Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Complete Act 1 Walkthrough

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Act 1 Walkthrough

This is a complete walkthrough for Act 1 in Path of Exile 2. Read on for a guide to finishing Act 1, how to beat the Act 1 bosses, and their rewards here!

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PoE 2 IconAttention! Note that maps in the game are randomly generated, and the sample layouts on this page are meant to serve as a general guide.

Act 1 Walkthrough

Act 1 Main Quests
1 Reaching Clearfell
Boss Battle: The Bloated Miller
2 Secrets in the Dark
Optional Boss Battle: The Brambleghast
Boss Battle: The Rust King
3 The Mysterious Shade
Optional Boss Battle: The Rotten Druid
4 Sorrow Among Stones
Boss Battle: Draven, Eternal Praetor
Boss Battle: Asinia, Praetor Consort
Boss Battle: Lachlann of Endless Lament
5 The Trail of Corruption
Boss Battle: The Executioner
6 The Mad Wolf of Ogham
Boss Battle: Count Geonor

Reaching Clearfell

1 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Talk to the Wounded Man
Talk to the Wounded Man
Upon finishing Character Creation, you will wake up in The Riverbank. Talk to the Wounded Man nearby to receive the first quest, Reaching Clearfell.
2 First Weapon
Pick Up Your Weapon
The Wounded Man is attacked and unfortunately passes away. However, he drops a weapon for you to use at the start of your journey. This weapon is based on the class you chose for your character. Note that you may run into Red Walls if you don't equip anything.
3 Large Chest
Look for a Large Chest
Explore the area further and you will find a Large Chest near a checkpoint. Open the Large Chest to obtain your first Skill Gem. Once the Skill Gem is in your inventory, press G to open your Skills Panel then drag and drop your Skill Gem into one of your Skill Slots (circular icon). To equip the skill, drag the skill (square icon) into your active skills on the bottom right panel.
4 Slay the Bloated Miller
Explore The Riverbank and defeat The Bloated Miller at the Besieged Encampment in order to unlock the next area. To make this boss fight easier, pick up equipment and loot that may increase your damage or stats such as armor and resistances.
5 Enter the logging encampment
After defeating the boss, enter the Clearfell Encampment just past it. A man, Renly, will remove the large log covering the entrance. You have to wait for the animation to finish before entering the encampment.
6 RenlyTalk to the Blacksmith
Once inside the encampment, talk to Renly just past the bridge by the entrance to complete the quest. Renly is a blacksmith within Clearfell Encampment. You may interact with Renly to buy or sell items you no longer need.

Reaching Clearfell Quest Walkthrough

Optional Quest: Treacherous Grounds

1 Search Clearfell for the Entrance to The Mud Burrow
Once you leave the encampment, explore Clearfell and look for the entrance to The Mud Burrow. The entrance to The Mud Burrow can be found right next to Clearfell's waypoint somewhere near the center of the area.
2 Find and Kill the Devourer
Once inside Mud Burrow, follow the tunnels and look for The Vile Nest, where you will find The Devourer. You will encounter enemies and checkpoints along the way.
3 Renly Treacherous Ground
Talk to Renly for Your Reward
After killing the Devourer, complete the quest by returning to Clearfell Encampment and talking to Renly to claim your quest rewards.

Treacherous Ground Quest Walkthrough

Optional Loot: Mysterious Campsite

You can find a Mysterious Campsite near a checkpoint within Clearfell. Within the campsite is a chest where you may obtain additional loot.

Secrets in the Dark

1 Talk to Una, then travel to The Grelwood
Start the quest by talking to Una at the Clearfell Encampment. Afterwards, head to Clearfell and look for the entrance to The Grelwood.
2 Search the Old Forest for evidence of the Count's activities
After arriving at the The Grelwood, go to the Tree of Souls near a waypoint and Summon Una next to The Hooded One.
3 Obelisk of RustFind the entrance to the Red Vale and Investigate the Obelisks of Rust
After talking to Una, enter the The Red Vale to find and investigate 3 Obelisks of Rust.
4 Search the Red Vale for Obelisks of Rust containing Runes of Power
Once inside The Red Vale, interact with all Obelisks and defeat every enemy summoned. At the third and last Obelisk of Rust, you must defeat The Rust King. Interacting with all Obelisks and defeating all enemies will give you Runed Girdle, Runed Guard, and Runed Skull Cap.
5 Rune SpikesTravel to the Clearfell Encampment and talk to Renly
Return to Clearfell Encampment and talk to Renly. He will then forge and give you the Runed Spikes quest item.
6 Runic SealsTravel to The Grelwood and stab the Runed Spikes into the Tree of Souls
Teleport back to the The Grelwood and interact with the three Runic Seals surrounding the Tree of Souls to free The Hooded One. Talk to Una afterwards, then return to Clearfell Encampment and talk with Una once again to complete the quest.

