Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

The Trialmaster Boss Guide

Path of Exile 2 - The Trialmaster
The Trialmaster is the final boss at the Trial of Chaos in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). See the location, the drops or rewards, tips on how to beat The Trialmaster, and all his moves here.

The Trialmaster Location

Trial of Chaos - At the End of a 10-Trial Inscribed Ultimatum

Path of Exile 2 - Trialmaster Location

Three different Fate items are required to unlock the door at the end of a 10-trial Inscribed Ultimatum to fight the Trialmaster. Interact with the door and drag one of each Fate item to be able to open the door.

Inscribed Ultimatums of at least level 75 are required for them to have the maximum amount of 10 trials.

Get Fate Items by Defeating the 10th Trial Bosses

Trialmaster Boss Fight Keys
Path of Exile 2 - Deadly Fate Deadly Fate Path of Exile 2 - Cowardly Fate Cowardly Fate Path of Exile 2 - Victorious Fate Victorious Fate

There are 3 key items required to access the Trialmaster boss fight. The Deadly Fate, Cowardly Fate, and Victorious Fate are obtained by defeating the boss at the 10th trial of the Trial of Chaos. Only one of these items will drop at random when defeating the boss.

Trial of Chaos Guide

How to Beat The Trialmaster

Tips on Beating the Trialmaster

Prepare Your Gear for the Endgame

Path of Exile 2 - Prepare Your Gear

The Trialmaster is one of the more punishing bosses you’ll face in the early stages of the endgame. Maximizing your defensive and offensive potential, along with knowing how to dodge his attacks, are essential to defeating him.

Start by bolstering your defenses. Maximize your Life, cap your resistances, and invest in either Armor, Evasion, or Energy Shield, depending on your build. Equipping a Stone Charm to gain Stun Immunity also helps for countering the annoying Tethering Hearts.

Path of Exile 2 Best Builds

The Trialmaster Has Around 10 Million Life

The Trialmaster has around 10 million Life, so bringing sufficient damage is key to avoiding a drawn-out battle with more room for mistakes. Other than bringing your damage up with appropriate gear upgrades, also consider items and skills that penetrate or reduce enemy Armor and Resistances to deal significantly more damage.

Don't Worry About the Trial of Chaos Modifiers

The modifiers chosen during the Trial of Chaos do not apply during the Trialmaster battle. This allows you to select modifiers best suited for completing earlier trials without worrying about penalties in the final fight.

Watchout for the Time Stop Moves

The Trialmaster uses two devastating time stop mechanics. In one, he slams his spear into the ground; in the other, he fires multiple projectiles. Both require finding safe zones to avoid taking damage.

Avoid the Cone Areas in Front of the Slams

During melee phases, time stops briefly as the Trialmaster slams his spear, sending earth spikes forward in a cone-shaped pattern. Observe his initial slam position and direction to predict where the spikes will emerge. Move to a safe angle to dodge the spikes.

Dodge the Projectiles' Trajectories

In ranged phases, the Trialmaster fires slow-moving projectiles that split and return after hitting the arena walls. Track their trajectories carefully and reposition to avoid getting caught.

Fight Near the Walls of the Arena During His Melee Phase

Path of Exile 2 - Fight Near the Walls

The Trialmaster's lingering spear attack creates an area-denial hazard that grows more dangerous over time. He throws his spear into the arena, causing damaging pulses that expand in radius every second.

To minimize its impact, position yourself near the arena's edge before he uses this attack. This forces the spear's placement away from the center, allowing more space for movement and reducing the fight’s difficulty.

The Trialmaster Moveset

Melee Phase Ranged Phase

Melee (Spear) Phase

Moves Details & How to Dodge
Time Stop Sunder

Time stops briefly as the Trialmaster slams the ground three times. Spikes erupt from the slam points. Note the initial positions and dodge to a safe zone as the spikes root forward.
The Trialmaster swings his spear overhead and slams it down, generating spikes across the arena. Watch for the swing motion, then dodge to his sides or behind him. You can be hit multiple times at the location of the slam which can deal a deadly amount of damage.
Rapid Swings

A sequence of four spear swings that release blood projectiles. The fourth swing comes faster than the first three—stay ready for the timing shift to avoid it.
“Be obliterated!”
Spear Slam

He charges a large AoE attack by slamming the spear into the ground. The wind-up provides ample time to escape.
“Chaos aid me!”
Lingering Spear

Throws his spear, transitioning into his no-spear phase. The spear creates periodic, expanding pulses. Force him to throw it near the edge by fighting close to the walls.

Ranged (No-Spear) Phase

Moves Details & How to Dodge
Time Stop Projectiles

Time briefly freezes as the Trialmaster teleports around, firing projectiles. Track their paths and avoid lingering ground effects to stay safe.
“Be still!”
Heart Tethers

Summons a heart which tethers to you we you enter its area-of-effect. Moving too far away stuns you, but it explodes after a delay. Exit the area when he isn't pressuring you with other attacks.
Elemental Projectiles

While the Trialmaster doesn't have his spear, he will regularly fire three elemental projectiles of different elements at you.
“Embrace Chaos!”
Chaos Bolt

While the Trialmaster doesn't have his spear, he will regularly throw red projectiles that multiplies and goes back to its origin point when it hits a wall.

The Trialmaster Overview and Rewards

Basic Info

Path of Exile 2 - The Trialmaster Trial of Chaos Boss
Location Trial of Chaos
Trialmaster's Tower
Resistances ・ Physical
・ Fire
・ Cold
・ Lightning
Weaknesses ・ None
Damage Types ・ Physical
・ Fire
・ Cold
・ Lightning
Debuffs TBD


・ 4th set of Ascendancy Points

Defeating The Trialmaster grants these rewards, either as direct drops or as a quest completion bonus.

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