Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Catch Pokemon with High IVs

BDSP - How to Catch Pokemon with High IVs.png

To catch Pokemon with high IVs, check if your character's face appears on screen before the start of a wild Pokemon battle. Read on to learn more about how to catch high IV Pokemon, how to catch a high IV Ditto, and how to check IVs.

How to Catch High IV Pokemon

See Your Character's Face Before a Battle

BDSP - High IV Wild Pokemon Encounter.png

Normally, IVs are randomly determined once you catch the Pokemon in then wild. However, when you see your character's face before a wild Pokemon battle starts, it means that the Pokemon will have a guarantee of at least 2 perfect IVs.

You will need to catch the Pokemon before you can check exactly how many IVs are perfect and which ones they are.

Poke Radar Chaining

BDSP - Poke Radar Chaining.png

The Poke Radar is another great method to increase your chance of getting Pokemon with high IVs. The chance of getting Pokemon with a certain number of perfect IVs increases with the length of the chain, so you will want to get that chain going for as long as possible.

Poke Radar Chain Length No. of Perfect IVs
20 1
30 2
100 5

How to Use the Poke Radar and List of Pokemon

Restoring High IV Fossils

Oreburgh Museum
Every Fossil Pokemon revived at the Oreburgh Museum is guaranteed to have at least 3 Perfect IVs. Reviving Male Pokemon from the different fossils available in the game can help you breed for more high IV Pokemon.

Male Kabuto and Omanyte can breed their IVs down to others in the Water 1 and Water 3 egg groups. Male Aerodactyl can breed its IVs down to others in the Flying egg group. Finally, Cranidos and Shieldon can breed their IVs down to others in the Monster egg group.

How to Get and Revive Fossils

Catching Static Encounters

Catching High IV Legendary Pokemon

BDSP - High IV Legendary Pokemon.png

All Pokemon who are battled through static encounters are guaranteed to have at least 3 Perfect IVs, This includes most Legendary Pokemon. These IVs may not be for the stats that you want, so you can reroll your encounter with the Legendary Pokemon to try to change its IVs by doing a soft reset.

How to Soft Reset for the Best Nature and IVs

Catching High IV Drifloon

Pokemon BDSP Drifloon Valley Windworks.jpg
Drifloon, who is only available on Fridays, is also considered a static encounter. As such it will also have at least 3 Perfect IVs.

It is a pain to have to wait for it weekly, but having a good handful of male High IV Drifloon can be useful for breeding high IV Pokemon in the Amorphous Egg Group.

Nature and IV Breeding Guide

How to Catch a High IV Ditto

In Route 218 or the Grand Underground

Pokemon BDSP DittoDitto

Ditto is one the most useful Pokemon to catch with high IVs since you can breed Ditto with almost any Pokemon and it will pass down its IVs to its offspring. You can use any of the above methods to catch a high IV Ditto in the locations Ditto can be found.

Location Requirements
Dazzling Cave Obtain the National Dex
Route 218 Use the Poke Radar

Use the Destiny Knot to Pass Down More IVs

Destiny Knot ImageDestiny Knot When a Pokemon holding Destiny Knot lays an egg, 5 out of 12 of the parent Pokemon's IVs will be passed down to the child Pokemon.

A good trick to pass down more IVs to the offspring Pokemon is by using the Destiny Knot. The Destiny Knot will guarantee that 5 IVs of the parent Pokemon will be passed down to its offspring. Give the Destiny Knot to the high IV Ditto to have a higher chance of passing down its perfect IVs.

Trade for a High IV Ditto

BDSP - Trade for High IV Ditto.png

Instead of trying to catch a high IV Ditto, you can always trade for one with other players. Trading with other players is also a good way to get other Pokemon with high IVs other than Ditto.

High IV Pokemon Trading Board

Easiest High IV Parents for Breeding Pokemon

Understandably, getting your hands on a high IV Ditto requires a lot of luck and patience. If you aren't breeding Genderless Pokemon, getting other High IV parents may be an alternate solution.

Below is a list of Pokemon from different egg groups that are easiest to get High IV parents for, as well as how to best obtain them.

