Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Passive Skill Tree Guide and List of Passives

Path of Exile 2 - List of All Passive Skills

This is a guide for the Passive Skill Tree for Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Read on to learn more about the Passive Skill Tree, how many skill points you can get in total, as well as a list of Passives!

Passive Tree Guides
How to Respec List of Passives

What Are Passive Skills?

Grant Attributes and Stats

Passive Skills grant bonus attributes and stats to a character. Passive Skill points are gained upon gaining a level and then allocated to a node in the skill tree which is shared by all classes.

List of Classes

Four Types of Passives

Four Types of Passives

Passive Skill points are gained as you level up and are spent among these four types:

Passive Skill Types
POE 2 - Attribute PassiveAttribute Gives one of the three primary stats: Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence. Found in “attribute highways”.
POE 2 - Small PassiveSmall Gives minor bonuses such as increased Attack Damage, Attack Speed, and so on.
POE 2 - Notable PassiveNotable Alters the behavior of Skills and typically found near a chain of Small Passives.
POE 2 - Keystone PassiveKeystone Has unique and powerful effects but come with a downside. Builds are typically designed around them.

Note: Pressing on the sample passive will let you see a full list of that passive type!

List of Passive Skills

Small Passives

Jump to a Passive Type!
POE 2 - Small PassiveSmall POE 2 - Notable PassiveNotable POE 2 - Keystone PassiveKeystone
Skill Effect
Skill Speed ・X% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Attack Damage ・X% increased Attack Damage
Attack Speed ・X% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Spell and Minion Damage ・X% increased Spell Damage
・Minions deal X% increased Damage
Minion Damage ・Minions deal X% increased Damage
Projectile Damage ・X% increased Projectile Damage
Fire Damage ・X% increased Fire Damage
Ignite Chance ・X% increased chance to Ignite
Ignite Effect ・X% increased Effect of Ignite
Lightning Damage ・X% increased Lightning Damage
Attack Area Damage and Area ・X% increased Attack Area Damage
・X% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Attack Area ・X% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Armour ・X% increased Armour
・X% increased Armour if you have been Hit Recently
One Handed Damage ・X% increased Damage with One Handed Weapons
Two Handed Damage ・X% increased Damage with Two Handed Weapons
Cooldown Recovery Rate ・X% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Grenade Damage ・X% increased Grenade Damage
Grenade Cooldown Recovery Rate ・X% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate for Grenade Skills
Grenade Area ・X% increased Grenade Area of Effect
Spell Damage ・X% increased Spell Damage
Mana Regeneration ・X% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Elemental Damage ・X% increased Elemental Damage
Cold Damage ・X% increased Cold Damage
Energy Shield ・+X to maximum Energy Shield
Energy Shield Delay ・X% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
Cast Speed ・X% increased Cast Speed
Spell Critical Chance ・X% increased Critical Hit Chance for Spells
Spell Critical Damage ・X% increased Critical Spell Damage Bonus
Cold Penetration ・Damage penetrates X% Cold Resistance
Lightning Penetration ・Damage penetrates X% Lightning Resistance
Fire Penetration ・Damage penetrates X% Fire Resistance
Offering Life Node 1: ・Offerings have X% increased Maximum Life
Node 2:・Offerings have X% reduced Maximum Life
Offering Duration ・Offerings Skills have X% increased Duration
Offering Area ・Offerings Skills have X% increased Area of Effect
Elemental Ailment Chance ・X% increased chance to Ignite
・ X% increased Freeze Buildup
・ X% increased chance to Shock
Elemental Ailment Duration ・X% increased Duration of Ignite, Shock, and Chill on Enemies
Exposure Effect ・X% increased Cold Exposure Effect
・ X% increased Fire Exposure Effect
・ X% increased Lightning Exposure Effect
Damage against Ailments ・X% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies with affected by Elemental Ailments
Ailment Chance ・X% increased chance to inflict Ailments
Chaos Damage and Duration ・X% increased Chaos Damage
・X% increased Skill Effect Duration
Life Recoup ・X% of damage taken Recouped as Life
Chaos Damage ・X% increased Chaos Damage
Armour and Energy Shield ・X% increased Armour
・X% increased maximum Energy Shield
Energy Shield Recharge and Mana Flask Recovery ・X% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
・X% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks
Energy Shield and Mana Regeneration ・X% increased maximum Energy Shield
・X% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Curse Area ・X% increased Area of Effect of Curses
Energy Shield Recharge ・X% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Spell Area of Effect ・X% increased Spell Area Damage
・ Spell Skills have X% increased Area of Effect
Freeze Buildup ・X% increased Freeze Buildup
Cold and Fire Damage ・X% increased Fire Damage
・ X% increased Cold Damage
・ X% increased Cold Damage
Curse Effect ・X% increased Effect of your Curses
Curse Duration ・X% increased Curse Duration
Minion Critical Damage ・Minions have X% increased Critical Damage Bonus
Chill Effect ・X% increased Magnitude of Chill you Inflict
Shock Chance ・X% increased chance to Shock
Minion Resistances ・Minions have +X% to all Elemental Resistances
Minion Cold Resistance ・Minions have +X% to Cold Resistance
Minion Lightning Resistance ・Minions have +X% to Lightning Resistance
Minion Fire Resistance ・Minions have +X% to Fire Resistance
Increased Duration ・X% increased Skill Effect Duration
Reduced Duration ・X% reduced Skill Effect Duration
Additional Spell Projectiles ・X% chance for Spell Skills to fire 2 additional Projectiles
Spell Damage and Projectile Speed Node 1: ・X% increased Spell Damage
・X% reduced Projectile Speed for Spell Skills
Node 2:・X% increased Spell Damage
・X% increased Projectile Speed for Spell Skills
Spell Damage on Full Energy Shield ・X% increased Spell Damage while on Full Energy Shield
Focus Energy Shield ・X% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Focus
Lightning Skill Chain Chance ・X% chance for Lightning Skills to Chain and additional time
Lightning Skill Speed ・X% increased Attack and Cast Speed with Lightning Skills
Critical Chance Node 1: ・X% increased Critical Hit Chance
Node 2:・X% increased Critical Hit Chance if you have Killed Recently
Node 3:・ X% increased Critical Hit Chance if you haven't dealt a Critical Hit Recently
Duration ・X% increased Skill Effect Duration
Corpses Node 1: ・X% increased Damage if you have Consumed a Corpse Recently
Node 2:・X% to destroy Corpses when Consuming Corpses
Minion Defences ・Minions deal X% increased Damage
Minion Accuracy ・X% increased Minion Accuracy Rating
Minion Life ・Minions have X% increased maximum Life
Minion Revive Speed ・Minions Revive X% faster
Stun Threshold from Energy Shield ・Gain X% of maximum Energy Shield as additional Stun Threshold
Critical Damage ・X% increased Critical Damage Bonus
Minion Life and Chaos Resistance ・Minions have X% increased maximum Life
・Minions have X% to Chaos Resistance
Physical Damage ・X% increased Physical Damage
Armour Break ・Break Armour on Critical Hit with Spells equal to 5% of Physical Damage dealt
Fire Damage and Area ・X% increased Fire Damage
・X% increased Area of Effect
Damage from Mana ・X% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life
Minion Area ・Minions have X% increased Area of Effect
Bleed Chance ・X% to inflict Bleeding on Hit
Curse Effect on Self ・X% reduced effect of Curses on you
Arcane Surge Effect ・X% increased effect of Arcane Surge on you
Arcane Surge on Critical Hit ・X% chance to Gain Arcane Surge when you deal a Critical Hit
Unleash Seal Generation ・Skills Supported by Unleash have X% increased Seal gain frequency
Critical Ignite Effect ・X% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict with Critical Hits
Ignite and Critical Chance ・X% increased chance to Ignite
・X% increased Critical Hit Chance
Link Cast Speed ・Link Skills have X% increased Cast Speed
Link Duration ・Link Skills have X% increased Skill Effect Duration
Link Effect ・Link Skills have X% increased Buff Effect
Link Buff Effect ・Link Skills have X% increased Buff Effect
Minion Attack and Cast Speed ・Minions have X% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Area Damage ・Spells Skills have X% increased Area of Effect
Shapeshifting ・X% increased Attack Damage
Sentinels ・Minions deal X% increased Damage
Totem Life ・X% increased Totem Life
Totem Cast Speed ・Spell Cast by Totems have X% increased Cast Speed
Totem Damage ・X% increased Totem Damage
Elemental Penetration ・Damage Penetrates X% of Enemy Elemental Resistances
Elemental Node 1: ・X% increased Attack and Cast Speed with Elemental Skills
Node 2:・X% increased Magnitude of Chill you Inflict
Node 3:・ X% increased Magnitude of Shock you Inflict
Speed with Elemental Skills ・X% increased Attack and Cast Speed with Elemental Skills
Evasion and Energy Shield ・+X to Evasion Rating
・+X to maximum Energy Shield
Life on Kill ・Gain X Life per Enemy Killed
Shock Effect and Mana Regeneration ・X% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・X% increased Magnitude of Shock you Inflict
Power Charge Duration ・X% increased Power Charge Duration
Chill Effect and Duration ・X% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
・X% increased Magnitude of Chill you Inflict
Damage on Critical ・X% increased Damage if you've dealt a Critical Hit Recently
Reduced Mana Cost ・X% reduced Mana Cost of Skills
Slow Effect and Hinder Duration ・Debuffs you inflict have X% increased Slow Magnitude
・X% increased Hinder Duration
Daze Buildup Node 1: ・X% increased Daze Buildup
Node 2:・X% increased Damage against Dazed Enemies
Cast Speed with Cold Skills ・X% increased Cast Speed with Cold Skills
Evasion and Energy Shield Recharge ・X% increased Evasion Rating
・X% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Minion Physical Damage Reduction ・Minions have X% to additional Physical Damage Reduction
Curse Activation Speed and Effect ・X% increased Effect of your Curses
・X% faster Curse Activation
Freeze and Chill Resistance ・X% reduced Effect of Chill on you
・X% increased Freeze Threshold
Trap Critical Chance ・X% increased Critical Hit Chance with Traps
Trap Throw Speed ・X% increased Trap Throwing Speed
Trap Damage ・X% increased Trap Damage
Withered Effect ・X% increased Effect of Withered
Triggered Spell ・Triggered Spells deal X% increased Spell Damage
Energy ・Meta Skills gain X% increased Energy
Melee Damage Node 1: ・X% increased Melee Damage
Node 2:・X% increased Melee Damage with Hits at Close Range
Aura Effect ・X% increased Effect of Auras from your Aura Skills
Stun Recovery ・X% increased Stun Recovery
Stun Threshold ・X% increased Stun Threshold
Accuracy ・X% increased Accuracy Rating
Melee Attack Speed ・X% increased Melee Attack Speed
Totem Placement Speed ・X% increased Totem Placement speed
Stun Buildup ・X% increased Stun Buildup
Attack and Spell Damage ・X% increased Spell Damage
・ X% increased Attack Damage
Warcry Speed ・X% increased Warcry Speed
Warcry Cooldown Speed ・X% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate
Chill and Freeze Duration ・X% increased Chill and Freeze Duration on Enemies
Life Regeneration while Stationary ・X% increased Life Regeneration while stationary
Minion Life and Physical Damage Reduction ・Minions have X% increased maximum Life
・Minions have X% addtional Physical Damage Reduction
Ignite Effect on You ・X% reduced effect of Ignite on you
Flail Damage ・X% increased Damage with Flails
Flail Critical Chance ・X% increased Critical Hit Chance with Flails
Shield Block ・X% increased Block chance
Shield Defences ・X% increased Defences from Equipped Shield
Mana Leech ・X% increased amount of Mana Leeched
Pin Buildup ・X% increased Pin Buildup
