Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

PoE 2 Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire Mercenary Build

This is a Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire Mercenary build for Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Check out the Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire Mercenary build, including its gear, socketables, skills, and playstyle!

Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire Build Summary

Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire Mercenary Build

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), Endgame (Atlas).

Build Setup
Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire Build Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire
Explosive Grenade Icon Flash Grenade Icon Gas Grenade Icon Wind Dancer Icon Attrition Icon Oil Grenade Icon Cluster Grenade Icon
Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro High AoE and Burst Damage

Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro Excellent Crowd Control

Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro Extremely Tanky

Path of Exile 2 Build - Con Low Mobility

Path of Exile 2 Build - Con High Mana Usage
Build Setup
Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire Build Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire
Herald of Ash Icon Explosive Grenade Icon Flash Grenade Icon Gas Grenade Icon Oil Grenade Icon Cluster Grenade Icon
Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro High AoE and Burst Damage

Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro Excellent Crowd Control

Path of Exile 2 Build - Con Low Mobility

Path of Exile 2 Build - Con High Mana Usage
Build Setup
Permafrost Grenade Mercenary Build Permafrost Grenade Mercenary
Permafrost Bolts Icon Explosive Grenade Icon Flash Grenade Icon Gas Grenade Icon
Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro High AoE Damage

Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro Excellent Crowd Control

Path of Exile 2 Build - Con Low Mobility

This is a Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire Mercenary endgame build that makes use of Oil Grenade, Gas Grenade, and Explosive Grenade, triggering Gas Cloud explosions against ignited enemies to easily clear large mobs and deal huge burst damage. Make sure to pace yourself and manage your resources as this grenade build can deplete your mana quickly.

Date Changes
01-14-2025 Updated Passive Tree and Equipment Stats for more damage and survivability. Added a 3rd Support Gem for Attrition.
01-13-2025 Swapped out Blasphemy with Attrition for a more reliable damage bonus.
01-10-2025 Ascendancy Passive Tree was respecced due to a game breaking FPS bug. Swapped out Blink for Blasphemy and moved a ton of Support Gems around.
01-09-2025 Added Socketables section under equipment for recommended Jewels, Charms, and Runes.
01-08-2025 Updated Passive Tree for better survivability in endgame. Added a 4th Support Gem for Explosive Grenade.
01-07-2025 Updated Support Gems of Flash Grenade and Oil Grenade.
12-19-2024 Updated the Build for Endgame.
Added Blink persistent skill. Passive Tree and Equipment were updated.
12-18-2024 Updated the Build for late Mid-game.
Swapped around most of the Support Gems since grenade damage was falling off. Added Cluster Grenade skill and Passive Tree was updated.
12-12-2024 Updated the Build for Mid-game.
Changed the build name to Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire. Added 1 more Grenade skill and changed the Persistent skill. Passive Tree and Equipment Modifiers were updated.
12-08-2024 Updated the Build for Act 2.
Added 2 new Grenade skills and 1 new Persistent skill. Charms and Runes were added. Passive Tree and Equipment Modifiers were reworked.

Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire Gear Setup

Equipment and Modifiers

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), Endgame (Atlas).

