Attack
Iron ImageIron Defense
Calcium ImageCalcium Special Attack
Zinc ImageZinc Special Defense
Carbos ImageCarbos Speed

In the original games, the use of Vitamins was limited to the first 100 EVs acquired in a stat, but that restriction was removed in Pokemon Sword and Shield and allowed players to use Vitamins up until the maximum value of the EV.

How to EV Train Fast

Infect Pokemon With Pokerus

Pokemon BDSP Pokerus EVs

A Pokemon with Pokerus has its EV growth rate doubled and can pass it onto the other 5 members of the party. You can get a Pokemon with Pokerus fast by finding a person who has a Pokemon with Pokerus to online trade with, such as at our Pokerus Trading Board.

Pokerus Effects and How to Infect

Acquire Power Items

Power Items are held items that increase the amount of EVs you receive per defeating each Pokemon in battle.

Power Item EV Boost
Power Bracer ImagePower Bracer +8 Attack EVs
Power Belt ImagePower Belt +8 Defense EVs
Power Lens ImagePower Lens +8 Special Attack EVs
Power Band ImagePower Band +8 Special Defense EVs
Power Anklet ImagePower Anklet +8 Speed EVs
Power Weight ImagePower Weight +8 HP EVs
Macho Brace ImageMacho Brace x2 EVs of wild Pokemon defeated

How to Get Power Items

Pokemon BDSP Power Items

All of the above items can be purchased at the Battle Park for 10 BP each, except for the Macho Brace. The Macho Brace can be obtained in Pastoria City, in the house north of the Poke Mart. Have all 3 forms of Burmy in your party and show it to the Bug Catcher inside the house.

Battle Tower Guide

Best Locations for EV Training

Pokemon by EV Yield
HP Attack Defense
Special Attack Special Defense Speed

Below are the easiest and most accessible Pokemon to train EVs from for each stat. The listed Pokemon appear predominantly in the locations they are listed in making it easy to battle them repeatedly to grind EVs.

Infecting your Pokemon with Pokerus or equipping a Power Item before training at these locations will let you receive even more EVs.

Best HP EV Yielding Pokemon

Best Location Pokemon EV Yield
Route 201 Pokemon BDSP BidoofBidoof 1
Route 218 Pokemon BDSP GastrodonGastrodon 2

Best Attack EV Yielding Pokemon

Best Location Pokemon EV Yield
Route 202 Pokemon BDSP ShinxShinx 1
Route 209
Route 212
Pokemon BDSP BibarelBibarel 2
Route 210
Route 212
Pokemon BDSP KricketuneKricketune 2

Best Defense EV Yielding Pokemon

Best Location Pokemon EV Yield
Oreburgh Mine
Ruin Maniac Cave
Pokemon BDSP GeodudeGeodude 1
Oreburgh Mine Pokemon BDSP OnixOnix 1
Ruin Maniac Cave Pokemon BDSP HippopotasHippopotas 1
Eterna Forest Pokemon BDSP SilcoonSilcoon 2
Eterna Forest Pokemon BDSP CascoonCascoon 2
Iron Island
Mt. Coronet
Pokemon BDSP GravelerGraveler 2

Best Special Attack EV Yielding Pokemon

Best Location Pokemon EV Yield
Old Chateau Pokemon BDSP GastlyGastly 1
Route 212 (North) Pokemon BDSP RoseliaRoselia 2
Valor Lakefront Pokemon BDSP GirafarigGirafarig 2
Sendoff Spring (Post Game) Pokemon BDSP GolduckGolduck 2

Best Special Defense EV Yielding Pokemon

Best Location Pokemon EV Yield
Surf in Valley Windworks Pokemon BDSP TentacoolTentacool 1
Route 223 Pokemon BDSP TentacruelTentacruel 2

Best Speed EV Yielding Pokemon

Best Location Pokemon EV Yield
Route 201 Pokemon BDSP StarlyStarly 1
Fish on any route with the Old Rod Pokemon BDSP MagikarpMagikarp 1
Route 218 Pokemon BDSP FloatzelFloatzel 2

How to Reset EVs

Use EV Reducing Berries

It is possible to reset a Pokemon's EV and readjust any of its stats by letting them consume certain Berries. These Berries reduce an EV by 10. As mentioned above, these Berries are available for purchase at the Battle Park for 10 BP each.

Berry EV Reduced
Pomeg Berry ImagePomeg Berry HP
Kelpsy Berry ImageKelpsy Berry Attack
Qualot Berry ImageQualot Berry Defense
Hondew Berry ImageHondew Berry Special Attack
Grepa Berry ImageGrepa Berry Special Defense
Tamato Berry ImageTamato Berry Speed

Grow these berries in soft soil

They can be planted and harvested in plots of soft soil that are found all over the Sinnoh region to obtain many more. This can be a cheaper alternative however, will take up more time. It is handy to plant a couple of berries if you are planning to reset the EVs of numerous Pokemon.

How to Grow Berries

Tips for EV Training

Tips for EV Training

Use the Poke Radar when EV Training in Grass

Chaining together encounters using the Poke Radar can give you an easier time to make sure you're battling against the Pokemon you want EVs from!

How to Use the Poke Radar and List of Pokemon

Just Keep Track of Power Item EV Gains

With Power Items, you don't even have to worry about which Pokemon gives certain EV yields. Since every battle will give you 8 EVs in a certain stat, You could do 32 battles against any Pokemon with a Power Item equipped, and you'll be sure that you'll have 252 EVs in the related stat. After which, use the EV-reducing berries to drop the EVs you have in other stats back to zero!

