Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

List of Skill Gems

This guide lists the skill gems available in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Read on to discover detailed information about each skill gem, including their effects, level requirements, and much more.

List of Skill Gems

All Skill Gems

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Name Tags Tier Level Req. Stat Req. Effects
Arc IconArc Lightning, Chaining 5 14 Int: 34 ・Deals 11 to 63 Lightning Damage
・Chains 2 Times
・10% More damage for each remaining chain
Armour Breaker IconArmour Breaker AoE, Melee, Strike, Physical 3 6 Dex: 16
・Hits Break 15 Armour
・+2 to melee strike range
・Knock enemies back on hit
・40% more Attack Speed while Dual Wielding
Armour Piercing Rounds IconArmour Piercing Rounds Ammunition, Projectile, Physical 1 3 None Armour Piercing Rounds:
・Attack Speed: 524% of Base
・Attack Damage: 22%
・Hits Break 2 Armour
・Knocks back Enemies
・12 Bolts loaded per clip
Artillery Ballista IconArtillery Ballista Totem, AoE, Projectile, Fire, Duration 9 31 Str: 40
Dex: 40
・Totem duration is 16 seconds
・Limit 1 Totem
・Totem Base Attack Time is 2.5 seconds
・Totem uses its own weapon dealing 25 to 38 Base Physical Damage
・Converts 60% of Physical damage to Fire damage
・Bolt explosion radius is 0.5 metres.
Ball Lightning IconBall Lightning AoE, Projectile, Sustained, Lightning 11 41 Int: 95 ・Deals 1 to 19 Lightning Damage
・Hits enemies in range every 0.2 seconds
・750% more chance to shock
・Fires beams at targets within 1.8 metres
Barrage IconBarrage Buff, Duration 5 14 Str: 34
・Buff empowers your next bow attack to repeat an additional time, plus an additional time per Frenzy Charge consumed
・Repeats deal 57% less damage
・1425% of repeated Skill's Attack Time is added to this skill's cooldown, to a maximum of 30 seconds
・Maximum buff duration is 5 seconds
Bone Cage IconBone Cage AoE, Physical, Duration, Nova 3 6 Int: 16 ・Deals 15-22 Physical Damage
・Hits are Pinning
・Pins Enemies as though Dealing 20% more damage
・Cage Radius is 1.8m
・Explosion Radius is 1m
・Cage Duration is 1.6s
Bone Offering IconBone Offering Buff, AoE, Physical, Duration 11 41 Int: 95 Buff:
・Limit 1 Bone Offering Spike
・Spike duration is 5s
・Deals 82 to 123 Physical Damage
・100% more Stun buildup
Boneshatter IconBoneshatter AoE, Melee, Strike 1 6 Dex: 16
・+2 Melee strike range
・While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage
・Cannot cause Stun Buildup
Bonestorm IconBonestorm AoE, Projectile, Sustained, Physical, Duration, Channelling 5 14 Int: 34 Projectile:
・Deals 14 to 21 Physical Damage
・Debuffed enemies take 14 to 21 additional Physical Damage from next attack
・Can fire up to 20 Projectiles
・Debuff duration is 10s
・Deals 11 to 17 Physical Damage
・Debuffed enemies take 14 to 21 additional physical damage from next attack
・Debuff duration is 10s
・Explosion radius is 0.5M
・40% More AoE per Power Charge consumed
・0.7M to explosion radius if a power Charge was consumed
Chaos Bolt IconChaos Bolt Projectile, Chaos 1 1 Int: 16 ・Deals 10-19 Chaos Damage
Charged Staff IconCharged Staff Attack, Buff, AoE, Duration 9 31 Str: 40
Int: 40
・Buff Grants 1 to 6 added quarterstaff Attack Lightning Damage per Power Charge Consumed, up to your Maximum Power Charges
・Buff Duration is 6 seconds per Power Charge Consumed.
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・Wave Length is 5 Metres
Cluster Grenade IconCluster Grenade AoE, Projectile, Grenade Fire, Duration 13 52 Str: 66
Dex: 66
Primary Grenade:
・Converts 20% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Explosion Radius is 2.5 metres
・Fuse duration is 2 seconds
Mini Grenades Convert 40% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage;Explosion Radius is 1.2 metres;Fuse Duration is 3 seconds;and Fire exactly 14 grenades in a Nova:
Cold Snap IconCold Snap AoE, Cold, Payoff 5 14 Int: 34 ・Deals 84 to 126 Cold Damage
・Explosion Radius is 0.7 metres.
Comet IconComet Aoe, Cold 11 41 Int: 95 ・Deals 321 to 482 Cold Damage
・1 second to total cast time
Conductivity IconConductivity AoE, Lightning, Duration, Curse 7 22 Int: 52 ・Curse applies after 1.0 second delay
・Curse radius is 1.7 metres
・Cursed enemies have -32% to Lightning resistance
・Curse duration is 6.4 seconds
Contagion IconContagion AoE, Chaos, Duration 1 1 None ・Deals 1.8 Base Chaos Damage per second
・Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to debuff's damage over time
・Debuff deals 100% more damage for each time it has spread, up to 300%
・Spread radius is 1.7 metres
・Debuff duration is 5 seconds
Dark Effigy IconDark Effigy Totem, AoE, Projectile, Chaos, Duration 9 31 Int: 72 Dark Effigy:
・Totem Duration is 8s
・Limit of 1 Totem
Vile Effusion:
・Deals 8 to 15 Chaos Damage
・Impact Radius is 0.8 metres
Despair IconDespair AoE, Chaos, Duration, Curse 9 31 Int: 72 ・Curse applies after 1.0 second delay