Secrets in the Dark Quest Walkthrough

Optional Boss: The Brambleghast

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - The Brambleghast

The Brambleghast is an optional boss found at The Grelwood. The Brambleghast can be found at the Moving Bramble area.

The Brambleghast Boss Guide

Optional Boss and Loot: Areagne, Forgotten Witch

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Areagne, Forgotten Witch

Areagne, Forgotten Witch is an optional boss found at The Grelwood. Areagne can be found at Areagne's Hut. Interact with the cauldron inside Areagne's Hut to obtain two life flasks.

Areagne, Forgotten Witch Boss Guide

The Mysterious Shade

1 Look for the Entrance to The Grim Tangle
Go to The Grelwood and look for the entrance to The Grim Tangle. The entrance to The Grim Tangle can be found near a checkpoint near the center of The Grelwood area.
2 Una at Grim TangleEnter the Grim Tangle and Summon Una.
Begin the quest by entering The Grim Tangle. Complete the Secrets in the Dark quest to proceed with this quest. Summon Una to talk to her about the roots.
3 The Grim Tangle Map Layout.png Continue Through the Grim Tangle
Travel to the other side of The Grim Tangle area to find the entrance to the Cemetery of the Eternals.
4 Lachlann of Endless LamentFind the Count's Grave Past the Memorial Gate
Once you've arrived at the Cemetery of the Eternals, unlock the quest Sorrow Among Stones by talking to Lachlann The Lost by the Memorial Gate. Before you can pass through the gate, you need to get two Memorial Key Pieces first. You may obtain the Memorial Key Pieces by defeating Draven, the Eternal Praetor and Asinia, Praetor Consort.
5 The Hooded OneBring Count Lachlann's Ring to Una
Upon entering the Memorial Grave, you must fight and defeat Lachlann of Endless Lament to obtain Count Lachlann's Ring. Collect Count Lachlann's Ring as you complete the Sorrow Among Stones quest. Complete the quest by returning to Clearfell Encampment and talking to Una.

The Mysterious Shade Quest Walkthrough

Optional Boss: The Rotten Druid

The Rotten Druid is an optional boss found at The Grim Tangle. The Rotten Druid can be found at the Den of the Druid area.

The Rotten Druid Boss Guide

Optional Loot: Ancient Ruin

You can find an Ancient Ruin within Cemetery of the Eternals. Open the Sarcophagus to obtain additional loot.

Sorrow Among Stones

1 Sorrow Among Stones LachlannTalk to Lachlann the Lost
Talk to Lachlann the Lost near waypoint in Cemetery of the Eternals.
2 Look for the Mausoleum of the Praetor and the Tomb of the Consort
Within Cemetery of the Eternals, you must collect Memorial Key Pieces by finding and defeating Draven, the Eternal Praetor and Asinia, Praetor Consort. They can be found in the Mausoleum of the Praetor and the Tomb of the Consort respectively.
3 Enter the Mausoleum and Defeat Draven, Eternal Praetor
In the Cemetery of the Eternals, travel to the Mausoleum of the Praetor and enter it. Find and defeat Draven, the Eternal Praetor to collect a Memorial Key Piece.
4 Enter the Tomb and Defeat Asinia, Praetor Consort
In the Cemetery of the Eternals, travel to the Tomb of the Consort. Inside, find and defeat Asinia, Praetor Consort to collect a Memorial Key Piece.
5 Memorial GateOpen the Graveyard's Memorial Gate
Return to Lachlann. Open the Memorial Gate beside him and accompany Lachlann inside.
6 Lachlann of Endless LamentDefeat Lachlann of Endless Lament
Complete the quest by defeating Lachlann of Endless Lament and collecting Count Lachlann's Ring.

Sorrow Among Stones Quest Walkthrough

Optional Loot: Embattled Trove

Upon entering the Tomb of the Consort, the path splits into two. One of these paths will lead to a checkpoint, where a strong enemy is guarding a chest. This chest contains additional loot for you to obtain.

The Rotten Druid Boss Guide

Optional Loot: Forgotten Riches

You can find an Forgotten Riches within the Mausoleum of the Praetor. You will find a switch in one of the corners of the area. Activating it will bring you to a room full of gold.

