Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Best Unique Equipment

Path of Exile 2 - Best Uniques
Here's a list of the best unique equipment in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Check out the best unique equipment for Attack builds, Spell builds, and for other utility here.

Best Unique Equipment

Best Uniques Items
For Attack Builds For Spell Builds For Utility

Best for Attack Builds

Hand of Wisdom and Action

Hand of Wisdom and Action Furtive Wraps ImageHand of Wisdom and Action Furtive Wraps
・ +15-25 to Dexterity
・ +15-25 to Intelligence
・ 3% increased Attack Speed per 25 Dexterity
・ Adds 1 to 10 Lightning Damage to Attacks per 10 Intelligence
Drops from: Xesht, We that Are One
Estimated Trade Price: 2 Path of Exile 2 - Divine Orb
Trade Link ▶︎

Perhaps the best unique item for attack builds right now, this unique pair of gloves gives a lot of flat Lightning damage and a significant boost to Attack Speed for any builds that utilizes Dexterity and Intelligence.


Astramentis Stellar Amulet ImageAstramentis Stellar Amulet
・ X to all Attributes
・ -X Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
Drops from: Global Drop, Orb of Chance on a Stellar Amulet
Estimated Trade Price: 190 Path of Exile 2 - Divine Orb
Trade Link ▶︎

This amulet gives more than 100 to all Attributes when enhanced with Adaptive Catalysts. While it's a very good levelling unique, it's best and mostly used with attribute stacking builds.

Olroth's Resolve

OlrothOlroth's Resolve Ultimate Life Flask
・ Instant Recovery
・ X% increased Charges per use
・ Excess Life Recovery added as Guard for 10 seconds
Drops from: Olroth, Origin of the Fall
Estimated Trade Price: 26 Path of Exile 2 - Divine Orb
Trade Link ▶︎

This flask instantly recovers around 1000 Life and any life past full life recovered are gained as Guard instead which protects you from damage.

Queen of the Forest

Queen of the Forest Smuggler Coat ImageQueen of the Forest Smuggler Coat
・ 100-150% increased Evasion Rating
・ -10-15% to Fire Resistance
・ 25-30% to Cold Resistance
・ 10-15% to Lightning Resistance
・ 1% increased Movement Speed per 500 Evasion Rating. Other Modifiers to Movement Speed do not apply
Drops from: Global Drop, Orb of Chance on a Smuggler Coat
Estimated Trade Price: 5 Path of Exile 2 - Divine Orb
Trade Link ▶︎

This Body Armour enables a lot of Movement Speed and are best used by pure Evasion builds that want to clear maps as fast as possible. This disables any Movement Speed decrease from Debuffs, but also any increases from your Boots.


Polcirkeln Sapphire Ring ImagePolcirkeln Sapphire Ring
・ X% to Cold Resistance
・ X% increased Cold Damage
・ X to maximum Mana
・ X to Strength
・ Enemies Chilled by your Hits can be Shattered as though Frozen
Drops from: Global Drop, Orb of Chance on a Sapphire Ring
Estimated Trade Price: 5 Path of Exile 2 - Exalted Orb
Trade Link ▶︎

This ring makes map clearing with chain reaction explosions from Herald of Ice much more consistent. Scale more Attack Damage and Area of Effect to significantly increase your map clearing speed.

※ Estimated trade prices as of Patch 0.1.0f

Best for Spell Builds

Dream Fragments

Dream Fragments Sapphire Ring ImageDream Fragments Sapphire Ring
・ X% to Cold Resistance
・ X% increased maximum Mana
・ X% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・ You cannot be Chilled or Frozen
Drops from: Global Drop, Orb of Chance on a Sapphire Ring
Estimated Trade Price: 100 Path of Exile 2 - Divine Orb
Trade Link ▶︎

This rings gives a massive 20% increased maximum Mana which is a powerful, rare, and desired stat for spell casters especially ones that use the Archmage buff. It also has the bonus of increased Mana Regeneration and immunity to Chill and Freeze.

The Everlasting Gaze

The Everlasting Gaze Azure Amulet ImageThe Everlasting Gaze Azure Amulet
・ X% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・ X to maximum Mana
・ 50% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・ Gain X% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
Drops from: Global Drop, Orb of Chance on an Azure Amulet
Estimated Trade Price: 10 Path of Exile 2 - Exalted Orb
Trade Link ▶︎

This amulet gives extra Energy Shield based on a percentage of your Maximum Mana and even works with builds that convert all their Energy Shield to Mana using the Eldritch Battery Keystone Passive. This gives another layer of defences for Mana-stacking builds and comes with additional Maximum Mana and Mana Regeneration bonuses.

Melting Maelstrom

Melting Maelstrom Ultimate Mana Flask ImageMelting Maelstrom Ultimate Mana Flask
・ Effect is not removed when Unreserved Mana is Filled
・ X% increased Duration
・ Every 3 seconds during Effect, deal 50% of Mana spent in those seconds as Chaos Damage to Enemies within 3 metres
・ Recover all Mana when Used
・ Deals 25% of current Mana as Chaos Damage to you when Effect ends
Drops from: Simulacrum
Estimated Trade Price: 22 Path of Exile 2 - Divine Orb
Trade Link ▶︎

This flask is incredibly effective when used by Archmage builds that also uses the Chaos Inoculation Keystone Passive. Not only does it recover all Mana on Mana-dependent builds, but it gives you so much more extra Chaos Damage without of the downsides.