Energy Shield if Consumed Power Charge ・X% increased Energy Shield if you've consumed a Power Charge Recently
Shock Effect ・X% increased Magnitude of Shock you inflict
Attack Damage with Nearby Ally ・X% increased Damage while you have and Ally in your Presence
Life Flask Charges ・X% increased Life Flask Charges gained
Life Flask Charge Generation ・X% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
Mana Flasks Charges Used ・X% reduced Flask Charges used from Mana Flasks
Mana Flask Recovery ・X% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks
Mana Regeneration while not on Low Mana ・X% increased Mana Rate while not on Low Mana
Critical Damage vs Full Life ・X% increased Critical Damage Bonus against Enemies that are on Full Life
Damage vs Full Life ・X% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies that are on Full Life
Knockback and Stun Buildup ・X% increased Stun Buildup
・ X% increased Knockback Distance
Physical Damage and Critical Chance ・X% increased Critical Hit Chance
・X% increased Physical Damage
Poison Chance ・X% chance to Poison on Hit
Poison Duration ・X% increased Poison Duration
Poison Damage ・X% increased Magnitude of Poison you Inflict
Unaramed Damage ・X% increased Damage with Unarmed Attacks
Unaramed Attack Speed ・X% increased Unaramed Attack Speed
Unaramed Area ・X% increased Area of Effect while Unarmed
Critical Damage when Consuming a Power Charge ・X% increased Critical Damage Bonus if you've consumed a Power Charge Recently
Dagger Damage ・X% increased Damage with Daggers
Dagger Critical Chance ・X% increased Attack Speed with Daggers
Dagger Speed ・X% increased Critical Hit Chance with Daggers
Block ・X% increased Block chance
Critical Damage and Increased Mana Cast ・X% increased Critical Damage Bonus
・X% increased Mana Cost of Skills
Slower Rage Decay ・Inherent loss of Rage is X% lower
Empowered Attack Damage ・Empowered Attacks deal X% increased Damage
Armour Break Duration ・X% increased Armour Break Duration
Armour Break and Armour ・X% increased Armour
・ Break X% increased Armour
Thorns ・X% increased Thorns damage
Armour if Hit ・X% increased Armour if you have been Hit Recently
Recover Life on consuming Endurance Charge ・Recover X% of Life for each Endurance Charge consumed
Maximum Cold Resistance ・X% to Maximum Cold Resistance
Maximum Lightning Resistance ・X% to Maximum Lightning Resistance
Maximum Fire Resistance ・X% to Maximum Fire Resistance
Rage when Hit ・Gain X Rage when Hit by an Enemy
Block and Shield Defences ・X% increased Block chance
・ X% increased Defences from Equipped Shield
Shield Attack Speed ・X% increased Attack Speed while holding a Shield
Life Leech and Slower Leech ・X% increased amount of Life Leeched
・Leech Life X% slower
Attack Critical Damage ・X% increased Critical Damage Bonus for Attack Damage
Critical Stun Buildup ・X% increased Stun Buildup with Critical Hits
Attack Critical Chance ・X% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks
Warcry Damage ・X% increased Damage with Warcries
Mace Damage ・X% increased Damage with Maces
Mace Stun Buildup ・X% increased Stun Buildup with Maces
Mace Damage and Stun Buildup ・X% increased Stun Buildup
・X% increased Damage with Maces
Mace Aftershock Chance ・X% chance to Aftershock for Slam Skills you use with Maces
Fire Penetration and Stun Buildup ・X% increased Stun Buildup
・Damage Penetrates X% Fire Resistance
Thorns and Block ・X% increased Block Chance
・X% increased Thorns Damage
Attack Speed if Hit ・X% chance to Attack Speed if you've been Hit Recently
Armour if Consumed Endurance Charge ・X% increased Armour if you've consumed an Endurance Charge Recently
Life Regeneration on Low Life ・X% increased Life Regeneration Rate while on Low Life
Rage on Hit ・Gain 1 Rage on Melee Hit
Totem Elemental Resistance ・Totems gain +X% to all Elemental Resistances
Totem Physical Damage Reduction ・Totems have additional X% Physical Damage Reduction
Life Flask Recovery ・X% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
Flask Duration ・X% increased Flask Effect Duration
Two Handed Damage and Stun ・X% increased Stun Buildup
・X% increased Damage with Two Handed Weapons
Strength ・+X to Strength
Empowered Attack Damage and Bleeding Chance ・X% chance to inflict Bleeding on Hit
・Empowered Attacks deal X% increased Damage
Damage against Enemies on Low Life ・X% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies that are on Low Life
Warcry Cooldown ・X% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate
Attack Damage and Reduced Attack Speed ・X% reduced Attack Speed
・X% increased Attack Damage
Ailment Effect and Reduced Attack Speed ・X% reduced Attack Speed
・X% increased Magnitude of Ailments you inflict
Damage vs Armour Broken Enemies ・X% increased Damage against Enemies with Fully Broken Armour
Strength and Reduced Mana ・X% reduced maximum Mana
・+X to Strength
Bleed Damage ・X% increased Magnitude of Bleeding you inflict
Jagged Ground Effect ・X% increased Magnitude of Jagged Ground you create
Maximum Rage ・+X to Maximum Rage
Warcry Cooldown and Speed ・X% increased Warcry Speed
・X% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate
Axe Damage ・X% increased Damage with Axes
Axe Attack Speed ・X% increased Attack Speed with Axes
Axe Rage on Hit ・Gain X Rage on Melee Axe Hit
Armour and Evasion Node 1: ・+X to Armour
・+X to Evasion Rating
Node 2:・X% increased Armour and Evasion Rating
Life Regeneration Node 1: ・Regenerate X% of Life per second
Node 2:・X% increased Life Regeneration rate
Bleeding Damage ・X% increased Magnitude of Bleeding you inflict
Life Leech Armour and Evasion while Leeching ・X% increased amount of Life Leeched
・X% increased Armour and Evasion Rating while Leeching
Life Leech ・X% increased amount of Life Leeched
Stun Threshold if no recent Stun ・X% increased Stun Threshold if you haven't been Stunned Recently
Dual Wielding Damage ・X% increased Attack Damage while Dual Wielding
Dual Wielding Speed ・X% increased Attack Speed while Dual Wielding
Knockback ・X% increased Knockback Distance
One Handed Ailment Chance ・X% increased Chance to inflict Ailments with One-Handed Attacks
Attack Damage and Accuracy ・X% increased Attack Damage
・X% increased Accuracy Rating
Movement Speed ・X% increased Movement Speed if you've Killed Recently
Crossbow Reload Speed ・X% increased Crossbow Reload Speed
Projectile Pierce ・X% chance for Projectiles to Pierce Enemies within 3m distance of you
Flask Recovery ・X% increased Life and Mana Recovery from Flasks
Flask and Charm Charges Gained ・X% increased Flask and Charm Charges gained
Bleeding Chance ・X% chance to inflict Bleeding on Hit
Armour Break and Physical Damage ・Break X% increased Armour
・X% increased Physical Damage
Shield Damage ・Attack Skills deal X% increased Damage while holding a Shield
Weapon Swap Speed ・X% increased Weapon Swap Speed
Evasion ・X% increased Evasion Rating
Melee Critical Chance ・X% increased Melee Critical Chance
Ailment Threshold ・X% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold
Stun Threshold and Strength ・X% increased Stun Threshold
・+X to Strength
Armour while Surrounded ・X% increased Armour while Surrounded
Attack Damage while Surrounded ・X% increased Attack Damaged while Surrounded
Evasion while Surrounded ・X% increased Evasion Rating while Surrounded
Bleeding Duration ・X% increased Bleeding Duration
One Handed Critical Chance ・X% increased Critical Hit Chance with One Handed Weapons
Area Damage and Armour Break ・Break X% increased
・X% increased increased attack pwoer.
Attack Damage vs Bleeding Enemies ・X% increased Attack Damage against Bleeding Enemies
Reduce Attritbute W ・X% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Sword Damage ・X% increased Damage with Swords
Sword Speed ・X% increased Attack Speed with Swords
Herald Damage ・Herald Skills deal X% increased Damage
Herald Reservation ・X% reduced Reservation of Herald Skills
Life Leech Speed ・Leach Life X% faster
Life Leech and Physical Damage ・X% increased amount of Life Leeched
・X% increased Physical Damage
Elemental Attack Damage ・X% increased Elemental Damage with Attacks
Block Recovery ・X% increased Block Recovery
Ailment Chance and Effect ・X% increased chance to inflict Ailments
・X% increased Damage of Damaging Ailments you inflict
Pierce Chance ・X% chance to Pierce an Enemy
Chaining Projectiles ・Projectiles have X% chance to Chain a
Blind Chance ・X% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacks
Life Flasks ・X% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
Accuracy and Attack Critical Chance ・X% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks
・X% increased Accuracy Rating
Crossbow Damage ・X% increased Damage with Crossbows
Crossbow Critical Chance ・X% increased Critical Hit Chance with Crossbows
Flask Charges Gained ・X% increased Flask Charges gained
Life and Mana Flask Recovery ・X% increased Life and Mana Recovery from Flasks
Evasion if Consumed Frenzy Charge ・X% increased Evasion Rating if you've consumed a Frenzy Charge Recently
Elemental Damage and Ignite Chance ・X% increased chance to Ignite
・X% increased Elemental Damage
Mark Cast Speed ・Mark Skills have X% increased Cast Speed
Mark Effect ・X% increased Effect of your Mark Skills
Elemental Damage and Shock Chance ・X% increased chance to Shock
・X% increased Elemental Damage
Elemental Damage and Freeze Buildup ・X% increased Freeze Buildup
・X% increased Elemental Damage
Quiver Effect ・X% increased bonuses gained from Equipped Quiver
Charm Charges ・X% increased Charges gained
Charm Charges Used ・X% reduced Charm Charges used
Charm Duration ・X% increased Charm Effect Duration
Attack Speed and Dexterity ・X% increased Attack Speed
・+X to Dexterity
Forking Projectiles ・Projectiles have X% chance for and additional Projectile when Forking
Mana Flask Charges ・X% increased Mana Flask Charges gained
Electrocute Buildup ・X% increased Electrocute Buildup
Mark Effect and Blind Chance ・X% increased effect of your Mark Skills
・X% increased Blind effect
Dexterity ・+X to Dexterity
Lightning Damage and Electrocute Buildup ・X% increased Lightning Damage
・X% increased Electrocute Buildup
Slow Effect on You ・X% reduced Potency of Debuffs on you
Frenzy Charge Duration ・X% increased Frenzy Charge Duration
Bow Accuracy Rating ・X% increased Accuracy Rating with Bows
Bow Damage ・X% increased Damage with Bows
Bow Speed ・X% increased Attack Speed with Bows
Bow Critical Damage ・X% increased Critical Damage Bonus with Bows
Block and Damage Taken from Blocked Hits ・X% increased Block Chance
・You take X% damage from Bloked Hits
Spear Damage ・X% increased Damage with Spears
Spear Critical Chance ・X% increased Critical Hit Chance with Spears
Spear Attack Speed ・X% increased Attack Speed with Spears
Mark Duration ・Mark Skills have X% increased Skill Effect Duration
Charm Effect ・Charms applied to you have X% increased Effect
Charm Activation Chance ・X% when a Charm is used to use another Charm withouth consuming Charges
Slow Effect ・Debuffs you inflict have X% increased Slow Magnitude
Attack Speed and Flask Duration ・X% increased Flask Effect Duration
・X% increased Attack Speed
Faster Ailments ・Damaging Ailments deal X% damage faster
Ailment Effect and Duration ・X% increased Magnitude of Ailments you inflict
・X% increased Duration of Damaging Ailments on Enemies
Bleeding Chance on Critical ・X% chance to inflict Bleeding on Critical Hit with Attacks
Critical Bleeding Effect ・X% increased Magnitude of Bleeding you inflict with Critical Hits
One Handed Attack Speed ・X% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Melee Weapons
One Handed Accuracy ・X% increased Accuracy Rating with One Handed Melee Weapons
Debuff Expiry ・Debuffs on you expire X% faster
Mana Leech and Cold Resistance ・+X% to Cold Resistance
・X% increased amount of Mana Leeched
Stun and Freeze Buildup ・X% increased Stun Buildup
・X% increased Freeze Buildup
Accuracy and Critical Chance ・X% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks
・X% increased Accuracy Rating
Accuracy and Attack Damage ・X% increased Attack Damage
・X% increased Accuracy Rating

