Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Expedition Guide

Path of Exile 2 - Expedition Guide

Expedition is an end-game system in Path of Exile 2 where players use explosives to find Verisium artifacts. See an Expedition guide and more information on its mechanics, boss, rewards, and Atlas passive skills here!

Expedition Explanation and Mechanics

Expedition Mechanics

Help Kalguurans Collect Artifacts and Fight Enemies

Expedition is an Atlas map mechanic where players can run into Kalguuran settlers and help them dig up Verisium artifacts within the area using explosives.

Players will automatically receive five explosive charges to place and arrange once they arrive on the expedition site. Note that each explosive charge links to the previous one, meaning that the range and locations of charges are limited by the placement of the previous ones, as shown in the video above.

Markers and Remnants

In an Expedition map, players will see multiple markers and objects scattered throughout the expedition area. Destroying them with explosions results in different outcomes depending on their type.

  1. Excavated Chest Marker
  2. Runic Monster Marker
  3. Remnants

Excavated Chest Marker

Excavated Chest Marker

The Excavated Chest marker is a pole with a flag showing the expedition logo. Destroying these reveals excavated chests containing numerous items, including gear, currency, and artifacts.

The color of the expedition logo indicates the rarity of the excavation chests. White flags give common chests, Blue flags give rare chests, and Gold flags give rare chests.

Runic Monster Marker

Runic Monster Markers

The Runic Monster marker is a pole with a red triangular flag, and destroying these spawns Runic Monsters. These monsters are more difficult and likely to drop rarer and better items like Logbooks. Additionally, only these monsters are affected by the modifiers from Remnants.



Remnants are glowing tombstones containing at least one bad and good modifier. Destroying these objects adds their modifiers to the current and proceeding explosions.

For example, suppose the second explosion destroyed a remnant with an increased pack modifier. In that case, this explosion and the following three explosions will apply this modifier when applicable. Players can stack as many modifiers on explosions as they would like.

Logbook Expeditions


Logbooks Expedition is a sub-mechanic in Expeditions where players go on one large Expedition. Here, players receive 20 explosive charges instead of five, and they will find Remnants and Markers scattered throughout the map.

Players can enter a Logbook Expedition by obtaining a Logbook, pressing the show expedition map option when speaking to Dannig in the hideout or encampment, and inserting the Logbook into the open slot.

Artifact Exchange

Exchange Artifacts for Items and Runic Magic

Upon collecting artifacts from an Expedition, players can exchange them for items. First, they must unlock Dannig, Rog, Tujen, or Gwennen in their hideouts or encampments by encountering them in Expedition maps. Afterward, players can interact with them to open up their shop.

Each of these NPCs offers different items. Rog offers armor pieces, Tujen offers accessories, Gwennen offers weapons, and Dannig offers artifact exchanges.

Skipping and Upgrading

Skip and Upgrade Artifact Exchange

Upon buying an item from any of the Expedition vendors, another screen will pop up, asking players to take the item, skip a reroll for it, or upgrade it.

Pressing skip allows the players to skip the current indicated item modifications at the cost of increased prices for the following upgrade. Players can not consecutively skip modifiers rerolls. Meanwhile, pressing upgrade applies the indicated item changes to the bought item.

No Expedition Lockers or Stash

Unlike in Path of Exile 1, there are currently no Expedition lockers or stashes to store Expedition related items. As such, players will have to use other containers or stashes to hold these items.

Expedition Boss

Olroth, Origin of the Fall

Olroth Overview

When exploring Logbook Expeditions, players may see a big skull icon on their minimap, leading to a small building. Destroying it with an explosion opens an entryway into a new area where players will fight Olroth, Origin of the Fall, the Expedition Pinnacle boss.

Olroth drops high-rarity loot and grants two Expedition Atlas skill points as a reward for defeating it. Note that encountering Olroth is not guaranteed and can only appear when using Logbooks that are level 79 and above.

Olroth, Origin of the Fall Boss Guide

Expedition Guide

Expedition Tips and Tricks

Do Not Solely Destroy Remnants and Prioritize Runic Monsters

Prioritize Runic Monsters

Players should prioritize summoning Runic Monsters and avoid solely destroying Remnants. One common misconception amongst players when playing Expedition maps is to prioritize destroying Remnants. However, Remnants are completely useless if there are no Runic Monsters or Chests to apply the modifiers to

Given this, players should map out their explosives to spawn Runic Monsters and excavate chests if possible, as doing so will increase the quantity and chance to obtain rarer and valuable items.

Choose Beneficial Remnants

Good Remnant

With the previous tip in mind, players should only go out of their way for Remnants that give the best possible modifiers. These include increased monster pack size, number of rare or magic monsters, quantity of Logbooks dropped, and number of items dropped.

