Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

PoE 2 Cold Warp Stormweaver Sorceress Build

This is a Cold Warp Stormweaver Sorceress build for Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Check out this Ice Sorceress build, including its gear, socketables, skills, and playstyle!

Cold Warp Stormweaver Build Summary

Cold Warp Stormweaver Build

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), Endgame (Atlas).

Early Game
Build Setup
Cold Warp Stormweaver Build
Cold Warp Stormweaver
Frost Bomb Icon Frostbolt Icon Hypothermia Icon Frost Wall Icon Lightning Warp Icon Comet Icon Eye of Winter Icon Cast on Freeze Icon Blink Icon
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ProCrowd Control and Mob Clear

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ProGreat Boss Damage

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ProHigh Burst Damage

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ProHigh Mobility

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ConRelies on Unique Item for Maximum Survivability
Build Setup
Cold Warp Stormweaver Build
Cold Warp Stormweaver
Arctic Armour Icon Frost Bomb Icon Frostbolt Icon Hypothermia Icon Frost Wall Icon Lightning Warp Icon Comet Icon Cast on Freeze Icon
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ProCrowd Control and Mob Clear

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ProDecent Boss Damage

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ProHigh Burst Damage

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ProGood Mobility

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ConRelies on Unique Item for Maximum Survivability
Build Setup
Cold Warp Stormweaver Build
Cold Warp Stormweaver
Arctic Armour Icon Frost Bomb Icon Frostbolt Icon Cold Snap Icon Hypothermia Icon
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ProCrowd Control and Mob Clear

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ProHigh Burst Damage

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ConLow Defenses

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ConLow Mobility

This Cold Warp build deals high CC and AoE clear by freezing enemies with continuous Cold damage using Frostbolt and Frost Wall to spawn Ball Lightning with the Cast on Freeze Persistent Buff Skill. Lightning Warp is then used to cull low HP enemies or teleport to Ball Lightning projectiles.

Spam Frostbolt and Frost Wall to build up cold damage and freeze enemies as Ball Lightning spawn. Utilize Lightning Warp to deal high AoE burst damage with mobility, Hypothermia for debuffs, and Frost Bomb, Comet, Eye of Winter, or Cold Snap for additional burst damage. Blink is also a great utility spell for a mix of defense and mobility.

Date Changes
01/14/2025 ・Revised End Game Summary Pros and Cons
・Added The Everlasting Gaze Azure Amulet and Call of the Brotherhood as must have unique items.
・Added Best Gear Setup and Alternative Gear Tabs in Equipment and Modifiers Section.
・Added Eye of Winter for Late Game.
・Optimized Support Gems for Late Game.
・Added Full Sample Tree
・Added explanation for Chaos Innoculation passive option.
12/26/2024 Lightning Warp and Ball Lightning replaced Comet as a core skill. Updated gear, skills, passive, and playstyle up to Endgame.
12/11/2024 Created Cold Comet Stormweaver build based on Mekuna's Stormweaver guide. The video includes gameplay showcasing the now nerfed Comet equipped to Cast on Freeze, along with more details about skills, passives, and gear.

Cold Warp Stormweaver Setup

Equipment and Modifiers

※ Switch tabs to view the build's equipment with or without a unique item.