Gear Modifiers
Helm ・Strength
・Increased Armor and Evasion Rating
・Maximum Life
・Maximum Mana
・Any Elemental Resistance
Armor ・Spirit
・Increased Armor and Evasion Rating
・Maximum Life
・Any Elemental Resistance
Gloves ・Armor
・Increased Armor
・Added Physical Damage
・Maximum Life
・Any Elemental Resistance
Belt ・Reduced Charm Charges Used
・Maximum Life
・Maximum Mana
・Any Elemental Resistance
Boots ・Movement Speed
・Maximum Mana
・Maximum Life
・Any Elemental Resistance
Prismatic Ring ・All Elemental Resistances
・Added Physical Damage to Attacks
・Maximum Life
・Any Elemental Resistance
・Mana Regeneration
Amulet ・Strength
・All Attributes
・Maximum Life
・Any Elemental Resistance
Prismatic Ring ・All Elemental Resistances
・Added Physical Damage to Attacks
・Maximum Life
・Any Elemental Resistance
・Mana Regeneration
Bombard Crossbow ・Grenade Skills Fire an Additional Projectile
・Increased Physical Damage
・Added Physical Damage to Attacks
・Level of All Projectile Skills
・Leech of Physical Damage as Mana
・Leech of Physical Damage as Life
Gear Modifiers
Helm ・Dexterity
・Accuracy and Evasion Rating
・Maximum Life
・Maximum Mana
Armor ・Maximum Life
・Armour and Evasion
・Any Elemental Resistance
・Stun Threshold
Gloves ・Leech of Physical Damage as Mana
・Life per Kill
・Maximum Mana
・Any Elemental Resistance
Belt ・Mana Recovery from Flasks
・Flask Mana Recovery Rate
・Maximum Life
・Maximum Mana
・Any Elemental Resistance
Boots ・Movement Speed
・Maximum Life
Ring ・Added Physical Damage to Attacks
・Increased Physical Damage
・Maximum Life
Amulet ・Spirit
・Maximum Life
・Any Elemental Resistance
Ring ・Added Physical Damage to Attacks
・Increased Physical Damage
・Maximum Life
Crossbow ・Grenade Skills Fire an Additional Projectile
・Added Physical Damage to Attacks
・Increased Physical Damage
・Level of All Projectile Skills
・Leech of Physical Damage as Mana
・Leech of Physical Damage as Health
Gear Modifiers
Helm ・Dexterity
・Accuracy Rating
・Evasion Rating
・Maximum Life
Armor ・Maximum Life
・Any Elemental Resistance
Gloves ・Leech of Physical Damage as Mana
・Life per Kill
・Any Elemental Resistance
Belt ・Armour
・Maximum Life
・Maximum Mana
・Any Elemental Resistance
Boots ・Movement Speed
・Maximum Life
Ring ・Accuracy Rating
・Maximum Life
Amulet ・Spirit
・Maximum Life
・Any Elemental Resistance
Ring ・Accuracy Rating
・Maximum Life
Crossbow ・Loads an Additional Bolt
・Physical Damage
・Level of All Projectile Skills
・Gain Life per Kill
・Gain Mana per Kill


From early game to endgame, your main weapon that can hugely benefit the Grenadier is the Bombard Crossbow as it can provide you with an additional Grenade projectile. As for your weapon set 2, you can opt to equip any One Hand Mace + Shield combo so you can use Leap Slam and Shield Charge for movement purposes but is not completely required for this build.

List of Weapons

Armor and Accessories

Your highest priority would be to reach the 75% Elemental Resistance cap as this will allow you to take on higher tiers and survive in endgame. Make sure to equip Armor-only Gloves as this will help give you more Evasion once you have Leather Bound Gauntlets in your Passive Tree. Try to get Strength on most of your equipment as well since this will greatly benefit your Maximum Life, especially when you get the Enhanced Effectiveness Ascendancy node.

This build can work with 55 Spirit until you reach endgame, where at that point you will be needing at least 145 Spirit to equip all your Persistent skills.

All Armors and Accessories
List of Armors List of Accessories



Note: The modifiers listed are arranged according to priority.

Emerald Jewel Emerald ・Increased Projectile Damage
・Increased Attack Damage
・Increased Elemental Damage
・Global Physical Damage
Ruby Jewel Ruby ・Increased Area of Effect
・Increased Fire Damage
・Any Elemental Resistance
・Increased Magnitude of Ignite you Inflict
Sapphire Jewel Sapphire ・Increased Area of Effect
・Increased Elemental Damage
・Any Elemental Resistance

For your jewels, we recommend prioritizing Emeralds as they can maximize your damage by a good amount. The Ruby and Sapphire jewels are still viable for increasing damage but are mostly used to provide Elemental Resistances to help reach the 75% resistance cap.

List of Jewels


Note: The modifiers listed are arranged according to priority.

POE 2 - Ruby Charm Any Elemental Charm ・Increased Duration
・Increased Charges
・Recover Life when Used

The best charm to slot in would be any Elemental Resistance Charm to help you reach the 75% resistance cap is this is key towards surviving higher tiers. If you have an extra charm slot, you can use the Stone Charm to negate stun effects.

