Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Best Ways to Farm Currency

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Best Ways to Farm Currency

This lists the best ways to farm currency in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Read on and learn the best ways to farm currency, and tips to maximize currency farming!

Best Ways to Farm Currency

※ The prices listed are based on patch 0.1.1b and are subject to change.

Method Rank
Delirium Maps ★★★
Ritual Maps ★★★
Trial of Chaos ★★☆
Pinnacle Bosses ★★☆
Expedition Maps ★★☆
Breach Maps ★★☆
Weapon Flipping ★☆☆
Currency Exchange ★☆☆
Item Crafting ★☆☆

Delirium Maps

Loot Value
Distilled Isolation ~210 Exalted Orbs
Distilled Suffering ~65 Exalted Orbs
Distilled Fear ~23 Exalted Orbs
Simulacrum Splinters ~100 Exalt Orbs per 200 Simulacrum Splinters
Simulacrum (After getting 300 Simulacrum Splinters) ~123 Exalt Orbs

Farming Delirium maps in the Atlas is the best way to farm currencies due to the passive nodes in the Delirium Atlas tree. One of the nodes you can get is that all waystones dropped in Delirium maps has a 20% chance to be instilled with a random Instilled Emotion. These Instilled Emotions can apply modifiers to your waystones, such as 15% Increased Rare Monsters, 8% Increased Rarity of Items Found, 30% Increased Precursor Tablet Drops, and more!

Doing Delirium maps first will allow you to accumulate a large amount of emotion-instilled waystones, which you can also use on other Atlas map activities. This will provide you with another set of mods that will increase the efficiency of farming currencies even on non-Delirium maps.

Delirium Guide

Ritual Maps

Defeat Monsters Within Ritual Circle

Loot Value
Omen of Dextral Erasure ~13 Divine Orbs
Omen of Dextral Annulment ~11 Divine Orbs
Omen of Whittling ~10 Divine Orbs
Omen of Corruption ~157 Exalted Orbs
Omen of Amelioration ~130 Exalted Orbs
An Audience with the King ~8 Divine Orbs

Focusing on Ritual map activities are also a viable way to farm currency, such as Omens and an Audience with the King. However, you must have progressed the Ritual Atlas tree enough to get the passive nodes to make farming in Ritual maps more efficient. The Ominous Portents node increases the chance of Ritual Favours to contain Omens by 50%, and Tempting Offers will allow you to reroll favours twice,as well as reducing the cost of tributes to reroll by 25% less.

The passive nodes mentioned will help you find more omens in Ritual Favours, as omens are very rare to come by. Omens are sought after by players since they can somewhat guarantee modifier types when adding them to items, making them viable to item crafting.

Ritual Guide and Rewards

Trial of Chaos

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Sacrifice Monsters to the Altar

Loot Value
Vaal Orbs ~1 Exalted Orb per 4 Vaal Orbs

The Trial of Chaos can be farmed for currencies, specifically Vaal Orbs for item corruption, and Fates to access and fight the Trialmaster himself. Trial of Chaos is faster to clear than the Trial of Sekhemas making it more viable to farm currencies on.

Trial of Chaos Guide

Pinnacle Bosses

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Xesht, We Who Are One

Loot Value
Temporalis Silk Robe ~115 Divine Orbs
Olroth's Resolve Ultimate Life Flask ~26 Divine Orbs
Melting Maelstrom Ultimate Mana Flask ~22 Divine Orbs
The Adorned Diamond ~20 Divine Orbs
Ingenuity Belt ~18 Divine Orbs

Pinnacle Bosses are always a good way in farming currencies and uniques. It's a bit risky since you'll have to be prepared by having your build maximized to continue defeating pinnacle bosses. The risk also includes the fact that drops are RNG, meaning that you may not even receive good loot at the cost of the hard-to-earn currencies used to access the Realmgate to reach these bosses.

Expedition Maps

Loot Value
Expedition Logbooks Lv.79+ ~ 170 Exalted Orbs

Focus on getting Expedition Logbooks and other loot by blowing up Remants and Runic Monster Markers. You can already get a significant amount of loot even without investing points in the Expedition atlas tree, as long as you plan out the right Remnants to blow up.

Expedition Guide

Breach Maps

Breach Hand

Loot Value
Breach Splinters ~135 Exalted Orbs per 100 Breach Splinters
(After getting 300 Breach Splinters)
~208 Exalted Orbs

Breach maps are the easiest way to farm currencies on, since you simply need to open Grasping Hands for loot without really minding enemies, though you'll need to defeat them at some point to avoid mobs from ganging up on you and hindering your movement.

However, the Breach-specific currencies, such as Catalysts and Breach Splinters or Breachstones, may have an influx of listings in the trade market due to how easy progressing breach events are.

Breach Guide

Weapon Flipping

On the surface, it's basically buying meta weapons, adding mods to them to increase their DPS, then reselling them for a higher profit. It's best to research which weapons are sought after, especially those that are used in meta builds, so you can take advantage of the current market trend and earn lots of currencies.

Currency Exchange

Currency Flipping can be done in the currency exchange since you can check the ratio in real time. Find a currency that's frequently traded and has a rapidly fluctuating ratio. Buy when the price is low and sell when the ratio is high to maximize your profit.

Currency Exchange Explained

Item Crafting

Craft items to add modifiers and maximize their value, then sell it for a higher profit. Research which specific modifiers are needed for certain items that cater to specific builds so you know which currencies to use in order to avoid wasting resources.

Crafting Guide

Currency Farming Tips

Currency Farming Tips

Add Item Quality and Quantity Modifiers in Towers and Waystones


Increasing Magic Find and the quantity of items dropped on maps via towers and waystones will surely help increase the odds of currencies dropping. Having a higher item quality modifier also increases the chance of dropping higher-tier currencies.

The Omen of Greater Exaltation can be activated to add two random modifiers when using an Exalted Orb instead of one, so you can save your Exalted Orbs.

Mapping Guide and List of Atlas Maps

Combine Endgame Activities on a Map

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Combined Endgame Events

A great strategy is to combine endgame events into one map to maximize the loot drops without spending lots of waystones to do maps per event. Find a couple of Lost Towers close to one another then insert tablets that adds endgame activities to a specific number of maps in range of the tower.

It's best to clear the towers first before completing the majority of the surrounding maps. This allows you to add modifiers and activities to those maps, allowing you to get the most out of your waystones. This helps condense most events in a single map, so you can use your best waystone to affect all of the events within those maps.

Clear Other Maps to Isolate Selected Maps for Adding Endgame Events

There are certain maps that aren't good to be paired with certain endgame activities, such as Breach to the Augury map, because it's like a maze with lots of walls that might hinder your movements.

If you have a tablet that adds Ritual events to 10 maps within a tower's radius, you can clear the maps you don't want to have Rituals so that the remaining maps will.

Atlas of Worlds Endgame Explained

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