Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

PoE 2 Bleed Bow Witchhunter Mercenary Build

This is a Bleed Bow Witchhunter Mercenary build for Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Check out the Bleed Bow Witchhunter Mercenary build, including its gear, socketables, skills, and playstyle!

Bleed Bow Witchhunter Build Summary

JayTX's Bleed Bow Witchhunter


This Bleed Bow Witchhunter starter build is based on a build by JayTX over at JayTX (Youtube). The video includes details on how to gear up to get the build online. You can check JayTX's Twitch Channel for more Path of Exile 2 content and ask questions about the build!

Bleed Bow Witchhunter Build

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), Endgame (Atlas).

Build Setup
Witch Hunter Portrait Bleed Bow Witchhunter
Barrage Icon Snipe Icon Sniper Rain of Arrows Icon Spiral Volley Icon Combat Frenzy Icon Wind Dancer Icon Blink Icon
Path of Exile 2 Pro Great for Bossing

Path of Exile 2 Pro Huge Burst Damage

Path of Exile 2 Con Low Defenses

Path of Exile 2 Con High Mana Usage
Build Setup
Mercenary Portrait Bleed Bow Mercenary
Bow Shot Icon Escape Shot Icon Snipe Icon Freezing Salvo Icon Rain of Arrows Icon Combat Frenzy Icon Wind Dancer Icon
Path of Exile 2 Pro Great for Mobbing and Clearing

Path of Exile 2 Pro Huge Burst Damage

Path of Exile 2 Con Low Defenses

Path of Exile 2 Con High Mana Usage

The Bleed Bow Witchhunter starter build focuses on maximizing your damage with Combo Frenzy and unleashing huge burst damage with Spiraling Volley and Snipe which are great for clearing mobs and taking on Bosses.

When starting, you can keep using your default Bow Shot attack until you reach Act 3 for Rain of Arrows, which turns into your main clearing skill that synergizes well with Combat Frenzy to deal even more damage.

Bleed Bow Witchhunter Gear Setup

Equipment and Modifiers

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), Endgame (Atlas).

Gear Modifiers
Helm ・Maximum Life
・Armor and Evasion
・Lightning Resistance
・Chaos Resistance
Armor ・Elemental Ailment Threshold
・Maximum Life
・Evasion Rating
・Stun Threshold
・Lightning Resistance
Gloves ・Armor
・Maximum Life
・Increased Armor
・Cold Resistance
Ryslatha's Coil
・Reduced Charm Charges Used
・Maximum Life
・Flask Life Recovery Rate
・Maximum Physical Attack Damage
・Minimum Physical Attack Damage
Boots ・Maximum Life
・Movement Speed
・Armor and Evasion
・Fire Resistance
Sapphire Ring ・Cold Resistance
・Maximum Life
・Fire Resistance
・All Elemental Resistances
Serpent's Egg
・Rarity of Items Found
・All Attributes
・Chaos Resistance
・Mana Regenaration Rate
・Additional Charge when you gain a Charge
Topaz Ring ・Lightning Resistance
・Maximum Life
・Accuracy Rating
・Lightning Resistance
・Cold Resistance
・Leech Physical Damage as Mana
Bow ・Increased Physical Damage
・Adds Physical Damage to Attacks
・Leech Physical Damage as Mana
・Critical Damage Bonus
Quiver ・Chance to cause Bleeding
・Adds Physical Damage to Attacks
・Accuracy Rating
・Damage with Bow Skills
・Level of All Projectile Skills
Gear Modifiers
Helm ・Maximum Life
・Armour and Evasion
・Fire Resistance
Armor ・Maximum Life
・Armour and Evasion
・Cold Resistance
・Lightning Resistance
Gloves ・Maximum Life
・Accuracy Rating
・Fire Resistance
Belt ・Armour
・Maximum Life
Boots ・Maximum Life
・Movement Speed
・Cold Resistance
Ring ・All Elemental Resistance
・Adds Physical Damage to Attacks
・Maximum Life
・Cold Resistance
・Lightning Resistance
Amulet ・Dexterity
・Maximum Life
・Lightning Resistance
Ring ・All Elemental Resistance
・Maximum Life
・All Attributes
Bow ・Increased Physical Damage
・Adds Physical Damage to Attacks
・Level of All Projectile Skills
Quiver ・Attacks have a Chance to cause Bleeding
・Adds Physical Damage to Attacks
・Accuracy Rating
・Increased Projectile Speed


The most important part here would be acquiring a Warden Bow with an Increased Physical Damage modifier, and your Quiver to have the Adds Physical Damage to Attacks modifier as these will be the key towards fully maximizing the Bleed Bow Witchhunter build.

List of Weapons

Armor and Accessories

Once you reach endgame, start farming for Ryslatha's Coil to boost your maximum Physical damage, and Serpent's Egg to increase your Frenzy charges for Spiral Volley. Make sure to get Movement Speed on your boots as well for faster clearing of maps.

All Armors and Accessories
List of Armors List of Accessories



Note: The modifiers listed are arranged according to priority.

