Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Eterna City Pokemon List and Map

eterna city.png
This is a map and walkthrough for Eterna City in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Learn what Pokemon are found on Eterna City, and what trainers, items, and events are encountered here.

- - -
Route 205 Eterna City Route 211
- Route 206 -

Eterna City Map and Items

Eterna City Map

Eterna City

View Full Map Image
Team Galactic Eterna Building

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Connected Maps

- - -
Route 205 Eterna City Route 211
- Route 206 -

Obtainable Items

Eterna City Items
Bicycle Cut Draco Plate
Explorer Kit PP Up Rare Candy
Recycle Super Potion Thief
Upgrade -

Get the Explorer Kit from Underground Man

Underground Man House

The house next to the Pokemon Center is home to the Underground Man. Talk to him to receive an Explorer Kit and make sure to do his requests in the Grand Underground to get free items!

Grand Underground Guide

Get an Upgrade from Professor Oak

Upgrade from Professor Oak.png

Professor Oak has a house in Eterna City - just across the Eterna City Gym. After becoming champion, getting the National Dex, and meeting him at Ramanas Park, you can talk to him again in his home to receive an Upgrade - an item necessary for the evolution of Porygon.

Eterna City Walkthrough

Eterna City Objectives

Pokemon BDSP - Challenge Gym Leader Gardenia

Steps to proceed through Eterna City
1 Go south and enter the Eterna City Poke Gym.
You'll find Super Potion on the right side of the Poke Gym building. The entrance is between the trees on the left side of the building.
2 Inside the Gym, go north and speak with Gym Leader Gardenia.
Gym Leader Gardenia's Pokemon are all Grass type. Make sure you have a Fire or Flying type Pokemon before challenging her.
3 Before you can challenge Gym Leader Gardenia, you need to beat all her trainers. Find all the trainers and defeat them to start the Gym Battle
4 After defeating the Gym Leader, go near the Team Galactic Eterna Building to receive Cut (HM01) from Cynthia. Once you have it, you will be able to cut down the trees blocking the entrance.
Travel to the east side of the building to find Thief (TM46).
5 You need a Bicycle for the Cycling Road in Route 206. But the manager has been kidnapped by Team Galactic. Travel back to the Team Galactic Eterna Building and rescue the manager.
6 Before getting the Bicycle from the manager, you might want to check the Old Chateau first because if you try to go back to Route 205 (left side of Eterna City) after you obtain the Bicycle, the trainer near the exit will stop you.
If you already have the Bicycle, visit Route 207, and the trainer will let you pass through.
7 Once you have the Bicycle, travel south and enter the building with a white roof near the Poke Gym. Exit south to reach Route 206.
Talk to the father of Prof. Rowan's assistant and he will check your Pokedex. If it is 35 or more, you'll receive Exp. Share.

Gardenia's Trainers Location

Trainer Location
Lass Caroline Northwest
From the main entrance, travel north. Enter the small path near the green platform and walk south.
Aroma Lady Jenna Southwest
From Lass Caroline's location, travel south. At the end of the field, turn right.
Aroma Lady Angela Center
From the main entrance, walk forward and enter the area with three shrubs. Go behind the shrubs to find trainer Aroma Lady Angela.
Beauty Lindsay Northeast
From the main entrance, go east and then north. At the end of the field, turn left.

Eterna City Gym Leader: Gardenia's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP CherubiCherubi
(Lvl. 19)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Chlorophyll Grass Knot
Dazzling Gleam
Pokemon BDSP TurtwigTurtwig
(Lvl. 19)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Shell Armor
Miracle Seed
Grass Knot
Razor Leaf
Work Up
Pokemon BDSP RoseradeRoserade
(Lvl. 22)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Technician
Sitrus Berry
Grass Knot
Petal Blizzard
Poison Sting
Stun Spore

Use Fire and Flying Type Moves

We recommend using fire and flying type moves against Gardenia since she is a grass-type user. Having a few Pokemon with these types like Staravia and Ponyta will be a great help during the fight too.

