Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Shop Bundles and Microtransactions

Path of Exile 2 - Shop Bundles and Microtransactions
The Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Shop features Shop Bundles and Microtransactions that have different account and guild-related features such as additional characters, menu or UI options, or Stash Tabs. Shop Bundles and Microtransactions and how to use them here.

All Shop Bundles and Microtransactions

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Microtransaction Type Cost Details
Path of Exile 2 - Arachnamagus BundleArachnamagus Bundle Bundle 670 Points Contains the Arachnamagus Helmet, Boots, Gloves, Body Armour, Back Attachment, Portal Effect, and Webbed Tendrils Footprints (at a discounted price).
Path of Exile 2 - Currency Stash TabCurrency Stash Tab Stash Tab 75 Points Add a Currency Stash Tab to your account. Currency Stash Tabs can hold 5000 of many currency types.
Path of Exile 2 - Cursor PackCursor Pack Account Features 100 Points Adds the Vaal, Maraketh, Karui, Eternal, and Ezomyte Cursors to your account.
Path of Exile 2 - Delirium Stash TabDelirium Stash Tab Stash Tab 40 Points Add a Delirium Tab to your account. Delirium Stash Tabs can store up to 5000 Simulacrum Maps and 5000 of each type of Orb of Delirium.
Path of Exile 2 - Essence Stash TabEssence Stash Tab Stash Tab 40 Points Add an Essence Tab to your account. Essence Stash Tabs can hold 5000 of each Essence type.
Path of Exile 2 - Extra Character SlotExtra Character Slot Account Features 30 Points Add an extra character slot to your account.
Path of Exile 2 - Extra Stash TabExtra Stash Tab Stash Tab 30 Points Add an extra tab to your shared stash.
Path of Exile 2 - Gem Stash TabGem Stash Tab Stash Tab 40 Points Add a Gem Tab to your account. Gem Stash Tabs can hold up to 500 gem items.
Path of Exile 2 - Guild Currency Stash TabGuild Currency Stash Tab Guild 140 Guild Points Add a Currency Stash Tab to your Guild Stash. These premium tabs can hold 5000 of many currency types. Only Guild Leaders can buy this.
Path of Exile 2 - Guild Delirium Stash TabGuild Delirium Stash Tab Guild 70 Guild Points Add a Delirium Tab to your Guild Stash. These premium tabs can store up to 5000 Simulacrum Maps and 5000 of each type of Orb of Delirium. Only Guild Leaders can buy this.
Path of Exile 2 - Guild Essence Stash TabGuild Essence Stash Tab Guild 70 Guild Points Add an Essence Tab to your Guild Stash. Essence Stash Tabs can hold 5000 of each Essence type. Only Guild Leaders can buy this.
Path of Exile 2 - Guild Gem Stash TabGuild Gem Stash Tab Guild 40 Guild Points Add a Gem Tab to your Guild Stash. Gem Stash Tabs can hold up to 500 gem items. Only Guild Leaders can buy this.
Path of Exile 2 - Guild Map Stash TabGuild Map Stash Tab Guild 185 Guild Points Add a Map Stash Tab to your account. Map stash tabs have 6 sub-stashes for every Waystone Tier, each able to hold 96 Waystones. Only Guild Leaders can buy this.
Path of Exile 2 - Guild Quad Stash TabGuild Quad Stash Tab Guild 185 Guild Points Add a premium Quad Stash Tab to your Guild Stash. Premium Quad Stash Tabs have four times the space of regular Stash Tabs. Only Guild Leaders can buy this.
Path of Exile 2 - Guild Unique Collection TabGuild Unique Collection Tab Guild 175 Guild Points Add a Unique Collection Tab to your Guild Stash. Unique Collection Tabs can hold one of each Unique Item. Only Guild Leaders can buy this.
Path of Exile 2 - Legion Commander BundleLegion Commander Bundle Bundle 740 Points Contains the Legion Commander Helmet, Boots, Gloves, Body Armour, Back Attachment, Bloodsoaked Gargoyle Portal, and Ink Tendrils Footprints (at a discounted price).
Path of Exile 2 - Liberator of Wraeclast Portrait FrameLiberator of Wraeclast Portrait Frame Portrait Frame $480.00 (Set) Part of the Liberator of Wraeclast Supporter early access supporter pack.
Path of Exile 2 - Map Stash TabMap Stash Tab Stash Tab 150 Points Add a Map Stash Tab to your account. Map stash tabs have 6 sub-stashes for every Waystone Tier, each able to hold 96 Waystones.
Path of Exile 2 - Premium Guild Stash TabPremium Guild Stash Tab Guild 50 Guild Points Add a premium stash tab to your Guild Stash. Only Guild Leaders can buy this.
Path of Exile 2 - Premium Quad Stash TabPremium Quad Stash Tab Stash Tab 150 Points Add a premium Quad Stash Tab to your account. Premium Quad Stash Tabs have four times the space of regular Stash Tabs.
Path of Exile 2 - Premium Stash TabPremium Stash Tab Stash Tab 40 Points Add an extra premium tab to your shared stash. Premium tabs can have their name and colour changed whenever you want.
Path of Exile 2 - Premium Stash Tab Bundle (x6)Premium Stash Tab Bundle (x6) Stash Tab 200 Points Adds six extra premium tabs to your shared stash (at a discounted price). Premium tabs can have their name and colour changed whenever you want.
Path of Exile 2 - Scourge Commander BundleScourge Commander Bundle Bundle 705 Points Contains the Scourge Commander Helmet, Boots, Gloves, Body Armour, Back Attachment, Marble Gargoyle Portal, and Blood Tendrils Footprints (at a discounted price).
Path of Exile 2 - Stash Tab BundleStash Tab Bundle Stash Tab 150 Points Add six extra tabs to your shared stash (at a discounted price).
Path of Exile 2 - Unique Collection TabUnique Collection Tab Stash Tab 140 Points Add a Unique Collection Tab to your account. Unique Collection Tabs can hold one of each Unique Item.
Path of Exile 2 - Upgrade to Premium Stash TabUpgrade to Premium Stash Tab Stash Tab 15 Points Upgrade an existing tab in your shared stash to a premium tab. Premium tabs can have their name and colour changed whenever you want.

How to Use Shop Bundles and Microtransactions

Using Shop Bundles and Microtransactions

Open Your Stash or Guild Stash

Stash Tabs and Guild Stash Tabs are non-cosmetic microtransactions that you can access directly through the Stash or Guild Stash chests found in towns or your hideout, making it convenient to manage additional storage space.

Accessed Through the UI or Options

You can find the Hideout Music Player in the Hideout Menu at the bottom of the screen while in your hideout. Cursor Packs, however, can be customized through the Options Menu in the game settings.

Applied Automatically

Certain non-cosmetic microtransactions, such as extra character slots or increased guild member capacity, are automatically applied to your account or guild without requiring additional steps.

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Related Guides

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## List of Recommended Guides
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