Best Gear Setup
Alternative Gear
Gear Modifiers
POE 2 - The Everlasting Gaze Azure AmuletThe Everlasting Gaze Azure Amulet ・X% Increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・X to Maximum Mana
・50% Increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・Gain X% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
POE 2 - Call of the Brotherhood Topaz RingCall of the Brotherhood Topaz Ring ・X% to Lightning Resistance
・X to Intelligence
・X% Increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・X% Increased Freeze Buildup
・X% of Lightning Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Helm ・Maximum Mana
・Elemental Resistances
・Energy Shield
・Mana Regeneration Rate
・Rarity of Items Found
Armor ・Energy Shield
・Maximum Mana
・Mana Regeneration Rate
・Elemental Resistance
Gloves ・Spell Damage
・Critical Damage
・Gain Mana per Enemy Killed
・Energy Shield
・Maximum Mana
Belt ・Maximum Mana
・Mana Regeneration Rate
・Increased Intelligence
・Increased Charm Slot
・% Flask Recovery Applied Instantly
Boots ・Movement Speed
・Maximum Mana
・Energy Shield
・Increased Intelligence
・Elemental Resistance
Ring ・Elemental Resistance
・Cast Speed
・Spell Damage
・Maximum Mana
・Mana Regeneration Rate
Wand ・Spell Damage
・Cold Damage
・Maximum Mana
・Increased Level to Cold Spells
・Cast Speed
・Increased Freeze Buildup
Focus ・Spell Damage
・Cold Damage
・Critical Damage
・Energy Shield
・Mana Regeneration Rate
・Maximum Mana
Gear Modifiers
Helm ・Maximum Mana
・Elemental Resistances
・Energy Shield
・Mana Regeneration Rate
・Rarity of Items Found
Armor ・Energy Shield
・Maximum Mana
・Mana Regeneration Rate
・Elemental Resistance
Gloves ・Spell Damage
・Critical Damage
・Gain Mana per Enemy Killed
・Energy Shield
・Maximum Mana
Belt ・Maximum Mana
・Mana Regeneration Rate
・Increased Intelligence
・Increased Charm Slot
・% Flask Recovery Applied Instantly
Boots ・Movement Speed
・Maximum Mana
・Energy Shield
・Increased Intelligence
・Elemental Resistance
Ring ・Mana Regeneration Rate
・Cast Speed
・Increased Intelligence
・Maximum Mana
・Elemental Resistance
Amulet ・ Spell Damage
・Increased Intelligence
・Mana Regeneration Rate
・Increased Rarity of Items Found
Ring ・Elemental Resistance
・Cast Speed
・Spell Damage
・Maximum Mana
・Mana Regeneration Rate
Wand ・Spell Damage
・Cold Damage
・Maximum Mana
・Increased Level to Cold Spells
・Cast Speed
・Increase Freeze Buildup
Focus ・Spell Damage
・Cold Damage
・Critical Damage
・Energy Shield
・Mana Regeneration Rate
・Maximum Mana


Keep an eye out for gear that provides Spirit as it is highly important to be able to activate the Cast on Freeze Persistent Buff Skill for this build to maximize its potential.

Important offensive modifiers for the Cold Warp build at any stage of the game includes Increased Spell Damage, Increased Cold Damage, Increased Level to Cold Spells, and Increased Freeze Buildup. Focus on increasing Intelligence attributes as well.

List of Weapons

Armor and Accessories

The Everlasting Gaze Azure Amulet is an important Unique amulet for this build to maximize its survivability. Activating the passive skill nodes Mind over Matter and Chaos Inoculation essentially makes this build a tank since damage is applied to mana and energy shield before it goes through HP.

The Call of the Brotherhood Topaz Ring is a fitting Ring for the Cold Warp build because it provides Freeze Buildup and makes Ball Lightning and Lightning Warp apply Cold Damage as well.

For gear modifiers, prioritize getting the Movement Speed modifier to move around maps easier. It is also recommended to stack up on Energy Shield and Mana modifiers to synergize with the passives and skills.

All Armors and Accessories
List of Armors List of Accessories



Emerald Jewel Emerald ・Increased Projectile Damage
・Increased Elemental Damage
・Increased Projectile Speed
・Increased Cold Damage
・Increased Freeze Buildup

It is recommended to equip Emeralds as it can enhance the damage and speed of Frostbolt and Ball Lightning projectiles, boosting the Cold Warp's combo potential.

List of Jewels


POE 2 - Thawing Charm Thawing Charm ・Increased Duration
・Increased Charges
・Recover Life when Used
POE 2 - Stone Charm Stone Charm ・Increased Duration
・Gain Charges Per Second
・Recover Life when Used

It is recommended to equip a Thawing Charm since it negates Freezing. An alternative charm equipment is a Stone Charm as this negates stuns. Both charms reduce the possibility of being immobilized while clearing maps or bosses, therefore lowering the chance of death.

List of All Charms

Runes and Soul Cores

Equipment Sockets

Prioritize Soul Core of Tzamoto for Weapons as it increases Freeze Buildup. For Armor, Iron Runes are recommended to increase Energy Shield.

Soul Core of Zalatl is also recommended for both Weapons and Armor rune slots because the Cold Warp Stormweaver build's mana usage is important to be able to use many of the build's skills reliably.