How to Beat Gardenia

Eterna City Gym Battle Rewards

Defeating Gym Leader Gardenia will reward you with the items below and unlock Cut (HM01). Once Cut (HM01) is unlocked, you can now use it outside of the battle.

Forest Badge Grass Knot (TM86)
₽ 2,640 -

Galactic Commander Jupiter's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP ZubatZubat
(Lvl. 18)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Absorb
Mean Look
Poison Fang
Pokemon BDSP SkuntankSkuntank
(Lvl. 20)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Aftermath
Sitrus Berry
Poison Gas
Acid Spray
₽ 1,600

Trade Buizel for a Chatot

If you need a flying Pokemon and no longer need your Buizel, you can trade it for a Chatot. Speak with the boy inside the Eterna Condominiums to trade. You can find the building beside the Poke Mart.

Get Explorer's Kit From Underground Man

Speak with the old man inside the building beside the Poke Center to receive an Explorer's Kit. He will also teach you how to be a spelunker.

Be sure to do his requests in exchange for nice items too!

Grand Underground Guide and Available Features

Eterna City Trainers

Lass Caroline

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP CherubiCherubi
(Lvl. 15)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Chlorophyll Sunny Day
Morning Sun
Pokemon BDSP RoseliaRoselia
(Lvl. 15)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Leaf Guard Stun Spore
Mega Drain
Leech Seed
₽ 240

Aroma Lady Jenna

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP BudewBudew
(Lvl. 14)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Poison Point Absorb
Stun Spore
Sleep Talk
Pokemon BDSP BudewBudew
(Lvl. 13)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Poison Point Absorb
Stun Spore
Sleep Talk
Pokemon BDSP BudewBudew
(Lvl. 15)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Poison Point Absorb
Stun Spore
Sleep Talk
₽ 480

Aroma Lady Angela

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP TurtwigTurtwig
(Lvl. 17)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Overgrow Tackle
Iron Tail
Bullet Seed
₽ 544

Beauty Lindsay

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP RoseliaRoselia
(Lvl. 17)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Poison Point Toxic
Leech Seed
Mega Drain
₽ 952

Galactic Grunt & Galactic Grunt

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP WurmpleWurmple
(Lvl. 13)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Shield Dust Tackle
String Shot
Poison Sting
Pokemon BDSP CascoonCascoon
(Lvl. 13)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Shed Skin Tackle
String Shot
Poison Sting
Pokemon BDSP ZubatZubat
(Lvl. 14)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Absorb
Mean Look
Pokemon BDSP GlameowGlameow
(Lvl. 14)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Own Tempo Fake Out

Galactic Grunt

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP WurmpleWurmple
(Lvl. 13)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Shield Dust Tackle
String Shot
Poison Sting
Pokemon BDSP ZubatZubat
(Lvl. 13)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Absorb
Mean Look
₽ 520

Galactic Grunt

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP SilcoonSilcoon
(Lvl. 15)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Shed Skin Tackle
String Shot
Poison Sting
₽ 600

Galactic Grunt

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP WurmpleWurmple
(Lvl. 12)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Shield Dust Tackle
String Shot
Poison Sting
Pokemon BDSP SilcoonSilcoon
(Lvl. 12)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Shed Skin Tackle
String Shot
Poison Sting
Pokemon BDSP ZubatZubat
(Lvl. 12)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Absorb
Mean Look
₽ 480

Scientist Travon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP KadabraKadabra
(Lvl. 15)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Synchronize Kinesis
₽ 720

Eterna City Shop

Eterna City Poke Mart

These items were listed after becoming the champion. Some items might not be available on your first visit.