Small Passives provide minor bonuses to specific stats such as Attack Damage and Attack Speed and branches off from Attributes. While they are miniscule alone, they are the foundation of a build's stat block!

List of All Small Passives

Notable Passives

Jump to a Passive Type!
POE 2 - Small PassiveSmall POE 2 - Notable PassiveNotable POE 2 - Keystone PassiveKeystone
Skill Effect
Flow Like Water Icon Flow Like Water ・8% increased Attack and Cast Speed
・+5 to Dexterity and Intelligence
Flow State Icon Flow State ・5% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・15% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Blinding Strike Icon Blinding Strike ・24% increased Attack Damage
・10% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacks
Reusable Ammunition Icon Reusable Ammunition ・15% chance for Crossbow Attacks to not consume a bolt
Repeating Explosives Icon Repeating Explosives ・Grenades have 15% chance to activate a second time
Shrapnel Icon Shrapnel ・30% chance to Pierce an Enemy
・Projectiles have 10% chance to Chain an additional time from terrain
Advanced Munitions Icon Advanced Munitions ・25% increased chance to inflict Ailments with Projectiles
Burnout Icon Burnout ・Ignites you inflict deal Damage 15% faster
Pure Power Icon Pure Power ・2% increased Lightning Damage per 10 Intelligence
Death from Afar Icon Death from Afar ・Projectiles have 25% increased Critical Hit Chance against Enemies further than 6m
・Projectiles deal 25% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies further than 6m
Stand and Deliver Icon Stand and Deliver ・Projectiles have 40% increased Critical Damage Bonus against Enemies within 2m
・Projectiles deal 25% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies within 2m
Aftershocks Icon Aftershocks ・40% increased Aftershock Area of Effect
Reverberating Impact Icon Reverberating Impact ・Break 25% increased Armour
・16% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Reaving Icon Reaving ・8% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Weapons
・+15 to Dexterity
Impair Icon Impair ・25% increased Damage with One Handed Weapons
・Attacks have 10% chance to Maim on Hit
Remorseless Icon Remorseless ・15% increased Projectile Damage
・30% increased Stun Buildup against enemies within 2 metres
・+5 to Strength and Dexterity
Colossal Weapon Icon Colossal Weapon ・15% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
・+10 to Strength
Overwhelm Icon Overwhelm ・5% reduced Attack Speed
・20% increased Stun Buildup
・40% increased Damage with Two Handed Weapons
Cluster Bombs Icon Cluster Bombs ・50% increased Grenade fuse duration
・Grenade Skills Fire an additional Projectile
Grenadier Icon Grenadier ・Grenade Skills have +1 Cooldown Use
Volatile Grenades Icon Volatile Grenades ・25% reduced Grenade fuse duration
Feel No Pain Icon Feel No Pain ・20% increased Armor and Evasion Rating
・20% increased Stun Threshold
Battle-hardened Icon Battle-hardened ・Hits against you have 20% reduced Critical Damage Bonus
・20% increased Armour and Evasion Rating
・+5 to Strength and Dexterity
Exposed Wounds Icon Exposed Wounds ・15% increased chance to inflict Ailments
・Break 30% increased Armour on enemies affected by Ailments
Hard to Kill Icon Hard to Kill ・40% increased Flask Life Recovery Rate
・Regenerate 0.75% of Life per second
Ricochet Icon Ricochet ・15% increased Projectile Damage
・Projectiles have 10% chance to Chain an additional time from terrain
Mass Hysteria Icon Mass Hysteria ・Allies in your Presence have X% increased Attack Speed
・6% increased Attack Speed
Backup Plan Icon Backup Plan ・40% increased Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently
・40% increased Armour if you haven't been Hit Recently
Bloodletting Icon Bloodletting ・10% chance to inflict Bleed on Hit
・15% increased Magnitude of Bleed you inflict
Heavy Weaponry Icon Heavy Weaponry ・15% increased Melee Damage
・15% increased Stun Buildup with Melee Damage
・+15 to Strength
Unerring Impact Icon Unerring Impact ・10% increased Accuracy Rating with One Handed Melee Weapons
・10% increased Accuracy Rating with Two Handed Melee Weapons
・+2 to Melee Strike Range
Fortifying Blood Icon Fortifying Blood ・20% increased amount of Life Leeched
・40% increased Armour and Evasion Rating while Leeching
Back in Action Icon Back in Action ・80% increased Stun Recovery
Dispatch Foes Icon Dispatch Foes ・80% increased Critical Hit Chance if you haven't dealt a Critical Hit Recently
Locked On Icon Locked On ・15% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks
・15% increased Accuracy Rating
Stars Aligned Icon Stars Aligned ・Damage with Hits is Lucky against Enemies that are on Low Life
Finishing Blows Icon Finishing Blows ・60% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies that are on Low Life
・30% increased Stun Buildup against Enemies that are on Low Life
Blade Flurry Icon Blade Flurry ・6% increased Attack Speed while Dual Wielding
・15% increased Attack Critical Hit Chance while Dual Wielding
Cross Strike Icon Cross Strike ・20% increased Accuracy Rating while Dual Wielding
・3% increased Movement Speed while Dual Wielding
Clear Space Icon Clear Space ・20% increased Knockback Distance
・20% chance to Knock Enemies Back with Hits at Close Range
Quick-change Act Icon Quick-change Act ・50% increased Weapon Swap Speed
Curved Weapon Icon Curved Weapon ・15% increased Accuracy Rating
・+10 to Dexterity
Lay Siege Icon Lay Siege ・1% increased Damage per 1% Chance to Block
Cruel Methods Icon Cruel Methods ・Break 40% increased Armour
・25% increased Physical Damage
Blurred Motion Icon Blurred Motion ・5% increased Attack Speed
・10% increased Accuracy Rating
・5% increased Dexterity
Determined Precision Icon Determined Precision ・30% increased Accuracy Rating at Close Range
・+10 to Dexterity
Afterimage Icon Afterimage ・8% more chance to Evade Melee Attacks
Defiance Icon Defiance ・80% increased Armour and Evasion Rating when on Low Life
Impenetrable Shell Icon Impenetrable Shell ・Defend with 150% of Armour against Attacks from further than 6m
Coated Arms Icon Coated Arms ・25% increased Damage with One Handed Weapons
・20% increased Chance to inflict Ailments with One-Handed Attacks
Presence Present Icon Presence Present ・Allies in your Presence have +100 to Accuracy Rating
・35% increased Attack Damage while you have an Ally in your Presence
Unexpected Finesse Icon Unexpected Finesse ・10% increased Attack Damage
・Gain Accuracy Rating equal to your Strength
Close Confines Icon Close Confines ・25% Chance for Projectiles to Pierce Enemeis within 3m distance of you
Short Shot Icon Short Shot ・15% reduced Projectile Speed
・20% increased Projectile Damage
Waters of Life Icon Waters of Life ・Recover 2% of Life when you use a Mana Flask
・Mana Flasks gain 0.1 charges per Second
Efficient Alchemy Icon Efficient Alchemy ・20% increased Flask and Charm Charges gained
・40% increased Life and Mana Recovery from Flasks while you have an active Charm
Instant Reload Icon Instant Reload ・40% increased Crossbow Reload Speed
Adrenaline Rush Icon Adrenaline Rush ・4% increased Movement Speed if you've Killed Recently
・8% increased Attack Speed if you've Killed Recently
Natural Immunity Icon Natural Immunity ・+4 to Ailment Threshold per Dexterity
Two-Pronged Attack Icon Two-Pronged Attack ・Minions deal 25% increased Damage
Bloodthirsty Icon Bloodthirsty ・20% increased amount of Life Leeched
・Leech Life 25% faster
Deadly Flourish Icon Deadly Flourish ・20% increased Melee Critical Hit Chance
Initiative Icon Initiative ・30% increased Melee Damage when on Full Life
・16% increased Attack Speed if you haven't Attacked Recently
Hale Heart Icon Hale Heart ・15% increased Life Recovery rate
Hefty Unit Icon Hefty Unit ・+3 to Stun Threshold per Strength
Push the Advantage Icon Push the Advantage ・40% increased Critical Damage Bonus with One Handed Melee Weapons
Perfect Opportunity Icon Perfect Opportunity ・30% increased Stun Buildup
・Damage with Hits is Lucky against Heavy Stunned Enemies
Resourceful Ally Icon Resourceful Ally ・Minions deal 25% increased Damage
Sturdy Ally Icon Sturdy Ally ・Minions have 25% increased maximum Life
Incendiary Icon Incendiary ・30% increased chance to Ignite
・30% increased Damage with Hits against Burning Enemies
Smoke Inhalation Icon Smoke Inhalation ・Damage Penetrates 15% Fire Resistance
・15% increased Duration of Damaging Ailments on Enemies
Watchtowers Icon Watchtowers ・Attack Skills have +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
・Skills that would Summon a Totem have 20% chance to Summon two Totems instead
Crushing Judgement Icon Crushing Judgement ・25% increased Armour Break Duration
・25% increased Attack Area Damage
Authority Icon Authority ・20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
・10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Aggravation Icon Aggravation ・10% chance to Aggravate Bleeding on targets you Hit with Attacks
Deep Wounds Icon Deep Wounds ・Attacks Hits Aggravate any Bleeding on targets which is older than 4 seconds
In the Thick of It Icon In the Thick of It ・Regenerate 2.5% of Life per second while Surrounded
Thrill of Battle Icon Thrill of Battle ・20% increased Attack Speed while Surrounded
Coursing Energy Icon Coursing Energy ・40% increase Electrocute Buildup
・30% increased Shock Chance against Electrocuted Enemies
Bleeding Out Icon Bleeding Out ・+250 to Accuracy against Bleeding Enemies
・Bleeding you inflict deals Damage 10% faster
Distracting Presence Icon Distracting Presence ・10% increase Cooldown Recovery Rate
・Enemies in your Presence have 10% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
Doomsayer Icon Doomsayer ・Herald Skills have 30% increased Area of Effect
・Herald Skills deal 30% increased Damage
Sand in the Eyes Icon Sand in the Eyes ・10% increased Attack Speed
・15% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacks
Blinding Flash Icon Blinding Flash ・20% increased Blind Effect
・Blind Enemies when they Stun you
Lightning Rod Icon Lightning Rod ・Lightning Damage with Non-Critical Hits is Lucky
Tainted Strike Icon Tainted Strike ・25% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks
・30% increased Magnitude of Non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Hits
Flash Storm Icon Flash Storm ・30% increased chance to Shock
・Damage Penetrates 15% Lightning Resistance
Insulated Treads Icon Insulated Treads ・Gain Ailment Threshold equal to the lowest of Evasion and Armour on your Boots
Strong Chin Icon Strong Chin ・Gain Stun Threshold equal to the lowest of Evasion and Armour on your Helmet
Parrying Motion Icon Parrying Motion ・12% increased Block chance
・1% increased Movement Speed for each time you've Blocked in the past 10 seconds
Vale Shelter Icon Vale Shelter ・Charms gain 0.15 charges per Second
Multitasking Icon Multitasking ・15% increased Skill Effect Duration
・12% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Emboldened Avatar Icon Emboldened Avatar ・25% increased chance to Ignite
・25% increased Freeze Buildup
・25% increased chance to Shock
・25% increased Electrocute Buildup
Crystal Elixir Icon Crystal Elixir ・40% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills during any Flask Effect
Forces of Nature Icon Forces of Nature ・Attack Damage Penetrates 15% of Enemy Elemental Resistances
Deterioration Icon Deterioration ・Damaging Ailments Cannot Be inflicted on you while you already have one
・20% increased Magnitude of Damaging Ailments you inflict
Spiked Shield Icon Spiked Shield ・50% increased Defences from Equipped Shield
・1% increased Attack Damage per 75 Armour or Evasion Rating on Shield
Shield Expertise Icon Shield Expertise ・12% increased Block chance
・40% increased Block Recovery
Succour Icon Succour ・30% increased Life Regeneration rate during Effect of any Life Flask
Refills Icon Refills ・Life Flasks gain 0.15 charges per Second
Pinpoint Shot Icon Pinpoint Shot ・Attacks gain increased Accuracy Rating equal to their Critical Hit Chance
Cull the Hordes Icon Cull the Hordes ・25% increased Culling Strike Threshold
Giantslayer Icon Giantslayer ・25% increased Damage with Hits against Rare and Unique enemies
・20% increased Accuracy Rating against Rare or Unique enemies
・20% increased chance to inflict Ailments against Rare or Unique enemies
Full Salvo Icon Full Salvo ・25% increased Damage with Crossbows for each type of Ammunition fired in the past 10 seconds
Power Shots Icon Power Shots ・15% reduced Attack Speed with Crossbows
・80% increased Critical Damage Bonus with Crossbows
Jack of All Trades Icon Jack of All Trades ・2% increased Damage per 5 of your lowest Attribute
Polymathy Icon Polymathy ・10% increased Attributes
General General's Bindings ・Gain 8% Evasion Rating as extra Armour
Leather Bound Gauntlets Icon Leather Bound Gauntlets ・+1 to Evasion Rating per 1 Armour on Equipped Gloves
Ripping Blade Icon Ripping Blade ・25% increased Damage with Swords
Stance Breaker Icon Stance Breaker ・50% reduced Enemy Chance to Block Sword Attacks
Heavy Blade Icon Heavy Blade ・25% increased Damage with Swords
Fate Finding Icon Fate Finding ・15% reduced Reservation of Herald Skills
Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse ・40% reduced Damage
・6% to Critical Hit Chance of Herald Skills
Fast Metabolism Icon Fast Metabolism ・Life Leech effects are not removed when Unreserved Life is Filled
Goring Icon Goring ・5% reduced maximum Life
・30% increased amount of Life Leeched
・40% increased Physical Damage
Open Mind Icon Open Mind ・25% Increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Raw Power Icon Raw Power ・20% Increased Spell Damage
・10 to Intelligence
Practiced Signs Icon Practiced Signs ・6% Increased Cast Speed
Pure Energy Icon Pure Energy ・30% Increased maximum Energy Shield
・10 to Intelligence
Path of Flame Icon Path of Flame ・18% Increased Fire Damage
