Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

PoE 2 Best Builds

Path of Exile 2 List of All Builds

This is a list of best Builds for all classes in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Check out the best builds and full list of builds for all classes and ascendancies for endgame and leveling!

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Best Builds Tier List

Best Builds

Rank Class
S tier Icon
A tier Icon.png
B tier icon.png

The best builds in Path of Exile 2 are the Minion Infernalist Witch, Bleed Bow Witchhunter, and Magnetic Salvo Deadeye. These builds can comfortably tear through Tier 15 maps, allowing them to farm currency items and gear more efficiently than others.

The builds in the A tier are also formiddable builds that can tackle high-tier maps in the endgame. However, these builds fall short in their damage outputs compared to S-tier builds.

The builds in the B tier are builds that require perfect gear setups to reach high-tier maps. Although these builds can clear Tiers 1 to 5, their damage and survivability falls short when pushing for higher tiers.

Tier List Criteria

Damage Determines how effective the build's overall damage is in high-tier maps, allowing it to be more effective against harder enemies.
Survivability Takes into account the build's tankiness and survivability, allowing the build to avoid death and map failure.
Investment Investment is a criteria that judges builds based on their gear. Builds that do not require too many specific modifers are favored over builds that specifically require uniques or modifiers.

List of All Builds

Path of Exile 2 - Mercenary Builds Mercenary Path of Exile 2 - Monk Builds Monk Path of Exile 2 - Witch Builds Witch
Path of Exile 2 - Sorceress Builds Sorceress Path of Exile 2 - Warrior Builds Warrior Path of Exile 2 - Ranger Builds Ranger

All Mercenary Builds

Bleed Bow WitchhunterBleed Bow Witchhunter
Barrage Icon Snipe Icon Sniper Rain of Arrows Icon Spiral Volley Icon Combat Frenzy Icon Wind Dancer Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, DoT, Burst Damage, Bossing, Mobbing
This Bleed Bow Witchhunter maximizes your damage with Combo Frenzy and unleashing huge burst damage with Rain of Arrows and Spiraling Volley that are great for clearing mobs and taking on Bosses.
Fire Grenade WitchhunterFire Grenade Witchhunter
Herald of Ash Icon Gas Grenade Icon Wind Dancer Icon Incendiary Shot Icon Blasphemy Icon Oil Grenade Icon Explosive Shot Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, DoT, AoE, Mobbing
The Fire Grenade Witchhunter makes use of igniting your enemies with the Oil Grenade + Explosive Shot combo to clear large packs of mobs easily.
Gunslinger Gemling LegionnaireGunslinger Gemling Legionnaire
Wind Dancer Icon Fragmentation Rounds Icon High Velocity Rounds Icon Herald of Plague Icon Attrition Icon Cast on Freeze Icon Emergency Reload Icon Galvanic Shards Icon Withering Presence Icon Blink Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, DoT, Crowd Control, Bossing
This Gunslinger Gemling Legionnaire build focuses on applying Poison and Bleeding ailments to deal consistent damage, while also Freezing and Armour Breaking your enemies for crowd control and dealing huge burst damage.
Grenadier Gemling LegionnaireGrenadier Gemling Legionnaire
Explosive Grenade Icon Flash Grenade Icon Gas Grenade Icon Wind Dancer Icon Attrition Icon Oil Grenade Icon Cluster Grenade Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, AoE, Burst Damage, Crowd Control
This Grenadier Gemling Legionnaire makes use of Grenades and triggers Gas Cloud explosions against ignited enemies to easily clear large mobs and deal huge burst damage.