・Cursed Enemies have -32% to Chaos Resistance
・Curse Radius is 1.8 metres
・Curse Duration is 6.6s
Detonate Dead IconDetonate Dead AoE, Physical, Fire, Detonator 7 22 Int: 52 ・Deals (6–169) to (9–254) Fire Damage
・Deals Physical damage equal to 20% of Corpse's maximum Life
・Explosion radius is 2.6 metres
Detonating Arrow IconDetonating Arrow AoE, Projectile, Fire, Channelling, Detonator 9 31 Str: 72
・Gain 120% of damage as extra Fire Damage per stage
・Max 4 stages
・Explosion radius is 1.8m
Earthquake IconEarthquake AoE, Melee, Slam, Duration 1 3 Dex: 9
・100% Increased Magnitude of Jagged Ground
・When Dual Wielding weapons hit with 30% less damage
・Impact Radius is 1.8M
・Jagged Ground radius is 2.2M
・maximum 2 Jagged Ground Patches
・Jagged Ground duration is 4s
・Aftershock radius is 3.4M
Earthshatter IconEarthshatter AoE, Melee, Slam, Duration 7 22 Dex: 52
・While Dual Wielding both weapons hit with 30% less attack speed
・Maximum of 6 Spikes
・Deals damage along the fissure's path and in a 1M Radius around the emerging spike
・Spike duration is 6s
・Explosion Radius is 2 Metres
Electrocuting Arrow IconElectrocuting Arrow Projectile, Lightning, Duration 5 14 Str: 34
・Converts 50% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・+1.2 seconds to Total Attack time
・Cannot Chain
・Arrow duration 12 seconds
Ember Fusillade IconEmber Fusillade AoE, Projectile, Fire, Duration 3 6 Int: 16 ・Deals 13-19 Fire Damage
・Embers deal 5% more damage for each previous Ember fired in sequence
・Hover duration is 1.3 seconds
・Can Accumulate up to 6 embers
Emergency Reload IconEmergency Reload Duration 11 41 Str: 52
Dex: 52
・maximum Buff duration is 6 seconds
・Buff Empowers loaded bolts with 22% more damage
Enfeeble IconEnfeeble AoE, Duration, Curse 3 6 Int: 16 Spell:
・Curse applies after 1.0s delay
・Curse Rradius is 1.6 metres
・Curse duration is 6.2s
・Cursed normal, magic or rare enemies deal 20% less damage
・Cursed unique enemies deal 10% less damage
Escape Shot IconEscape Shot AoE, Projectile, Cold 1 None ・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
・+0.7 seconds to Total Attack Time
・300% more Freeze Buildup
・Impact radius is 2.4 metres
Essence Drain IconEssence Drain Projectile, Chaos, Duration 3 6 Int: 16 Projectile:
・Deals 9 to 16 Chaos Damage.
Damage Over Time:
・Deals 15 base Chaos damage per second
・Modifiers Spell damage apply to Debuff's Damage over time
・Debuff duration is 4 seconds
Explosive Grenade IconExplosive Grenade AoE, Projectile, Grenade, Fire, Duration, Detonator 1 1 None ・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Explosion radius is 1.8 meters
・Fuse duration is 2.5 seconds
Explosive Shot IconExplosive Shot AoE, Ammunition, Projectile, Fire, Detonator 7 22 Str: 30
Dex: 30
Explosive Shot - Projectile:
・Converts 30% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Knocks Back enemies
Explosive Shot - Explosion:
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Knocks Back enemies
・Explosion Radius is 2.6 metres
・30% less reload speed
・1 bolt loaded per clip
Eye of Winter IconEye of Winter Projectile, Cold 13 52 Int: 119 ・Deals 11 to 16 Cold Damage
・Fires 8 shard projectiles in a spiral when projectile ends
・Modifiers to number of projectiles only apply to the final spiral
・Inflicts Critical Weakness on hit
・Gains 52% of damage as the corresponding type when passing over a ground surface
Falling Thunder IconFalling Thunder AoE, Melee, Slam, Projectile, Lightning 1 1 None Melee:
・Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・Cone Length is 4 Metres
Fireball IconFireball AoE, Projectile, Fire 9 31 Int: 72 ・Deals 46 to 68 Fire Damage
Firestorm IconFirestorm AoE, Sustained, Fire, Duration, Payoff 11 41 Int: 95 ・Deals 26 to 39 Fire Damage
・Impact Radius is 1 Metre
・Storm Radius is 5.6 Metres
・Storm duration is 6 seconds
・One impact every .1 seconds
・Limit 1 Firestorm
Flame Wall IconFlame Wall AoE, Fire, Duration 1 1 None ・Wall duration is 4.5 Seconds
・Projectiles which pass through the wall deal 2 to 3 added Fire Damage
・Ignites as though dealing 13 to 20 Fire Damage
Flameblast IconFlameblast AoE, Fire, Channelling, Nova 13 52 Int: 119 ・Deals 28 to 43 Fire Damage
・30% more Cast Speed when tartgeting a Solar Orb
・200% more damage per stage
・10 maximum stages
・Explosion radius is 0.4 metres per stage
Flammability IconFlammability AoE, Fire, Duration, Curse 7 22 Int: 52 ・Curse applies after 1.0 second delay
・Curse radius is 1.7 metres
・Cursed enemies have -32% to Fire resistance
・Curse duration is 6.4 seconds
Flash Grenade IconFlash Grenade AoE, Projectile, Grenade, Duration 2 6 Str: 10
Dex: 10
・400% more Stun Buildup
・Explosion radius is 2.5 meters
・Fuse duration is 0.85 seconds
・Blinds enemies and allies
Flicker Strike IconFlicker Strike AoE, Melee, Strike 13 52 Str: 66
Int: 66