Items Price
Poke Ball ₽ 200
Great Ball ₽ 600
Ultra Ball ₽ 1,200
Heal Ball ₽ 300
Potion ₽ 300
Super Potion ₽ 700
Hyper Potion ₽ 1,200
Max Potion ₽ 2,500
Full Restore ₽ 3,000
Revive ₽1,500
Antidote ₽ 100
Paralyze Heal ₽ 200
Awakening ₽ 250
Burn Heal ₽ 250
Ice Heal ₽ 250
Full Heal ₽ 600
Escape Rope ₽ 550
Repel ₽ 350
Super Repel ₽ 500
Max Repel ₽ 700

Eterna City Herb Shop

Items Price
Heal Powder ₽ 450
Energy Powder ₽ 500
Energy Root ₽ 800
Revival Herb ₽ 2,800

Eterna City Tips & Strategies

Get the Friendship Checker App

Pokemon BDSP - Friendship Checker Poketch App
You can have the Friendship Checker App installed on your Poketch in Eterna City. You will need to talk to a woman inside the Pokemon Center in order to do so. This app is a useful way to see how close you are to evolving certain Pokemon that evolve via high friendship.

How to Increase Friendship

Change Your Pokemon's Name via the Name Rater

Name Rater.png

Eterna City is also home to the Name Rater. He can be found on the first floor of the condominium beside the Poke Mart. The Name Rater can change your Pokemon's name as long as you're the one who caught your Pokemon.

Note that traded Pokemon cannot be renamed.

How to Change Nicknames

Buy Herbs at the Herb Shop

Herb Shop.png

You can buy herbs at the house next to the Team Galactic Eterna Building. These herbs are effective but will reduce your friendship with your Pokemon. Consider buying some herbs if you don't mind lowering your friendship with your Pokemon.

Train Your Pokemon at Eterna Forest

It's a good idea to train and level your Pokemon at Eterna Forest challenging Gardenia at the Eterna City Gym - especially if you chose Piplup as your Starter Pokemon.

The forest is a good spot to level early since Cheryl, your Doubles Partner, fully restores your Pokemon at the end of each battle.

Training your Pokemon to at least Lvl. 22 will make the succeeding battles significantly easier!

Eterna Forest Pokemon List and Map

Eterna City Connected Maps

- - -
Route 205 Eterna City Route 211
- Route 206 -

Pokemon BDSP Related Links

Pokemon BDSP Maps and Locations

All Maps and Locations

Towns and Cities
Twinleaf Town Sandgem Town
Jubilife City Oreburgh City
Floaroma Town Eterna City
Veilstone City Celestic Town
Pastoria City Hearthome City
Solaceon Town Canalave City
Snowpoint City Sunyshore City
Pokemon League -
Route 201 Route 202
Route 203 Route 204
Route 205 Route 206
Route 207 Route 208
Route 209 Route 210
Route 211 Route 212
Route 213 Route 214
Route 215 Route 216
Route 217 Route 218
Route 219 Route 220
Route 221 Route 222
Route 223 Route 224
Route 225 Route 226
Route 227 Route 228
Route 229 Route 230
Lakes and Lakefront
Valor Lakefront Lake Valor
Acuity Lakefront Lake Acuity
Lake Verity -
Oreburgh Gate Oreburgh Mine
Ravaged Path Valley Windworks
Mt. Coronet Eterna Forest
Wayward Cave Lost Tower
Trophy Garden Great Marsh
Solaceon Ruins Mt. Coronet North
Galactic HQ Spear Pillar
Victory Road Stark Mountain
Iron Island Sendoff Spring
Snowpoint Temple Old Chateau
Fuego Ironworks Fullmoon Island
Turnback Cave Ruin Maniac's Cave (Maniac Tunnel)
Floaroma Meadow New Moon Island
Seabreak Path Flower Paradise
Battle Zone
Fight Area Survival Area
Resort Area Battle Park


1 Anonymousabout 3 years

There is a draco plate on the back side of the dialga statue too here


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