Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Areagne, Forgotten Witch Boss Guide

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - Areagne, Forgotten Witch
Areagne, Forgotten Witch is an Act 1 Optional Boss in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). See the location, the drops or rewards, and tips on how to beat Areagne, Forgotten Witch here.

Areagne, Forgotten Witch Location

The Grelwood - Act 1

Areagne will always be found on her hut in the Grelwood. Once you find her, she'll teleport out then re-engage you outside of the hut.

The Grelwood Location, Quests, and Bosses

The Grelwood Layout

It is important to note that the areas are randomly generated and that the maps used are meant to serve as a general guide to the map layout.

How to Beat Areagne, Forgotten Witch

Tips on Beating Areagne, Forgotten Witch

Avoid the Elemental Zones it Creates

Areagne, Forgotten Witch Elemental Zones
Make sure that you avoid the elemental zones she creates. These zones will continuously damage or debuff your character while you're standing in it. Cold ground, for example, slows both your movement speed and attack speed.

Avoid Her Ice Attack

Areagne, Forgotten Witch Ice Breath
Areagne periodically breathes ice, going in a straight line, then starts to swivel. Quickly dodge roll to the side to avoid taking cold damage.

Areagne, Forgotten Witch Movesets

List of All Moves

Moves Details and Tips
AoE Frost Area
Areagne disappears for a moment, leaves behind an area of frost, and reappears elsewhere.
How to Dodge: When Areagne disappears, quickly dodge away in any direction. Your main goal is to simply avoid getting debuffed by cold ground.
Freezing Breath
Areagne breathes ice and unleashes a beam of cold forward.
How to Dodge: Dodge to the side to avoid taking damage and get affected by a debuff.
Summon Spriggan
Areagne periodically summons Spriggan, an enemy that constantly tracks your position and attacks you. Quickly defeat Spriggan to avoid being surrounded and overwhelmed.
Default Attack
Areagne scratches and attacks you with simple melee swings.
How to Dodge: Dodge backwards since the attack does not have much range.

Areagne, Forgotten Witch Overview and Rewards

Basic Info

Path of Exile 2 - Areagne, Forgotten Witch Act 1 Boss
Location Act 1
The Grelwood
Resistances TBD
Weaknesses TBD
Damage Types TBD
Debuffs TBD


・ Uncut Support Gem
・ Uncut Skill Gem

Defeating Areagne, Forgotten Witch grants these rewards, either as direct drops or as a quest completion bonus.

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Path of Exile 2 - All Bosses Partial Banner
List of Bosses

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All Act 3 Bosses

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Xyclucian, the Chimera Zicoatl, Warden of the Core Ignagduk, the Bog Witch
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Pinnacle Bosses

Zarokh, the Temporal Xesht, We That Are One The Arbiter of Ash
The Trialmaster Kosis, the Revelation Omniphobia, Fear Manifest


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