Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Zalmarath, the Colossus Boss Guide

Path of Exile 2 - Zalmarath, the Colossus
Zalmarath, the Colossus is an Act 2 Main Boss in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). See the location, the drops or rewards, and tips on how to beat Zalmarath, the Colossus here.

How to Beat Zalmarath, the Colossus

Tips on Beating Zalmarath, the Colossus

Stay Behind the Sword to Avoid the Laser

Path of Exile 2 - Stay Behind the Sword to Avoid the Laser

When Zalamarth slams and leaves its sword in the center of the arena, it will follow up with a beam that covers the whole area that deals a lot of damage. Use the sword as cover to avoid this attack.

Be Careful of Its Physical Attacks

Path of Exile 2 - Watch Out for the Colossus

Zalmarath, the Colossus has a set of very powerful physical attacks. The Sword Slash specifically, can bring down many characters with a single hit. Always look out for these attacks and dodge them to the best of your abilities.

Check out the later section of this guide to see videos of these high-threat moves and how to dodge them.

Don't Let the Adds Surround You

Path of Exile 2 - Don

When the Colossus is at low health, additional enemies will spawn periodically which will get close to you and detonate dealing a good amount of Cold damage. If a lot these drones detonate near you at quick succession, it can deal a lethal amount of damage in an instant. Prioritize getting rid of these additional enemies as soon as possible.

Zalmarath, the Colossus Moveset

Move Classifications
High-Threat Lower-Threat

High-Threat Moves

Moves Details & How to Dodge
Sword Slash
Slams and drags its sword forward. While its hard trying to react and avoid the first hit, you can easily Dodge Roll the second hit sideways.
Sword Stab
Slams the sword near the center and drags it back. Dodge Roll forwards or away from the Colossus to avoid the first hit, and dodge sideways for the second.
Sword Upheaval
Prepares the sword with two hands and slams it to the side. The Colossus does this move only when your close to it and near its right side. Move close to its left side to dodge this attack.
Slams its arm that causes a wave. As it brings its arms lose to its face to prepare this attack, move to its right-arm side of the arena as soon as you can.
Forehand Swipe
Swipes its arm from left to right and follows it up with a stab at the end. If you were hit by the swipe or if you are close to it, be careful of the follow up stab.
Backhand Swipe
Swipes its arm from right to left and follows it up with a slash to the same direction. Always wait for the follow up attack before you get close as it can deal a lot of damage.
Giga Laser
Slams and keeps its sword in the middle of the arena and fires a beam that cover the whole screen. Stay behind the sword to survive this attack.
Summon Drones
At around 1/3rd of its Life, packs of drones that detonate on impact will start to be summoned periodically. You can kill these with attacks or get close to them to trigger the detonate and move away to avoid damage.

Lower-Threat Moves

Falling Stalactites
The Colossus fires a beam to the ceiling causing rocks to fall on the arena. This is good time to do deal damage, but keep and eye on the ground to check for falling rocks.
Switch Sides
Switches sides while firing multiple Lightning projectiles. If you stay far from the Colossus, it will be easier to avoid the projectiles.
Spiral Laser
Fires a beam that goes forward. Sometimes, the beam stays in the middle while smaller laser beams rotate around the arena. Stay to the sides to easily dodge this attack.
Magma Fissure
Fiery fissures spread randomly into the arena. Watch out and Dodge Roll across the fissure to keep you out of a bad spot.
Triple Stab
Does a series of three stabs from left to right. Stay away until the Colossus does the third hit.
Hammer Fist
When you're really close, the Colossus clenches it fist and slams it right in front of it. Make sure to Dodge Roll away to avoid this Slam attack.

Zalmarath, the Colossus Location

The Titan Grotto - Act 2

You'll encounter Zalmarath, the Colossus, at the Dais of Reckoning at the end of The Titan Grotto in Act 2 as part of the A Crown of Stone main quest.

The Titan Grotto Location, Quests, and Bosses

The Titan Grotto Layout

It is important to note that the areas are randomly generated and that the maps used are meant to serve as a general guide to the map layout.

Zalmarath, the Colossus Overview and Rewards

Basic Info

Path of Exile 2 - Zalmarath, the Colossus Act 2 Boss
Location Act 2
The Titan Grotto
Resistances ・ Physical
・ Fire
Weaknesses ・ Cold
Damage Types ・ Physical
・ Cold
・ Fire
・ Lightning
Debuffs ・ Burning Ground
・ Chill


・ The Flame Ruby (A Crown of Stone quest item)

Defeating Zalmarath, the Colossus grants these rewards, either as direct drops or as a quest completion bonus.

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