Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Delirium Guide

Delirium Endgame Mechanic

Delirium is a timed area-wide event that spawns empowered enemies in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Check out a Delirium guide and learn more about what it is, its mechanics, bosses, rewards, and Atlas skill tree here!

All Delirium Guides
Delirium Guide Simulacrum Map Guide

Delirium Explained

Delirium Mechanics

Timed Area-wide Event with Stronger Mobs

Delirium is a Timed Area-wide Event with Stronger Mobs

Delirium is a timed event that fills the entire area with fog to spawn empowered enemies for players to defeat. This event begins upon entering a Delirium Mirror, which spawns near a map's starting point.

Enemies become increasingly difficult as players go further into the fog, and eliminating them fills up the emotion bar on the lower left portion of the screen. When filled, players can obtain various rewards, specifically Distilled Emotions.


Simulacrum Waves

The Simulacrum is a pinnacle event tied to the Delirium mechanic involving a map with a wave-based mechanic. Here, players must overcome 15 waves of enemies, with each proceeding wave increasing in difficulty and having more enemy modifiers.

Completing all 15 waves of a Simulacrum rewards players with two Atlas skill points for the Delirium Tree. To enter one, players must gather 300 Simulacrum Splinters to create one Simulacrum item to be used on the Realmgate.

Realmgate Explained

Being More Delirious Increases Monster Difficulty and Rewards

Delirious Modifier

The event introduces the Delirious modifier, added through Waystones and Distilled Emotions. Being more Delirious (i.e., having a higher % Delirious Waystone modifier) increases the chance of monsters dropping Simulacrum Splinters at the cost of the former's increased difficulty and pack size.

More Splinters at the Cost of No Distilled Emotions on Delirium Maps

More Simulacrum Splinters at the cost of No Distilled Emotions

Players should note that using a Delirium Waystone on a Delirium map removes the Delirium Mirror, disallowing players from obtaining Distilled Emotions. Despite this drawback, Delirious Waystones are useful for Simulacrum Splinter farming since they allow players to gain these splinters on any map with monsters.

Delirium Guide

Delirium Tips and Tricks

Stay Within the Fog

Players must stay within the nightmare fog to prolong the timed event. Once players enter the Delirium Mirror, the nightmare fog will continuously expand and recede. The countdown timer to end the event only occurs if players step out of the fog, so staying in it is the best way to maximize the event's time and get more loot.

Kill Enemies as Fast as Possible

Since Deliriums are timed events, players should kill as many enemies as possible before the fog eventually disappears. This ensures that they can get the most amount of loot and rewards when the event ends. To do this, they should ensure that their builds are capable of fast and efficient mobbing.

PoE 2 Best Builds

Priotize Killing the Delirium Enemies

Fractured Mirror

Players should prioritize killing Delirium enemies as they fill up the rewards meter much faster than regular mobs. Players can spawn more of these enemies by approaching and activating Fracture Mirrors found around the map.

Avoid Getting Swarmed

Players should avoid getting swarmed by enemies, especially in later waves. As the number of waves increases, all monsters receive exponential buffs to their damage and survivability. Given this, getting swarmed will likely end in death, ending the Simulacrum run.

Be Resistant to Stuns, Freezes and Slows

Invest in Freeze

In line with the previous tip, players should also invest in gear and skills that make them more resistant to Stuns, Freezes, and Slows. Getting inflicted by any of these statuses is severely detrimental, as players will likely get swarmed and be unable to block and avoid attacks.

Use the Arrow Button to End the Event

End Delirium Event Button

Players can end the event immediately by pressing the button with the two arrows on the lower right portion of the screen. Players may want to do this if they are satisfied with the amount of Distilled Emotions they will acquire, as filling up the rewards bar gets exponentially more difficult the more it has been filled.

Delirium Bosses

Omniphobia, Fear Manifest

Omniphobia Fear Manifest

While in Delirium Maps or a Simulacrum, players may encounter two bosses. First is Omniphobia, Fear Manifest. This boss is melee-oriented and focuses on slow and hard-hitting axe swings and slams. Players should make sure to avoid his leap slams to avoid receiving fatal damage.

Omniphobia, Fear Manifest Boss Guide

Kosis, the Revelation

Kosis the Revelation

The other boss is Kosis, the Revelation. It is the more difficult boss of the two, mainly because its attacks are more punishing and harder to dodge. Players should avoid his big laser attack and use it as a window to deal damage and disrupt his proceeding attacks.

Kosis, the Revelation Boss Guide

Bosses Only Spawn With 11+ Tier Waystones

Players should note that these bosses may only spawn in Delirium Atlas maps that use 11+ tier Waystones. Additionally, they are almost guaranteed to spawn in higher wave numbers in a Simulacrum map.

Delirium Drops and Rewards

Delirium Drops and Rewards
1. Distilled Emotions
2. Delirium Tablets
3. Simulacrum Splinters

Distilled Emotions

Distilled Emotions

Distilled Emotions are currencies used to apply notable passive skills to your Amulets and instill Delirious and other modifiers on Waystones. These can randomly drop from the enemies found within the nightmare fog.

