Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

PoE 2 Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire Mercenary Build

This is an Ailment Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire Mercenary endgame build for Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Check out the Ailment Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire Mercenary endgame build, including its gear, socketables, skills, and playstyle!

Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire Build Summary

LazyExile's Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire Build

This Ailment Gunslinger build is based on a build by LazyExile over at LazyExile (Youtube). The video includes details on how to gear up to get the build online. Check out LazyExile's YouTube channel for more Path of Exile 2 content and ask questions about the build!

Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire Build

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), Endgame (Atlas).

Early Game
Build Setup
Ailment Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire Build Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire
Lightning Warp Icon Ball Lightning Icon Overwhelming Presence Icon Wind Dancer Icon Fragmentation Rounds Icon Herald of Plague Icon Attrition Icon Cast on Freeze Icon Emergency Reload Icon Shockburst Rounds Icon Galvanic Shards Icon Blink Icon
Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro Various Ailment Afflictions

Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro Excellent for Bossing

Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro Good Survivability

Path of Exile 2 Build - Con Low Mobility
Build Setup
Ailment Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire Build Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire
Wind Dancer Icon Fragmentation Rounds Icon Glacial Bolt Icon High Velocity Rounds Icon Herald of Plague Icon Attrition Icon Emergency Reload Icon Withering Presence Icon
Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro Various Ailment Afflictions

Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro Excellent for Bossing

Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro Good Survivability

Path of Exile 2 Build - Con Low Mobility
Build Setup
Ailment Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire Build Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire
Crossbow Shot Contagion Icon Permafrost Bolts Icon Wind Dancer Icon Fragmentation Rounds Icon High Velocity Rounds Icon
Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro Various Ailment Afflictions

Path of Exile 2 Build - Pro Excellent for Bossing

Path of Exile 2 Build - Con Low Mobility

The Ailment Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire build focuses on applying Poison and Bleeding ailments to deal consistent damage, while also Freezing and Armour Breaking your enemies for crowd control and dealing huge burst damage.

In the early game, you can use Permafrost Bolts as a substitute until you get Glacial Bolt which is a key skill for this build that will help you reach endgame.

Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire Gear Setup

Equipment and Modifiers

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), Endgame (Atlas).

Early Game
Gear Modifiers
The Three Dragons
・Increased Evasion and Energy Shield
・All Elemental Resistances
・Fire Damage from Hits Contributes to Shock Chance instead of Ignite Chance and Magnitude
・Cold Damage from Hits Contributes to Ignite Chance and Magnitude instead of Chill Magnitude
・Lightning Damage from Hits Contributes to Freeze Buildup instead of Shock Chance
Armor ・Spirit
・Armour and Evasion
・Any Elemental Resistance
Gloves ・Adds Physical Damage to Attacks
・Maximum Life
・Any Elemental Resistance
Ryslatha's Coil
・Reduced Charm Charges used
・Maximum Life
・Flask Life Recovery rate
・Maximum Physical Attack Damage
・Minimum Physical Attack Damage
Boots ・Movement Speed
・Armour and Evasion
・Any Elemental Resistance
Death Rush
・Accuracy Rating
・Evasion Rating
・Leech Physical Damage as Life
・Gain Onslaught on Kill
Amulet ・Spirit
・Armour and Evasion
・Any Elemental Resistance
Ring ・Chaos Resistance
・Any Elemental Resistance
Dyad Crossbow ・Loads an Additional Bolt
・Adds Physical Damage to Attacks
・Increased Physical Damage
・Accuracy Rating
・Critical Hit Chance
Gear Modifiers
The Three Dragons
・Increased Evasion and Energy Shield
・All Elemental Resistances
・Fire Damage from Hits Contributes to Shock Chance instead of Ignite Chance and Magnitude
・Cold Damage from Hits Contributes to Ignite Chance and Magnitude instead of Chill Magnitude
・Lightning Damage from Hits Contributes to Freeze Buildup instead of Shock Chance
Armor ・Spirit
・Armour and Evasion
・Any Elemental Resistance
Gloves ・Adds Physical Damage to Attacks
・Maximum Life
・Any Elemental Resistance
Ryslatha's Coil
・Reduced Charm Charges used
・Maximum Life
・Flask Life Recovery rate
・Maximum Physical Attack Damage
・Minimum Physical Attack Damage
Boots ・Movement Speed
・Armour and Evasion
・Any Elemental Resistance
Death Rush
・Accuracy Rating
・Evasion Rating
・Leech Physical Damage as Life
・Gain Onslaught on Kill
Amulet ・Spirit
・Armour and Evasion
・Any Elemental Resistance
Ring ・Chaos Resistance
・Any Elemental Resistance
Dyad Crossbow ・Loads an Additional Bolt
・Adds Physical Damage to Attacks
・Increased Physical Damage
・Accuracy Rating
・Critical Hit Chance
Gear Modifiers
Helm ・Armour and Evasion
・Rarity of Items Found
・Reduced Attribute Requirements
Armor ・Spirit
・Cold Resistance
・Fire Resistance
・Lightning Resistance
Gloves ・Adds Physical Damage to Attacks
・Gain Mana per Enemy Killed
Belt ・Life Recovery from Flasks
・Maximum Life
・Fire Resistance
・Lightning Resistance
・Charm Charges Gained
Boots ・Movement Speed
・Rarity of Items Found
・Reduced Attribute Requirements
・Stun Threshold
Ring ・Maximum Mana
・Evasion Rating
・Maximum Life
・Rarity of Items Found
・Lightning Resistance
Amulet ・Dexterity
・Lightning Resistance
・Mana Regeneration
Ring ・All Elemental Resistances
・Accuracy Rating
・Evasion Rating
・Rarity of Items Found
・Cold Resistance
Crossbow ・Increased Physical Damage
・Adds Physical Damage to Attacks
・Level of All Projectile Skills


