Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

PoE 2 Ice Strike Invoker Monk Build

This is an Ice Strike Invoker Monk endgame build for Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Check out the Ice Strike Invoker endgame build, including its gear, socketables, skills, and playstyle!

Ice Strike Invoker Build Summary

Ice Strike Invoker Build

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Endgame (Atlas),Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode),Early Game (Acts 1-2).

Build Setup
Invoker Portrait Ice Strike Invoker
Ghost Dance Icon Herald of Ice Icon Herald of Thunder Icon Ice Strike Icon Tempest Bell Icon Wind Dancer Icon Charged Staff Icon Shattering Palm Icon Flicker Strike Icon
PoE 2 Build - Pro High DPS

PoE 2 Build - Pro Fast Stun Capabilities

PoE 2 Build - ConHigh Mana Consumption
Build Setup
Invoker Portrait Charged Tempest Flurry Invoker
Killing Palm Icon Falling Thunder Icon Herald of Thunder Icon Tempest Flurry Icon Tempest Bell Icon Wave of Frost Icon Storm Wave Icon Lingering Illusion Icon
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro High DPS

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro Fast Stun Capabilities

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro High Survivability

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ConPower Charge Reliant
Build Setup
Thunder Cascade Monk Build Thunder Cascade Monk
Killing Palm Icon Falling Thunder Icon Glacial Cascade Icon Herald of Thunder Icon Tempest Flurry Icon Ice Strike Icon Tempest Bell Icon Wave of Frost Icon
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro High Burst Damage and Crowd Control

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro Excellent Mobility

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ConLow Defenses

This Monk endgame build Ice Strike with Charged Staff, Herald of Ice, and Herald of Thunder to clear high-tier maps fast. This build focuses on amplifying Physical damage for higher damage outputs from Ice Strike.

Date Changes
01-17-2025 Updated the build for higher-tier mapping.
12-17-2024 Replaced Falling Thunder with Flicker Strike.
12-17-2024 Updated the Build for Act 2 Cruel until Endgame.
12-11-2024 Updated the Build for Act 3 until Cruel Act 1.
12-11-2024 Respecced the build to focus on Electric Damage, replacing Ice Strike and Glacial Cascade with Tempest Flurry and Storm Wave.
12-08-2024 Updated the Build for Act 2
12-08-2024 Swapped Frozen Locus for Wave of Frost

Build FAQs

Why Return to Ice Strike?

Ice Strike is the primary skill which allows us to constantly freeze enemies and shatter them with Herald of Ice, allowing the build to clear maps faster.

Ice Strike Invoker Gear Setup

Equipment and Modifiers

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Endgame (Atlas),Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode),Early Game (Acts 1-2).

Gear Modifiers
Helm ・Added Energy Shield
・Added Evasion Rating
・Increased Evasion Rating
・Increased Energy Shield
・Cold Resistance
・Fire Resistance
・Lightning Resistance
Voll Voll's Protector Ironclad Vestments (Armor) ・Increased Armour and Energy Shield
・Reduced Maximum Mana
・Chance to Gain a Power Charge on Critical Hit
Gloves ・ Added Evasion Rating
・Maximum Life
・Maximum Mana
・Lightning Resistance
・Leech Physical Damage as Life
Belt ・Maximum Life
・Maximum Mana
・Lightning Resistance
・Fire Resistance
・Cold Resistance
・Increased Charm Charges Gained
Boots ・Maximum Mana
・Movement Speed
・Added Evasion Rating
・Increased Energy Shield
・Cold Resistance
・Fire Resistance
Ring ・Physical Damage to Attacks
・Chaos Resistance
・Lightning Resistance
・Maximum Mana
・Leech Physical Damage as Mana
Amulet ・Level to All Melee Skills
・Critical Hit Chance
・Maximum Life
・Added Energy Shield
・Added Evasion Rating
・Lightning Resistance Resistance
Ring ・Physical Damage to Attacks
・Chaos Resistance
・Lightning Resistance
・Maximum Mana
・Leech Physical Damage as Mana
Quarterstaff ・Added Physical Damage
・Increased Physical Damage
・Level to All Melee Skills
・Increased Attack Speed
・Life per Enemy Hit
・Leech Physical Damage as Life
Gear Modifiers
Helm ・Armor
・Added Evasion Rating
・Increased Evasion Rating
・Maximum Mana
・Critical Hit Chance
Armor ・Increased Evasion Rating
・Maximum Life
・ Fire Resistance
・Maximum Mana
・Life Regeneration per Second
Gloves ・ Increased Armor and Evasion
・Added Lightning Damage to Attacks
・Maximum Life
・Maximum Mana
・Lightning Resistance
Belt ・Maximum Life
・Maximum Mana
・Lightning Resistance
・Life Regeneration per Second
・Cold Resistance
・Increased Charm Charges Gained
Boots ・Maximum Mana
・Life Regeneration per Second
・Added Armor
・Movement Speed
・Added Evasion Rating
・Cold Resistance
Ring ・Physical Damage to Attacks
・Lightning Damage to attacks
・Maximum Mana
・Leech Physical Damage as Mana
Amulet ・Level to All Melee Skills
・Critical Hit Chance
・Maximum Spirit
・Maximum Life
・Fire Resistance
・Cold Resistance
Ring ・Physical Damage to Attacks
・Lightning Damage to attacks
・Maximum Mana
・Leech Physical Damage as Mana
Quarterstaff ・Increased Physical Damage
・Increased Lightning Damage
・Increased Elemental Damage
・Increased Attack Speed
・Life per Enemy Hit
Gear Modifiers
Helm ・Armor
・Maximum Mana
・Critical Hit Chance
Armor ・Lightning Resistance
・Cold Resistance
・ Fire Resistance
・Maximum Mana
Gloves ・ Armor
・Physical Damage to Attacks
・Maximum Life
・Critical Damage Bonus
Belt ・Life Recovery from Flasks
・Reduced Flask Charges Used
Boots ・Maximum Mana
・Life Regeneration per Second
Ring ・Maximum Mana
・Maximum Life
・Cold Resistance
Amulet ・Life Regeneration Per Second
・Maximum Energy Shield
Ring ・Maximum Mana
・Maximum Life
・Cold Resistance
Quarterstaff ・Cold Damage
・Physical Damage
・Lightning Damage
・Increased Elemental Damage with Attacks
・Increased Attack Speed

