Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Legacy of the Vaal Quest Walkthrough

Legacy of the Vaal
Legacy of the Vaal is a Main Quest in Act 3 of Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Learn more about Jiquani's Machinarium location, how to unlock and complete Legacy of the Vaal, as well as its rewards in this guide!

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Jiquani's Machinarium Location

Entrance in Chimeral Wetlands

The entrance to Jiquani's Machinarium can be located right by where you fight the boss Xyclucian, The Chimera. You encounter this boss in the Deadly Nest near a checkpoint in Chimeral Wetlands.

How to Unlock Legacy of the Vaal

Travel to Sandswept Marsh

Legacy of the Vaal Map View

You can unlock the quest Legacy of the Vaal when you travel to Sandswept Marsh. During the quest Trail of Corruption, talk to Sekhema Asala once you get the objective Talk to Asala to Travel South to the Sandswept Marsh and pick the dialogue option Travel to the Sandswept Marsh. After talking to Sekhema Asala, there is a cutscene to mark the start of Act 3. You will be teleported to Sandswept Marsh after the cutscene.

Trail of Corruption Quest Walkthrough

Legacy of the Vaal Walkthrough


Sandswept Marsh

Location Objectives

1. Speak to The Hooded One About What to Do Next

The Hooded One Legacy of the Vaal
Once the cutscene that marks the start of Act 3 is finished, you will be teleported to Sandswept Marsh. Talk to The Hooded One.

2. Cross the Sandswept Marsh in Search of a Ziggurat

Ziggurat Encampment Entrance
Explore the Sandswept March and look for the entrance to the Ziggurat Encampment. There are lit torches along a stone path leading up to the entrance, so keep an eye out for it!

Ziggurat Encampment

Location Objectives

3. Meet the Treasure Hunters

Alva and Oswald
Talk to Alva and Oswald, who are standing nearby the entrance.

4. Ask The Hooded One About Lowering the Water Levels

The Hooded One Legend of the Vaal
After talking to the Treasure Hunters, talk to The Hooded One.

Jungle Ruins

Location Objectives

5. Enter and Explore the Jungle Ruins to Search for The Matlan Waterways

Infested Barrens Entrance
Enter the Jungle Ruins through the entrance on the top left of the Ziggurat Encampment area. Once in the Jungle Ruins, explore the area and look for the entrance to the Infested Barrens. This area is large and full of enemies, so take the time to heal and loot!

Infested Barrens

Location Objective

6. Follow the Canals in Search of The Matlan Waterways

Canal Mechanism
Within the Infested Barrens, look for a Canal Mechanism nearby a waypoint. Summon Alva and talk to her.

Return to Ziggurat Encampment

Location Objective

7. Ask Servi for More Information About Soul Cores

Go back to Ziggurat Encampment and talk to Servi.

Return to Infested Barrens

Location Objective

8. Explore Infested Barrens in Search of the Chimeral Wetlands

Chimeral Wetlands Entrance
Travel back to the Infested Barrens and look for the entrance to the Chimeral Wetlands. It is recommended you try exploring the outer edges of the area first before focusing on moving inwards!

Chimeral Wetlands

Location Objectives

9. Traverse the Chimeral Wetlands in Search of the Ancient Machinarium

Deadly Nest
Once inside the Chimeral Wetlands, look for the Deadly Nest. This area can be found nearby a checkpoint, and is also where you need to fight Xyclucian, the Chimera.

10. Defeat Xyclucian, the Chimera

Xyclucian, the Chimera
Xyclucian, the Chimera, is a boss that can fly and has a variety of attacks that include slams and aerial projectiles. Watch out because it can breathe fire, lightning, and ice!
How to Defeat Xyclucian, the Chimera

11. Enter Jiquani's Machinarium

Once you defeat Xyclucian, the Chimera, proceed to Jiquani's Machinarium located right by where you fought the boss.

Jiquani's Machinarium

Location Objectives

12. Search the Machinarium for a Large Soul Core

Alva Stone Altar
Once inside Jiquani's Machinarium, unlock the waypoint nearby and summon Alva in front of the Stone Altar.

13. Search Jiquani's Machinarium for a Small Soul Core to Open the Door

Small Soul Core
Explore Jiquani's Machinarium and defeat enemies along the way. You need to look for a Small Soul Core, an item with green text you can pick up around the area. A green exclamation mark will show on the map when one is nearby.

14. Place the Small Soul Core into the Stone Altar

Stone Altar
Go back to the Stone Altar and interact with it. The statues behind the Stone Altar, Stone Sentinels, will attack you upon interacting with the altar.

15. Proceed Deeper Into the Machinarium

After defeating the Stone Sentinels, enter Jiquani's Sanctum.

Jiquani's Sanctum

Location Objectives

16. Explore Jiquani's Sanctum

Grand Soul Core Nexus
Once inside Jiquani's Sanctum, open the waypoint and make your way to the Grand Soul Core Nexus. Summon Alva and talk to her.

17. Search Jiquani's Sanctum for Two Medium Soul Cores and Use Them to Acivate Two Generators

Medium Soul Core
Similar to Small Soul Cores, Medium Soul Cores are items with green text that spawn within the area. A green exclamation mark will show on the map when one is nearby. You can find the two generators nearby the two checkpoints available in the area.

18. Retrieve the Large Soul Core near Alva

Large Soul Core
Return to where you talked to Alva and interact with the Large Soul Core. Upon interacting with it, Zicoatl, Warden of the Core will come to life and attack you.

19. Defeat Zicoatl, Warden of the Core

Zicoatl, Warden of the Core
Upon spawning, Zicoatl, Warden of the Core will start attacking you with high AOE laser-like beams and waves.
How to Defeat Zicoatl, Warden of the Core

20. Pick Up the Large Soul Core and Return to Infested Barrens

Activated Stone Altar
Zicoatl, Warden of the Core will drop a Large Soul Core upon defeat. Pick it up and return to Infested Barrens to activate the Stone Altar.