・30% Increased Chance to Ignite
Path of Storms Icon Path of Storms ・18% Increased Lightning Damage
・30% Increased chance to Shock
Path of Winter Icon Path of Winter ・18% Increased Cold Damage
・30% Increased Freeze Buildup
Dampening Shield Icon Dampening Shield ・28% Increased maximum Energy Shield
・Gain 12% of maximum Energy Shield as additional Stun Threshold
Mana Blessing Icon Mana Blessing ・20 to Maximum Mana
・5% increased maximum Mana
Rapid Recharge Icon Rapid Recharge ・25% Increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
・25% Faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
Critical Overload Icon Critical Overload ・15% increeased Critical Hit Chance for Spells
・15% Increased Spell Damage if you've dealt a Critical Hit Recently
Soul Bloom Icon Soul Bloom ・15% increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate
Arcane Blossom Icon Arcane Blossom ・15% Increased Mana Recovery Rate
Sudden Escalation Icon Sudden Escalation ・16% Increased Critical Hit Chance for Spells
・8% Increased Cast Speed if you've dealt a Critical Hit Recently
Dead can Dance Icon Dead can Dance ・Minions have 25% increased Evasion Rating
・Your Dexterity is added to your Minions
Refocus Icon Refocus ・30% Increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
・20% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Necrotic Touch Icon Necrotic Touch ・Minions have 40% increased Critical Hit Chance
Chilled to the Bone Icon Chilled to the Bone ・20% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
・30% increased Magnitude of Chill you inflict
Inescapable Cold Icon Inescapable Cold ・40% increased Freeze Buildup
・12% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
Endless Blizzard Icon Endless Blizzard ・1 to Level of all Cold Skills
Glaciation Icon Glaciation ・Damage Penetrates 18% Cold Resistance
・25% increased Cold Exposure Effect
Essence Infusion Icon Essence Infusion ・40% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
・10 to Intelligence
Breath of Fire Icon Breath of Fire ・Damage Penetrates 15% Fire Resistance
・10 to Strength
Breath of Ice Icon Breath of Ice ・Damage Penetrates 15% Cold Resistance
・10 to Intelligence
Breath of Lightning Icon Breath of Lightning ・Damage Penetrates 15% Lightning Resistance
・10 to Dexterity
Exploit the Elements Icon Exploit the Elements ・24% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies affected by Elemental Ailments
・30% increased chance to inflict Ailments against Rare or Unique Enemies
Illuminated Crown Icon Illuminated Crown ・20% Increased Light Radius
・70% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Helmet
Hallowed Icon Hallowed ・20% increased Stun Recovery
・Gain 20% of maximum Energy Shield as additional Stun Threshold
Heavy Buffer Icon Heavy Buffer ・40% Increased maximum Energy Shield
・10% reduced maximum Life
Slow Burn Icon Slow Burn ・20% increased ignite Duration on Enemies
・20% increased magnitude of Ignite you inflict
Firestarter Icon Firestarter ・40% increased chance to Ignite
・Enemies Ignited by you have -5% to Fire Resistance
Intense Flames Icon Intense Flames ・35% Increased Damage with Hits against Burning Enemies
Explosive Impact Icon Explosive Impact ・15% increased Area of Effect
・Burning Enemies you kill have 5% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Fire Damage
Vile Mending Icon Vile Mending ・Minions have 20% increased maximum Life
・Minions Regenerate 3% of Life per second
・Minions have 13% to Chaos Resistance
Void Icon Void ・29% increased Chaos Damage
・Enemies you Curse have -3% to Chaos Resistance
Warding Fetish Icon Warding Fetish ・30% increased Damage per Curse on you
・30% reduced effect of Curse on you
・60% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Focus
Touch the Arcane Icon Touch the Arcane ・40% increased effect of Arcane Surge on you
Dependable Ward Icon Dependable Ward ・25% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
・25% Faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
Blood Tearing Icon Blood Tearing ・15% increased Magnitude of Bleeding you inflict
・25% increased Physical Damage
Shredding Force Icon Shredding Force ・15% Increased Critical Hit Chance for Spells
・15% increased Critical Spell Damage Bonus
・15% increased Magnitude of Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Hits
Adverse Growth Icon Adverse Growth ・20% reduced Life Regeneration rate
・20% of Damage taken recouped as Mana
Regenerative Flesh Icon Regenerative Flesh ・Minions Recoup 10% of Damage taken as Life
Overexposure Icon Overexposure ・30% increased Cold Exposure Effect
・30% increased Fire Exposure Effect
・30% increased Lightning Exposure Effect
Grip of Evil Icon Grip of Evil ・Minions have 40% increased Critical Damage Bonus
Stormbreaker Icon Stormbreaker ・15% increased Damage for each type of Elemental Ailment on enemy
Entropic Incarnation Icon Entropic Incarnation ・Minions have 13% to Chaos Resistance
・Minions gain 8% Physical Damage as Chaos Damage
Enhanced Barrier Icon Enhanced Barrier ・25% Increased maximum Energy Shield
・1% to all maximum Elemental Resistances
Lord of Horrors Icon Lord of Horrors ・Minions have 12% reduced Reservation
Glazed Flesh Icon Glazed Flesh ・3% of Damage Taken Recouped as Life, Mana and Energy Shield
Cut to the Bone Icon Cut to the Bone ・Break Armour on Critical Hit with Spells equal to 10% of Physical Damage dealt
・10% chance to inflict Bleeding on Hit
・20% increased Physical Damage
Eldritch Will Icon Eldritch Will ・3% increased maximum Life, Mana and Energy Shield
・Gain 20% of maximum Energy Shield as additional Stun Threshold
Lust for Sacrifice Icon Lust for Sacrifice ・40% increased Minion Damage while you have at least two different active Offerings
Left Hand of Darkness Icon Left Hand of Darkness ・Minions have 20% additional Physical Damage Reduction
・Minions have 23% to Chaos Resistance
Right Hand of Darkness Icon Right Hand of Darkness ・Minions have 20% increased Area of Effect
・Minions have 10% to inflict Withered on Hit
Potent Incantation Icon Potent Incantation ・30% Increased Spell Damage
・5% reduced Cast Speed
Lingering Horror Icon Lingering Horror ・23% increased Chaos Damage
・15% increased Skill Effect Duration
Melding Icon Melding ・40% increased maximum Energy Shield
・10% reduced maximum Mana
Critical Exploit Icon Critical Exploit ・25% increased Critical Hit Chance
Asceticism Icon Asceticism ・Stun Threshold is based on 30% of your Energy Shield instead of Life
Arcane Mixtures Icon Arcane Mixtures ・25% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
・mana Flasks gain 0.1 charges per second
Zone of Control Icon Zone of Control ・40% increased Area of Effect of Curses
・8% increased Effect of your Curses
・Enemies you Curse are Hindered, with 15% reduced Movement Speed
Insightfulness Icon Insightfulness ・18% increased maximum Energy Shield
・12% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・6% increased Intelligence
Necrotised Flesh Icon Necrotised Flesh ・Minions have 40% increased maximum Life
・Minions have 10% reduced Life Recovery rate
Taut Flesh Icon Taut Flesh ・15% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life
Meat Recycling Icon Meat Recycling ・15% chance to not destroy Corpses when Consuming Corpses
Loose Flesh Icon Loose Flesh ・15% of Elemental Damage taken Recouped as Life
Self Mortification Icon Self Mortification ・Gain 20% of maximum Energy Shield as additional Stun Threshold
・20% increased Stun Threshold while on Full Life
Psychic Fragmentation Icon Psychic Fragmentation ・12% chance for Spell Skills to fire 2 additional Projectiles
Gravedigger Icon Gravedigger ・Minions Revive 15% faster
・You gain 2% Life when one of your Minions is Revived
Madness in Bones Icon Madness in Bones ・Gain 6% of Physical Damage as extra Chaos Damage
Relentless Fallen Icon Relentless Fallen ・Minions have 20% increased Movement Speed
・Minions have 8% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Stigmata Icon Stigmata ・Offerings have 30% increased Maximum Life
・Recover 3% of Life when you create an Offering
Fear of Death Icon Fear of Death ・Minions have +150 to Accuracy Rating
・25% increased Minion Accuracy Rating
Ruin Icon Ruin ・35% increased Spell Area Damage
・Spell Skills have 10% reduced Area of Effect
Roil Icon Roil ・10% reduced Spell Area Damage
・Spell Skills have 30% increased Area of Effect
Climate Change Icon Climate Change ・20% increased Freeze Buildup
・Gain 25% Cold Damage as Extra Fire Damage against Frozen Enemies
Lightning Quick Icon Lightning Quick ・14% increased Lightning Damage
・8% increased Attack and Cast Speed with Ligthning Skills
Drenched Icon Drenched ・40% increased chance to Shock
・gain 5% Lightning Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Branching Bolts Icon Branching Bolts ・60% chance for Lightning Skills to Chain an additional time
Ice Walls Icon Ice Walls ・200% increased Ice Crystal Life
Shattered Crystal Icon Shattered Crystal ・60% reduced Ice Crystal Life
Dreamcatcher Icon Dreamcatcher ・25% increased Spell Damage while on Full Energy Shield
・75% increased Energy Shield from equipped Focus
Lingering Whispers Icon Lingering Whispers ・40% increased Curse Duration
・10% increased Effect of your Curses
Living Death Icon Living Death ・Minions have 22% to all Elemental Resistances
・Minions have 3% to all Maximum Elemental Resistances
Convalescence Icon Convalescence ・15% reduced Energy Shield Recharge Rate
・40% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
Raw Mana Icon Raw Mana ・12% increased maximum Mana
・10% increased Mana Cost of Skills
Ether Flow Icon Ether Flow ・25% reduced mana Regeneration Rate while stationary
・50% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while moving
Master of Hexes Icon Master of Hexes ・25% reduced Curse Duration
・18% increased Effect of your Curses
Arcane Intensity Icon Arcane Intensity ・3% increased Spell Damage per 100 maximum Mana
Controlling Magic Icon Controlling Magic ・25% increased Critical Hit Chance for Spells
・Hits have 25% reduced Critical Hit Chance against you
Electric Amplification Icon Electric Amplification ・Damage Penetrates 18% Lightning Resistance
・25% increased Lightning Exposure Effect
Power Conduction Icon Power Conduction ・25% increased Shock Duration
・25% increased magnitude of Shock you inflict
Patient Barrier Icon Patient Barrier ・60% increased maximum Energy Shield
・20% slower start of Energy Shield Recharge
Ingenuity Icon Ingenuity ・+25 to Intelligence
Preservation Icon Preservation ・25% increased Skill Effect Duration
Forthcoming Icon Forthcoming ・16% reduced Skill Effect Duration
・10% Increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Turn the Clock Back Icon Turn the Clock Back ・20% reduced Projectile Speed for Spell Skills
Turn the Clock Forward Icon Turn the Clock Forward ・20% increased Projectile Speed for Spell Skills
Mental Alacrity Icon Mental Alacrity ・5% increased Cast Speed
・15% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・+10 to Intelligence
Chronomancy Icon Chronomancy ・20% increased Skill Effect Duration
・Debuffs you inflict have 10% increased Slow Magnitude
Blur Icon Blur ・4% increased Movement Speed
・20% increased Evasion Rating
・+10 to Dexterity
Combat Alchemy Icon Combat Alchemy ・10% chance for Flasks you use to not consume Charges
・20% increased Life and Mana Recovery from Flasks
Honed Instincts Icon Honed Instincts ・8% increased Projectile Speed
・8% increased Attack Speed
・+10 to Dexterity
Catlike Agility Icon Catlike Agility ・25% increased Evasion Rating
・25% increased Evasion Rating if you've Dodge Rolled Recently
Cautious Concoctions Icon Cautious Concoctions ・15% increased Flask Effect Duration
・15% increased Flask Charges gained
Eagle Eye Icon Eagle Eye ・+30 to Accuracy Rating
・10% increased Accuracy Rating
Vile Wounds Icon Vile Wounds ・33% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies affected by Elemental Ailments
Clean Shot Icon Clean Shot ・15% chance to Pierce an Enemy
・15% increased Projectile Damage
Heavy Ammunition Icon Heavy Ammunition ・8% reduced Attack Speed
・40% increased Projectile Damage
・40% increased Projectile Stun Buildup
Careful Aim Icon Careful Aim ・16% increased Projectile Damage
・40% increased Accuracy Rating at Close Range
Arcane Alchemy Icon Arcane Alchemy ・Mana Flasks gain 0.1 charges per Second
・+10 to Intelligence
Frenetic Icon Frenetic ・5% chance that if you would gain Frenzy Charges, you instead gain up to your maximum number of Frenzy Charges
・+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
Staunching Icon Staunching ・Life Flasks gain 0.1 charges per Second
・+10 to Strength
Preemptive Strike Icon Preemptive Strike ・100% increased Critical Damage Bonus against Enemies that are on Full Life
Flashy Deflection Icon Flashy Deflection ・12% increased Block chance
・40% increased Defences from Equipped Shield
Savagery Icon Savagery ・50% increased Evasion Rating if you've consumed a Frenzy Charge Recently
・+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
Shedding Skin Icon Shedding Skin ・40% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold
・10% reduced Duration of Ailments on You
Potent Concoctions Icon Potent Concoctions ・Flasks applied to you have 25% increased Effect
Last Concoctions Icon Last Concoctions ・25% increased Flask Effect Duration
・25% increased Flask Charges gained
Cooked Icon Cooked ・50% increased Critical Damage Bonus during any Flask Effect
Freedom of Movement Icon Freedom of Movement ・30% increased Evasion Rating
・30% increased Evasion Rating if you've Dodge Rolled Recently
Prolonged Assault Icon Prolonged Assault ・16% increased Attack Damage
・16% increased Skill Effect Duration
・Buffs on you expire 10% slower
Thunderstruck Icon Thunderstruck ・50% increased Electrocute Buildup against Shocked Enemies
・50% increased Shock Chance against Electrocuted Enemies