List of All Charms

Runes and Soul Cores

Equipment Sockets

The best slot-in for the Weapons is the Iron Rune for more physical damage, and Soul Core of Zalatl to help recover Mana better. As for Armor, the Soul Core of Citaqualotl can help you reach the Elemental Resistance cap for all elements so try to equip as much of these as you can. You can also opt for either Desert, Storm, or Glacial Runes depending on your missing resistances to reach the 75% cap in case you do not have the Soul Core yet.

All Runes and Soul Cores
List of Runes List of Soul Cores

Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire Skills and Passive Tree

Active Skills

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), Endgame (Atlas).

Your main damage skills would be Explosive Grenade for burst damage against Bosses and mobbing, and Cluster Grenade to proc Armor Break so your Flash Grenades can deal even more damage. Make sure to combo these with Oil Grenade and Gas Grenade as consistently triggering Gas Cloud explosions can deal just as much damage as your Explosive Grenades.

Since the Gemling Legionnaire can fulfill Gem attribute requirements using their highest attribute, equipping Wind Dancer, Attrition, and other skills should not be a problem. Once you stop one-shotting mobs, you will need to focus more on damage by then with Fire Infusion and eventually Elemental Focus.

The Wind Dancer will be your failsafe to help survive hits and prevent you from getting swarmed too much, while Attrition is there to proc Culling Strike against Rare and Unique enemies.

List of Skill Gems

Passive Skill Tree

Ascendancy Tree
Ascendancy Group Node
Passive Nodes
1. Volatile Catalyst 2. Colossal Weapon and Devastation
3. Cluster Bombs 4. Volatile Grenades
5. Authority, Polymathy, and Repeating Explosives 6. Beef and Brute Strength
7. Prism Guard 8. -

The Grenadier Gemling passive tree path focuses on increasing your Damage and Area of Effect radius to boost your grenade skills, with Strength and Elemental Resistances to help survive for endgame. We want to buff all our grenades as early as possible so make sure to get Cluster Bombs, Volatile Grenades, and Repeating Explosives immediately.

Once you have most of your Area of Effect nodes, you should start focusing on survivability by taking Evasion Rating, Strength, and Elemental Resistance nodes as this will be important for surviving endgame content.

Keep in mind to take Dexterity attribute nodes to match your skills and equipment requirements in mid-game. Once you have the Adaptive Capability ascendancy node, respec all of your Attribute nodes to Strength as you will only need one stat to meet your Gem attribute requirements.

Passive Skill Tree Guide and List of Passives

Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire Playstyle and Skill Rotation

Skill Rotation for Mobbing and Bosses

The Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire build revolves around unleashing all your Grenade Skills to deal huge amounts of damage in a large AoE. The rotation is as follows:

  1. Use Oil Grenade then Explosive Grenade on top to ignite your enemies.
  2. Spam Gas Grenades on your ignited enemies to repeatedly trigger Gas Cloud explosions. You can opt to fire Explosive Grenade in-between to trigger Gas Cloud explosions that did not trigger from ignite.
  3. Shoot Cluster Grenades to build Armor Break.
  4. Fire Flash Grenades to stun and Blind your opponents to help evade hits.
  5. Reposition and repeat the process.

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Focus: DoT, Burst Damage, Bossing, Mobbing
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Herald of Ash Icon Gas Grenade Icon Wind Dancer Icon Incendiary Shot Icon Blasphemy Icon Oil Grenade Icon Explosive Shot Icon

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Focus: DoT, Crowd Control, Bossing
Grenadier Gemling LegionnaireGrenadier Gemling Legionnaire
Explosive Grenade Icon Flash Grenade Icon Gas Grenade Icon Wind Dancer Icon Attrition Icon Oil Grenade Icon Cluster Grenade Icon

Focus: AoE, Burst Damage, Crowd Control

Mercenary Class and Ascendancy Guides

Base Class
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Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - Gemling LegionnaireGemling Legionnaire Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - WitchhunterWitchhunter


10 Anonymous3 months

This is a Gemling build so all gems will use whatever your highest stat is to meet their requirements. You'll essentially only ever need enough Dex for your weapon/armor choices, then everything else goes into Strength. Intelligence can be ignored.

9 Anonymous3 months

Blink came out of no where , gonna be tough to get that intelligence


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