List of All Mercenary Builds

All Monk Builds

Ice Strike InvokerIce Strike Invoker
Killing Palm Icon Herald of Thunder Icon Tempest Flurry Icon Tempest Bell Icon Blasphemy Icon Storm Wave Icon Lingering Illusion Icon Flicker Strike Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, DPS, Crowd Control
This Lightning Tempest Invoker uses Charged Staff, Tempest Flurry and Tempest Bell to burst down mobs and delete bosses fast.
Lightning Wave InvokerLightning Wave Invoker
Orb of Storms Icon Ghost Dance Icon Herald of Thunder Icon Combat Frenzy Icon Wind Dancer Icon Blasphemy Icon Storm Wave Icon Charged Staff Icon Elemental Expression Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, DPS, Burst Damage, Bossing / Mobbing
The Lightning Wave Invoker uses Storm Wave with Cast on Shock to summon Comets for a constant burst against enemy mobs and bosses.
Ice Lightning ChayulaIce Lightning Chayula
Ghost Dance Icon Herald of Ice Icon Tempest Bell Icon Combat Frenzy Icon Wind Dancer Icon Storm Wave Icon Charged Staff Icon Shattering Palm Icon Into the Breach Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, Crowd Control, DPS, Burst Damage
The Ice Lightning Chayula uses Shattering Palm, Herald of Ice, Tempest Flurry and Storm Wavel to clear mobs and freeze bosses fast for DPS.

List of All Monk Builds

All Witch Builds

Minion InfernalistMinion Infernalist
Flame Wall Icon Raging Spirits Icon Skeletal Arsonist Icon Pain Offering Icon Detonate Dead Icon Vulnerability Icon Skeletal Brute Icon Skeletal Cleric Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, Minions, Crowd Control, DoT
The Minion Infernalist lets you command an army of skeletal minions, summon Raging Spirits with Flame Wall, and empower them with curses and buffs.
Bonestorm Blood MageBonestorm Blood Mage
Bonestorm Icon Vulnerability Icon Bone Cage Icon Blasphemy Icon Life Remnants Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, High Single Target Damage
This Bonestorm Blood Mage build focuses on maximizing critical hits and explosive shrapnel damage of the Bonestorm spell, offering massive single-target damage and great sustain, making it perfect for Bossing.
Demon Form InfernalistDemon Form Infernalist
Arctic Armour Icon Ice Nova Icon Solar Orb Icon Flammability Icon Flameblast Icon Grim Feast Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, Fast Clear, AoE
The Demon Form Infernalist lets you transform into Demon Form and obliterate enemies with Flameblast and Solar Orb, making it perfect for both mob clearing and boss fights.
Detonate Dead Blood MageDetonate Dead Blood Mage
Frost Wall Icon Grim Feast Icon Detonate Dead Icon Vulnerability Icon Skeletal Brute Icon Skeletal Cleric Icon Soul Offering Icon Sacrifice Icon
Focus: Endgame, High Damage, Fast Clear, Minions
The Detonate Dead Blood Mage build uses explosive corpse damage for mob clearing, while Skeletal Brutes with high HP amplify damage, shredding even bosses.

List of All Witch Builds

All Sorceress Builds

Fire SorceressFire Sorceress
Flame Wall Icon Solar Orb Icon Flammability Icon Fireball Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, DoT, Mobbing
The Fire Sorceress uses Fireball for DPS, Flame Wall for damage amplification and sustained DPS, and Flammability to take down high HP targets.
Cold Warp StormweaverCold Warp Stormweaver
Frost Bomb Icon Frostbolt Icon Hypothermia Icon Frost Wall Icon Lightning Warp Icon Comet Icon Cast on Freeze Icon Blink Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, Burst Damage, Crowd Control
This Cold Warp build deals high CC and AoE clear by freezing enemies with continuous Cold damage using Frostbolt and Frost Wall to spawn Ball Lightning with the Cast on Freeze Persistent Buff Skill. Lightning Warp is then used to cull low HP enemies or teleport to Ball Lightning projectiles.
Spark StormweaverSpark Stormweaver
Spark Icon Flame Wall Icon Orb of Storms Icon Conductivity Icon Lightning Warp Icon Mana Remnants Icon Archmage Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, Burst Damage, Mobbing
This Spark Stormweaver outputs high AoE damage and clear with continuous Shock damage using Spark and enhancing it with other skills such as Flame Wall, Mana Tempest, and Archmage.
Cold Comet ChronomancerCold Comet Chronomancer
Hypothermia Icon Frost Wall Icon Comet Icon Eye of Winter Icon Blink Icon
Focus: Endgame, Crowd Control, Burst Damage, Cold
The Cold Comet Chronomancer is a slow build that aims to control the field and unleash deadly comets to mow down mob groups.

