Elden Ring

Carian Retaliation Location and How to Use

Carian Retaliation is a Sorcery spell in Elden Ring. Read on to learn more about Carian Retaliation's effects, stat requirements, how to get Carian Retaliation, and tips and tricks on how to use it effectively!

Carian Retaliation Overview

Stats and Requirements

Carian Retaliation
Elden Ring - Carian Retaliation Icon
Dispel enemy spells and retaliates with glintblades.
Spell Type FP Cost Slots Used
Sorcery 8 1
Stat Requirements
Intelligence Faith Arcane
17 0 0

Carian Retaliation Lore

Lore Description
"One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family.

Swing your staff to dispel incoming sorceries and incantations, using their power to retaliate with glintblades.

This was the Carian royal family's secret means to prepare against the disloyalty of the academy. The moon and stars would one day go their seperate ways.

Carian Retaliation Effects

Carian Retaliation is a sorcery spell that allows the caster to dispel any incoming sorceries and incantations and retaliate by turning them into magic glintblades.

How to Get Carian Retaliation

Purchase From a Merchant

Carian Retaliation can be purchased from the following merchants:

Merchant Price
SeluvisSeluvis 9000 Runes

How to Use Carian Retaliation

Deflect and Retaliate Against Spells

Elden Ring - Deflect and Retaliate Against Spells
Carian Retaliation is best used when fighting against enemies who mainly use spells. You can use this as a way to go on the offensive as you will be turning your opponent's attack into magic glintblades.

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