Avoid Extremely Detrimental Remnants

Bad Remnant

On the contrary, players should also avoid destroying remnants that significantly put them at a disadvantage. These include modifiers that make enemies immune to the player's attack element, guarantee their crits, and gain increased elemental damage or ailment magnitude players are weak against.

Players may still take these Remnant modifiers if the pay-off is worth it, but they should ensure they can handle it.

Clear Out Monsters As Soon as They Spawn

Players should attempt to kill monsters as soon as they spawn to avoid getting swarmed. This tip becomes especially crucial if they use remnants that buff enemies significantly, making getting swarmed increasingly dangerous.

Replant Explosives When Necessary

Players can retrieve and replant explosives by pressing the arrow button beside the counter on the bottom-right portion of the screen or Pressing Shift+V (on PC). Players may use this feature to test different explosive placements that could yield the best results.

Expedition Drops and Rewards


Logbook Item

Logbooks are items used to enter a Logbook expedition. They are dropped by Runic Monsters and Excavated Chests in Expedition Maps and can come with different levels and Logbook expedition modifiers.


List of Artifact
POE 2 - Order ArtifactOrder Artifact ・Used at Rog's shop to exchange for armor pieces
POE 2 - Broken Circle ArtifactBroken Circle Artifact ・Used at Gwennen's shop to exchange for weapons like quarterstaves, maces, or wands
POE 2 - Black Scythe ArtifactBlack Scythe Artifact ・Used at Tujen's shop to exchange for accessories like rings, amulets, and belts
POE 2 - Sun ArtifactSun Artifact ・Used at Dannig's shop to exchange for the listed artifacts above

Artifacts are items also dropped by Runic Monsters and Excavated Chests. They are used to obtain a items from the Expedition vendors found at hideouts or encampments. Listed above are the four types of artifacts and their usage.

Exotic Coinage

Exotic Coinage

Exotic Coinage is an item used to refresh the shop offerings of Expedition vendors like Rog or Gwennen. To do this, players can click the button on the bottom right corner of the shop window.

Expedition Atlas Passive Tree

List of Expedition Altas Passives

# Passive Effects
1 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Logbook Difficulty Logbook Difficulty • +1 to Logbook Difficulty
• Reduced Number of Respawn Attempts
2 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Weight of History Weight of History • 35% increased effect of Remnants in your Maps
3 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Unearthed Anomalies Unearthed Anomalies • Remnants in your Maps have an additional Prefix Modifier
• Remnants in your Maps have an additional Suffix Modifier
4 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Extreme Archaeology Extreme Archaeology • Number of Explosives is one
• 150% increaesd Explosive Radius in your Maps
• Expedition Monsters in your Maps spawn with an additional 20% of Life missing
• 150% increaesd Explosive Placement Range in your Maps
5 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Disturbed Rest Disturbed Rest • Your Maps contain 50% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
6 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Detailed Records Detailed Records • 50% increased Quantity of Expedition Logbooks dropped by Runic Monsters in your Maps
• Expedition Logbooks found in your Maps always have 3 Implicit Modifiers
7 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Timed Detonations Timed Detonations • 50% increased quantity of Artifacts dropped by Monsters in your Map
• Expedition Detonation Chains in your Maps travel 50% faster
8 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Legendary Battles Legendary Battles • 50% increased number of Rare Expedition Monsters in your Maps
• 50% increased Quantity of Exotic Coinage dropped by Monsters in your Maps
9 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Frail Treasures Frail Treasures • Expedition encounters in your Maps contain 3 additional Chest Markers
• Expedition Chests in your Maps despawn after 5 seconds

Recommended Expedition Atlas Passives

Skill Effect
Detailed Records ・50% increased Quantity of Expedition Logbooks dropped by Runic Monsters in your Maps
・Expedition Logbooks found in your Maps always have 3 Implicit Modifiers
Legendary Battles ・50% increased number of Rare Expedition Monsters in your Maps
・50% increased Quantity of Exotic Coinage dropped by Monsters in your Maps
Disturbed Rest ・Your Maps contain 50% increased number of Runic Monster Markers

Listed above are the best Delirium Atlas Passives players can get. First, Detailed Records allow for sustainable farming on Logbook expeditions since it increases the chances of obtaining Logbooks.

Next, Legendary Battles make Expeditions more worthwhile as an increased number of rare monsters leads to rarer loot and more Logbooks.

Finally, Disturbed Rest makes spawning Runic Monsters, which is the priority in Expeditions, easier, as players will have more Runic Monster Markers to work with.

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1 Anonymous3 months

Where do i get the explosives to start the expidition?


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