These are the preferred modifiers for the gear setup of the build. For your weapons, it's ideal to obtain a weapon with Physical increases. For armor and accessories, you'll want to stack on Evasion Rating, Energy Shield, Maximum Life, and Elemental Resistances for your survivability.

Evasion Rating is the most important modifier in your gear for your survivability, as it synergizes well with the ...and Protect me From Harm node in the Invoker Ascendancy tree as well as the Beastial Skin in the passive tree as it will fuel the essential Spirit needed for the build.



The modifiers listed below are arranged according to priority.

Ruby Jewel Ruby ・Increased Melee Damage
・Increased Amount of Life Leeched
・Break Increased Armor
・Increased Life Regeneration
・Increased Damage Against enemies with Fully Broken Armor
Emerald Jewel Emerald ・Increased Attack Damage
・Increased Damage with Quarterstaves
・Increased Elemental Damage
・Increased Attack Speed with Quarterstaves
・Increased Magnitude of Ailments you Inflict with Critical Hits

For your jewels you'll want 2 Rubies and Emeralds to gain damage modifiers for your attacks. You can opt to use less jewels if you have enough of the modifiers to boost your build.


POE 2 - Thawing Charm Thawing Charm ・Increased Duration
・Increased Charges
・Recover Life when Used

You'll want to use the Thawing Charm as your primary charm to avoid being frozen. However, if you have an extra charm slot you can also use the Staunching Charm to negate bleeding effects.

Runes and Soul Cores

Equipment Sockets

You'll want to stack physical damage on your weapon for higher damage when using your skills. For armor runes, allocate whichever is your weakest resistance to reach the 75% cap.

Ice Strike Invoker Skills and Passive Tree

Active Skills

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Endgame (Atlas),Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode),Early Game (Acts 1-2).

Your main damaging skills will be Ice Strike and Flicker Strike buffed by Charged Staff. You can gain Power Charges for Charged Staff and Flicker Strike through the Voll's Protector Ironclad Vestments unique armor. Use Tempest Bell to further amplify your damage against enemy groups, rares, and bosses.

Herald of Thunder and Herald of Ice are used for improving the mobbing capabilities of the build. Shattering Palm is also used to synergize with Herald of Ice.

Passive Skill Tree

Ascendancy Tree
...and Protect me From Harm and Elemental Expression
Passive Nodes
1. Flow State 2. Conservative Casting
3. Critical Exploit 4. Style Bender
5. True Strike 6. Overflowing Power
7. Martial Artistry 8. Beastial Skin
9. Struck Through - -

The passive tree priority is to take nodes that grant Attack Speed, Power Charges, Evasion Rating, and Mana nodes. You'll also want to take nodes that grant Critical Strike Chance and Damage to take advantage of Elemental Expression and Voll's Protector Ironclad Vestments unique armor.

Increasing the number of your Power Charges is important as it increases the damage of Charged Staff, increasing your overall DPS. Evasion Rating is incredibly useful for defense as it grants Damage Reduction from the ...and Protect me From Harm ascendancy node.

Ice Strike Invoker Playstyle and Skill Rotation

Skill Rotation

The playstyle of the Ice Strike Invoker revolves around freezing enemies to proc Herald of Ice. The rotation is as follows:

  1. Use Shattering Palm to prime enemies for Freeze.
  2. Use Ice Strike with Charged Staff to freeze enemies and shatter them.
  3. Always use the Tempest Bell against Rares and Bosses to amplify damage.

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Monk Builds

Ice Strike InvokerIce Strike Invoker
Killing Palm Icon Herald of Thunder Icon Tempest Flurry Icon Tempest Bell Icon Blasphemy Icon Storm Wave Icon Lingering Illusion Icon Flicker Strike Icon

Focus: DPS, Crowd Control
Lightning Wave InvokerLightning Wave Invoker
Orb of Storms Icon Ghost Dance Icon Herald of Thunder Icon Combat Frenzy Icon Wind Dancer Icon Blasphemy Icon Storm Wave Icon Charged Staff Icon Elemental Expression Icon

Focus: DPS, Burst Damage, Bossing / Mobbing
Ice Lightning ChayulaIce Lightning Chayula
Ghost Dance Icon Herald of Ice Icon Tempest Bell Icon Combat Frenzy Icon Wind Dancer Icon Storm Wave Icon Charged Staff Icon Shattering Palm Icon Into the Breach Icon

Focus: Crowd Control, DPS, Burst Damage

Monk Class and Ascendancy Guides

Base Class
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - MonkMonk
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - InvokerInvoker Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - Acolyte of ChayulaAcolyte of Chayula


27 Anonymous15 days

Can You explain why? i am new to the game, don't want to make a mistake at the beginning,

26 Anonymous18 days

this build is really bad


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