Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Channelling Explained

Channelling is a Skill Tag in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Read on to learn what skills and gems that have the Channelling tag, the affixes, Uniques, and what Channelling is!

What is Channelling?

Channelling In-Game Description

Channelling skills can be held down to gain power or continue using the skill for a longer period of time.

Channelling Uniques

Unique Gear with Channelling

We're still checking out the Uniques that has this tag!

List of Unique Equipment

Channelling Affixes

All Affixes with Channelling

We're still checking out the affixes. Please come back for more updates!

Channelling Skills

Channelling in Ascendancy Skills

We're still checking out this skill tag. Please come back for more updates!

List of Ascendancy Skills

Channelling in Passives

We're still checking out this skill tag. Please come back for more updates!

Passive Skill Tree Guide and List of Passives

Channelling Gems

All Channelling Skill Gems

Gem Effects
Bonestorm ImageBonestorm Projectile:
・Deals 14 to 21 Physical Damage
・Debuffed enemies take 14 to 21 additional Physical Damage from next attack
・Can fire up to 20 Projectiles
・Debuff duration is 10s
・Deals 11 to 17 Physical Damage
・Debuffed enemies take 14 to 21 additional physical damage from next attack
・Debuff duration is 10s
・Explosion radius is 0.5M
・40% More AoE per Power Charge consumed
・0.7M to explosion radius if a power Charge was consumed
Detonating Arrow ImageDetonating Arrow Arrow:
・Gain 120% of damage as extra Fire Damage per stage
・Max 4 stages
・Explosion radius is 1.8m
Flameblast ImageFlameblast ・Deals 28 to 43 Fire Damage
・30% more Cast Speed when tartgeting a Solar Orb
・200% more damage per stage
・10 maximum stages
・Explosion radius is 0.4 metres per stage
Gathering Storm ImageGathering Storm Normal Dash:
・Converts 25% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・0.8 seconds to Total Attack Time
・10 to Melee strike range
Perfect Dash:
・Converts 70% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・10 to Melee strike range
・Shocked Ground width is 1.8 metres
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
・10 to Melee Strike range
・Shockwave Radius is 2.2 metres
・maximum 8 Shockwaves per use
Incinerate ImageIncinerate ・50% less ignite duration
・Cone length is 4.6 metres
・Deals 40% more damage per stage
・Inflicts stacking Fire exposure at maximum stages, reducing Fire Resistance by 4% per stack, up to a maximum of 50%
・8 maximum stages
・Ignites as though dealing 28 to 42 Fire Damage.
Resonating Shield ImageResonating Shield ・Hits Break 14 Armour
・10 to 16 Base Off Hand Physical damage
・2 to 3 added Physical damage per 15 Armour on Shield
・Cannot be Empowered by Warcries
・Shockwave Radius 1.8 Metres
Shield Charge ImageShield Charge Area of Effect:
・7 to 10 Base Off Hand Physical damage
・2 to 3 added Physical Damage per Armour on Shield
・Impact Radius is 2.4 metres
・7 to 10 Base Hand Physical Damage
・Knock Back enemies
・2 to 3 added Physical damage per 15 Armour on Shield
・50% more Stun Buildup
・Impact Radius is 2.4 Metres
Snipe ImageSnipe Arrow:
・200% increased Critical Damage Bonus
・200% increased Critical Damage Bonus
・Explosion Radius is 1.5 metres

List of Skill Gems

All Channelling Support Gems

Gem Effects
Window of Opportunity ImageWindow of Opportunity ・Supported Skills have a 25% shorter Perfect Timing window
・Supported Skills deal 50% more damage when released with Perfect Timing

List of Support Gems

All Channelling Spirit Gems

There aren't any gems that have this tag.

List of Spirit Gems

Path of Exile 2 Related Guides

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Glossary

Glossary and Basic Game Mechanics

All Glossary Guides

Ailment Ammunition Ancestral Boost
AoE Buff Chaining
Channelling Chaos Chill
Cold Curse Detonator
Dexterity Duration Energy Shield
Evasion Fire Grenade
Herald Intelligence Life Leech
Lightning Mark Melee
Meta Nova Payoff
Persistent Physical Projectile
Slam Spirit Strength
Strike Sustained Tailwind
Totem Travel Trigger


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