Spreading Shocks Icon Spreading Shocks ・Shocking Hits have a 50% chance to also Shock enemies in a 1.5 metre radius
Catapult Icon Catapult ・15% increased Projectile Speed
・15% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Fast Acting Toxins Icon Fast Acting Toxins ・Damaging Ailments deal damage 12% faster
Wasting Icon Wasting ・15% increased Duration of Damaging Ailments on Enemies
・30% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies affected by Ailments
Reinvigoration Icon Reinvigoration ・Regenerate 1% of Life per Second if you've used a Life Flask in the past 10 seconds
Stimulants Icon Stimulants ・12% increased Attack Speed during any Flask Effect
Escape Strategy Icon Escape Strategy ・100% increased Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently
・30% reduced Evasion Rating if you haven't been Hit Recently
Careful Consideration Icon Careful Consideration ・30% reduced Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently
・100% increased Evasion Rating if you haven't been Hit Recently
High Alert Icon High Alert ・50% increased Evasion Rating when on Full Life
・25% increased Stun Threshold while on Full Life
Harness the Elements Icon Harness the Elements ・15% increased Damage for each type of Elemental Ailment on Enemy
Crippling Toxins Icon Crippling Toxins ・25% chance for Attacks to Main on Hit against Poisoned Enemies
・25% increased Magnitude of Poison you inflict
No Escape Icon No Escape ・Mark Skills have 60% increased Skill Effect Duration
Hold Focus Icon Hold Focus ・15% increased Effect of you Mark Skills
Break Focus Icon Break Focus ・Enemies you Mark have 15% reduced Accuracy Rating
Master Fletching Icon Master Fletching ・30% increased bonuses gained from Equipped Quiver
Primal Protection Icon Primal Protection ・25% increased Charm Effect Duration
・25% increased Charm Charges gained
Thicket Warding Icon Thicket Warding ・20% chance for Charms you use to not consume Charges
・Recover 5% of Mana when a Charm is used
Snowpiercer Icon Snowpiercer ・Damage Penetrates 15% Cold Resistance
・+10 to Intelligence
Low Tolerance Icon Low Tolerance ・60% increased Effect of Poison you inflict on targets that are not Poisoned
Near Sighted Icon Near Sighted ・60% increased Accuracy Rating at Close Range
Far Sighted Icon Far Sighted ・30% reduced penalty to Accuracy Rating at range
Falcon Technique Icon Falcon Technique ・1% increased Attack Speed per 15 Dexterity
Trick Shot Icon Trick Shot ・Projectiles have 15% chance to Chain an additional time from terrain
Split Shot Icon Split Shot ・Projectiles have 75% chance for an additional Projectile when Forking
Piercing Shot Icon Piercing Shot ・50% chance to Pierce an Enemy
Surging Currents Icon Surging Currents ・Damage Penetrates 15% Lightning Resistance
・+10 to Dexterity
Stacking Toxins Icon Stacking Toxins ・Targets can be affected by +1 of your Poisons at the same time
・20% reduced Magnitude of Poison you inflict
Lasting Toxins Icon Lasting Toxins ・10% increased Skill Effect Duration
・50% increased Poison Duration
Escape Velocity Icon Escape Velocity ・3% increased Movement Speed
・30% increased Evasion Rating
Electrotherapy Icon Electrotherapy ・5% increased Skill Speed
・30% increased Electrocute Buildup
Pocket Sand Icon Pocket Sand ・50% increased Blind Effect
Enhanced Reflexes Icon Enhanced Reflexes ・30% increased Evasion Rating
・8% increase Dexterity
Proficiency Icon Proficiency ・+25 to Dexterity
Beastial Skin Icon Beastial Skin ・100% increased Evasion Rating from Equipped Body Armour
Unsight Icon Unsight ・Enemies near Enemies you Mark are Blinded
・Enemies you Mark cannot deal Critical Hits
Unhindered Icon Unhindered ・3% increased Movement Speed
・20% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
Reaching Strike Icon Reaching Strike ・25% increased Melee Damage
・+2 to Melee Strike Range
Rapid Strike Icon Rapid Strike ・+30 to Accuracy Rating
・8% increased Melee Attack Speed
Electrocution Icon Electrocution ・Enemies you Electrocute have 20% increased Damage taken
Wellspring Icon Wellspring ・30% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks
・8% increased Attack and Cast Speed during Effect of any Mana Flask
Smooth Buckler Icon Smooth Buckler ・12% increased Block chance
・10 Mana gained when you Block
Deft Recovery Icon Deft Recovery ・30% increased Stun Recovery
・30% increased Stun Threshold if you haven't been Stunned Recently
Maiming Strike Icon Maiming Strike ・25% increased Attack Damage
・Attacks have a 25% chance to Maim on Hit
Catalysis Icon Catalysis ・20% increased Elemental Damage with Attacks
・5% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Damage of a Random Element
Rattled Icon Rattled ・+20 to maximum Mana
・50% increased Shock Duration
Frazzled Icon Frazzled ・15% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・30% increased Magnitude of Shock you inflict
Acceleration Icon Acceleration ・3% increased Movement Speed
・10% increased Skill Speed
Falcon Dive Icon Falcon Dive ・1% increased Attack Speed per 250 Accuracy Rating
Feel the Earth Icon Feel the Earth ・25% reduced Shock duration on you
・40% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold
Warm the Heart Icon Warm the Heart ・25% reduced Freeze Duration on you
・60% increased Freeze Threshold
Fan the Flames Icon Fan the Flames ・25% reduced Ignite Duration on you
・40% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold
Exploit Icon Exploit ・25% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies affected by Elemental Ailments
・15% increased Duration of Ignite, Shock, and Chill on Enemies
Pressure Points Icon Pressure Points ・35% increased Stun Buildup
・35% increased Freeze Buildup
Time Manipulation Icon Time Manipulation ・Debuffs you inflict have 10% increased Slow Magnitude
・Debuffs on you expire 20% faster
Perfectly Placed Knife Icon Perfectly Placed Knife ・30% increased Critical Hit Chance against Bleeding Enemies
・20% chance to Aggravate Bleeding on targets you Critically Hit with Attacks
Suffusion Icon Suffusion ・30% increased amount of Mana Leeched
・Unaffected by Chill while Leeching Mana
Versatile Arms Icon Versatile Arms ・6% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Melee Weapons
・15% increased Accuracy Rating with One Handed Melee Weapons
・+10 to Strength and Dexterity
Coming Calamity Icon Coming Calamity ・50% increased Cold Damage while affected by Herald of Ice
・50% increased Fire Damage while affected by Herald of Ash
・50% increased Lightning Damage while affected by Herald of Thunder
Heartstopping Icon Heartstopping ・+10 to Intelligence
・25% increased Critical Hit Chance
Heartbreaking Icon Heartbreaking ・35% increased Critical Damage Bonus
・+10 to Strength
Struck Through Icon Struck Through ・Attacks have 1% to Critical Hit Chance
Fervour Icon Fervour ・+2 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
Feathered Fletching Icon Feathered Fletching ・Increases and Reductions to Projectile Speed also apply to Damage with Bows
Pierce the Heart Icon Pierce the Heart ・Arrows Pierce an additional Target
Sniper Icon Sniper ・Arrows gain Critical Hit Chance as they travel farther, up to 60% increased Critical Hit Chance
Deflection Icon Deflection ・30% increased Block chance
・You take 10% damage from Blocked Hits
Reprisal Icon Reprisal ・Attack Skills deal 25% increased Damage while holding a Shield
・75% increased Evasion from Equipped Shield
Precise Point Icon Precise Point ・25% increased Damage with Spears
Roll and Strike Icon Roll and Strike ・25% increased Damage with Spears
Swift Skewering Icon Swift Skewering ・8% increased Attack Speed with Spears
Javelin Icon Javelin ・25% increased Damage with Spears
Marked for Sickness Icon Marked for Sickness ・Enemies you Mark take 10% increased Damage
Marked for Death Icon Marked for Death ・Culling Strike against Enemies you Mark
Marked Agility Icon Marked Agility ・30% reduced Mana Cost of Mark Skills
・4% increased Movement Speed if you've cast a Mark Spell Recently
Hunter Hunter's Talisman ・+1 Charm Slot
Woodland Aspect Icon Woodland Aspect ・Charms applied to you ahve 25% increased Effect
Lucky Rabbit Foot Icon Lucky Rabbit Foot ・30% increased Damage while you have an active Charm
・6% increased Movement Speed while you have an active Charm
Relentless Vindicator Icon Relentless Vindicator ・10% increased Damage
・10% increased Critical hit Chance
・5 to Strength and Intelligence
Devoted Protector Icon Devoted Protector ・10% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・Regenerate 0.5% of Life per second
・5 to Strength and Intelligence
Radial Force Icon Radial Force ・10% increased Area of Effect
・10% increased Area of Damage
Resilient Soul Icon Resilient Soul ・20% increased Life Regeneration Rate
・5% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
Sturdy Mind Icon Sturdy Mind ・30 to maximum Mana
・14% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Cruel Fate Icon Cruel Fate ・20% increased Critical Damage Bonus
・20% increased magnitude of Non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Hits
Bolstering Presence Icon Bolstering Presence ・20% increased Effect of Auras from your Skills
Deadly Swarm Icon Deadly Swarm ・Minions deal 15% increased Damage
・Minions have 20% increased Critical Hit Chance
Defensive Reflex Icon Defensive Reflex ・12% increased Block Chance
・2 Mana gained when you Block
Quick Recovery Icon Quick Recovery ・40% increased Stun Recovery
・Regenerate 5% of Life over 1 second when Stunned
Resolution Icon Resolution ・10% increased Global Defences
・25% increased Stun Threshold
Full Recovery Icon Full Recovery ・15% increased Life Regeneration Rate
・15% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Spiral into Insanity Icon Spiral into Insanity ・29% increased Chaos Damage
・10% increased Global Defences
Spiral into Depression Icon Spiral into Depression ・3% increased Movement Speed
・25% increased Armour
・25% increased maximum Energy Shield
Spiral into Mania Icon Spiral into Mania ・10% increased Cast Speed
・7% to Chaos Resistance
Ancestral Reach Icon Ancestral Reach ・25% increased Totem Placement Speed
・50% increased Totem Placement Range
Supportive Ancestors Icon Supportive Ancestors ・25% increased Damage while you have a Totem
・Totems have 2% increased Cast Speed per Summoned Totem
・Totems have 2% increased Attack Speed per Summoned Totem
Viciousness Icon Viciousness ・8% increased Melee Attack Speed
・+10 to Dexterity
Personal Touch Icon Personal Touch ・20% increased Melee Damage
・25% Melee Damage against Immobilised Enemies
Anticipation Icon Anticipation ・Skills Supported by Unleash have 25% increased Seal gain frequency
Lasting Incantations Icon Lasting Incantations ・20% increased Spell Damage
・20% increased Skill Effect Duration
Strong Links Icon Strong Links ・Link Skills have 20% increased Buff Effect
・Link Skills have 20% increased Skill Effect Duration
Twinned Tethers Icon Twinned Tethers ・Link Skills link to 1 additional random target
Spirit Bonds Icon Spirit Bonds ・Link Skills can target Damageable Minions
Leaping Ambush Icon Leaping Ambush ・100% increased Critical Hit Chance against Enemies on Full Life
Direct Approach Icon Direct Approach ・40% increased Critical Hit Chance against enemies that are affected by no Elemental Ailments
Sigil of Fire Icon Sigil of Fire ・30% increased Damage with Hits against Ignited enemies
Burning Nature Icon Burning Nature ・25% increased Fire Damage
・15% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
Sigil of Ice Icon Sigil of Ice ・30% increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies
Cold Nature Icon Cold Nature ・25% increased Cold Damage
・15% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
Sigil of Lightning Icon Sigil of Lightning ・30% increased Damage with Hits Against Shocked Enemies
Electrifying Nature Icon Electrifying Nature ・25% increased Lightning Damage
・15% increased Shock Duration
Hulking Smash Icon Hulking Smash ・30% increased Stun Buildup
・+15 to Strength
Covering Ward Icon Covering Ward ・25% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
・Gain 20 Energy Shield when you Block
Reinforced Barrier Icon Reinforced Barrier ・20% increased maximum Energy Shield
・Defend with 120% of Armour while not on Low Energy Shield
Total Incineration Icon Total Incineration ・25% increased Critical Damage Bonus against burning enemies
・10% chance to refresh Ignite Duration on Critical Hit
Growing Swarm Icon Growing Swarm ・Minions have 20% increased Area of Effect
・Minions have 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Crystalline Flesh Icon Crystalline Flesh ・Minions have 20% to all Elemental Resistances
・Minions have 5% to all Maximum Elemental Resistances
Restless Dead Icon Restless Dead ・Minions Revive 25% faster
Battle Fever Icon Battle Fever ・5% increased Attack and Cast Speed
・25% increased Physical Damage
Guttural Roar Icon Guttural Roar ・30% increased Warcry Speed
・Warcry Skills have 30% increased Area of Effect
Deafening Cries Icon Deafening Cries ・25% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate
・8% increased Damage for each time you've Warcried Recently
Equilibrium Icon Equilibrium ・30% increased Attack Damage if you've Cast a Spell Recently
・10% increased Cast Speed if you've Attacked Recently
Repulsion Icon Repulsion ・Area Skills have 20% Chance to Knock enemies Back on Hit
・20% increased Spell Area of Damage
Reverberation Icon Reverberation ・Spell Skills have 20% increased Area of Effect
Heart Tissue Icon Heart Tissue ・6% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
・Regenerate 0.4% of Life per second if you have been Hit Recently
Mind Eraser Icon Mind Eraser ・10% increased mana Regeneration Rate
・6% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
Aspiring Genius Icon Aspiring Genius ・20% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・10% chance to Gain Arcane Surge when you deal a Critical Hit
Perpetual Freeze Icon Perpetual Freeze ・15% increased Freeze buildup
