Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Best Battle Tower Doubles Team

Pokemon BDSP Master Class Battles Best Doubles Team

This is a guide for the best Pokemon to use in Battle Tower's Master Class Double Battles in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Learn the best team for doubles to use in Master Class, and what Pokemon are important to watch out for.

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Best Battle Tower Doubles Team Master Class Guide & Best Teams

Battle Tower Doubles Best Battle Team

Pokemon Ability Item Attacks
Pokemon BDSP LudicoloLudicolo Swift Swim Life Orb Hydro Pump
Giga Drain
Ice Beam
Fake Out
Nature / EVsModest 76 HP / 252 SpA / 180 Spe
Final Stats165 HP / 81 Atk / 90 Def / 156 SpA / 120 SpD / 113 Spe (226 in Rain)
Pokemon BDSP PolitoedPolitoed Drizzle Sitrus Berry Scald
Ice Beam
Perish Song
Nature / EVsCalm 244 HP / 180 Def / 4 SpA / 76 SpD / 4 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Final Stats196 HP / 118 Def / 111 SpA / 143 SpD / 91 Spe
Pokemon BDSP ArcanineArcanine Intimidate Mago Berry Flare Blitz
Extreme Speed
Nature / EVsJolly 252 HP / 4 Atk / 4 Def / 108 SpD / 140 Spe
Final Stats197 HP / 131 Atk / 101 Def / 108 SpA / 114 SpD / 146 Spe
Pokemon BDSP TogekissTogekiss Super Luck Scope Lens Dazzling Gleam
Air Slash
Follow Me
Nature / EVsTimid 116 HP / 52 Def / 156 SpA / 4 SpD / 180 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Final Stats175 HP / 122 Def / 160 SpA / 136 SpD / 135 Spe

Atk/SpA values are omitted where irrelevant.

Battle Tower Doubles Team Strategy

Utilize This Team to Win Fast and Prolong Streaks

Pokemon BDSP Master Class Battles Ludicolo
Using this team is an efficient means to getting win streaks in Master Class Double Battles, and obtaining BP and items. Ludicolo is able to threaten huge damage with strong Hydro Pump attacks. We must always protect our Politoed and take out Pokemon that threaten to knock it out.

Togekiss is a bulky Pokemon that is able to deal massive damage with its critical hits, making it a great Pokemon for closing out games, while Arcanine is a very reliable support Pokemon, despite being a Fire Type in a Rain team.

This team can mostly handle the Battle Tower's randomness, but keep in mind that you can't win all the time. Focus on winning streaks of 7 with this team, instead of a prolonged streak, and don't feel too bad about the occasional loss.

Ludicolo's Hyper Offense

Pokemon BDSP LudicoloLudicolo
Ludicolo's Strengths
Hydro Pump usually knocks out Water-weak Pokemon, and deals lots of damage on neutral hits.
Ludicolo is not walled by bulky Water Pokemon because of its Giga Drain.
When Rain is up, It is always the fastest Pokemon on the field.

Ludicolo's job in this team is to get as many knock outs as it can. It usually succeeds because Pokemon in the Battle Tower are rarely equipped with Focus Sash. Watch out for Pokemon that do use Focus Sash or Focus Band, such as Lucario and Lopunny.

Be sure to use PP Ups on Hydro Pump so that you can use it more, especially because it is Ludicolo's strongest offensive move.

Knock out Electric Type Pokemon before they can attack Politoed. Volkner's Luxray, partnered with Flint's Infernape will try to double target Politoed. Prioritize knocking out whatever Volkner has on the field.

Recommended Held Item

Life Orb allows Ludicolo to be a strong offensive presence. Mystic Water or Wave Incense can work as substitutes for Life Orb, without boosting Ludicolo's other attacks.

Beat Stall Strategies with Politoed

Pokemon BDSP PolitoedPolitoed
Politoed's Strengths
It has very good bulk, and can stick around for long games.
Can occasionally burn opponents with Rain-boosted Scald.
Politoed can let you win otherwise unwinnable games with Perish Song.

Politoed can be a decent attacker in Rain, using Rain-boosted Scald attacks. Running into opposing stall strategies are no longer a problem when Politoed can Perish Song a Pokemon that has used Double Team multiple times.

