Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Ritual Guide and Rewards

Ritual Endgame Mechanic

Rituals are a map event for buying Favour rewards using Tributes in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Learn more about what rituals are, how to earn Tribute and spend on Favours, tips and tricks to clear Rituals efficiently, the related Atlas passive trees, and the Ritual boss in the Crux of Nothingness here!

All Ritual Guides
Ritual Guide Crux of Nothingness Guide

Ritual Guide

Ritual Tips and Tricks

Defeat Monsters Inside the Ritual Circle Before Starting Them

Defeat Monsters Within Ritual Circle

Ritual Altars revive the monsters that you kill within the circles surrounding them. To maximize the Tribute you can earn from each Altar, lure monsters into the circles before killing them to increase your chances of having more monsters during a Ritual.

Subsequent Altars Revive Mobs from Previous Altars

Subsequent Ritual Altars after the first one will also revive mobs from previously completed Altars. Be sure to gather and kill as much enemies as you can within the ritual circles to maximize the tribute you gain.

Complete All the Rituals Before Spending Tribute

Complete All Rituals

Before you spend your earned Tribute, consider completing all the Rituals in the map to unlock all the Favours in the shop and obtain as much Tribute as you can. This makes it so you won't mistakenly purchase an item too quickly when there are better items unlocked later on.

Be Mindful of the Altar Effects

Altar Effects

Ritual Altars have negative effects that add to the challenge when doing them. Take note of these before starting the Ritual so you can play around them, these are the same for all the altars in a map.

Defer Valuable Favours If Needed

Defer Items

Deferring an item guarantees it comes back in future Ritual shops at a 10% discounted price at the cost of 15% of its current price in Tribute.

Since Tribute cannot be saved for future Ritual maps, there will be a lot of times when you won't have enough Tribute for a specific item. In this case, deferring the item will make it so you'll have another opportunity to obtain it in future Ritual runs when you have enough Tribute.

Items Can Be Deferred Multiple Times

In some cases, such as when you want to buy an Audience with the King, you might need to find and defer an item multiple times in separate Ritual runs to reduce its cost and make it affordable enough.

Pick Up the Loot Later

Pick Up Loot Later

Don't waste time looting during a Ritual since you'll have plenty of time to loot the drops after you complete the Ritual. The items won't despawn so you should focus more on defeating the mobs efficiently.

Ritual Drops and Rewards

  1. Tribute
  2. Favours
  3. Audience with the King
  4. Ritual Tablets



Defeating monsters during a Ritual awards you with Tribute, a currency that can be used to buy Favours from completed Ritual Altars. Tribute cannot be saved and brought to future Ritual Maps which means you can only spend it on that specific map where you got them.


Path of Exile 2 Favours

Favours are items you can buy from completed Ritual Altars using Tribute which can be any Ritual-exclusive equipment and other currencies like Omens.

Audience with the King

Tribute can also be used to buy an Audience with the King which is the map fragment you need to travel to the Crux of Nothingness and fight The King in the Mists boss.

Ritual Tablets

Path of Exile 2 Ritual Tablets

Aside from tributes, enemies also have a chance of dropping Ritual Tablets which can be slotted in Lost Towers to add more Ritual nodes within range. This will be your most important item for sustaining your Ritual farming so try to pick these up as much as you can.

Ritual Tablets can be crafted and upgraded as you see fit for even more affixes that can benefit your loot economy.

Ritual Pinnacle Boss

The King in the Mists

Path of Exile 2 - King in the Mists Overview.png

The King in the Mists is the pinnacle boss of Ritual events and can be accessed by offering an Audience with the King at the Realmgate to reach the Crux of Nothingness.

The King in the Mists Boss Guide

Found in the Crux of Nothingness

The Crux of Nothingness can be accessed by using an Audience with the King at the Realmgate. You can obtain the item by using Tribute to buy it from the Ritual Altar shop.

The shop is not always guaranteed to have an Audience with the King so you might have to run multiple Ritual maps before you get the item.