・15% increased Chill and Freeze Duration on Enemies
Desensitisation Icon Desensitisation ・25% increased Critical Damage Bonus
・Hits against you have 25% reduced Critical Damage Bonus
Austerity Measures Icon Austerity Measures ・+5 to all Attributes
・Gain 20% of maximum Energy Shield as additional Stun Threshold
Calibration Icon Calibration ・30% increased maximum Energy Shield
・4% increased maximum Mana
Erraticism Icon Erraticism ・16% increased Cast Speed if you've dealt a Critical Hit Recently
・10% reduced Critical hit Chance
Feral Force Icon Feral Force ・25% increased Attack Damage
Bestial Rage Icon Bestial Rage ・25% increased Attack Damage
Projectile Bulwark Icon Projectile Bulwark ・30% increased Armour
・Defend with 120% of Armour against Projectile Attacks
Fireproof Icon Fireproof ・+15% to Fire Resistance
・25% reduced effect of ignite on you
Immolation Icon Immolation ・25% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict
・+10 to Strength
Fleshcrafting Icon Fleshcrafting ・Minions gain 15% of their maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
Thickened Arteries Icon Thickened Arteries ・5% reduced Movement Speed
・Regenerate 1% of Life per second while stationary
Sharpened Claw Icon Sharpened Claw ・25% increased Attack Damage
Tough Claw Icon Tough Claw ・25% increased Attack Damage
Swift Claw Icon Swift Claw ・25% increased Attack Damage
Ancestral Conduits Icon Ancestral Conduits ・12% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've summoned a Totem Recently
All Natural Icon All Natural ・5% to all Elemental Resistances
・30% increased Elemental Damage
Breaking Point Icon Breaking Point ・10% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies
・30% increased Magnitude of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict
Stormcharged Icon Stormcharged ・40% increased Elemental Damage if you've dealt a Critical Hit Recently
・20% increased Critical hit Chances
In Your Face Icon In Your Face ・40% increased Melee damage with Hits at Close Range
Primal Growth Icon Primal Growth ・20% increased Area of Effect if you've Killed recently
・10% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Morning Star Icon Morning Star ・30% increased Critical hit Chance with Flails
・20% Critical Damage Bonus with Flails
Spiked Whip Icon Spiked Whip ・25% Increased Damage with Flails
Rattling Ball Icon Rattling Ball ・25% Increased Damage with Flails
Ball and Chain Icon Ball and Chain ・15% increased Damage with Flails
・6% increased Attack Speed with Flails
Core of the Guardian Icon Core of the Guardian ・100% increased Defences from equipped Shield
Offensive Stance Icon Offensive Stance ・1% increased Damage per X% Chance to Block
Wide Barrier Icon Wide Barrier ・30% increased Block Chance
・25% reduced Global Defences
Adamant Recovery Icon Adamant Recovery ・Increases and Reductions to Armour also apply to Energy Shield Recharge rate at 40% of their Value
Ancient Aegis Icon Ancient Aegis ・60% Increased Armour from Equipped Body Armour
・60% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Body Armor
Bringer of Order Icon Bringer of Order ・Minions deal 25% increased Damage
Silent Guardian Icon Silent Guardian ・Minions have 20% to all Elemental Resistances
Holy Protector Icon Holy Protector ・Minions have 25% increased maximum Life
Mental Perseverance Icon Mental Perseverance ・10% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life
Casting Cascade Icon Casting Cascade ・15% reduced Spell Damage
・6% increased Cast Speed for each different Non-Instant Spell you've Cast Recently
Overzealous Icon Overzealous ・16% increased Cast Speed
・15% Increased mana Cost of Skills
Final Barrage Icon Final Barrage ・20% increased Cast Speed when on Low Life
・10% reduced Cast Speed when on Full Life
Step Like Mist Icon Step Like Mist ・4% increased Movement Speed
・15% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・+5 to Dexterity and Intelligence
Essence of the Storm Icon Essence of the Storm ・Gain 5% of Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
・30% increased chance to Shock
Crashing Wave Icon Crashing Wave ・36% increased Damage if you've dealt a Critical Hit in the past 8 seconds
Life from Death Icon Life from Death ・Recover 3% of Life on Kill
Mindful Awareness Icon Mindful Awareness ・24% increased Evasion Rating
・24% increased maximum Energy Shield
Mystic Stance Icon Mystic Stance ・30% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
・30% increased Stun Threshold while on Full Life
Essence of the Mountain Icon Essence of the Mountain ・Gain 5% of Damage as Extra Cold Damage
・20% increased Freeze Buildup
Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood ・Gain 20 Life per Enemy Killed
・2% chance to Recover all Life when you Kill an Enemy
Siphon Icon Siphon ・Recover 2% of Mana on Kill
・25% increased amount of Mana Leeched
Pin and Run Icon Pin and Run ・30% increased Pin Buildup
・5% increased Movement Speed if you've Pinned an Enemy Recently
Lust for Power Icon Lust for Power ・5% chance that if you would gain Power Charges, you instead gain up to your maximum number of Power Charges
・+1 to Maximum Power Charges
Shimmering Icon Shimmering ・20% increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate if you haven't been Hit Recently
・3% increased Movement Speed while you have Energy Shield
Immaterial Icon Immaterial ・50% increased Evasion Rating if Energy Shield Recharge has started in the past 2 seconds
・30% increased Evasion Rating while you have Energy Shield
Finesse Icon Finesse ・10% increased Accuracy Rating
・Gain Accuracy Rating equal to your Intelligence
Killer Instinct Icon Killer Instinct ・30% increased Attack Damage when on Full Life
・50% increased Attack Damage when on Low Life
Tenfold Attacks Icon Tenfold Attacks ・4% increased Attack Speed
・6% increased Attack Speed if you've been Hit Recently
・+10 to Strength
Harmonic Generator Icon Harmonic Generator ・25% increased Critical Hit Chance against Shocked Enemies
・40% increased Magnitude of Shock you inflict with Critical Hits
General Electric Icon General Electric ・40% increased chance to Shock
・5% increased Attack and Cast Speed with Lightning Skills
Subterfuge Mask Icon Subterfuge Mask ・+2 to Evasion Rating per 1 Maximum Energy Shield on Equipped Helmet
Hale Traveller Icon Hale Traveller ・20% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
・Life Flasks gain 0.1 charges per Second
Altered Brain Chemistry Icon Altered Brain Chemistry ・25% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks
・10% increased Mana Recovery Rate during Effect of any Mana Flask
Warding Potions Icon Warding Potions ・10% reduced Flask Charges used from Mana Flasks
・Remove a Curse when you use a Mana Flask
Storm Surge Icon Storm Surge ・Damage Penetrates 8% Cold Resistance
・Damage Penetrates 15% Lightning Resistance
Storm Swell Icon Storm Swell ・Damage Penetrates 15% Cold Resistance
・Damage Penetrates 8% Lightning Resistance
Unbound Forces Icon Unbound Forces ・40% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
・40% increased Shock Duration
・25% increased Magnitude of Chill you inflict
・25% increased Magnitude of Shock you inflict
Mental Toughness Icon Mental Toughness ・18% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・15% reduced Mana Cost while not on Low Mana
Alternating Current Icon Alternating Current ・25% increased Mana Regeneration Rate if you have Shocked an Enemy Recently
・20% increased Magnitude of Shock you inflict
Infused Flesh Icon Infused Flesh ・+20 to maximum Life
・8% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
Briny Carapace Icon Briny Carapace ・60% increased Stun Threshold for each time you've been Stunned Recently
Moment of Truth Icon Moment of Truth ・25% increased Critical Damage Bonus if you've dealt a Non-Critical Hit Recently
・20% increased Critical Hit Chance
Conservative Casting Icon Conservative Casting ・20% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・8% reduced Mana Cost of Skills
The Power Within Icon The Power Within ・20% increased Critical Damage Bonus if you've gained a Power Charge Recently
・+1 to Maximum Power Charges
Shattering Icon Shattering ・25% increased Freeze Buildup
・15% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
・15% increased Magnitude of Chill you inflict
Spell Haste Icon Spell Haste ・15% increased Evasion Rating
・8% increased Cast Speed
Spellblade Icon Spellblade ・32% increased Spell Damage while wielding a Melee Weapon
・+10 to Dexterity
True Strike Icon True Strike ・+10 to Dexterity
・20% increased Critical Hit Chance
For the Jugular Icon For the Jugular ・30% increased Critical Damage Bonus
・+10 to Intelligence
Deadly Force Icon Deadly Force ・30% increased Damage if you've dealt a Critical Hit in the past 8 seconds
・12% increased Critical Hit Chance
Echoing Flames Icon Echoing Flames ・30% increased Elemental Damage if you've Ignited an Enemy Recently
Echoing Thunder Icon Echoing Thunder ・30% increased Elemental Damage if you've Shocked an Enemy Recently
Echoing Frost Icon Echoing Frost ・30% increased Elemental Damage if you've Chilled an Enemy Recently
Hindered Capabilities Icon Hindered Capabilities ・30% increased Damage with Hits against Hindered Enemies
・Debuffs you inflict have 10% increased Slow Magnitude
Deep Trance Icon Deep Trance ・8% increased Attack Speed
・10% reduced Cost of Skills
Inner Faith Icon Inner Faith ・20% increased Evasion Rating
・20% increased maximum Energy Shield
・25% reduced effect of Curses on you
Tempered Mind Icon Tempered Mind ・20% increased Critical Damage Bonus
・+10 to Strength
・20% increased Physical Damage
Overload Icon Overload ・Damage Penetrates 10% Lightning Resistance if on Low Mana
・Damage Penetrates 15% Lightning Resistance
Harsh Winter Icon Harsh Winter ・8% increased Cast Speed with Cold Skills
・16% increased Skill Effect Duration
Heavy Frost Icon Heavy Frost ・20% increased Freeze Buildup
・Hits ignore non-negative Elemental Resistances of Frozen Enemies
Thin Ice Icon Thin Ice ・20% increased Freeze Buildup
・50% increased Damage with Hits against Frozen Enemies
Impending Doom Icon Impending Doom ・40% faster Curse Activation
・Your Curses have 20% increased Effect if 50% of Curse Duration expired
Fated End Icon Fated End ・30% increased Curse Duration
・Enemies Cursed by you have 50% reduced Life Regeneration Rate
・Enemies you Curse cannot Recharge Energy Shield
Pliable Flesh Icon Pliable Flesh ・6% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
・25% increased speed of Recoup Effects
Lucidity Icon Lucidity ・8% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life
・+15 to Intelligence
Quick Response Icon Quick Response ・20% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
・30% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge when not on Full Life
Event Horizon Icon Event Horizon ・53% increased Chaos Damage
・Lose 3% of Life and Energy Shield when you use a Chaos Skill
Spaghettification Icon Spaghettification ・3% increased Movement Speed
・29% increased Chaos Damage
・-13% to Chaos Resistance
・23% reduced Light Radius
・7% increased Attributes
Shadow Dancing Icon Shadow Dancing ・30% increased Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently
・60% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge if you've been Stunned Recently
Spectral Ward Icon Spectral Ward ・+1 to Maximum Energy Shield per 12 Evasion Rating on Equipped Body Armour
Icebreaker Icon Icebreaker ・Gain 100% of Maximum Energy Shield as additional Freeze Threshold
Slippery Ice Icon Slippery Ice ・25% reduced Effect of Chill on you
・Unaffected by Chill during Dodge Roll
Seeing Stars Icon Seeing Stars ・25% increased Daze Buildup
・25% increased Daze Duration
Stylebender Icon Stylebender ・Break 30% increased Armour on enemies affected by Ailments
・+10 to Strength
・25% increased Physical Damage
Immortal Infamy Icon Immortal Infamy ・10% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
・Recover 2% of Life on Kill
・+10 to Intelligence
Immortal Thirst Icon Immortal Thirst ・15% increased maximum Energy Shield
・25% increased amount of Mana Leeched
Savouring Icon Savouring ・20% chance for Flasks you use to not consume Charges
Dynamism Icon Dynamism ・40% increased Damage if you've Triggered a Skill Recently
・Meta Skills gain 15% increased Energy
Endless Circuit Icon Endless Circuit ・25% chance on Consuming a Shock on an Enemy to reapply it
Overflowing Power Icon Overflowing Power ・+2 to Maximum Power Charges
Wild Storm Icon Wild Storm ・15% more Maximum Lightning Damage
Exposed to the Storm Icon Exposed to the Storm ・Damage Penetrates 18% Lightning Resistance
・30% increased Critical Hit Chance against enemies with Lightning Exposure
Expose to the Cosmos Icon Expose to the Cosmos ・Damage Penetrates 15% Cold Resistance
・Cold Exposure you inflict lowers Total Cold Resistance by an extra 5%
Kite Runner Icon Kite Runner ・3% increased Movement Speed
・15% increased Projectile Speed
・15% increased Projectile Damage
Shatter Palm Icon Shatter Palm ・30% increased Stun Buildup
・30% increased Daze Buildup
Staggering Palm Icon Staggering Palm ・20% increased Critical Damage Bonus
・20% increased Knockback Distance
・20% increased Physical Damage
Exposed to the Inferno Icon Exposed to the Inferno ・Damage Penetrates 15% Fire Resistance
・Fire Exposure you inflict lowers Total Fire Resistance by an extra 5%
Leeching Toxins Icon Leeching Toxins ・30% increased Magnitude of Poison you inflict
・Recover 2% of Life on Killing a Poisoned Enemy
Way of the Wind Icon Way of the Wind ・25% increased Evasion if you have Hit an Enemy Recently
・50% increased maximum Dash Distance with Unarmed Attack Skills
Flurry Icon Flurry ・20% increased Area of Effect while Unarmed
・25% reduced Damage with Unarmed Attacks
・20% increased Unarmed Attack Speed
Serrated Edges Icon Serrated Edges ・10% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks
・30% increased Attack Damage against Rare or Unique Enemies
Manifold Method Icon Manifold Method ・50% increased amount of Mana Leeched
・25% increased chance of inflict Ailments against Rare or Unique Enemies
Sharp Sight Icon Sharp Sight ・5% increased Attack Speed
・30% increased Accuracy Rating against Rare or Unique Enemies
Forcewave Icon Forcewave ・20% increased Stun Buildup
・20% increased Knockback Distance
・+10 to Strength
First Approach Icon First Approach ・50% increased Critical Hit Chance against Enemies on Full Life
・Cannot be Blinded while on Full Life
・80% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies that are on Full Life
Stupefy Icon Stupefy ・25% increased Critical Hit Chance against Dazed Enemies
・25% increased Damage against Dazed Enemies
・25% increased Daze Buildup
One with the Storm Icon One with the Storm ・Quarterstaff Skills that consume Power Charges count as consuming an additional Power Charge
Martial Artistry Icon Martial Artistry ・25% increased Accuracy Rating with Quarterstaves
・25% increased Critical Damage Bonus with Quarterstaves
・+25 to Dexterity
Whirling Assault Icon Whirling Assault ・8% increased Attack Speed with Quarterstaves
・Knocks Back Enemies if you get a Critical Hit with a Quarterstaff
One with the River Icon One with the River ・30% increased Defences while wielding a Staff
・30% increased Daze Buildup with Quarterstaves
・30% increased Freeze Buildup with Quarterstaves
・30% increased Stun Buildup with Quarterstaves
Dark Entries Icon Dark Entries ・+1 to Level of all Chaos Skills
Throatseeker Icon Throatseeker ・60% increased Critical Damage Bonus
・20% reduced Critical Hit Chance
Building Toxins Icon Building Toxins ・25% reduced Poison Duration
・Targets can be affected by +1 of you Poisons at the same time
Escalating Toxins Icon Escalating Toxins ・10% increased Poison Duration for each Poison you have inflicted Recently, up to a maximum of 100%
Silent Shiv Icon Silent Shiv ・5% increased Attack Speed with Daggers
・15% increased Critical Hit Chance with Daggers
Backstabbing Icon Backstabbing ・25% incrased Critical Damage Bonus with Daggers
Coated Knife Icon Coated Knife ・Critical Hits with Daggers have a 25% chance to Poison the Enemy
Devestating Devices Icon Devestating Devices ・25% increased Trap Damage
Clever Construction Icon Clever Construction ・25% increased Critical Hit Chance with Traps
Destructive Apparatus Icon Destructive Apparatus ・25% increased Trap Damage
Effervescent Icon Effervescent ・4% increased Cast Speed for each different Non-Instant Spell you've Cast Recently
Echoing Pulse Icon Echoing Pulse ・Final Repeat of Spells has 40% increased Area of Effect
Careful Assassin Icon Careful Assassin ・20% reduced Critical Damage Bonus
・50% increased Critical Hit Chance
Wither Away Icon Wither Away ・Unwithered enemies are Withered for 8 seconds when they enter your Presence
・20% increased Effect of Withered
Pure Chaos Icon Pure Chaos ・Gain 11% of Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Invocated Efficiency Icon Invocated Efficiency ・Recover 3% of mana when you Invoke a Spell
・Triggered Spells deal 45% increased Spell Damage
Energise Icon Energise ・25% chance for Trigger skills to refund half of Energy Spent
Burn Away Icon Burn Away ・15% increased Fire Damage
・Damage Penetrates 10% Fire Resistance
・10% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict
Brutal Icon Brutal ・10% increased Stun Buildup
・16% increased Melee Damage
・+10 to Strength
Sturdy Metal Icon Sturdy Metal ・80% increased Armour from Equipped Body Armour
Relentless Icon Relentless ・15% increased Armour
・Regenerate 0.5% of Life per Second
・+10 to Strength
Mass Rejuvenation Icon Mass Rejuvenation ・Regenerate 0.5% of Life per second
・Allies in your Presence Regenerate 1% of your Maximum Life per second
Near at Hand Icon Near at Hand ・16% reduced Skill Effect Duration
・10% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
Smash Icon Smash ・20% increased Melee Damage
・40% increased Damage against Heavy Stunned enemies
Defender Defender's Resolve ・12% increased Block chance
・Stagger empties 50% faster while your Shield is lowered
Titan Titan's Determination ・25% increased Stun Threshold
・20% increased Life Regeneration while moving
Devastation Icon Devastation ・15% increased Attack Area damage
・15% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Grit Icon Grit ・5% chance that if you would gain Endurance Charges, you instead gain up to maximum Endurance Charges
・+1 to Maximum Endurance Charges
Blood Rush Icon Blood Rush ・6% increased Skill Speed
・6% of Skill Mana Costs Converted to Life Costs
Tides of Change Icon Tides of Change ・25% increased Skill Effect Duration
Desperate Times Icon Desperate Times ・Regenerate 1.5% of Life per second while on Low Life
・40% increased Life recovery from flasks used when on Low Life
Prolonged Fury Icon Prolonged Fury ・Inherent loss of Rage is 25% slower
Carved Earth Icon Carved Earth ・20% increased Totem Damage
・6% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've summoned a Totem Recently
Blade Catcher Icon Blade Catcher ・Defend with 200% of Armour against Critical Hits
・+15 to Strength
Polished Iron Icon Polished Iron ・25% increased Armour
・50% of base Armour from Equipment also added to Stun Threshold
Unstoppable Barrier Icon Unstoppable Barrier ・10% increased Block Chance
・15% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
Burning Strikes Icon Burning Strikes ・Gain 12% of Physical Damage as Fire Damage
Price of Freedom Icon Price of Freedom ・10% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks
・18% of Skill Mana Costs converted to Life Costs
Stand Ground Icon Stand Ground ・Regenerate 1% of Life per second while affected by any Damaging Ailment
・Regenerate 1% of Life per second while stationary
Barbaric Strength Icon Barbaric Strength ・45% increased Critical Damage Bonus
・10% increased Mana Cost of Skills
・+10 to Strength
Vulgar Methods Icon Vulgar Methods ・10% reduced maximum Mana
・+10 to Strength
・35% increased Critical Hit Chance
Thornhide Icon Thornhide ・5% to Thorns Critical Hit Chance
Impact Area Icon Impact Area ・15% increased Area of Effect if you have Stunned an Enemy Recently
・15% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Impact Force Icon Impact Force ・20% increased Stun Buildup
・25% increased Attack Area Damage
Breakage Icon Breakage ・Break 60% increased Armour
・10% chance to Defend with 200% of Armour
Shattering Blow Icon Shattering Blow ・Break 50% of Armour on Heavy Stunning an Enemy
Flip the Script Icon Flip the Script ・Recover 20% of Life when you Heavy Stun a Rare or Unique Enemy
Spiked Armour Icon Spiked Armour ・Gain Physical Thorns damage equal to 2% of Armour from equipped Body Armour
Unimpeded Icon Unimpeded ・24% reduced Slowing Potency od Debuffs on You
Protraction Icon Protraction ・20% increased Skill Effect Duration
・15% increased Duration of Damaging Ailments on Enemies
Unforgiving Icon Unforgiving ・+4 to Maximum Rage
・Inherent Rage Loss starts 1 second later
Admonisher Icon Admonisher ・25% increased Warcry Speed
・25% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate
Bolstering Yell Icon Bolstering Yell ・Empower Attacks deal 30% increased Damage
・Warcry Skills have 30% increased Area of Effect
Hardened Wood Icon Hardened Wood ・Totems gain +20% to all Elemental Resistances
・Totams have 20% additional Physical Damage Reduction
Shockwaves Icon Shockwaves ・30% increased Area of Efefct if you've Stunned an Enemy with a Two Handed Melee Weapon Recently
Singular Purpose Icon Singular Purpose ・5% reduced Attack Speed
・20% increased Stun Buildup
・40% increased Damage with Two Handed Weapons
Vigilance Icon Vigilance ・12% increased Block chance
・6 Life gained when you Block
Beef Icon Beef ・+25 to Strength
Internal Bleeding Icon Internal Bleeding ・20% chance to Aggravate Bleeding on targets you Hit with Empowered Attacks
・Empowered Attacks deal 30% increased Damage
Sudden Infuriation Icon Sudden Infuriation ・3% chance that if you would gain Rage on Hit, you instead gain up to your maximum Rage
Heatproofing Icon Heatproofing ・25% of Armour also applies to Fire Damage taken from Hits
Heavy Contact Icon Heavy Contact ・Hits that Heavy Stun Enemies have Culling Strike
Cranial Impact Icon Cranial Impact ・30% increased Stun Buildup
・Gain an Endurance Charge when you Heavy Stun a Rare or Unique Enemy
Vengeance Icon Vengeance ・40% increased Thorns damage
Heavy Drinker Icon Heavy Drinker ・30% increased Flask Effect Duration
・20% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
・Recover 5% of Life when you use a Life Flask while on Low Life
Sundering Icon Sundering ・25% increased Critical Damage Bonus for Attack Damage
・+25% to Critical Damage Bonus against Stunned Enemies
Voracious Icon Voracious ・20% of Leech is Instant
Ancestral Alacrity Icon Ancestral Alacrity ・30% increased Totam Placement speed
・8% increased Attack and Cast Sped if you've summoned a Totem Recently
Prism Guard Icon Prism Guard ・1% to all Maximum Elemental Resistances
・5% to all Elemental Resistances
Vengeful Fury Icon Vengeful Fury ・Gain 5 Rage when Hit by an Enemy
・Every Rage also grants 1% increased Armour
Towering Shield Icon Towering Shield ・50% increased Defences from Equipped Shield
・25% increased Chance to Block if you've Blocked with Active Block Recently
Greatest Defence Icon Greatest Defence ・2% increased Attack damage per 75 Armour or Evasion Rating on Shield
Hunker Down Icon Hunker Down ・Recover 20 Life when you Block
・80% less Knockback Distance for Blocked Hits
Savoured Blood Icon Savoured Blood ・35% increased amount of Life Leeched
・Leech Life 20% slower
Guts Icon Guts ・Recover 3% of Life for each Endurance Charge consumed
・+1 to Maximum Endurance Charges
Honourless Icon Honourless ・25% increased Armour if you've Hit an Enemy with a Melee Attack Recently
・50% increased Melee Damage against Immobilised Enemies
Breaking Blows Icon Breaking Blows ・30% increased Stun Buildup
・15% increased Area of Effect if you have Stunned an Enemy Recently
Titanic Icon Titanic ・30% increased Stun Buildup
・30% increased Stun Threshold
・5% increased Strength
Heavy Armour Icon Heavy Armour ・50% of Strength Requirements from Boots, Gloves and Helmets also added to Armour
Made to Last Icon Made to Last ・15% of Physical Damage prevented Recouped as Life
Vocal Empowerment Icon Vocal Empowerment ・Warcries Empower an additional Attack
Cacophony Icon Cacophony ・40% increased Damage with Warcries
・Warcry Skills have 25% increased Area of Effect
Overwhelming Strike Icon Overwhelming Strike ・20% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks
・20% increased Critical Damage Bonus for Attack Damage
・20% increased Stun Buildup with Critical Hits
Unbending Icon Unbending ・3% increased Maximum Life
・30% increased Stun Threshold
Pile On Icon Pile On ・60% increased Damage against Enemies with Fully Broken Armour
Irreparable Icon Irreparable ・100% increased Armour Break Duration
Crushing Verdict Icon Crushing Verdict ・5% reduced Attack Speed
・30% increased Stun Buildup
・30% increased Attack Damage
Lasting Trauma Icon Lasting Trauma ・5% reduced Attack Speed
・30% increased Magnitude of Ailments you inflict
・20% increased Duration of Damaging Ailments on Enemies
Unbreaking Icon Unbreaking ・30% increased Stun Threshold
・30% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold
Brute Strength Icon Brute Strength ・10% reduced maximum Mana
・1% increased Damage per 15 Strength
Perforation Icon Perforation ・20% chance for Bleeding to be Aggravated when Inflicted against Enemies on Jagged Ground
・40% increased Jagged Ground Duration
Spike Pit Icon Spike Pit ・Enemies in Jagged Ground you create take 10% increased Damage
Endurance Icon Endurance ・+2 to Maximum Endurance Charges
Ancestral Mending Icon Ancestral Mending ・Regenerate 1% of Life per second while you have a Totem
・Totems Regenerate 3% of Life per second
Ancestral Artifice Icon Ancestral Artifice ・Attack Skills have +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
・20% increased Totem Placement range
Ancestral Unity Icon Ancestral Unity ・Totems have 4% increased Attack Speed per Summonged Totem
Finality Icon Finality ・120% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies that are on Low Life
・5% increased Damage taken while on Low Life
Bravado Icon Bravado ・Empower Attacks have 50% increased Stun Buildup
・100% increased Stun Threshold during Empowered Attacks
Escalation Icon Escalation ・25% increased Warcry Speed
・20% increased Damage for each different Warcry you've used Recently
Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain ・Gain 3 Rage when Hit by an Enemy
・Every Rage also grants 2% increased Stun Threshold
Battle Trance Icon Battle Trance ・+8 to Maximum Rage
Urgent Call Icon Urgent Call ・Recover 2% of Life and Mana when you use a Warcry
・24% increased Warcry Speed
・18% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate
Unnatural Resilience Icon Unnatural Resilience ・2% to Maximum Fire Resistance for each 40% Uncapped Fire Resistance
Enraged Reaver Icon Enraged Reaver ・+10 to Maximum Rage while wielding an Axe
Whirling Onslaught Icon Whirling Onslaught ・50% chance to gain Onslaught on Killing Blow with Axes
Split the Earth Icon Split the Earth ・10% chance to Aftershcok for Slam Skills you use with Maces
・10% chance for Aftershock for Strike Skills you use with Maces
Skullcrusher Icon Skullcrusher ・20% more Damage against Heavy Stunned Enemies with Maces
Overheating Blow Icon Overheating Blow ・Hits that Heavy Stun inflict Fire Exposure
Fulmination Icon Fulmination ・40% increased chance to Ignite
・40% increased Damage with Hits against Ignited Enemies
Retaliation Icon Retaliation ・75% increased Thorns damage if you've Blocked Recently
Revenge Icon Revenge ・12% increased Attack Speed if you've been Hit Recently