・Teleports and strikes two additional times per power Charge with 285% more attack speed. You cannot gain power charges while using this skill
Fragmentation Rounds IconFragmentation Rounds Ammunition, Projectile, Payoff 1 3 None Fragmentation Rounds Projectile:
・Knocks Back Enemies
・Multiple Fragments can hit the same target
・Multiple fragments hitting a target simultaneously will combine their damage into a single hit
・Bolts pierce 2 Targets
・Fires 10 fragments per shot.
Fragmentation Rounds VS Frozen:
・Base explosion is 1.4 metres
・1 Bolt loaded per clip
Freezing Mark IconFreezing Mark Attack, AoE, Mark, Cold, Duration, Nova 7 22 Str: 30
Int: 30
・Limit 1 Marked target
・Mark duration is 8 seconds
・Hits against Marked enemy cause 28% more Freeze Buildup
・24 to 36 Base Cold Damage
・+12% to Critical hit chance
・100% more Freeze Buildup
・Nova radius is 2.6 meters
Freezing Salvo IconFreezing Salvo AoE, Projectile, Cold 5 14 Str: 34
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
・50% more Freeze buildup
・Impact radius is 1.2 metres
・Accumulates up to 12 missiles
・Accumulates a missile every 1 second
Frost Bomb IconFrost Bomb AoE, Cold, Duration, Orb 1 1 None ・Deals 21-32 Cold Damage
・Pulse and Explosion Radius are 1.7 meters
・Exposure Duration is 5 Seconds
・Orb Duration is 3 Seconds
Frost Wall IconFrost Wall AoE, Cold, Duration 9 31 Int: 72 ・Deals 45 to 68 Cold Damage
・50% more Freeze buildup
・Explosion Radius is 2 metres
・Ice Crystal duration is 8 seconds
・Ice Crystals have 832 maximum life
Frostbolt IconFrostbolt AoE, Projectile, Cold, Duration 3 6 Int: 16 ・Deals 9-14 Cold Damage
・Projectiles pierce all targets
・100% increased magnitude of Chill inflicted
・Chilled Ground radius is 0.9 metres
・Chilled Ground duration is 4 seconds
Frozen Locus IconFrozen Locus AoE, Melee, Cold, Duration, Nova 1 1 None ・6 to 9 Base Cold Damage
・13% to Critical Hit chance
・50% more Freeze buildup
・Explosion radius is 2 Metres
Galvanic Shards IconGalvanic Shards Ammunition, Projectile, Lightning, Chaining 5 14 Str: 20
Dex: 20
Galvanic Shards:
・Converts 40% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・Knocks Back enemies
・Multiple fragments can Hit the same target
・Multiple fragments Hitting a target simultaneously will combine their damage into a single Hit
・Fires 6 Fragments per shot
・50% Less Reload Speed
・5 Bolts loaded per Clip
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・Beam Chains to 1 enemy
Gas Arrow IconGas Arrow AoE, Projectile, Fire, Chaos, Duration 7 22 Str: 52
・Impact Radius is 1.8 metres
Poison Cloud:
・Attack Damage: 180%
・Does not Hit, but Poisons enemies as though Hitting them
・Gains 50% more AoE per second up to 200%
・Cloud duration 4 seconds
・Cloud radius 1.8 metres
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Gas Grenade IconGas Grenade AoE, Projectile, Grenade, Fire, Chaos, Duration 3 14 Str: 20
Dex: 20
・Impact radius is 1.5 meters
・Fuse duration is 2 seconds
Poison Cloud:
・Attack Damage: 128%
・Does not Hit, but Poisons enemies as though Hitting them
・Gains 20% more area of effect per second, up to a maximum of 160%
・Cloud radius is 1.5 meters
・Attack Damage: 342%
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Gathering Storm IconGathering Storm AoE, Melee, Strike, Lightning, Channelling, Travel 13 52 Str: 66
Int: 66
Normal Dash:
・Converts 25% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・0.8 seconds to Total Attack Time
・10 to Melee strike range
Perfect Dash:
・Converts 70% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・10 to Melee strike range
・Shocked Ground width is 1.8 metres
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・10 to Melee Strike range
・Shockwave Radius is 2.2 metres
・maximum 8 Shockwaves per use
Glacial Bolt IconGlacial Bolt Aoe, Ammunition, Projectile, Cold, Duration 7 22 Str: 30
Dex: 30
Glacial Bolt Projectile:
・Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
・Knocks Back Enemies
Glacial Bolt Wall:
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
・Explosion Radius is 1.8 meters
・ Wall lasts 6.0s
・1 Bolt loaded per clip
Glacial Cascade IconGlacial Cascade AoE, Melee, Cold, Payoff 1 1 None Wave:
・Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
・Burst Radius is 0.5 Metres
・Wave Length is 4.8 Metres
・Causes 8 Bursts
Final Burst:
・Attack Damage: 145%
・Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
・Cannot Freeze
・Consumes Freeze on enemies to deal 350% more Damage
・Cannot Knock Enemies Back
・Burst radius is .7 metres
Hailstorm Rounds IconHailstorm Rounds AoE, Ammunition, Projectile, Sustained, Cold 11 41 Str: 52
Dex: 52
Hailstorm Rounds:
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
・Impact Radius is 1.2 metres
・Rain radius is 2.5 metres
・50% less reload speed
・Can store up to 20 bolts
Hammer of the Gods IconHammer of the Gods AoE, Melee, Slam, Duration 13 52 Dex: 119
・Can't be Evaded
・While Dual Wielding both weapons hit with 30% less damage