Realmgate Explained

Ritual Atlas Passive Tree

List of Ritual Altas Passives

# Passive Effects
1 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Crux of Nothingness Difficulty Crux of Nothingness Difficulty • +1 to Crux of Nothingness Difficulty
• Reduced Number of Respawn Attempts
2 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Tempting Offers Tempting Offers • Ritual Altars in your Maps allow rerolling Favours an additional time
• Rerolling Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps costs 25% reduced Tribute
3 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Promised Devotion Promised Devotion • Skills from Ritual Altars in your Maps deal 25% increased damage
• Deferring Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps costs 50% reduced Tribute
• Favours Deferred at Ritual Altars in your Maps reappear 50% sooner
4 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Ominous Portents Ominous Portents • Ritual Altars in your Maps spawn Monsters 25% faster
• Ritual Favours in your Maps have 50% increased chance to contain Omens
5 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) He Approaches He Approaches • Revived Monsters from Ritual Altars in your Maps have 20% increased chance to be Magic
• Revived Monsters from Ritual Altars in your Maps have 20% increased chance to be Rare
• Ritual Favours in your Maps have 50% increased chance to contain an Audience with the King
6 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Spreading Darkness Spreading Darkness • Your Maps with Ritual Altars always have four Ritual Altars
7 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Between Two Worlds Between Two Worlds • Ritual Altars in your Maps spawn a Wildwood Wisp
8 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) From the Mists From the Mists • Rituals in your Maps contain 2 additional packs of Wildwood Monsters
9 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Reinvigorated Sacrifices Reinvigorated Sacrifices • Revived monsters from Ritual in your Maps have 20% increased Toughness and 10% increased Damage for each time they have been Revived
• Revived monsters from Rituals in your Maps have no penalty to Tribute granted

Recommended Ritual Atlas Passives

Skill Effect
Spreading Darkness Spreading Darkness • Your Maps with Ritual Altars always have four Ritual Altars
From the Mists From the Mists • Rituals in your Maps contain 2 additional packs of Wildwood Monsters
He Approaches He Approaches • Revived Monsters from Ritual Altars in your Maps have 20% increased chance to be Magic
• Revived Monsters from Ritual Altars in your Maps have 20% increased chance to be Rare
• Ritual Favours in your Maps have 50% increased chance to contain an Audience with the King
Tempting Offers Tempting Offers • Ritual Altars in your Maps allow rerolling Favours an additional time
• Rerolling Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps costs 25% reduced Tribute

Getting Spreading Darkness and/or From the Mists guarantees that you get more Tribute from doing Rituals since you'll always have 4 altars per map and extra monsters for Tribute.

He Approaches can be obtained later than other passives but adds a ton of value to the monsters that spawn in Rituals which means more Tribute obtained. This also increases your chance to find an Audience with the King in the Ritual shop which can be used to fight the boss.

Lastly, you may also get Tempting Offers for more rerolls that cost less Tribute so you'll have more chances of finding a specific item you're looking for in the Ritual Altar shop.

What are Rituals?

Atlas Events Marked by a Demon Icon

Rituals are Altars that Spawn Mobs

Rituals are map events that appear as Ritual Altars scattered throughout the map. You can find these on the Atlas marked by a red circle with a demon icon.

Atlas of Worlds Endgame Explained

Ritual Altars Revive Defeated Enemies

Ritual Altars

Once you find the altars, you'll notice they have a ring around them. Eliminating enemies within the circle of the altar will allow you to interact with it and start the Ritual event itself.

After starting the Ritual, shadows will close in on the ritual circle acting as a border and enemies will begin to get revived.

Earn Tribute by Defeating Enemies

Starting Ritual Altars

Defeating revived enemies will provide you with Tribute, a currency you will use for Favours at the Ritual shop which can be accessed by the finished Ritual Altar. Keep in mind that the more enemies you sacrifice, the more Tribute you will gain.

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