The Trail of Corruption

1 Hunting Grounds Entrance Unlock the Entrance to the Hunting Grounds
After defeating Lachlann of Endless Lament, the entrance to the Hunting Grounds, found at the far side of where you defeat Lachlann, will open.
2 Enter the Huntings Grounds and Go to Ogham Farmlands
From the Hunting Grounds, look for the entrance to Ogham Farmlands, found on the opposite side of the Hunting Grounds entrance.
3 Enter the Huntings Grounds and Go to Ogham Village
Travel to Ogham Village by going through Ogham Farmlands, found on the other side of the area.
4 Defeat the Executioner and Free Leitis
Defeat The Executioner, found at the opposite end of Ogham Village. Once you defeat The Executioner, you may proceed to the executioner platform to free Leitis.
5 Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Talk to LeitisReturn to Clearfell Encampment
Complete the quest by traveling back to Clearfell Encampment and talking to Leitis once again.

The Trail of Corruption Quest Walkthrough

Optional Boss: The Crowbell

The Crowbell is an optional boss found in the Hunting Grounds. It can be found near a checkpoint leading down a linear path in one of the corners of the map.

The Crowbell Boss Guide

Optional Loot: Dryadic Ritual

You can find a Dryadic Ritual within the Hunting Grounds. It can be found near a checkpoint, where you must defeat a few enemies for the additional loot to drop.

Optional Quest: Ominous Altars

1 Finn Ominous Altars
Speak to Finn
Speak to Finn in Clearfell Encampment to unlock the quest Ominous Altars.
2 Hunting Grounds Map Layout Go to Hunting Grounds and Look for the Entrance to Frethorn
Once inside Hunting Grounds, look for the entrance to Freythorn in one of the corners of the map.
3 Look for Three Ritual Altars within Freythorn
Within Freythorn, activate three Ritual Altars found within the area. Upon finishing three Ritual Altars, you may interact with the final Ritual Alter found in a circular arena to fight The King in the Mists.
4 Finn Quest Reward
Talk to Finn for Your Reward
Complete the quest by talking to Finn right after defeating The King in the Mists.

Ominous Altars Quest Walkthrough

Optional Quest: The Lost Lute

1 Secrets in the Dark Una Speak to Una
In Clearfell Encampment, speak to Una to unlock the quest The Lost Lute.
2 Search the Farmlands for Una's Lute
Somewhere in the middle of Ogham Farmlands, you will find a structure called Una's Home near a checkpoint. Upon entering Una's Home, you will find a box called Una's Lute Box with Una's Lute inside.
3 Returning The Lost Lute
Return Una's Lute to Her
Complete the quest by returning to Clearfell Encampment and talking to Una.

The Lost Lute Quest Walkthrough

Optional Boss: Vargir the Feral Mutt

Vargir the Feral Mutt is an optional boss found in the Ogham Farmlands. It can be found in the Crop Circle near the opposite side of the map from the Hunting Grounds entrance. The enemies will attack from all sides, so careful not to get surrounded!

Vargir the Feral Mutt Boss Guide

Optional Quest: Finding the Forge

1 Renly Finding the Forge Speak to Renly
Speak to Renly in Clearfell Encampment to unlock the quest Finding the Forge.
2 Find Renly's Tools in Ogham Village
Once inside Ogham Village, look for a structure called Renly's Workshop, near a checkpoint within the area. Inside, you will find Renly's Tools.
3 Renly Treacherous Ground
Bring the Tools Back to Renly
Return to Clearfell Encampment and talk to Renly to unlock the Salvage Bench.

Finding the Forge Quest Walkthrough

The Mad Wolf of Ogham

1 Enter The Manor Ramparts and Find Ogham Manor
Travel to The Manor Ramparts from Ogham Village. Look for the entrance to Ogham Manor. The Manor can be found at the Courtyard, on the opposite end of the area.
2 Enter The Manor and look for Count Geonor
The Ogham Manor comprises three floors. Look for sets of stairs found on opposite ends of each floor to progress through the area. Defeat Count Geonor in the Arena, found in the third and final floor.
3 The Hooded One The Mad Wolf of OghamSpeak to the Hooded One and Travel East
Complete the quest by traveling back to Clearfell Encampment and talking to The Hooded One. This marks the end of Act 1, and will start a cutscene that starts Act 2.

The Mad Wolf of Ogham Quest Walkthrough

Optional Loot: The Gallows

You can find The Gallows within The Manor Ramparts. It can be found on one side of the map along the way to Ogham Manor. Cutting the rope in The Gallows gives you an Uncut Support Gem.