・Impact Radius is 2.4 metres
・Hammerfall duration is 2.5 seconds
Hexblast IconHexblast AoE, Chaos Payoff 11 41 Int: 95 ・Deals 101 to 188 Chaos Damage
・Explosion Radius is 1.6 Metres
・Detonates Curses on enemies in a 2.5 metre radius
・Maximum 9 Explosions per Cast
High Velocity Rounds IconHigh Velocity Rounds Ammunition, Projectile, Physical, Payoff 3 6 Str: 10
Dex: 10
High Velocity Rounds Projectile:
・Attack Damage: 182%
・Knocks back Enemies
・Bolts Pierce 6 Targets
High Velocity Rounds VS Armour Broken:
・Attack Damage: 411%
・Knocks back Enemies
・Bolts Pierce 6 Targets
・1 Bolt loaded per clip
Hypothermia IconHypothermia AoE, Cold, Duration, Curse 7 22 Int: 52 ・Curse applies after 1.0 second delay
・Curse radius is 1.7 metres
・Cursed enemies have -32% to Cold resistance
・Curse duration is 6.4 seconds
Ice Nova IconIce Nova AoE, Cold, Nova 1 1 None ・Deals 4 to 6 Cold Damage
・100% more magnitude of Chill inflicted
・Knock enemies back on hit
・Nova radius is 3.2 metres
Ice Shards IconIce Shards AoE, Ammunition, Projectile, Sustained, Cold 5 14 Str: 20
Dex: 20
Ice Shards:
・Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
・Knocks Back Enemies
・12 Bolts loaded per Clip
・Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
・Chills enemies as though dealing 240% more damage
・Explosion radius is 1.2 metres
・Shards that have existed for at least one second deal 900% more damage
・Maximum 12 Shards
Ice Shot IconIce Shot Projectile, Cold 9 31 Str: 72
・Converts 70% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
・50% more Magnitude of Chill inflicted
・Attack Damage: 137%
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
・Fires 5 Projectiles
Ice Strike IconIce Strike Attack, Melee, Strike, Cold 5 5 Str: 20
Int: 20
Normal Strikes:
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
Third Strike:
・50% Less Attack Speed
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
・+7 to Melee Strike Range
Incendiary Shot IconIncendiary Shot AoE, Ammunition, Projectile, Fire 3 6 Str: 10
Dex: 10
Incendiary Shot:
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Knock back enemies
・100% more chance to Ignite enemies
・Bolts shatter on impact dealing damage in a 1.9M cone
・Multiple fragments can hit the same target
・Multiple fragments that hit the same target will combine into a single hit
・Fires 10 Fragments per shot
・1 Bolt loaded per clip
Incinerate IconIncinerate AoE, Sustained, Fire, Duration, Channelling 5 14 Int: 34 ・50% less ignite duration
・Cone length is 4.6 metres
・Deals 40% more damage per stage
・Inflicts stacking Fire exposure at maximum stages, reducing Fire Resistance by 4% per stack, up to a maximum of 50%
・8 maximum stages
・Ignites as though dealing 28 to 42 Fire Damage.
Infernal Cry IconInfernal Cry AoE, Trigger, Fire, Duration 1 6 Dex: 16
・4% increased Warcry speed
・Empowers the next melee attack you perform, plus an additional attack per endurance charge consumed
・Empowered attacks gain 25% of damage as fire damage per 5 Power of enemies in range, up to 100%
・Warcry radius is 4 metres
・Destabilises enemies for 8 seconds
Killing Palm IconKilling Palm AoE, Melee, Strike, Physical 7 22 Str: 30
Int: 30
・24 to 36 Added Attack Physical Damage
・Culling Strike
・Can't be Evaded
・7% to Critical Hit Chance
Leap Slam IconLeap Slam AoE, Melee, Slam, Travel, Payoff 7 22 Dex: 52
・+0.65 seconds to Total Attack Time, plus up to +0.5% seconds based on distance travelled
・While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage
・26% more Stun buildup
・Impact radius is 2.5 metres
・Consumes fully broken armour on enemies to cause 500% more Stun buildup
Lightning Arrow IconLightning Arrow AoE, Projectile, Lightning, Chaining 1 None Projectile:
・Converts 40% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・Cannot Chain
・Beam targeting radius is 2.4 metres
・Fires beams at up to 2 additional enemies near the target
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・Chains 2 Times
・Beam targeting radius is 2.4 metres
Lightning Conduit IconLightning Conduit AoE, Lightning, Payoff 13 52 Int: 119 ・Deals 43 to 128 Lightning Damage
・1 second to total cast time
・100% more Damage with hits per 5% shock effect on enemy
・Cone Length is 10 metres
Lightning Rod IconLightning Rod AoE, Projectile, Sustained, Lightning, Duration 1 None ・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・Burst radius is 2 metres
・Maximum Arrow duration is 12 seconds
・Arrow disappears after being Chained to 8 times
Lightning Warp IconLightning Warp AoE, Lightning, Duration 9 31 Int: 72 ・Deal 9 to 170 Lightning Damage
・Explosion and shocked ground radius are 4 metres
・Shocked ground duration is 10 seconds
Magnetic Salvo IconMagnetic Salvo AoE, Projectile, Lightning 13 52 Str: 119
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・Impact radius is 1m
・Fires up to 14 missiles
・Attack Damage: 288%
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・Explosion radius is 2.4m