We must be mindful of our positioning in the battle, only opting to use Perish Song when we can still switch out our Pokemon, or when our opponent can no longer switch out theirs.
Pokemon in the Battle Tower, such as Skuntank and Dusknoir use Double Team.

A less complicated EV spread of 76 HP / 252 SpA / 180 Sp for a Calm Politoed will also suffice, letting it be faster, while sacrificing some of its bulk.

Recommended Held Item

A Sitrus Berry is important for letting our Politoed survive longer.

Arcanine's Bulky Support

Pokemon BDSP ArcanineArcanine
Arcanine's Strengths
It acts as a bulky support Pokemon thanks to its Intimidate Ability, and Snarl. .
It can still be effective even in Rain.
Arcanine has a strong priority Move in Extreme Speed, being able to reliably take out Pokemon with low health.

Arcanine is usually a good defensive pivot, for if you run into a slower weather setter, or if you need it to take a Thunder Punch for Politoed. Do, however, watch out for Water-type moves, as they will knock out Arcanine in Rain. Switching out Politoed for Arcanine, and switching Politoed back in is a good way to reset the Rain.

Use Arcanine's Safeguard to protect your team from status conditions. Pokemon in the Battle Tower such as Jynx, will try to put your Pokemon to sleep with Sweet Kiss, while Breloom can use Spore.

Recommended Held Item

Having Arcanine hold a Mago Berry lets it stick around longer to fulfill its supporting role. Occasionally, you can also trigger its Mago Berry with recoil damage from Flare Blitz.

Use Togekiss for Offense and Redirection

Pokemon BDSP TogekissTogekiss
Togekiss' Strengths
Pokemon that cannot hit Togekiss for super-effective usually cannot beat it 1-on-1.
Its critical hits allow it to finish out games.
Togekiss has reliable redirection with its Follow Me.

Togekiss can offer support because of its respectable bulk, as well as offense thanks to its powerful Ability, Super Luck, letting it score consistent critical hits. If the listed EV Spread is too difficult to incorporate into your Togekiss, a simpler 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe will suffice. A Serene Grace Togekiss can still fulfill the same role.

Recommended Held Item

Super Luck when combined with Scope Lens lets Togekiss score consistent critical hits. This damage output is valuable especially when you need to close out games.

If it is ever on the field next to Ludicolo, Togekiss can protect it with Follow Me by redirecting a Bug Type attack. Think twice before redirectin a Poison Type attack to Togekiss, and redirect it if you absolutely must.

If you are running a Serene Grace Togekiss, consider equipping it with King's Rock for increased chances of flinching, or a Sitrus Berry for added survivability. If Togekiss is holding a Sitrus Berry, Politoed can hold an Aguav Berry instead.

Battle Tower Doubles Pokemon to Watch Out For

List of Pokemon to Watch Out For
Pokemon BDSP ZapdosZapdos Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados Pokemon BDSP HeracrossHeracross

Zapdos Can Hit Us for Super Effective Damage

Pokemon BDSP ZapdosZapdos

This Pokemon threatens both our leads as well as threatens both of our Pokemon in the back. It also does not get knocked out with a single Ice Beam. We must knock out Zapdos before it can do damage to our team.

Gyarados Can Wall Our Lead's Offense

Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados

Gyarados in Battle Tower has access to Power Whip which can knock out Politoed. It also resists Ludicolo's offense.

Gyarados' Water and Flying Typing lets it resist our Water and Grass Moves, and takes neutral damage from our Ice Beams. Because it can comfortably take hits, it could set up Dragon Dance, which is bad news for our team.

Heracross can Knock Out Ludicolo

Pokemon BDSP HeracrossHeracross

Battle Tower's Heracross often have access to Megahorn, which can knock out Ludicolo. Stone Edge can also hit Arcanine and Togekiss hard. If it succeeds in knocking out Ludicolo, switch in Arcanine to nullify the boost that Moxie adds to Heracross' Attack stat.

Pokemon like Rapidash also have access to Megahorn, so be sure to knock them out immediately.


Pokemon equipped with Quick Claw may give us a hard time because we always want Ludicolo to move first. There is also the chance for our Hydro Pumps to miss, even in rain. Some Pokemon even run Custap Berry, which lets them attack before we do.

Try to knock out opposing Articuno or Dewgong in the Battle Tower before they get the chance to use Sheer Cold.

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