List of All Sorceress Builds

All Warrior Builds

Fire Explosion WarbringerFire Explosion Warbringer
Flammability Icon Boneshatter Icon Infernal Cry Icon Herald of Ash Icon Leap Slam Icon Overwhelming Presence Icon Earthshatter Icon Seismic Cry Icon Hammer of the Gods Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, Burst, AoE, DoT, Stun
The Fire Explosions Warbringer specializes in setting up fiery chain explosions that leave any remaining enemies burning.
Slam Bleed TitanSlam Bleed Titan
Leap Slam Icon Overwhelming Presence Icon Earthquake Icon Shockwave Totem Icon Seismic Cry Icon Stampede Icon Hammer of the Gods Icon Time of Need Icon Berserk Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, Aftershocks, Stun, Bleed
The Slam Bleed Titan is a pure physical build that utilizes Slam skills to deal Aftershocks and high Bleeding DoT.
Shockwave Totem TitanShockwave Totem Titan
Solar Orb Icon Infernal Cry Icon Leap Slam Icon Overwhelming Presence Icon Shockwave Totem Icon Seismic Cry Icon Hammer of the Gods Icon Time of Need Icon Berserk Icon
Focus: Endgame, AoE, Mobbing, Stun, Fast Clear
The Shockwave Totem Titan build capitalizes on delivering high, screen-clearing AoE damage using multiple shockwave totems.

List of All Warrior Builds

All Ranger Builds

Poison PathfinderPoison Pathfinder
Temporal Chains Icon Vine Arrow Icon Ghost Dance Icon Rain of Arrows Icon Wind Dancer Icon Despair Icon Alchemist Poisonous Concoction Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, Mobbing, DoT, Curse Damage
This Poison Pathfinder build combines both Poison, Curses, and Fire for the early and mid-game, then transitioning to use Poisonous Concoction later to have high burst damage and DoT (Damage over time).
Grenade DeadeyeGrenade Deadeye
Explosive Grenade Icon Flash Grenade Icon Gas Grenade Icon Wind Dancer Icon Oil Grenade Icon Voltaic Grenade Icon
Focus: Leveling, Endgame, AoE, Grenades, Burst
This Grenade Deadeye fully utilizes the Endless Munitions Ascendancy Skill to fill the screen with various grenades while staying relatively tanky!
Lightning Salvo DeadeyeLightning Salvo Deadeye
Conductivity Icon Grim Feast Icon Herald of Ice Icon Herald of Thunder Icon Bonestorm Icon Cast on Shock Icon Lightning Arrow Icon Lightning Rod Icon Voltaic Mark Icon Magnetic Salvo Icon Wind Dancer Icon
Focus: Endgame, Burst Damage, Lightning, Energy Shield
The Lightning Salvo Deadeye is designed to set up Magnetic Salvo with Shock, Bonestorm, and Critical Hits to heavily burst down any foe; perfectly capable of reaching 60,000,000 damage!
Shattering Concoction PathfinderShattering Concoction Pathfinder
Hypothermia Icon Lightning Warp Icon Ball Lightning Icon Eye of Winter Icon Ghost Dance Icon Grim Feast Icon Herald of Ice Icon Herald of Thunder Icon Wind Dancer Icon Cast on Freeze Icon Blink Icon Alchemist Shattering Concoction Icon
Focus: Endgame, Burst Damage, Cold, Concoction
The Cold Pathfinder makes full use of Shattering Concoction with Shock and Critical Hits to heavily burst down any foe while freezing them in place!

List of All Ranger Builds

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## List of Recommended Guides
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