Mana Tempest IconMana Tempest Buff, Lightning 9 31 Int: 72 ・Empowered spells gain 56% of damage as Lightning Damage
・Buff causes lightning spells that cost mana to also chain to +1 target when chaining, but not chain further from them
・Projectiles from empowered lightning spells fork 30% of mana spent while in the storm is added to this skill's mana cost per second
Mantra of Destruction IconMantra of Destruction Chaos, Duration 9 31 Str: 40
Int: 40
・Requires 10 Combo to use
・Lose Combo if you generate no Combo for 8 seconds
・Empowered attack gains 30% of damage as Chaos
・Buff duration is up to 8s or until your next attack
・Purple Flames of Chayula duration is 6s
Molten Blast IconMolten Blast AoE, Projectile, Fire 5 14 Dex: 34
・Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・While Dual Wielding, fire twice as many projectiles with 30% less attack speed
・Explosion radius is 1.6 metres
・Attack Damage: 114%
・Converts 100% Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Fires 8 Projectiles
Oil Grenade IconOil Grenade AoE, Projectile, Grenade, Fire, Duration 9 31 Str: 40
Dex: 40
・Covering enemies in Oil Slows their movement speed by 20%
・Covering enemies in Oil applies Fire Exposure, lowering total Fire Resistance by 20%
・Oil Ground slows enemy movement speed by 30%
・Oil Ground applies Fire Exposure to enemies, lower total Fire Resistance by 20%
・Oil spray radius is 2.2 metres
・Oil and Oil Ground duration is 5 seconds
・Fuse Duration is 1.6 seconds
Orb of Storms IconOrb of Storms AoE, Sustained, Lightning, Duration, Chaining, Orb 3 6 Int: 16 ・Deals 3 to 9 Lightning Damage
・Chains 3 times
・Fires a bolt every 3.4 seconds, and when you use a lightning skill near the orb
・Orb disappears after 12 bolts
・Orb radius is 2.8 metres
・Orb duration is 10 seconds
・Limit of 1 Orb of Storms
Pain Offering IconPain Offering Buff, AoE, Aura, Duration 5 5 Int: 34 ・Limit 1 Pain Offering Spike
・Aura Radius is 6 Metres
・Spike Duration is 6 seconds
・Aura grants minions 30% increased attack and cast speed
Perfect Strike IconPerfect Strike AoE, Melee, Strike, Fire, Duration, Channeling 5 5 Dex: 34
Normal Strikes:
・Converts 40% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage
Perfect Strike:
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・+14 to Melee Strike Range
・While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage
・Always Ignites
・0-20% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict (from Quality)
Permafrost Bolts IconPermafrost Bolts AoE, Ammunition, Projectile, Cold 1 1 None Permafrost Bolts:
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
・Knocks Back Enemies
・80% more Freeze Buildup
・Bolts shatter on impact, dealing damage in a 2.7 metre cone
・Multiple fragments can Hit the same target
・Multiple fragments hitting a target simultaneously will combine their damage into a single Hit
・Fires 10 fragments per shot
・1 Bolt loaded per clip
Plasma Blast IconPlasma Blast AoE, Ammunition, Projectile, Lightning, Chanelling 13 52 Str: 66
Dex: 66
Plasma Blast - Projectile:
・Projectiles Pierce
・all targets
・Converts 70% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・2 seconds to Total Attack time
・Knocks back enemies
・30% more chance to shock
Plasma Blast - Explosion:
・Converts 100% Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・30% more chance to Shock
・Explosion radius is 3.2 metres
・1 bolt loaded per clip
Poisonburst Arrow IconPoisonburst Arrow AoE, Projectile, Chaos, Duration 1 1 None None
Profane Ritual IconProfane Ritual AoE, Chaos, Duration 7 22 Int: 52 ・Deals 59.2 Base Chaos Damage per Second
・Limit 5 Active Rituals
・Ritual Radius is 1.8 metres
・Ritual Duration is 2s
Rain of Arrows IconRain of Arrows AoE, Projectile, Sustained 9 31 Str: 72
・Fires 34 Arrows
・Rain radius 3.6m
・Arrow impact radius .7m
・Max 1 Arrow rain
・One arrow lands every .08s
・Fires 100% more Arrows if Frenzy Charge consumed
・Fires 50% more Arrows per Frenzy Charge consumed
Raise Zombie IconRaise Zombie Physical, Duration 5 14 Int: 34 ・Limit to 10 Raised Zombies
・Zombie duration is 20s
・Empowered Zombies take 30% less damage
・Empowered Zombies deal 100% more damage with hits
・Empowered Zombies have 25% more Movement Speed
Rapid Shot IconRapid Shot Ammunition, Projectile, Fire 5 14 Str: 20
Dex: 20
Rapid Shot:
・Converts 60% of Physical to Fire Damage
・Knocks Back enemies
・Maximum 17 Heat
・Rapid Shots Gain 7% of Damage as extra Fire damage per Heat
・Charges for 800% of Attack Time before firing when you have no Heat
・Gain Heat 4x per second while firing
・Grenades Gain 6% extra Fire damage per Heat
・50% less reload speed
・50 bolts per clip
Resonating Shield IconResonating Shield AoE, Melee, Sustained, Physical, Channelling 5 14 Dex: 34
・Hits Break 14 Armour
・10 to 16 Base Off Hand Physical damage
・2 to 3 added Physical damage per 15 Armour on Shield