For the Ailment Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire build, the most important gear would be picking up Dyad Crossbows with Adds Physical Damage to Attacks and Increased Physical Damage as this will be your best way of increasing your damage as you progress through the campaign.

List of Weapons

Armor and Accessories

In order to bring this build online, you would have to obtain The Three Dragons unique helm as this will convert your elemental Hits to contribute to other ailment chances, Death Rush unique ring to gain Onslaught on kill, and Ryslatha's Coil to max out your physical damage.

The rest of your equipment can vary but try to aim for at least 95 Spirit to equip all your Persistent skills and reach the 75% Resistance cap to improve your survivability. Make sure to always upgrade your weapon with ones that are between 10 levels from your level and the monster levels to avoid any damage fall-offs.

All Armors and Accessories
List of Armors List of Accessories



Emerald Jewel Emerald ・Increased Critical Hit Chance
・Increased Projectile Damage
・Global Physical Damage
・Chance to Inflict Ailment
・Increased Ailment Magnitude
・Increased Ailment Duration of Enemies

For your jewels, focus on getting Emeralds that boost Critical Hit Chance and Ailment effects as this will help you maximize your damage and consistency.

List of Jewels


POE 2 - Amethyst Charm Amethyst Charm ・Increased Duration
・Increased Charges
・Recover Life when Used

The best charm to slot in would be the Amethyst Charm to help you reach the 75% resistance cap is this is key towards surviving higher tiers.

List of All Charms

Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire Skills and Passive Tree

Active Skills

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), Endgame (Atlas).

In the early game before you get Glacial Bolt, we recommend using the same setup with Permafrost Bolts as a substitute for dealing Cold damage and applying Freeze.

As for your mid to endgame skill usage, Galvanic Shard replaces Glacial Bolt once you have The Three Dragons. If you do not have the unique helm yet, you can keep using Glacial Bolt until you do. High Velocity Rounds are used for dealing with bosses and rares but will be replaced with Shockburst Rounds once you reach endgame, while Emergency Reload will help manage your ammo and works in tandem with the previous skills.

For your Persistent skills, Cast on Freeze with Contagion is recommended especially with the nerf as it allows you to manage your mana better. Herald of Plague is good for spreading Poison with Fragmentation Rounds, while Wind Dancer will help boost your survivability and Overwhelming Presence can be optional in case you do not have enough spirit for it.

List of Skill Gems

Passive Skill Tree

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), Endgame (Atlas).

