Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Spell Explained

Spell is a Skill Tag in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Read on to learn what skills and gems that have the Spell tag, the affixes, Uniques, and what Spell is!

What is Spell?

Spell In-Game Description

Spells are skills that use raw magic to destroy your enemies. Attacks are not Spells.
Spells have their own base damage, cast speed, and Critical Hit chance determined by the skill. They do not benefit from a weapon's inherent damage, attack speed, or Critical Hit chance.

Spell Uniques

Unique Gear with Spell

We're still checking out the Uniques that has this tag!

List of Unique Equipment

Spell Affixes

All Affixes with Spell

We're still checking out the affixes. Please come back for more updates!

Spell Skills

Spell in Ascendancy Skills

We're still checking out this skill tag. Please come back for more updates!

List of Ascendancy Skills

Spell in Passives

We're still checking out this skill tag. Please come back for more updates!

Passive Skill Tree Guide and List of Passives

Spell Gems

All Spell Skill Gems

There aren't any gems that have this tag.

List of Skill Gems

All Spell Support Gems

Gem Effects
Arcane Surge ImageArcane Surge ・Gain Arcane Surge for 8 seconds after spending a total of 100% of your maximum mana on supported skills
Arcane Tempo ImageArcane Tempo ・Supported skills have 25% more cast speed
Chaotic Freeze ImageChaotic Freeze ・Chaos damage contributes to Freeze buildup for Hits against targets taking damage over time from Supported Skills
Considered Casting ImageConsidered Casting ・Supported spell skills have 10% less cast speed
・Supported skills deal 25% more damage with spell hits
Controlled Destruction ImageControlled Destruction ・Supported skills deal 30% more damage with Hits and Ailments
・Supported skills cannot deal Critical Hits
Demolisher ImageDemolisher ・Supported skills break 40% more Armour
Drain Ailments ImageDrain Ailments ・Supported Skills consume a random Ailment on the target when inflicting damage over time Debuffs
・causing the Debuff to deal 35% more damage if an Ailment was consumed
Elemental Discharge ImageElemental Discharge Support:
・Supported skills cannot inflict Freeze, Shock, or Ignite
・Supported skills consume Freeze, Shock, or Ignite on hit to trigger Elemental Discharge
Elemental Discharge:
・Cooldown time: 1,00s
・Cast Time:1.00s
・Critical Hit Chance: 10.00%
・Consuming Freeze deals 30%-50% of your INT as Cold Damage
・Consuming Ignite deals 35%-55% of your INT as Fire Damage
・Consuming Shock deals 1%-80% of your INT as Lightning Damage
Encumbrance ImageEncumbrance ・Debuffs inflicted with supported skills have 15% increased Slow Magnitude
Fiery Death ImageFiery Death ・Killing Blows from Supported Strike Skills against Ignited enemies have a 60% chance to cause the enemy to explode
Hinder ImageHinder ・Chaos damage over time inflicted by supported skills also Hinders enemies
Impending Doom ImageImpending Doom Support:
・Trigger Doom Blast when curses from supported skills expire
Doom Blast:
・Cooldown Time: 0.12s (3 uses)
・Cast Time: 1.00s
・Critical Hit Chance: 5.00%
・ Deals damage in an area around the previously Cursed enemy.
・Deals base Chaos Damage equal to 15% of your current mana
Intense Agony ImageIntense Agony ・Damage over time Debuffs inflicted on Full-Life enemies by supported skills deal 50% more damage
・Supported skills have 25% less skill effect duration
Mana Flare ImageMana Flare Support:
・Supported skills trigger Mana Flare on Critical Hit
Mana Flare:
・Cooldown Time: 1.00s
・Cast Time: 1.00z
・Critical Hit Chance: 7.00%
・Consumes 20% of current Mana to deal that much Fire damage.
Spell Echo ImageSpell Echo ・Supported Spells Echo once
・Supported Skills have 30% less Cast Speed
・Echoes from Supported Spells have 30% more Area of Effect
Strip Away ImageStrip Away ・Exposure applied by Supported Skills has 30% increased effect.
Unleash ImageUnleash ・Supported spells gain a seal every 200% of cast time, to a maximum of 2 seals
・Supported spells are unsealed when cast, and their effects reoccur for each seal lost
・Supported skills deal 50% less damage when reoccurring
Wildshards ImageWildshards ・Supported skills have a 20% chance to fire 8 additional Projectiles in a circle

List of Support Gems

All Spell Spirit Gems

Gem Effects
Arctic Armour ImageArctic Armour ・Deals 17 to 25 Cold Damage per Stage
・Gains a Stage Every 1.2 seconds, up to a maximum of 3 Stages
Blink ImageBlink ・Teleports 4.6 metres
Ghost Dance ImageGhost Dance ・3.85 second duration between gaining Ghost Shrouds
・When Hit, Consume a Ghost Shroud to recover Energy Shield equal to 5% of your Evasion

List of Spirit Gems

Path of Exile 2 Related Guides

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Glossary

Glossary and Basic Game Mechanics

All Glossary Guides

Ailment Ammunition Ancestral Boost
AoE Attack Buff
Chaining Channelling Chaos
Chill Cold Curse
Detonator Dexterity Duration
Energy Shield Evasion Fire
Grenade Herald Intelligence
Life Leech Lightning Mark
Melee Meta Minion
Nova Orb Payoff
Persistent Physical Projectile
Slam Spell Spirit
Strength Strike Sustained
Tailwind Totem Travel
Trigger Warcry


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