・Cannot be Empowered by Warcries
・Shockwave Radius 1.8 Metres
Ripwire Ballista IconRipwire Ballista Totem, Projectile, Duration 7 22 Str: 30
Dex: 30
・Totem duration is 16 seconds
・Limit 1 Totem
・Totem base Attack Time is 1.6 seconds
・Totem uses its own weapon dealing 24 to 36 Base Physical Damage
・Hits are Pinning
・Pins enemies as though dealing 250% more damage,Fires 5 Projectiles,Maim on hit
Rolling Slam IconRolling Slam AoE, Melee, Slam 1 3 Dex: 9
Rolling Slam:
・1.5 seconds to Total Attack Time
・While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage
First Slam:
・Attack Damage: 88%
・50% more Stun buildup
・Impact radius is 1.4 metres
・Causes Daze buildup equal to 0-50% of Physical Damage dealt (from Quality)
Second Slam:
・Attack Damage: 176%
・Impact radius is 1.8 metres
・Causes Daze buildup equal to 0-50% of Physical Damage dealt (from Quality)
Seismic Cry IconSeismic Cry AoE, Physical, Duration 11 41 Dex: 95
・Deals 50-75 Physical Damage
・20% increased Warcry Speed
・200% increased Knockback distancel400% more Stun Buildup
・Knockback enemies on hit
・Hits ignore enemy Physical Damage Reduction
・Empowers the next Melee Slam Attack
・Additional Attack per Endurance Charge consumed
・Warcry radius is 4M
Shattering Palm IconShattering Palm AoE, Melee, Strike, Cold, Nova 11 41 Str: 52
Int: 52
・45 to 68 added Cold damage
・Can't be Evaded
・9% to Critical Hit chance
・Attaches shards to enemies within a 3.8 metre radius
・24 to 36 added Cold damage
・11% to Critical Hit chance
・100% more Freeze buildup
・Explosion radius is 1.6 metres
Shield Charge IconShield Charge AoE, Melee, Physical, Channelling, Travel 3 6 Dex: 16
Area of Effect:
・7 to 10 Base Off Hand Physical damage
・2 to 3 added Physical Damage per Armour on Shield
・Impact Radius is 2.4 metres
・7 to 10 Base Hand Physical Damage
・Knock Back enemies
・2 to 3 added Physical damage per 15 Armour on Shield
・50% more Stun Buildup
・Impact Radius is 2.4 Metres
Shield Wall IconShield Wall AoE, Physical, Duration 7 22 Dex: 52
・Can have 1 Shield Wall active at a time
・15 to 23 Base Off Hand Physical damage
・2 to 4 added Physical damage per 15 armor on the shield
・Explosion radius is 2M
・Wall duration is 6s
・Wall Segments have 460 maximum Life
Shockburst Rounds IconShockburst Rounds AoE, Ammunition, Projectile, Lightning, Payoff 11 41 Str: 52
Dex: 52
Shockburst Rounds - Projectile:
・Converts Physical damage to Lightning damage
Shockburst Rounds - Pulse:
・Converts 100% of Physical damage to Lightning Damage
・Pulse radius is 1.8 metres
・20% less reload speed
・15 bolts loaded per clip
Shockchain Arrow IconShockchain Arrow AoE, Projectile, Lightning, Chaining, Payoff 11 41 Str: 95
・Converts 20% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・Cannot Chain
・Arrows always Pierce while flying towards a Shocked enemy
・Attack Damage: 80%
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・Chains up to 10 times
・Attack Damage: 121%
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・Shockwave radius is 2.5m
Shockwave Totem IconShockwave Totem Totem, AOE, Melee, Slam, Physical, Duration, Nova 3 6 Dex: 16
・Totem duration is 12s
・Limit of 1 Totem
・Totem Base Attack Time is 3s
・Totem uses its own weapon dealing 10 to 16 base Physical Damage
・Shockwave radius is 3 metres
Siege Cascade IconSiege Cascade AoE, Ammunition, Projectile, Sustained, Fire, Payoff 13 52 Str: 66
Dex: 66
Siege Cascade - Impact:
・Convert 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・fire bolts at every enemy within a 2.5-metre radius
・Bolt explosion radius is 0.5 meters
・200% more damage against immobilized enemies
Siege Cascade - Explosion:
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Fires Bolts at every enemy within a 2.5 metre radius
・Bolt explosion radius is 1 metre
・200% more damage against immobilised enemies
・50% less reload speed
・1 Bolt loaded per clip
Siphoning Strike IconSiphoning Strike AoE, Melee, Strike, Lightning, Payoff 7 22 Str: 30
Int: 30
・6 to Melee Strike Range
・50% more Stun Buildup
・Knock enemies back on Hit
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage,50% more Stun Buildup
・Shockwave radius is 1.8 meters
Skeletal Arsonist IconSkeletal Arsonist Persistent, Fire, Detonator 3 6 Int: 16 ・Summons Bomb-Throwing
・Reviving Skeletal Arsonists
・Can detonate other Minions on Command
Skeletal Brute IconSkeletal Brute Minion, Persistent, Physical 13 52 Int: 119 None
Skeletal Cleric IconSkeletal Cleric Minion, Persistent 13 52 Int: 119 Revive Skeleton:
・Revive a fallen Skeleton
・Life Regeneration granted: 13
Skeletal Frost Mage IconSkeletal Frost Mage Persistent, Cold 5 14 Int: 34 Minion Info:
・Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel
Command: Ice Bomb:
・Deals 28 to 43 Cold Damage
・100% More Magnitude or Chill Inflicted
・Explosion Radius is 2.6m
Skeletal Reaver IconSkeletal Reaver Minion, Persistent, Physical 9 31 Int: 72 Minion Info:
Command: Enrage:
・Enrage all Skeletal Reavers, causing them to lose life over time and gain Rage on hit. Skeletal Reavers do more Attack Damage and gain increased Attack speed based on their Rage.
Skeletal Sniper IconSkeletal Sniper Persistent, Physical, Fire, Chaos 1 6 Int: 16 Minion:
Command: Gas Arrow - Impact:
・Cooldown Time: 8.00s
・Attack Speed: 120% Base
・Attack Damage: 70%
Command: Gas Arrow - Poison Cloud:
・Does not hit, but Poisons enemies as though hitting them
・Gains 40% more area of effectper second, up to a maximum of 200%
・Cloud Duration is 8s
・Cloud Radius is 1.4 metres
Command: Gas Arrow - Explosion:
・Converts 100% of Physical damage to Fire Damage
Skeletal Storm Mage IconSkeletal Storm Mage Persistent, Lightning 11 41 Int: 95 Minion Info:
・Minions Gain 0(0-20)% of their maximum Life as extra maximum Energy Shield
Command: Death Storm:
・Deals 74 to 418 Lightning Damage
・Bolt Explosion radius is 1.8 metres
・Shocked Ground radius is 1.8 metres
・Shocked Ground duration is 6s
Skeletal Warrior IconSkeletal Warrior Persistent, Physical 1 1 Int: 8 ・Summons Reviving Skeletal Minions.
Snipe IconSnipe AoE, Projectile, Channelling 3 6 Str: 16
・200% increased Critical Damage Bonus
・200% increased Critical Damage Bonus
・Explosion Radius is 1.5 metres
SniperSniper's Mark Mark, Duration 7 22 Str: 52
・Limit 1 Marked target
・Maximum Mark duration 8 seconds
・Next Critical Hit against Marked enemy has +38% Critical Damage Bonus
Solar Orb IconSolar Orb AoE, Sustained, Fire, Duration, Orb 5 14 Int: 34 ・Deals 11 to 16 Fire Damage
・Pulses every 1.4 seconds
・Explosion radius is 2.5 metres
・Orb duration is 10 seconds
・Limit to 1 Solar Orb
Soul Offering IconSoul Offering Buff, Duration 13 52 Int: 119 ・Limit 1 Soul Offering Spike
・Spike Duration is 4s
・Buff grants you 32% more Spell Damage
Spark IconSpark Projectile, Lightning, Duration 1 1 None ・Deals 1 to 8 Lightning Damage
・Fires 6 Projectiles
・Projectile Duration is 2 Seconds
Spiral Volley IconSpiral Volley Projectile, Sustained 13 52 Str: 119
・+.4 seconds to Total Attack time
・Fires 2 Arrow
・Chains once per Frenzy Charge consumed
・20% more Damage per Frenzy Charge consumed
・100% more Damage if a Frenzy Charge was consumed
Staggering Palm IconStaggering Palm AoE, Melee, Strike, Projectile, Physical, Duration 3 6 Str: 10
Int: 10
Staggering Palm:
・10 to 16 added Attack Physical Damage
・Can't be Evaded
・+7% to Critical Hit chance
・Buff Duration is 6s
Projectile (Quarterstaff):
・Projectiles Pierce all targets
Projectile (Unarmed):
・Projectiles pierce all targets
・10 to 16 added Physical damage
・+7% to Critical Hit chance
Stampede IconStampede AoE, Melee, Slam, Duration, Travel 11 41 Dex: 95
・While Dual Wielding both weapons hit with 30% less damage
・Jagged Ground duration is 6 seconds
・Impact and Jagged Ground radius are 1.2 metres
・While Dual Wielding both weapons hit with 30% less damage
・the impact radius is 3.2 metres
・While Dual Wielding both weapons hit with 30% less damage
・Detonates Jagged Ground within 3.2 metres radius of slam and each patch of Jagged Ground detonated.
Storm Wave IconStorm Wave AoE, Melee, Lightning 7 22 Str: 30
Int: 30
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・Wave Length is 8 Metres
・Wave Width is 1 Metre
Stormblast Bolts IconStormblast Bolts AoE, Ammunition, Projectile, Lightning, Duration 9 31 Str: 40
Dex: 40
Stormblast Bolts - Impact:
・Converts 60% of Physical damage to Lightning Damage
・Maximum of 9 Active bolts
・Impact radius is 0.8 metres
・Charged Bolt duration is 8s
・Fires 3 bolts
Stormblast Bolts - Explosion:
・Converts 100% Physical damage to Lightning damage
・Maximum of 9 Active Bolts
・Explosion radius is 1.6 meters
・50% less reload speed
・three bolts loaded per clip
Stormcaller Arrow IconStormcaller Arrow AoE, Projectile, Lightning, Duration 3 6 Str: 16
・Converts 20% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・Arrow duration is 1.5 seconds
・Attack Damage: 169%
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・800% more chance to Shock
・Impact radius is 1 metre
・Arrow duration is 1.5 seconds
Sunder IconSunder AoE, Melee, Slam, Payoff 9 31 Dex: 72
・1.4s to total Attack Time
・0.2M to Wave Length for each wave in sequence
・100% increased Critical Damage bonus
・While Dual Wielding both weapons hit with 30% less damage
・Consumes Fully Broken Armour on enemies to guarantee a Critical hit
・Wave length is 0.9M
・Wave causes shockwaves from up to 5 enemies in each area
・100% increased critical Damage bonus
・While Dual Wielding
・both weapons hit with 30% less damage,Consumes fully broken armour on enemies to guarantee a Critical Hit,Shockwave radius is 1.2M
Supercharged Slam IconSupercharged Slam AoE, Melee, Slam, Chanelling 11 41 Dex: 95
・Impact Radius is 1.6M
・20% more Damage with Hits for Each Stage
・Maximum of 3 Stages
・Channelling ends 1s after reaching maximum stages
・Releases 1 Aftershock per Stage.