Early Game
Ascendancy Tree
Ascendancy Group Node
Passive Nodes
1. Feel No Pain 2. Unexpected Finesse and Instant Reload
3. Polymathy and Reusable Ammunition 4. Jewel Socket
5. Falcon Dive 6. Hefty Unit
7. Brute Strength and Beef 8. -
Weapon Set 1 Nodes
1. Exposed Wounds, Cruel Methods, and Quick-change Act 2. Adrenaline Rush
3. Deterioration 4. Fast Acting Toxins and Wasting
Weapon Set 2 Nodes
1. Lightning Rod and Flash Storm 2. Acceleration
Ascendancy Tree
Ascendancy Group Node
Passive Nodes
1. Ricochet, Exposed Wounds, and Backup Plan 2. Adrenaline Rush and Aggravation
3. Advanced Munitions, Polymathy, and Reusable Ammunition 4. Deterioration and Perfectly Placed Knife
5. Fast Acting Toxins and Wasting 6. Falcon Dive
7. Hefty Unit 8. Brute Strength
Ascendancy Tree
Ascendancy Group Node
Passive Nodes
1. Ricochet, Overwhelm, and Cruel Methods 2. Instant Reload and Advanced Munitions

For the Gemling Legionnaire ascendancy tree, take Adaptive Capability first to help meet your Gem attribute requirements and Enhanced Effectiveness to double your inherent stat bonuses for more survivability. Once you have more ascendancy points, proceed to Integrated Efficiency for more Skill slots and Gem Studded to allow you to equip 2 of the same support gems.

The rest of the passive tree for the Ailment Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire build focuses on taking nodes with Ailments and Armour Break, while also stacking Strength attribute nodes and a few Dexterity ones to make it enough to equip your crossbow.

Passive Skill Tree Guide and List of Passives

Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire Playstyle and Skill Rotation

Leveling Skill Rotation

The Ailment Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire build for leveling revolves around freezing your opponents with Glacial Bolt and dealing burst damage with Fragmentation Rounds and High Velocity Rounds. The rotation is as follows:


  1. Use Glacial Bolt until they are Frozen and shoot 1-2 more bolts for extra damage.
  2. Consume Frozen with Fragmentation Rounds and keep shooting until you apply Armour Break.
  3. Consume Armour Break using High Velocity Rounds to trigger Bleeding.
  4. Go back to Step 2 (after 10 seconds go to Step 5)
  5. Every 10-15 seconds you can repeat step 1 once the diminishing effects after inflicting Frozen have reset.

AoE and Mob Clearing

  1. Glacier Bolt in front of mobs (no Freeze needed), then fire Fragmentation Rounds to shatter and freeze. Make sure to shoot at the feet when against larger enemies.
  2. Keep shooting with Fragmentation Rounds to spread poison.
  3. Switch to High Velocity Rounds and finish off the remaining enemies.

Endgame Skill Rotation

The Ailment Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire build for endgame makes use of freezing your opponents with Galvanic Shard and finishing them off with Fragmentation Rounds and Shockburst Rounds. The rotation is as follows:


  1. Shoot with Galvanic Shard until you proc Freeze.
  2. Cast Ball Lightning towards the target and use Lightning Warp on the ball to teleport and unleash lightning damage on the ground.
  3. Fire Shockburst Rounds for huge damage and use Emergency Reload once you are out of ammo.
  4. If the target is frozen again, use Fragmentation Rounds to consume it.
  5. Rinse and repeat.

AoE and Mob Clearing

  1. Use Galvanic Shard to freeze mobs and proc Contagion with Cast on Freeze.
  2. Fire Fragmentation Rounds against Contagion-affected monsters to spread the poison.
  3. Cast Ball Lightning and Lightning Warp to apply lightning damage on the ground.
  4. Switch to Shockburst Rounds and finish off the remaining enemies.

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4 Rainslave72 about 2 months

I have a question, I see you have this build also on Mobalytics. Are you going to update it to match this ? Just wondering , Also having trouble with bosses with this build The Shockburst rounds do not do enough dmg for fast killing, Seams to take to long. Any help would be great , Thank you

3 Anonymous2 months

Hi, thank you VERY much for this build, I love it, you got some information for what are the best jewel on this build?


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