Notable Passives significantly boosts a specific portion of a stat, enhancing the properties of the stat's scaling. Notable Passives are often found at the end of a Small Passive chain.

List of All Notable Passives

Keystone Passives

Jump to a Passive Type!
POE 2 - Small PassiveSmall POE 2 - Notable PassiveNotable POE 2 - Keystone PassiveKeystone
Skill Effect
Chaos Inoculation Icon Chaos Inoculation ・Maximum Life becomes 1, Immune to Chaos Damage
Giant Giant's Blood ・You can wield Two-Handed Axes, Maces, and Swords in one hand
・Double Attribute requirements of weapons
Mind Over Matter Icon Mind Over Matter ・All Damage is taken from Mana before Life
・50% less Mana Recovery Rate
Pain Attunement Icon Pain Attunement ・30% less Critical Damage Bonus when on Full Life
・30% more Critical Damage Bonus when on Low Life
Whispers of Doom Icon Whispers of Doom ・You can apply an Additional Curse
・Double Activation Delay of Curses
Eldritch Battery Icon Eldritch Battery ・Converts all Energy Shield to Mana
Conduit Icon Conduit ・If you would gain a Charge, Allies in your Presence gain that Charge instead
Resonance Icon Resonance ・Gain Power Charges instead of Frenzy Charges
・Gain Frenzy Charges instead of Endurance Charges
・Gain Endurance Charges instead of Power Charges
Eternal Youth Icon Eternal Youth ・Life Recharges instead of Energy Shield
・Life Recovery from Flasks applies to Energy Shield instead
Heartstopper Icon Heartstopper ・Take 50% less Damage over Time if you've started taking Damage over Time in the past second
・Take 50% more Damage over Time if you haven't started taking Damage over Time in the past second
Acrobatics  Icon Acrobatics ・Can Evade all Hits
・70% less Evasion Rating
Dance with Death Icon Dance with Death ・25% more Skill Speed while Off Hand is empty and you have a One-Handed Martial Weapon equipped in your Main Hand
Elemental Equilibrium Icon Elemental Equilibrium ・Hits that deal Fire Damage remove Fire Exposure and inflict Lightning Exposure
・Hits that deal Cold Damage remove Cold Exposure and inflict Fire Exposure
・Hits that deal Lightning Damage remove Lightning Exposure and inflict Cold Exposure
Oasis Icon Oasis ・Cannot use Charms
・30% more Recovery from Flasks
Glancing Blows Icon Glancing Blows ・Block Chance is doubled
・You take 50% of Damage from Blocked Hits
Iron Reflexes Icon Iron Reflexes ・Converts all Evasion Rating to Armour
Vaal Pact Icon Vaal Pact ・Life Leech is Instant
・Cannot use Life Flasks
Bulwark Icon Bulwark ・Dodge Roll cannot Avoid Damage
・Take 30% less Damage from Hits while Dodge Rolling
Unwavering Stance Icon Unwavering Stance ・Your Stun Threshold is doubled
・Cannot Dodge Roll
Resolute Technique Icon Resolute Technique ・Your Hits can't be Evaded
・Never deal Critical Hits
Avatar of Fire Icon Avatar of Fire ・75% of Damage Converted to Fire Damage
・Deal no Non-Fire Damage
Blood Magic Icon Blood Magic ・Removes all Mana
・Skill Mana Costs Converted to Life Costs
Zealot Zealot's Oath ・Excess Life Recovery from regeneration is applied to Energy Shield
・Energy Shield does not Recharge
Ancestral Bond Icon Ancestral Bond ・Unlimited number of Summoned Totems
・Totems reserve 100 Spirit each
Necromantic Talisman Icon Necromantic Talisman ・All bonuses from an Equipped Amulet apply to Minions instead of you

Keystone Passives alter the very foundations of your character, meaning that taking these often decides how a particular build may proceed. While Keystones have unique and powerful effects, they come with certain downsides you must play around!

List of All Keystone Passives

Passive Skill Tree Guide

Passive Skill Tree Progression Tips

Choose Relevant Passives

Choose Relevant Passives

A good rule of thumb is to choose Passive Skills that fit the main attribute of your class or directly benefit your weapon type.

Each class starts in different areas of the skill tree, but the starting nodes are almost always relevant to your character. This makes it so you don't have to worry about making wrong decisions early on!

Best Class Tier List

Build Around Keystones and Notables

Plan Around Keystones and Notables

Keystones and Notables offer significant power spikes that alter the behavior of skills and typically define builds and play styles.

When progressing through the Passive Skill Tree, plan ahead for the Keystone and Notable Passives you wish to take. Keystone Passives are usually located the farthest from your path!

List of All Builds

Specialize in a Play Style

Specialize in a Play Style

It's recommended to allocate your Passive Skill Points in clusters that have a common theme so you can specialize in certain aspects of combat.

Don't stray too far from your original starting location in the tree. Otherwise, you'll be spreading yourself thin and end up with an ineffective build.

Select Appropriate Attributes

Select Appropriate Attributes

Choose the appropriate attribute when allocating Passive Skill Points in the attribute highway as you build towards Keystones and Notables.

Select from either Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence, depending on your chosen class.

Swap Passives with Weapon Specialization

Swap Passives with Weapon Specialization Points

If you have two weapon sets equipped, you can quickly change Passives using Weapon Specialization. For example, you can take advantage of this as a Sorceress by swapping between Fire and Lightning specialization on the fly.

This is done by allocating Weapon Set Passive Skill Points which are obtained by progressing the campaign and obtaining Quest Books from select bosses.

Note: If you prefer to stick with only just one weapon set, you can instead invest them like normal Passive Skill Points!

Utilize Jewel Slots

Utilize Jewel Slots

The Passive Skill Tree contains empty Jewel slots where you can socket in Jewels to add more skills or boost your Passives in a radius.

Jewels are These nodes provide a significant power boost, as long as you have the Jewel to socket in.

You Can Respec Anytime

You Can Respec Anytime

You can respec or refund your Passive Skill Points at any time by simply speaking to The Hooded One and selecting the “Refund Passives” option.

Refunding Passives costs gold but it allows players to experiment and try out different builds!

How Many Passive Skill Points Can You Get?

123 Passive Skill Points in Total

There are a total of 123 Passive Skill Points you can obtain and allocate in the Passive Skill Tree, including all of the optional Skill Books that can be obtained through various content.

Path of Exile 2 Related Guides

PoE 2 Wiki Partial

Path of Exile 2 Guides

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Path of Exile 2 WalkthroughWalkthrough POE 2 QuestsQuests
Path of Exile 2 - Gems Partial BannerGems Path of Exile 2 - ItemsItems
Path of Exile 2 - Weapons Partial Banner ImageWeapons Path of Exile 2 - Armors Partial BannerArmors
Path of Exile 2 - Accessories Partial BannerAccessories Path of Exile 2 - Passive SkillsPassives
Path of Exile 2 - SkillsSkills Path of Exile 2 - Trials Partial Ascension Trials
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Glossary Glossary Atlas of Worlds Atlas of Worlds
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Leagues Leagues Path of Exile 2 - Characters Partial BannerCharacters
PoE 2 - CosmeticsCosmetics Path of Exile - Shop Bundles and MicrotransactionsMicrotransactions
PoE 2 Latest News and UpdatesNews and Updates -

List of Recommended Guides

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Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Best Ways to Farm Currency Best Ways to Farm Currency Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Best Unique Equipment Best Unique Equipment


1 Anonymous2 months

im confused. 100 passive skill point per level = 100pts plus 24 optional points from campaign. isn't 124 total passive skill points?


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