Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Breach Guide

Breach Endgame Mechanic

Breaches are timed portals that spawn monsters for various rewards in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Learn more about what Breaches are, tips and tricks on how to complete them, drops and rewards, and the Twisted Domain boss here!

All Breach Guides
Breach Guide Twisted Domain Guide

What is a Breach?

Timed Portals that Spawn Mobs

Timed Portals that Spawn Mobs

Breaches are timed portals you can find in the Atlas of Worlds which spawn large mobs to obtain multiple rewards in endgame. Opening one will start a ring that extends slowly and start spawning monsters inside as the radius increases.

You can randomly find a Breach displayed as a hand icon on one of the Atlas nodes surrounding the tower.

Atlas of Worlds Endgame Explained

A Hand Reaching Out of the Ground

Breach Hand

Breaches can be started by interacting with a large hand reaching out of the ground on the map. After interacting with the hand, a ring will start to expand from where the hand was and Breach mobs will start spawning around you.

Breach Guide

Breach Tips and Tricks

Clear Mobs as Fast as You Can

The Breach stays open for as long as you keep clearing the mobs that spawn. Clearing mobs as fast as you can keeps the Breach open longer to maximize rewards. Failing to clear mobs fast enough will close the Breach much sooner.

Stay on the Edge of the Breach

Stay on the Edge of the Breach

After you start the Breach and the ring starts expanding, stay close to the edge of the ring for safety. Since all of the monsters spawning from the Breach only exist within the Breach, you can move outside the ring whenever you're in danger to prevent getting hit by monsters.

Don't Get Cornered and Surrounded

As you follow the edge of the Breach, be careful not to run into any dead ends on the map to avoid getting cornered by the hordes of Breach mobs that spawn. Be mindful of where you are going on the map to avoid this.

Fully Explore Map Before Starting Breaches

To avoid getting cornered and heading into dead ends, you can fully explore the map before starting the Breach. This way, you can check the map to find open areas that you can go to during the Breach.

Go for Clasped Hands for Breach Splinters

Once you start the Breach, Clasped Hands will start spawning as the ring expands which you can loot for Breach Splinters. These can be used at the Realmgate to travel to the Twisted Domain so be sure to go for them as you clear mobs in the Breach.

See Where Clasped Hands Spawn Before Starting the Breach

Breach Hand Silhouette

Before starting the Breach, you can see where Breachlord's Clasped Hands will spawn around the area by looking for their silhouettes in dark spots on the ground. These are hard to see but useful to know where to head first after starting the Breach.

Pick Up the Loot Later

Instead of looting the drops immediately as you defeat the Breach mobs, you can come back from them later once the Breach is finished. The loot stays and does not despawn after completing the Breach so come back for them after to avoid getting distracted.

Breach Atlas Passive Tree

List of Breach Altas Passives

# Passive Effects
1 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Twisted Domain Difficulty Twisted Domain Difficulty • +1 Twisted Domain Difficulty
• Reduced Number of Respawn Attempts
2 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Sustained Siege Sustained Siege • Breaches in your Maps open and close 30% slower
3 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Interdimensional Assault Interdimensional Assault • Breaches in your Maps have 15% increased Monster density
• Breaches in your Maps open and close 30% faster
4 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Crumbling Walls Crumbling Walls • Your Maps which contain Breaches have 15% chance to contain an additional Breach
• Your Maps which contain Breaches have 5% chance to contain three additional Breaches
• Your Maps which contain Breaches have 2% chance to contain ten additional Breaches
5 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Xesht Xesht's Madness • Catalysts dropped from Rare Breach Monsters in your Maps have 10% chance to be a full stack
• Rare Breach Monsters in your Maps have the Soul Eater Modifier
6 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Frantic Invasion Frantic Invasion • 75% increased Quantity of Breach Splinters dropped by Breach Monsters in your Maps
• Players take 20% increased Damage from Breach Monsters in your Maps
7 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Rising Pyre Rising Pyre • Breaches in your Maps have 40% increaed Monster density
8 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Grasping Hands Grasping Hands • Clasped Hands in your Maps have 25% chance to be guarded by a pack of Magic monsters
• Breaches in your Maps have 50% more Clasped Hands
9 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Waking Nightmare Waking Nightmare • Clasped Hands in your Maps drop double Breach Splinters
• Clasped Hands in your Maps inflict Waking Nightmare on you when opened

Recommended Breach Atlas Passives

Skill Effect
Interdimensional Assault Interdimensional Assault • Breaches in your Maps have 15% increased Monster density
• Breaches in your Maps open and close 30% faster
Crumbling Walls Crumbling Walls • Your Maps which contain Breaches have 15% chance to contain an additional Breach
• Your Maps which contain Breaches have 5% chance to contain three additional Breaches
• Your Maps which contain Breaches have 2% chance to contain ten additional Breaches
Frantic Invasion Frantic Invasion • 75% increased Quantity of Breach Splinters dropped by Breach Monsters in your Maps
• Players take 20% increased Damage from Breach Monsters in your Maps

For Breach Atlas Passives, Interdimensional Assault is helpful to get since it will help you maximize the rewards you can get by making it easier to extend the Breach.

Crumbling Walls can be good to get next to give you a chance to have more Breaches on each map. This will get you more rewards in the long run when farming Breaches.

Lastly, Frantic Invasion increases the amount of Breach Splinters you can get which you can use to fight the Twisted Domain boss or sell on the Currency Exchange.

Breach Drops and Rewards

  1. Catalysts
  2. Breach Rings
  3. Clasped Hands
  4. Breach Tablets
  5. Breach Splinters



Aside from the usual enemy drops, Catalysts are especially exclusive to Breach events and are used for increasing the quality of Rings and Amulets by improving specific mods.

List of Catalysts

Breach Rings

Breach Rings

Breach Rings are part of the drops you can get in Breach events and are capable of becoming the best rings in the game. These rings can be upgraded by a Catalyst up to 50% maximum quality so try to farm these rings in tandem with the Catalysts.

Breach Ring Stats and How to Get

Clasped Hands

Clasped Hands

Clasped Hands are interactables that can drop more loot in addition to the usual mobs. These can be found throughout the Breach event and can be opened by running through them.

Make sure to keep a eye out for them as they can contribute towards farming certain gear and items for your build.

Breach Tablets

Breach Tablets

Aside from the usual monster drops, Breach Tablets can be dropped as well and are slotted on Lost Towers to add more Breach nodes within range. This will be your most important item for sustaining your Breach farming so try to pick these up as much as you can.

Breach Tablets can be crafted and upgraded as you see fit for even more affixes that can benefit your loot economy.

Breach Splinters

Breach Splinters

Breach Splinters are dropped from mobs in Breach events which are used for creating Breachstones, an item used on Realm Gates to open the Twisted Domain. Opening this domain will give you access to the main boss of the Breaches, Xesht, We Who Are One.

Breach Pinnacle Boss

Xesht, We That Are One

Xesht, We Who Are One

Xesht can be accessed from the Ziggurat and by offering a Breachstone at the nearby Realm Gate to open the portal to the Twisted Domain.

Xesht, We That Are One Boss Guide

Found in the Twisted Domain

Path of Exile 2 - Use a Breachstone at the Realmgate

The Twisted Domain can be accessed by creating Breachstones out of Breach Splinters obtained from Clasped Hands during a Breach. You may also obtain splinters from Currency Exchange.

Breachstones can be formed by having 300 Breach Splinters in your inventory. Once you obtain enough splinters, they will automatically merge and create a Breachstone.

Realmgate Explained

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