Crafting Guide

Instilling Notable Passive Nodes

Notable Passive Skill Crafting Recipe

To instill Amulets with a specific notable passive skill, players may open up their passive skill tree window, find the notable skill they want to instill and inspect it to reveal the distilled emotion combination required.

Instilling Waystones with Modifiers

Distilled Emotion Modifiers for Waystones
Distilled Ire Icon Distilled Ire ・20% Increased Magic Monsters
・Players in area are 7% Delirious
Distilled Guilt Icon Distilled Guilt ・Players in area are 9% Delirious
・8% Increased Pack Size
Distilled Greed Icon Distilled Greed ・Players in area are 10% Delirious
・8% Increased Rarity of Items Found
Distilled Paranoia Icon Distilled Paranoia ・15% Increased Rare Monsters
・Players in area are 12% Delirious
Distilled Envy Icon Distilled Envy ・Players in area are 15% Delirious
・30% Increased Waystone Drops
Distilled Disgust Icon Distilled Disgust ・Players in area are 18% Delirious
・30% Increased Precursor Tablet Drops
Distilled Despair Icon Distilled Despair ・30% Increased Simulacrum Splinter Stack Size
・Players in area are 20% Delirious
Distilled Fear Icon Distilled Fear ・25% Increased Chance for Additional Rare Monster Modifiers
・Players in area are 22% Delirious
Distilled Suffering Icon Distilled Suffering ・Players in area are 25% Delirious
・Unique Monsters receive an Additional Modifier
Distilled Isolation Icon Distilled Isolation ・Players in area are 50% Delirious

Meanwhile, listed above are all the modifiers each Distilled Emotion instills on Waystones. Players can instill their Waystones with these Distilled Emotions to add specific modifiers that cater to their Atlas mapping.

More notably, players can use Distilled emotions to make them delirious on maps, increasing the amount of the Simulacrum Splinters they can obtain from them. Each emotion adds different magnitudes of delirious modifiers depending on their rarity.

List of Distilled Emotions

Delirium Tablets

Delirium Tablets

Aside from the usual monster drops, Delirium Tablets can also drop and are slotted on Lost Towers to add more Delirium nodes within range. These tablets are essential for sustaining Delirium farming, so players should pick them up whenever possible.

Delirium Tablets can be crafted and upgraded as players see fit for even more affixes that can benefit their loot economy.

Simulacrum Splinters

Simulacrum Splinters

Simulacrum Splinters drop from Delirium event enemies and are used to enter a Simulacrum map. Accumulating 300 allows the players to obtain a single Simulacrum, used on the Realm Gate, to enter said map.

Delirium Atlas Passive Tree

List of Delirium Altas Passives

# Passive Effects
1 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Simulacrum Difficulty Simulacrum Difficulty • +1 to Simulacrum Difficulty
• Reduced Number of Respawn Attempts
2 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) It It's not real, it's not real! • Delirious Monsters Killed in your Maps provide 50% increased Reward Progress
• Delirium Fog in your Maps dissipates 50% faster
3 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) You can You can't just wake up from this one. • Delirium Fog in your Maps dissipates 30% slower
4 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) I I'm not afraid of you! • Delirium Bosses in your Maps have 50% increased maximum Life
• Delirium Bosses in your Maps drop 50% increased Simulacrum Splinters
5 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Isn Isn't it tempting? • Delirium Encounters in your Maps have 30% chance to generate an additional Reward type
• Manifsted Delirium Demons in your Maps deal 30% increased Damage
6 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) They They're coming to get you... • Delirium Encounters in your Maps are 25% more likely to spawn Unique Bosses
• Slaying Rare Monsters in your Maps pauses the Delirium Mirror Timer for 4 seconds
7 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Get out of my head! Get out of my head! • Waystones found in your Maps have 20% chance to have random Instilled Emotions applied
8 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Would you like to see my face? Would you like to see my face? • Delirium Fog in your Maps has doubled difficulty scaling with distance from the Mirror
• 100% increased Stack size of Simulacrum SPlinters found from non-Unique monsters in your Maps
9 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) The mirrors... the mirrors! The mirrors... the mirrors! • Delirium Fog in your Maps spawns 50% increased Fracturing Mirrors

Recommended Delirium Atlas Passives

Skill Effect
TheyThey're coming to get you... ・Delirium Encounters in your Maps are 25% more likely to spawn Unique Bosses
・Slaying Rare Monsters in your Maps pauses the Delirium Mirror Timer for 4 seconds
ItIt's not real, it's not real! ・Delirious Monsters Killed in your Maps provide 50% increased Reward Progress
・Delirium Fog in your Maps dissipates 50% faster
Get out of my head!Get out of my head! ・Waystones found in your Maps have 20% chance to have random Instilled Emotions applied.

Listed above are the best Delirium Atlas Passives players can get. First is "They're coming to get you," which increases fog duration from killing rare monsters and the chance of encountering Delirium bosses.

Next, "It's not real, it's not real!" allows players to obtain more Distilled Emotions per Delirium map.

Finally, "Get out of my head!" is great for overall Simulacrum Splinter farming, as getting Waystones that make players delirious becomes more accessible.

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