Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Lachlann of Endless Lament Boss Guide

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - Lachlann of Endless Lament Boss Guide

Lachlann of Endless Lament is an Act 1 Main Boss in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). See the location, the drops or rewards, and tips on how to beat Lachlann of Endless Lament here.

How to Beat Lachlann of Endless Lament

Tips on Beating Lachlann of Endless Lament

Avoid Chilled and Hindering Ground

Lachlann Ice Ground

Players should avoid the chilled and hindering ground left by Lachlann's spirits. Stepping into them applies a DoT effect and slows down players, leaving them vulnerable to Lachlann's other attacks.

Avoid His Soul Rise and Dive Attack

One of Lachlann's most disrupting and damage-dealing attacks is when he commands souls to rise up from the ground players are standing on and makes them dive back down onto them, slowing and dealing considerable damage to the latter.

As such, players should prepare to dodge once they see Lachlann casting the spell and dodge roll away from their spot as soon as they see green light gathering on the ground. This tip applies when the souls are rising and diving.

Dodge to the Sides for His Ground Wave Attack

Another of Lachlann's devastating attacks is its ground wave attack, which can take out a chunk of the player's life. To dodge it, players must dodge roll laterally once Lachlann's right arm is above his head.

Dodge to the Sides for His Arm Slams

Whenever Lachlann is about to slam the ground in front and at the back of him, players can either dodge to the side of the attack or toward Lachlann's side to avoid damage. Each slam can deal heavy damage and put players in a life-threatening situation.

Lachlann of Endless Lament Location

Cemetery of the Eternals - Act 1

Players can fight Lachlann in his transformed state after opening the memorial gate in the Cemetary of the Eternals. This occurs during the Sorrow Among Stones main quest.

Cemetery of the Eternals Location, Quests, and Bosses

Cemetery of the Eternals Layout

It is important to note that the areas are randomly generated and that the maps used are meant to serve as a general guide to the map layout.

Lachlann of Endless Lament Movesets

List of All Moves

Moves Details and Tips
"My rage burns!"
Double Smash

Lachlann raises his weapon overhead before quickly slamming down in front and behind him.
How to Dodge: Dodge away or to the side of the boss to avoid taking damage.
"Feel the chill of the grave!"
Ground Blast

Lachlann stomps the ground, sending spirits underground towards your position, exploding upwards upon reaching you.
How to Dodge: Once you see the attack is on your position and is about to explode, dodge away.
Rock Spikes
Lachlann slams his weapon forward, splitting the ground before him and dealing AoE damage.
How to Dodge: The starting animation for this attack gives you ample time to dodge to the side.
Spirit Blast
Lachlann gathers his strength into his palm, releasing several spirits forward, leaving cold ground in its wake.
How to Dodge: The starting animation is prominent, and the attack does not travel very fast. Dodge to the side once Lachlann releases the spirits.
Spirit Smash
The ground below you glows before spirits suddenly burst upward. The spirits fall to your position shortly after.
How to Dodge: Once you see the ground below you start to glow, dodge to any direction. There are also indicators for where the spirits will land, so avoid that area after dodging the initial blast.
Default Melee Attack
A series of melee swings that deal damage in front of it.
How to Dodge: Position yourself to its sides or behind it to avoid taking damage. Use this opportunity to weave in your own attacks.

Lachlann of Endless Lament Overview and Rewards

Basic Info

Path of Exile 2 - Lachlann of Endless Lament Act 1 Boss
Location Act 1
Cemetery of the Eternals
Resistances ・ Physical
Weaknesses ・ None
Damage Types ・ Physical
Debuffs ・ Chill
・ Vortex
・ Hinder


・ Count Lachlann's Ring (The Mysterious Shade quest item)

Defeating Lachlann of Endless Lament grants these rewards, either as direct drops or as a quest completion bonus.

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