Emerald Jewel Emerald ・Chance to Inflict Bleeding on hit
・Increased Magnitude of Bleeding you Inflict
・Increased Bleeding Duration
・Global Physical Damage

For your jewels, focus on getting Emeralds that boost your Bleeding effects as this will help you maximize your damage and consistency.

List of Jewels


POE 2 - Antidote Charm Antidote Charm ・Increased Duration
・Increased Charges
・Recover Life when Used

The best charm to slot in would be the Antidote Charm as many of the enemies you encounter will have Poison effects that can hinder your survivability for endgame.

List of All Charms

Runes and Soul Cores

Equipment Sockets
Armor -

The best slot-in for the Weapons is the Iron Rune as this will provide you with more Physical damage to maximize your damage output.

All Runes and Soul Cores
List of Runes List of Soul Cores

Bleed Bow Witchhunter Skills and Passive Tree

Active Skills

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), Endgame (Atlas).

During the early game before Act 3, you will be using your default attack Bow Shot a lot with a few support gems you can slot in such as Brutality and Lacerate which you will be swapping around once you get Rain of Arrows and Spiraling Volley.

As for your other skills, Spiral Volley will replace Bow Shot as your main clearing skill, Snipe for huge burst damage against bosses, Freezing Salvo for crowd control and freezing large mobs, and Escape Shot as your mobility skill for when you start getting surrounded. Freezing Salvo and Escape Shot are only used for the leveling build so you can opt to remove them once you reach endgame.

Combat Frenzy will work wonders for this build as it works well with Rain of Arrows and Spiral Volley to deal 120% more damage which is great for both clearing mobs and taking on bosses, while Wind Dancer can be your failsafe to trigger Knock Back on surrounding enemies and Blink for better movement around maps.

List of Skill Gems

Passive Skill Tree

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), Endgame (Atlas).

Ascendancy Tree
Ascendancy Group Node
Passive Nodes
1. Feel No Pain, Overwhelm, and Cruel Methods 2. Afterimage and Aggravation
3. Leather Bound Gauntlets 4. Escape Strategy and Wasting
5. Freedom of Movement, Escape Velocity, and Master Fletching 6. Acceleration, Feathered Fletching, and Fervour
7. Acrobatics, Enhanced Reflexes, and Beastial Skin 8. -
Ascendancy Tree
Ascendancy Group Node
Passive Nodes
1. Feel No Pain, Bloodletting, and Overwhelm 2. Aggravation, Advanced Munitions, and Bleeding Out
3. Deterioration, Fast Acting Toxins, and Wasting 4. Freedom of Movement and Escape Velocity
5. Frenetic 6. Falcon Technique and Acrobatics
7. Fervour 8. -

The Witchhunter Ascendancy nodes, Zealous Inquisition will give you a chance of exploding your enemies on kill which helps you greatly when mobbing, while Judge, Jury, and Executioner will give you a chance of procing Decimating Strike. Take Witchbane last for the the added damage on breaking enemy concentration.

As for the passive skill tree, this focuses on boosting your Bleeding effects with Aggravation and Wasting, while also increasing your survivability by stacking evasion nodes such as Afterimage, Escape Strategy, and Beastial Skin.

Make sure to get Fervour as well as this will increase the stacks of your Combat Frenzy which is your most ideal way of boosting your Snipe damage.

Passive Skill Tree Guide and List of Passives

Bleed Bow Witchhunter Playstyle and Skill Rotation

Skill Rotation for Mobbing

The Bleed Bow Witchhunter build for mobbing revolves around freezing your opponents with Rain of Arrows and Freezing Salvo and finishing them off with Bow Shot or Spiral Volley. The rotation is as follows:

  1. Use Bow Shot at close range to Pin and generate Frenzy Charges.
  2. Spam Spiral Volley to explode the large mob and consume Frenzy until you no longer have charges for a huge damage bonus.
  3. Use Bow Shot again to restore your Frenzy charges and repeat.

Skill Rotation for Bossing

The Bleed Bow Witchhunter build for bossing revolves around dealing huge burst damage with Snipe and consistently damaging them with Rain of Arrows and Spiral Volley. The rotation is as follows:

  1. Channel a Perfect Timing Snipe and start dealing Bleed damage.
  2. Shoot Rain of Arrows on the boss when it stops moving.
  3. Use Freezing Salvo as needed when off cooldown and against small mobs the boss summons.
  4. (Optional) Use Spiral Volley if you have Frenzy Charges up from Pin and Freezing with your Rain of Arrows and Freezing Salvo.
  5. Channel another Perfect Timing Snipe and repeat.

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Mercenary Builds

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Focus: DoT, Burst Damage, Bossing, Mobbing
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Wind Dancer Icon Fragmentation Rounds Icon High Velocity Rounds Icon Herald of Plague Icon Attrition Icon Cast on Freeze Icon Emergency Reload Icon Galvanic Shards Icon Withering Presence Icon Blink Icon

Focus: DoT, Crowd Control, Bossing
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Focus: AoE, Burst Damage, Crowd Control

Mercenary Class and Ascendancy Guides

Base Class
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3 Anonymous2 months

No, as you level up your regular auto attack gets more slots without orbs. Orbs are for the socketed skills only.

2 Josh n3 months

I believe you need to put in a jewelers orb.


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