Egg Group Recommended Parent Pokemon Recommended Method to Obtain
Monster Pokemon BDSP CranidosCranidos
Pokemon BDSP ShieldonShieldon
  • Revive multiple Skull Fossils or Armor Fossils at the Oreburgh Museum. Guaranteed 3 Perfect IVs.
  • Get a High IV Cranidos/Shieldon by using Destiny Knot to breed down until you get 5 or 6 perfect IVs onto a Male Cranidos/Shieldon.
  • Water 1 Pokemon BDSP KabutoKabuto
    Pokemon BDSP OmanyteOmanyte
  • Revive multiple Dome Fossils or Helix Fossils at the Oreburgh Museum. Guaranteed 3 Perfect IVs.
  • Get a High IV Kabuto/Omanyte by using Destiny Knot to breed down until you get 5 or 6 perfect IVs onto a Male Kabuto/Omanyte.
  • Water 3 Pokemon BDSP KabutoKabuto
    Pokemon BDSP OmanyteOmanyte
  • Revive multiple Dome Fossils or Helix Fossils at the Oreburgh Museum. Guaranteed 3 Perfect IVs.
  • Get a High IV Kabuto/Omanyte by using Destiny Knot to breed down until you get 5 or 6 perfect IVs onto a Male Kabuto/Omanyte.
  • Flying Pokemon BDSP AerodactylAerodactyl
  • Revive multiple Old Ambers at the Oreburgh Museum. Guaranteed 3 Perfect IVs.
  • Get a High IV Aerodactyl by using Destiny Knot to breed down until you get 5 or 6 perfect IVs onto a Male Aerodactyl.
  • Amorphous Pokemon BDSP DrifloonDrifloon
  • Catch the Drifloon at Valley Windworks every Friday. Guaranteed 3 Perfect IVs.
  • Get a High IV Drifloon by using Destiny Knot to breed down until you get 5 or 6 perfect IVs onto a Male Drifloon.
  • Field Pokemon BDSP MareepMareep
  • Let your Male High IV Cranidos/Shieldon hold Destiny Knot and breed with female Mareep until you get 5 or 6 perfect IVs onto a Male Mareep.
  • Grass Pokemon BDSP SnoverSnover
  • Let your Male High IV Cranidos/Shieldon hold Destiny Knot and breed with female Snover until you get 5 or 6 perfect IVs onto a Male Snover.
  • Dragon Pokemon BDSP GibleGible
  • Let your Male High IV Cranidos/Shieldon hold Destiny Knot and breed with female Gible until you get 5 or 6 perfect IVs onto a Male Gible.
  • Bug Pokemon BDSP SurskitSurskit
  • Let your Male High IV Kabuto/Omanyte hold Destiny Knot and breed with female Surskit until you get 5 or 6 perfect IVs onto a Male Surskit.
  • Water 2 Pokemon BDSP RemoraidRemoraid
  • Let your Male High IV Kabuto/Omanyte hold Destiny Knot and breed with female Remoraid until you get 5 or 6 perfect IVs onto a Male Remoraid.
  • Human-Like Pokemon BDSP RaltsRalts
  • Let your Male High IV Drifloon hold Destiny Knot and breed with female Ralts until you get 5 or 6 perfect IVs onto a Male Ralts.
  • Fairy Pokemon BDSP MarillMarill
  • Let your Male High IV Kabuto/Omanyte hold Destiny Knot and breed with female Marill until you get 5 or 6 perfect IVs onto a Male Marill.
  • Azurill cannot breed. You will have to evolve it into Marill before it can breed.

    Mineral Pokemon BDSP SnoruntSnorunt
  • Let your Male High IV Marill hold Destiny Knot and breed with female Snorunt until you get 5 or 6 perfect IVs onto a Male Snorunt.
  • As tedious as this method is, it is currently the only reliable way to have High IV parents for breeding High IV offspring.

    You may also attempt to catch multiple 1IV or 2IV Dittos by Poke Radar Chaining. While that is a challenge in and of itself, it will let you easily breed high IV genderless Pokemon as well.

    Nature and IV Breeding Guide

    How to Check IVs

    BDSP - Receive Judge Function.png

    After catching any high IV Pokemon, you can check their IVs by getting the Judge Function from an NPC at the Battle Tower. Before you can access the Battle Tower, you must first complete the game by defeating the Elite 4 and then ride the boat at the Snowpoint City port.

    How to Check IVs (Judge Function)

    Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

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    Training and Breeding

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    How to Level Up Fast How to EV Train Fast
    How to Reroll for Best Nature and IVs How to Increase IVs
    Pokerus Effects Shiny Hunting Guide
    How to Learn Egg Moves How to Change a Pokemon's Nature
    How to Check EVs How to Check Pokemon IVs
    How to Hatch Eggs Faster How to Get Hidden Abilities
    How to Catch High IV Pokemon How to Increase Friendship


    2 Anonymousabout 3 years

    , water 2 egg group are compatible with magikarp including the dragon egg group as well. Some of the compatible Pokémon are barboach, relicanth, finneon, goldeen, gible and more. I hope this gives you the answers that you seek.

    1 Flamarianover 3 years

    Cool idea. I like the idea of a breeding list, but I would prefer a more condensed list. Also, I am surprised you don't use Magikarp because of the low egg step count. I would appreciate these being considered.


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