You Can Keep Count of How Many Pokemon you've KO'd by Checking Your PP

Assuming you have the Pokemon you want to EV Train in your party, and a strong Pokemon in the lead, most opponents will probably go down in one hit. You can use this knowledge to keep track of how many you defeated by checking how many PP you've used up!

EV Train Multiple Pokemon at a Time

Since every Pokemon on the team that gets EXP also gains EVs, you can EV Train multiple Pokemon at a time. Bring every member you want to EV train in your party to earn EVs efficiently!

How to Check EVs

Press X on the Stats Summary Screen

Although there's no way in-game to check exact values of how many EVs you've earned, you will be able to get an estimate of how many EVs you've earned on a certain stat by pressing X on the Stats Summary screen. the Dark Yellow shape indicates how many of a certain EV you've invested in a certain stat.

Pokemon without any EVs should have a Dark Yellow Hexagon

When you first hatch or catch a Pokemon, they shouldn't have any EVs yet. As such, the dark yellow shape should simply be a hexagon.

The Dark Yellow shape will grow as you earn EVs

This Whiscash has earned the maximum amount of Speed EVs allowed, Thus, the Speed stat is now sparkling,

As you continue to defeat enemy Pokemon and earn more EVs, the dark yellow hexagon will grow accordingly based on which stats you've been farming. Once a certain stat has earned the maximum EVs allowed, its name will be sparkling.

When you've reached the Maximum EVs the shape will become Light Blue

This Absol has earned the maximum amount of Attack and Speed EVs allowed, Thus, the Attack and Speed stats are now sparkling, It has also allocated all remaining EVs, and thus the shape has turned Light Blue.

The Dark Yellow shape turns Light Blue once you've allocated all EVs possible for that Pokemon. This Pokemon won't earn any more EVs unless you use EV-Reducing Berries to make room for stat adjustments.

How to Check EVs

What are EVs?

Allow You to Increase Your Stats

Effort Values, or EVs, are hidden stats that are essential in building viable Pokemon. These are extra points added to the base value of a Pokemon's six main stats, namely its HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed.

You Can Have Up to 252 EVs Per Stat

A freshly hatched or a freshly caught Pokemon will start out without any EVs. As you defeat Pokemon, or give them Vitamins, the Pokemon will earn EVs with each stat having a limit of 252.

Any time a Pokemon gains EXP, it gains EVs, so if you have them in your party and they gain EXP through EXP Share, they will also earn EVs.

Maximum of 510 EVs per Pokemon

While a single stat can only earn 252 EVs, a single Pokemon can only have a total of 510 EVs spread across all stats. To maximize stat improvements, most people choose to invest 252 EVs each onto two stats, while investing the remaining 6 onto another.

For offensive Pokemon you may put 252 EVs in their primary attacking stat (Attack/Special Attack), another 252 EVs in Speed, and the remaining 6 EVs in HP. While for defensive Pokemon you may want to put 252 EVs in their primary defensive stat (Defense/Special Defense), another 252 EVs in HP, and the remaining 6 EVs in Speed.

This is a good starting point, but you can tweak these as you get more familiar with what stats you need.

4 EVs are Equivalent to 1 Point in a Stat

As mentioned above, EVs allow you to increase your stats. To be specific, for every 4 EVs you have, you get 1 additional point in that stat. Likewise 252 EVs in a certain stat means 63 extra points in that stat. These changes are seen when a Pokemon reaches level 100.

As an example, a Blaziken without any EVs in Attack would have an Attack Stat of 276 at level 100, while a Blaziken with 252 EVs in Attack would have an Attack Stat of 339.

In competitive battles, every point of a stat will matter, so it's best to get the best EVs for your Pokemon!

Tier List and Best Movesets

Comparison of EV Training Methods

As an example of how long it takes to EV Train for a certain stat, here's a table on how much time you can expect to take for EV training 252 EVs in Speed. Outside of drinking vitamins, having Pokerus and the Power Item of choice will be the fastest method.

Method # of Pokemon to Defeat ETA
No Pokerus
No Power Items
Defeat 252 Magikarps 4.2 Hours
No Pokerus
No Power Items
Defeat 126 Floatzels 2.1 Hours
Only Pokerus
Only Macho Brace
Defeat 126 Magikarp 2.1 Hours
Only Pokerus
Only Macho Brace
Defeat 63 Floatzels 1.05 Hours
Macho Brace
Defeat 63 Magikarp 1.05 Hours
Macho Brace
Defeat 31 Floatzels.
Unequip Macho Brace and defeat 1 more Floatzel.
32 Minutes
No Pokerus
Power Anklet
Defeat 28 Magikarp 28 Minutes
No Pokerus
Power Anklet
Defeat 25 Floatzel.
Unequip Power Anklet and defeat 1 more Floatzel.
26 Minutes
Power Anklet
Defeat 12 Floatzels.
Unequip Power Anklet and defeat 3 more Floatzels.
15 Minutes
Power Anklet
Defeat 14 Magikarp 14 Minutes
Vitamins Give 26 Carbos to your Pokemon Less than a Minute

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How to Check EVs How to Check Pokemon IVs
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6 Anonymousalmost 3 years

I do not think they get wasted because I have been able to use a vitamin into a third stat after maxing out two stats and the stat for the third does in fact go up.

5 Anonymousabout 3 years

they get wasted


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