Prism of Belief

Prism of Belief Diamond ImagePrism of Belief Diamond
・ Adds X to level of a Specific Skill
Drops from: The Arbiter of Ash
Estimated Trade Price: Varies by Skill and can be really expensive!
Trade Link ▶︎

Increasing the levels of Spell skills are essential to scaling damage and this jewel can give up to +3 levels to a certain random skill. However, searching mods for this jewel on the official trade site is still not supported.

※ Estimated trade prices as of Patch 0.1.0f

Best for Utility


Temporalis Silk Robe ImageTemporalis Silk Robe
・ +100-150 to maximum Energy Shield
・ +10-20% to all Elemental Resistances
・ 5-30% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
・ 5-30% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
・ Skills have -2-4 seconds to Cooldown
Drops from: Zarokh, the Temporal with The Last Flame Incense Relic activated
Estimated Trade Price: 115 Path of Exile 2 - Divine Orb
Trade Link ▶︎

This unique reduces the base Cooldowns of all skills by up to 4 seconds which can be paired with Blink to completely remove its cooldown which allows for very fast clearing speeds without the need of Movement Speed.


Ingenuity Utility Belt ImageIngenuity Utility Belt
・ 20% of Flask Recovery applied Instantly
・ X% increased bonuses gained from Equipped Rings
Drops from: King in the Mists (Pinnacle Version)
Estimated Trade Price: 18 Path of Exile 2 - Divine Orb (Uncorrupted)
Trade Link (Uncorrupted) ▶︎

Ingenuity increases all the effects of you're equipped Rings and is best used with the best Rare Rings that are enhanced with Catalysts.


Headhunter Heavy Belt ImageHeadhunter Heavy Belt
・ X increased Stun Threshold
・ X increased Stun Threshold
・ X to maximum Life
・ X to Strength
・ X to Dexterity
・ When you Kill a Rare monster, you gain its Modifiers for 20 seconds
Drops from: Global Drop, Orb of Chance on a Heavy Belt
Estimated Trade Price: 12 Path of Exile 2 - Divine Orb
Trade Link ▶︎

Headhunter temporarily gives you all the modifiers of all the modifiers of the Rare monster you've slain. This allows some builds to quickly clear Breaches with a high density of Rare Monsters.

Morior Invictus

Morior Invictus Grand Regalia ImageMorior Invictus Grand Regalia
・ 200-300% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
・ 5% Increase to 2 random stat per Socketed Rune or Soul Core
Drops from: The Arbiter of Ash
Estimated Trade Price: Varies by mod and Socket numbers
Trade Link ▶︎

This Body Armour has 2 random mods that will give you bonus stats depending on the amount of Runes or Soul Cores are socketed. The best mods to get are Spirit, Mana, Attributes, or Rarity.

The Adorned

The Adorned Diamond ImageThe Adorned Diamond
・ X% increased Effect of Jewel Socket Passive Skills containing Corrupted Magic Jewels
Drops from: The Trialmaster
Estimated Trade Price: 20 Path of Exile 2 - Divine Orb (at least 50%)
Trade Link (at least 50%) ▶︎

A perfectly rolled The Adorned doubles the effect of the desirable stats on jewels and can be a huge source of additional stats.

Controlled Metamorphosis

Controlled Metamorphosis Diamond ImageControlled Metamorphosis Diamond
・ Only affects Passives in a Small to Large Ring around used Socket
・ Passives in Ring can be Allocated without being connected to your tree
・ 5-20% decrease to all Elemental Resistances.
・ 3-23% decrease to Chaos Resistance
Drops from: Xesht, We That Are One
Estimated Trade Price: 50 Path of Exile 2 - Exalted Orb (Large Ring), 4 Path of Exile 2 - Divine Orb (Massive Ring)
Trade Links:
Large Ring ▶︎
Massive Ring ▶︎

This jewel allows you to skip allocating Attribute and Small Passive nodes to and allocate nearby Notables and other efficient Passive nodes instead.

From Nothing Diamond

From Nothing Diamond ImageFrom Nothing Diamond
・ Passives in Radius of X Keystone Passive can be Allocated without being connected to your tree
Drops from: King in the Mists (Pinnacle Version)
Estimated Trade Price: Varies depending on the random Keystone
Trade Link ▶︎

This jewel allows you to allocate Passive Nodes anywhere on the Passive Tree as long as it's in range of the random Keystone that can roll on this item. Support to search specific mods on this jewel is not yet supported.

Mahuxotl's Machination

MahuxotlMahuxotl's Machination Omen Crest Shield
・ 333-666% increased Armour and Energy Shield
・ 333-666% increased effect of Socketed Soul Cores
Drops from: The Trialmaster
Estimated Trade Price: 2 Path of Exile 2 - Divine Orb (At least 500% both mods)
Trade Link (At least 500% both mods) ▶︎

This shield has two sockets which you can boost the effect of the socketed runes by 7.5 times! This is best used with Soul Cores that give rare stats such as Mana or Rarity.

※ Estimated trade prices as of Patch 0.1.0f

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