Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Professor Rowan Character Profile

Professor Rowan

This article talks about Professor Rowan, the Sinnoh Region's Pokemon Professor in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to learn more about his role in the game and other related information about him!

Who is Professor Rowan?

Sinnoh Region Professor

Meeting Professor Rowan

Professor Rowan is the Sinnoh region's Pokemon Professor. He paves the way for players to start their adventures and asks them to explore the Sinnoh region and what it has to offer.

Gives Protagonist Their First Pokedex

At the beginning of the game, Professor Rowan entrusts the player and Barry with Sinnoh's starters. The Professor then gives the player a Pokedex and tasks them to explore the Sinnoh region and fill up the Pokedex with information about Pokemon. Once the Pokedex is filled up, he upgrades the Pokedex to the National Dex mode.

Professor Rowan's studies revolve around Pokemon evolution and Sinnoh's historic legends. He may appear stern at times, but that is only because he is very patient at interacting with others.

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Pokemon BDSP Characters

List of All Characters

Main Characters
BDSP - LucasLucas BDSP - DawnDawn
BDSP - BarryBarry -
Supporting Characters
BDSP - Professor RowanProfessor Rowan BDSP - CynthiaCynthia Bebe
Team Galactic
BDSP - CyrusGalactic Boss Cyrus BDSP - MarsCommander Mars BDSP - JupiterCommander Jupiter BDSP - SaturnCommander Saturn
Doubles Partners
BDSP - CherylCheryl BDSP - RileyRiley Buck Mira
Marley - - -


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