Optional Boss: Candlemass, the Living Rite

Ogham Manor Map Layout.png

Candlemass, the Living Rite is an optional boss found in Ogham Manor. It can be found in the first floor of the area, opposite of where the stairs are. Defeating this boss grants you additional permanent Fire Resistance, so it can be very helpful dealing with stronger enemies!.

Candlemass, the Living Rite Boss Guide

List of All Locations in Act 1

All Locations in Act 1

Act 1 Locations

The Riverbank
Clearfell Encampment
Mud Burrow
The Red Vale
The Grelwood
The Grim Tangle
Cemetery of the Eternals
Mausoleum of the Praetor
Tomb of the Consort
Hunting Grounds
Ogham Village
Ogham Farmlands
Ogham Manor
The Manor Ramparts

Act 1 Boss Guide

The Bloated Miller

The Bloated Miller
Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical
Resistances None
Weaknesses None
Rewards Mercy for the Miller main quest completion

While the Bloated Miller's attacks are simple and slow, it's most devastating attack is the unblockable vertical slash. Be prepared to dodge sideways when the boss glows red to prepare this attack.

The Bloated Miller Boss Guide

The Brambleghast

The Brambleghast
Boss Type Optional
Damage Types Physical, Chaos
Resistances Physical, Cold
Weaknesses Fire
Rewards Uncut Skill Gem Level 2

During the fight, The Brambleghast will summon vine tentacles that will automatically slam itself against the player. These tentacles can be destroyed to give yourself some extra freedom of movement during the fight.

The Brambleghast Boss Guide

The Rust King

The Rust King
Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical
Resistances Fire, Physical
Weaknesses Lightning
Rewards Rune Skull Cap (Secrets in the Dark quest item)

The Rust King will often ignite his weapons and lunch them at you in various ways. Check each of its motion to see which directions the weapons will fly to avoid them.

The Rust King Boss Guide

Draven, the Eternal Praetor

Draven, the Eternal Praetor
Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical
Resistances Physical, Fire
Weaknesses None
Rewards Draven's Memorial Key Piece (Sorrow Among Stones)

Draven's Revenant will often invoke curse sigils that will cover a huge area of the field. Be sure to roll away from these areas immediately as they'll quickly explode for huge damage.

Draven, the Eternal Praetor Boss Guide

Lachlann of Endless Lament

Lachlann of Endless Lament
Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical
Resistances Physical
Weaknesses None
Rewards Count Lachlann's Ring (The Mysterious Shade quest item)

When fighting Lachlann, you can circle around the giant tombstone in the area to kite Lachlann. Just be wary of the chilled ground that the spirits leave when they attack and avoid these areas.

Lachlann of Endless Lament Boss Guide

The Executioner

The Executioner
Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical
Resistances Fire
Weaknesses None
Rewards The Trail of Corruption main quest progression

Keep your distance and be wary of the powerful AoE attacks that The Executioner can do in the later stages of the fight. These Area Attacks do not only deal devastating damage, but it also cannot be dodged by Dodge Rolling or the Evasion stat.

The Executioner Boss Guide

Count Geonor

Count Geonor
Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical, Cold
Resistances Cold
Weaknesses None
Rewards The Mad Wolf of Ogham main quest completion

Geonor's most overlooked attack is when he summons multiples pillars of light which explodes dealing heavy cold damage and inflicting Chill, or even Freeze. Dodging this attack opens you up to the next set of beams and attacking during this moment can be risky.

Count Geonor Boss Guide

Asinia, Praetor Consort

Asinia, Praetor Consort
Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical, Fire
Resistances Physical, Cold
Weaknesses None
Rewards Sorrow Among Stones main quest progression

The Bone Spears follow up attack that Asinia does after the Bone Cage usually deals a lethal amount of damage. To avoid this attack, attack the Bone Cage as it's summoned to break it and escape.

Asinia, Praetor Consort Boss Guide

The Rotten Druid

The Rotten Druid
Boss Type Optional
Damage Types Physical, Chaos
Resistances None
Weaknesses None
Rewards Uncut Support Gem

Be extra careful to not be in the middle of the boss area where the the Spores are. This small area not only has Spore Clouds that deal Chaos Damage and Slow you, but the Spore itself also explode when you get close.

The Rotten Druid Boss Guide

Act 1 Rewards

Quest Rewards

Reaching Clearfell ・Uncut Skill Gem
Secrets in the Dark ・Unlocks Next Quest
The Mysterious Shade ・Unlocks Next Quest
Sorrow Among Stones ・Count Lachlann's Ring
・Uncut Support Gem
The Trail of Corruption ・Uncut Skill Gem
The Mad Wolf of Ogham ・Unlocks Next Quest

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