All Runes and Soul Cores
List of Runes List of Soul Cores

Cold Warp Stormweaver Skills and Passive Tree

Active Skills

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), Endgame (Atlas).

The Cold Warp Stormweaver's most important skills are Frostbolt, Lightning Warp, Frost Wall, and Cast on Freeze. It is recommended to prioritize improving the first four skills with Support Gems. The goal is to equip Ball Lightning to Cast on Freeze.

In the early to mid game, Frostbolt, Frost Bomb, and Cold Snap are mostly utilized together. Frost Bomb and Cold Snap deal a high amount of burst damage to mobs and Bosses that get frozen. Activate the Arctic Armour Persistent Skill first before Cast on Freeze is acquired later on.

Lightning Warp will eventually replace Cold Snap as your main burst damage while Frost Wall will be an amazing 2-in-1 skill that provides both defense and offense with its exploding crystals once it is available.

Once acquired, Cast on Freeze allows the user to automatically cast an Active Skill that is equipped on it. Equip Ball Lightning on it and use Lightning Warp on the projectiles. Combining these with Frostbolt and Frost Wall outputs a lot of CC, AoE clear, and high burst damage.

Additionally, use Comet as a high-risk move that deals a lot of cold damage with a longer cast time. Eye of Winter is an effective damage skill against bosses once they are Frozen. Equip Blink as well to dodge and navigate maps better.

Passive Skill Tree

Ascendancy Tree
Ascendancy Group Node
Passive Nodes
1. Raw Power to Dampening Shield 2. Glaciation to Inescapable Cold
3. Arcane Blossom to Adverse Growth 4. Eldritch Battery
5. Mind Over Matter 6. Turn the Clock Forward
7. Heavy Frost and Thin Ice 8. Echoing Frost and Echoing Thunder
9. Touch the Arcane 10. -

Full Sample Tree

This Cold Warp Stormweaver build relies on increasing anything Energy Shield, Elemental Ailment, Spell Damage, Intelligence, and anything Cold or Freeze related.

Acquire Inescapable Cold and the nodes near it to increase spell or cold damage. Eldritch Battery and Ingenuity are unlocked to gain mana and Intelligence to sustain your mana pool. Once those are unlocked, get Mind Over Matter to boost survivability.

Once Ascendancy has been achieved, focus on unlocking the Constant Gale and Force of Will nodes to gain Arcane Surge. This gives the Stormweaver a buff that increases Cast Speed and Mana Regenaration, which helps improve freeze buildup.

Chaos Innoculation Node

Chaos Innoculation is only unlocked if you acquire The Everlasting Gaze Azure Amulet unique item. Although Chaos Innoculation provides Chaos Damage Immunity, it also sets your HP to 1.

Having The Everlasting Gaze Azure Amulet is important to have first since it provides Energy Shield even if Mind over Matter is active.

Cold Warp Stormweaver Playstyle and Skill Rotation

Skill Rotation

The goal of the Cold Warp Stormweaver's playstyle is to use Frostbolt and Frost Wall to freeze enemies and spawn Ball Lightning from Cast on Freeze. Lightning Warp is then used to teleport to Ball Lightning projectiles or cull low HP enemies to continuously deal AoE damage.

  1. Use Hypothermia to debuff enemies.
  2. Utilize Frost Wall to block enemies' paths or their attacks. Crystal walls destroyed will explode, dealing cold damage to enemies. Note that using Frost Wall against large bosses automatically makes the crystals explode.
  3. Spam Frostbolts.
  4. Once enemies are frozen, Cast on Freeze will automatically spawn Ball Lightning projectiles.
  5. Use Lightning Warp to teleport to these projectiles or enemies within cull threshold and deal AoE burst damage. You can Blink away whenever you get warped in a tight spot between enemies.
  6. When facing bosses or high HP enemies, use Frost Bomb, Comet, and spam Eye of Winter when they are frozen to deal massive AoE and critical damage to make their HP go below cull threshold.

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14 Anonymous21 days

so ,which one is accurate now?

13 Anonymousabout 2 months

One last note, and its a minor thing, but in terms of better economy, you could get a jewel slot 1 node cheaper by taking the one north of MoM which is 2 nodes traversal vs the coming south from EB, which is 3.This of course matters at one point you're at in the tree, but just a thought and for anyone needing another jewel slot.


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