Return to Infested Barrens

Location Objectives

21. Enter The Matlan Waterways

The Matlan Waterways Entrance
From the Infested Barrens, search for the entrance to The Matlan Waterways. The entrance can be found near the waypoint.

22. Find the Control Mechanisms and Activate The Matlan Waterways to Drain the Area

Canal Levers
Look for Control Levers found throughout The Matlan Waterways. There are 6 small Control Levers found near the canal walls, then 1 big Control Lever on the far side of the area. Once done, a small animation in the map will show the water draining around Ziggurat Encampment. Return to Ziggurat Encampment after the animation.

Return to Ziggurat Encampment

Location Objectives

23. Find Alva at the Base of the Ziggurat

Ziggurat Base
Since the water is already drained, you may now go down the steps behind the well in the Ziggurat Encampment. Talk to Alva, who is waiting for you at the bottom.

24. Enter The Drowned City

The Drowned City Entrance
The entrance to The Drowned City can be found nearby where you talked to Alva.

The Drowned City

Location Objective

25. Explore The Drowned City and search for Aggorat

Apex of Filth Entrance
In The Drowned City, look for the entrance to Apex of Filth. You can find the entrance near a checkpoint, with a tall flight of stairs leading to the entrance.

Apex of Filth

Location Objectives

26. Explore the Apex of Filth and Search for a Key

Once inside the Apex of Filth, look for the Stenchpools. It is an isolated space within the area and is nearby a checkpoint.

27. Defeat the Queen of Filth

Queen of Filth
Upon entering the Stenchpools, the Queen of Filth will leap into the scene and start attacking you. The Queen of Filth moves sluggishly and heavily and uses slams and rolls to attack you.
How to Defeat Queen of Filth

28. Pick Up the Temple Door Idol

Temple Door Idol
Once you defeat the Queen of Filth, a Temple Door Idol will be dropped. Pick up the idol and return to Alva at the base of Ziggurat.

Return to Ziggurat Encampment

Location Objective

29. Open the Door to the Temple of Kopec

Temple of Kopec Entrance
Enter the Temple of Kopec through the door located nearby Alva.

Temple of Kopec

Location Objectives

30. Explore the Temple of Kopec in Search of the Vaal Repository of Knowledge

Temple of Kopec Stairs
The Temple of Kopec has a triangular area, and you need to look for stairs in one of the points on the map. There are two sets of stairs you need to go through to get to the Altar of the Sun, where you will fight Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun. You will encounter many enemies on the way there, so be careful!

31. Defeat Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun

Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun
Upon entering the Altar of the Sun, Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun will start attacking you. This boss attacks mainly with either big AOE spells or laser-like beams of fire.
How to Defeat Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun

32. Summon Alva and Tell Her What Happened

Alva Legacy of the Vaal
Once you defeat Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun, summon Alva and talk to her. Ride the elevator that starts moving after talking to her.

Return to Ziggurat Encampment

Location Objectives

33. Enter the Gateway

The elevator will take you back to Ziggurat Encampment, where a Gateway will open. Enter this Gateway when it opens.

34. Enter Utzaal in the Past

Go down the long flight of stairs, similar to the base of Ziggurat.


Location Objective

35. Search Utzaal for Knowledge About the Beast

Legion Blockade
Explore Utzaal and look for the Legion Blockade, which can be found nearby a checkpoint. Alva will attempt to talk to Viper Napuatzi, to no avail. Alva is knocked unconscious and Viper Napuatzi will start to attack you.

36. Defeat Viper Napuatzi

Viper Napuatzi
Viper Napuatzi attacks you with quick slashes, dashes and AOE slams, all while you are boxed in by the Legion Blockade. Once you defeat Viper Napuatzi though, you can't relax yet! Several Viper Legionnaires will spawn and will start attacking you, so be careful.
How to Defeat Viper Napuatzi

37. Rescue Alva from Doryani

Aggorat Entrance
Continue exploring Utzaal, and look for a big staircase leading to the Aggorat entrance. It can be located near where you defeated Viper Napuatzi


Location Objectives

38. Enter and Fight Through Aggorat and search for the Black Chambers

The Black Chambers
Once inside Aggorat, fight through the area's many enemies. Look for the entrance to The Black Chambers by the outer edges of Aggorat. There should be an isolated hall with the entrance to The Black Chambers.

The Black Chambers

Location Objectives

39. Find Doryani in The Black Chambers

The Testing Pit
Once inside The Black Chambers, open the waypoint nearby and explore the area. Look for The Testing Pit, where you will fight Doryani and Doryani's Triumph. The entrance to The Testing Pit is located right by a checkpoint.

40. Capture Doryani for His Knowledge of the Beast

Doryani will attack you with a wide variety of ranged AOE spells. When low enough on health, Doryani will start using Doryani's Triumph to attack, and will start to use slams, swings, and beams against you. Talk to Doryani upon defeating him.
How to Defeat Doryani

Return to Ziggurat Encampment

Location Objectives

41. Enter the Time Portal in Town to Travel to Cruel Difficulty

Gateway Cruel Difficulty
You will be teleported back to Ziggurat Encampment with an open Gateway. The Gateway will bring you back to The Riverbank at the start of Act 1, and will start Cruel Difficulty. This is the end of the quest Legacy of the Vaal.

Legacy of the Vaal Rewards

Quest Rewards

・Unlocks Cruel Difficulty

Completing the Legacy of the Vaal quest grants these rewards. You can obtain them after completing a certain objective or by completing the entire quest.

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