・Aftershock Radius is 2.8M
・Each successive Aftershock gains 0.5M to radius
Tempest Bell IconTempest Bell AoE, Melee, Sustained, Duration, Nova 3 10 Str: 15
Int: 15
Tempest Bell:
・Requires 4 Combo to Use
・Lose Combo if you Generate No Combo for 8 Seconds
・Limit 1 Bell
・Bell Duration is 6 Seconds
・Bell is Destroyed after 11 Hits
・Impact Radius is 1.8 Metres
・30% More AoE per .1 Metres of Knockback the Triggering Hit would have caused
・Deals 30% more Damage per Elemental Ailment Afflicting the Bell
・60% of Physical Damage Converted to the Corresponding Damage Type of each Elemental Ailment Afflicting the Bell
・Shockwave Radius is 2.4 Metres
Tempest Flurry IconTempest Flurry Attack, Melee, Strike, Lightning 5 14 Str: 20
Int: 20
Normal Strikes:
・Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・+4 to Melee Strike Range
Third Strike:
・35% Less Attack Speed
Fourth Strike:
・45% Less Attack Speed
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・+6 to Melee Strike Range
・100% more Chance to Shock
Temporal Chains IconTemporal Chains AoE,Duration, Curse 13 52 Int: 119 ・Curse applies after 1 second delay
・Curse radius is 1.9 metres
・Curse duration is 6.8 sec
・Other effects on cursed enemies expire 25% slower
・Cursed enemies are slowed by 26%
Tornado Shot IconTornado Shot AoE, Projectile, Physical, Duration 11 41 Str: 95
・Impact radius 1m
・Deals 28.6 base Physical DPS
・Modifiers to Projectile DMG apply to skill's DoT effect
・Tornado spits out 3 copies of Projectiles
・Limit 1 Tornado
・Max duration is 7s
・Disappears after 7 Hits
・Projectiles deal 50% less damage
・Copied projectiles max travel distance 6m
Toxic Growth IconToxic Growth AoE, Projectile, Chaos, Duration 5 14 Str: 34
・0.7 Seconds to Total Attack Time
・Fires 8 Arrows
・Stored Poison adds up to 1 metre to base explosion radius
・Stored Poison grants up to 100% more explosion damage
・Explosion Radius is 0.8 metres
・Maximum Pustule Duration is 6 seconds
Unearth IconUnearth Minion, AoE, Physical, Duration 1 2 Int: 9 ・Deals 5-8 Physical Damage
・Summons bone constructs from corpses
・Cone Length is 6 metres
・Bone construct duration is 12 seconds.
Vaulting Impact IconVaulting Impact AoE, Melee, Slam, Travel 3 6 Str: 10
Int: 10
・1 Second to total Attack Time
・30% more Stun Buildup
・Consume Daze on Enemies to Cause 300% more Stun Buildup
・Impact Radius is 2.4 Metres
Vine Arrow IconVine Arrow AoE, Projectile, Chaos, Duration 3 6 Str: 16
・Impact Radius is 0.8 Metres
Volcanic Fissure IconVolcanic Fissure AoE, Melee, Slam, Sustained, Fire, Duration 9 31 Dex: 72
・Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・While Dual Wielding both weapons hit with 30% less attack speed
・Fissure duration is 12 seconds
Voltaic Grenade IconVoltaic Grenade AoE, Projectile, Grenade, Lightning, Duration 7 22 Str: 30
Dex: 30
・Converts 80% of Physical damage to Lightning damage
・50% more Electrocution Buildup
・Lightning damage from this skill contributes to electrocution buildup
・Explosion radius is 2M
・Fuse duration is 1.2s
Voltaic Mark IconVoltaic Mark Attack, AoE, Mark, Lightning, Duration, Nova 7 22 Str: 52
・Limit 1 Marked target
・Mark Duration 8 secs
・Hits against Marked enemy have 50% more Shock chance
・Shock has 30% increased effect on Marked enemy
・Attack Damage: 271%
・3-57 base Lightning Damage
・+8% Critical Hit Chance
・200% Shock chance
・Nova radius 2.6 metres
Vulnerability IconVulnerability AoE, Physical, Duration, Curse 7 22 Int: 52 ・Curse applies after 1 second delay
・Curse radius is 1.7 metres
・Curse duration is 6.4 seconds
・Hits against Cursed Enemies ignore 191 Armour
Wave of Frost IconWave of Frost Attack, AoE, Melee, Cold 7 22 Str: 30
Int: 30
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
・180% More Freeze Buildup
・Wave Length is 6 Metres
Whirling Assault IconWhirling Assault AoE, Melee, Strike 11 41 Str: 52
Int: 52
・1.4 seconds to Total Attack time
Wind Blast IconWind Blast AoE, Melee 5 14 Str: 20
Int: 20
・150% more Stun Buildup
・Knock enemies back on hit
・Causes Daze Buildup equal to 532% of Physical damage dealt
・Cone Length is 6 metres

What Are Skill Gems?

New Active Skills

Skill Gems are socketable gems that provide active skill when equipped. These skills are tied to the different weapon types found in the game.

How to Use Skill Gems

Slot In to Unlock New Skills

Skill gems are items that can be equipped in the skill menu to unlock new abilities. These new skills are spammable and consume mana. However, they have a fixed attack speed or cast speed, making them slightly slower to cast compared to your basic attack. You can enhance the effects of your attack gems by slotting support gems with matching tags to make them more effective.

Path of Exile 2 Related Guides

Gems Partial Banner Image

List of Gems

List of All Gems Types

Gem Types
Skill Support
Spirit Meta


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